The Legend of Utsumi- Reincarnated into another world as the strongest

Chapter 3: A brief Magic lesson and friendly bonding


Without thinking, Utsumi reached out and stroked the top of Shayde's head with a bright smile.

"Good job, Shayde."

Shayde's face quickly reddened as ripe an apple while Utsumi continued to pat her head, but she desperately wanted to banish the thought that she enjoyed it away from her mind.




"Wow~ you're amazing for a beginner, Utsunomiyautsumi!"

After Shayde and Utsumi exchanged names with each other, Shayde proposed the idea for her to teach Utsumi how to control her mana power. Her reasoning for such a thing was if she showed up to Dragovia as she is now, nearly the entire nation would be knocked out under the pressure of her Mana.

Shayde focused an energy called Mana into Utsumi's palms, when she became familiar with the feeling she realized the insanely dense magic power that she was emitting from her body.

'So, this is why Shayde was so frightened by me. So, have I been unconsciously emitting this much mana the entire time? I'm surprised Shayde didn't run away from me.'

However, with her understanding of Mana and Magic power beginning to rise, she was wondering why humans were so powerful to begin with.

'After all, in the fantasy stories I used to read in my past life, humans were weaker than Dragons, demons, angels, and beast-kin.'

"Shayde, you can just call me Utsumi, y'know."

Shayde's expression quickly became curious, and she looked at Utsumi with a brief bit of question lingering on her face, but Utsumi, of course, responded with her signature beaming smile. This was enough assurance for Shayde to give a brief nod to Utsumi.

"If Utsumi wishes, then I will. Also, now that you've learned how to suppress your magical presence, do you want to learn some magic?"

'Shayde is going to teach me magic?! I want to learn how to do that blast that she did earlier! Or maybe that is a bit too high level for me…'

"Utsumi, since you are a human, you can use every magic element in existence. You can also use Primordial magic, such as Space, Time, and Gravitational magic."

Utsumi nodded eagerly as Shayde explained and listened to her explanation.

"I'm sure you haven't realized it yet, but you have already used space and time magic, likely unconsciously, I suppose."

'Wait, I did? When did I ever use that?!'

Shayde looked over Utsumi with an understanding smile and briefly explained what she was referencing.

"When you first appeared in front of me, that was a form of Space Magic called 'Teleportation.' Also, when I used my Shadow magic, you slowed down time to nearly a halt and moved out of the way. Do you recall those two events?"

After Shayde finished speaking, Utsumi couldn't believe what she was hearing from Shayde. 'So when I suddenly appeared at the stream, I was using teleportation magic too? I really have to learn how to control these powers or I might be labeled an assassin!'

Utsumi nodded her head with a bit of a fearful look plaguing her usual radiant expression, causing Shayde to slightly frown.

"Utsumi, trust me, it's not your fault. You didn't know how to control your power, and you suddenly got thrust into a new world, you don't need to blame yourself."

After hearing Shayde's words, Utsumi felt slightly relieved and restored her usual beaming smile.

"Well then Shayde, please teach me how to control my magic."

Shayde nodded before walking Utsumi towards the massive clearing created by Shayde's previously mentioned 'Shadow Explosion'.

Once they both walked far enough into the clearing in the forest, Shayde turned toward Utsumi Shayde, extended her hand and a violet energy began circulating in her palm.

"Utsumi, this is called Mana Materialization. Mana is usually invisible to the naked eye, but when you channel the mana that surrounds your body to specific parts of your body, it will take on the color of your element. My element is Shadow, by the way."

Utsumi nodded briefly and tried to feel that invisible energy force that Shayde had shown her before, but by doing this she accidentally released the full pressure of her Mana that she had been suppressing.

Suddenly Shayde coughed out some blood and her legs buckled beneath her, and she fell forward toward the ground, Utsumi quickly suppressed her Mana again and released the pressure created by her Magical Presence.


After suppressing her Mana, she quickly caught Shayde before she fell and looked over her unconscious body. Blood slightly dripped from her mouth, leaving Utsumi in constant unrest.

"Please be healthy again, Shayde."

Accompanied by her plea, Shayde's body began to glow with a golden light and the blood that dripped from her mouth suddenly vanished. Shayde finally woke up after the golden light dissipated and looked up to see Utsumi holding her up with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Ah, Utsumi-"

Before Shayde could finish, she quickly found herself wrapped in a tight hug from Utsumi.

"Shayde I'm so sorry!"

The sudden tears from Utsumi confused Shayde for a moment until she remembered what had just happened. A smile suddenly took over Shayde's face as she enjoyed the warmth of Utsumi's embrace.

'To think this girl can be so upset with herself over my sake… it's quite nice…'




Utsumi was a little bit scared to use magic again after that happened. She thought learning magic would be extremely fun, but she had nearly killed her new friend in the process.

'Shayde's description of humans was a bit hard to understand at first, but this is clear enough evidence. I am extremely powerful, so powerful that I can kill someone without any intention to do so. I need to be more careful in the future.'

Shayde, who had been watching Utsumi think to herself for a few hours afterward wanted to console her, but she didn't really know what to say. After Utsumi healed her, Shayde told her that it was okay and it wasn't her fault, but that seemed to hurt Utsumi even more.

Suddenly when she looked up from her sitting position Utsumi was standing right in front of her. Causing Shayde to slightly flinch.

'I didn't even notice she moved, and I can't feel her Mana at all. I can't believe how good she got at this in a couple of hours. Humans are truly geniuses when it comes to magic.'

While Shayde remained deep in thought Utsumi finally spoke up and broke the silence that had surrounded them for the past couple hours.

"Shayde, I promise that will never happen again. Please continue to teach me magic!"

Utsumi bowed her head slightly to Shayde causing a slight panic to come from Shayde as she never imagined a Human would ever bow to her.

"Please raise your head Utsumi! You can't bow to someone like me!"

Shayde frantically tried to get Utsumi to stop bowing, but Utsumi slightly released some of her Mana and the dense Mana of Utsumi forced Shayde's body in place.

'How can she manipulate her Magic Presence like this already?! Utsumi is so amazing!'

Shayde smiled and Utsumi released her Mana simultaneously, leaving not even a trace of her Mana. Such a feat would've seemed impossible to Shayde even three hours ago, but now she had seen how quickly humans can learn magic.

"Utsumi, learning how to manipulate your own Magic Presence in two hours is truly amazing. It took me months to do the same thing. So as long as you keep practicing, you will definitely shake up the entire world."

Utsumi suddenly grabbed Shayde's hand with both of hers and displayed a beaming smile.

"I learned so quickly because you are such a great teacher, Shayde. Will you continue to keep teaching me in the future?"

Shayde, who had never even thought about quitting her position as appointed magic teacher to Utsumi suddenly found herself smiling again.

'I thought that Humans would be arrogant and wouldn't bother asking something of anyone. The way they were described in the legends doesn't even hold a candle to Utsumi's kindness. Maybe she will continue to be friends with me even after I bring her to Dragovia? No, I shouldn't get my hopes up. The fact that she even considered me her friend at one point is more than enough for me…'

"I have plenty more to teach you Utsumi!"

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