The Limitless Naruto In Solo LEveLing

Chapter 38: Chapter 37 - S-Rank Raid In Bangladesh

"So, Mr. Chairman, what did you want to talk to me about?" Naruto sat on one side of the desk, questioning Go Gun-hee, the Chairman of the Hunter Association, who had invited him for this meeting.

"I heard you're planning to start your own guild," Go Gun-hee said, as he brought out a bottle of fine wine. He carefully poured it into two elegant glasses, handing one to Naruto. "Is that true?"

Naruto took the glass, nodding thoughtfully. "Yeah, that's right. I've been thinking about it for a while now. Starting my own guild seems like the next step. Is there some kind of problem with that?"

Go Gun-hee chuckled, "Not at all! As an S-Rank Hunter, it's perfectly normal for you to want your own guild."

"Well, you never know what tomorrow brings, right?" Naruto said, "Plus, me joining any other guild would mess up the balance between them, as you mentioned before, so creating my own guild is okay, right..."

"At the rate gates are increasing these days, having a new guild in the country would be more than okay," Go Gun-hee replied.

"But, there are a few minor problems while doing so..." Naruto said.

"Is it about all the criteria for creating a guild?" Go Gun-hee asked.

Naruto nodded. "The thing is, I want to create a guild because I want to have control over my raids and everything, and also to do solo raids of higher rank dungeons."

"You're worried about the three-member minimum for founding a guild and the required number of hunters to enter a dungeon, is that what you're talking about?"

"Close enough," Naruto said with a slight smirk. "I will do my own solo raids, but that doesn't mean the guild won't have any other members in it, and that would be more than three for sure! But with that, I need the freedom to handle my raids solo, especially since I can handle dungeons of much higher ranks without backup. However, to officially establish a guild, I need the Hunter Association's permission to bypass the standard requirements for dungeon entry."

Go Gun-hee leaned back in his chair, considering Naruto's request with a thoughtful expression. "I see. Bypassing the standard protocols is no small ask. The rules are in place for safety and regulation of the hunters. It would be difficult to make such an exception for one guild."

"But, it wouldn't be impossible right?"

"It wouldn't be..."

"That's good to hear. I'm sure Chairman will find a way to make it happen. Plus, there's still plenty of time left, so no need to worry at all."

Naruto stood up, his wine glass still half-full. He glanced at it with a slight hesitation.

Go Gun-hee observed this with his usual calm demeanor. "You don't have to finish it if you're not comfortable. Not everyone is fond of drinking."

"It's not that, Chairman," Naruto smiled slightly. "I just prefer to keep a clear head. Though I appreciate the gesture."

"A wise approach," Go Gun-hee nodded approvingly. "It's good to know one's limits, especially in our position."

Naruto set the glass down carefully. "Thank you for the meeting, Chairman. I'll take my leave now."

Go Gun-hee gave a slight nod. "Of course."


The Next Day...

[At Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Bangladesh]

Naruto stood at the airport, as the Hunter Association Bangladesh's Chairman, [Give a name] came came himself to escort him for the task he was called for urgently - S-Rank Dungeon raid.

Here's the backstory:

24 Hours Earlier...

Chairman Go Gun-hee's office was interrupted by an urgent call. On the screen appeared Abdul Rahman, the Chairman of Bangladesh's Hunter Association, his face lined with worry.

"Chairman Go, I apologize for the sudden contact, but we're facing a critical situation," Abdul Rahman began, his voice tense. "An S-Rank Gate has appeared in Dhaka, and we're severely understaffed to handle it."

Go Gun-hee's expression grew serious. "I understand your concern. What about your S-Rank Hunter?"

"Rashid..." Abdul Rahman's face darkened. "He left for Germany last year. The European Hunter Association offered him a contract we couldn't match. Since then, we've been managing with our A-Rank Hunters, but this gate... it's beyond their capabilities."

"Have you reached out to other nations?"

"We've tried everything. India's S-Rank Hunters are occupied with their own gates. China's asking for fees we can't afford. The Americans won't even consider unless we pay premium rates. Even smaller nations are either busy or charging exorbitant amounts." Abdul Rahman's voice carried a hint of desperation. "Our economy can't support those kinds of fees, and if this gate breaks..."

"The casualties would be catastrophic," Go Gun-hee finished the thought. "Especially in such a densely populated area."

"Exactly. That's why I'm reaching out to you. Korea has always been understanding of smaller nations' situations. We're willing to offer whatever we can afford, but we need help urgently."

Go Gun-hee thought for a moment, then smiled slightly. "Actually, I might have someone perfect for this situation." He reached for his phone, sending a quick message. "Let me contact our newest S-Rank Hunter. He's quite... unique in his approach to things."

Minutes later, Naruto arrived at the office, having teleported there instantly upon receiving the chairman's message.

After explaining the situation, Go Gun-hee looked at Naruto. "I know you're busy with your guild preparations, but..."

"I'll do it," Naruto interrupted, surprising both chairmen. "And about the payment..." he glanced at Abdul Rahman's worried face on the screen, "we can discuss that after the gate is cleared. Let's focus on preventing casualties first."

Abdul Rahman's relief was palpable. "Thank you! We'll arrange everything immediately. When can you arrive?"

"I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning," Naruto replied calmly. "Just send me the gate's coordinates."

As the call ended, Go Gun-hee looked at Naruto curiously. "That was quite generous of you."

"Well," Naruto shrugged, "someone has to help those who can't help themselves. Plus," he added with a slight smile, "it's good publicity for myself as well, right?"

Go Gun-hee chuckled. "Indeed it is."

And that's how Naruto found himself at Dhaka's airport the next morning.

[Seoul Hunter Association Headquarters - Press Room]

The room was packed with journalists from various media outlets, cameras flashing as Go Gun-hee and Naruto took their places at the podium. The announcement of an S-Rank Hunter heading to aid Bangladesh had drawn significant attention, especially given the current global climate where such assistance was increasingly rare.

Go Gun-hee spoke first, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. As you've been informed, we're here to announce that S-Rank Hunter Naruto will be departing for Bangladesh tomorrow morning to handle an S-Rank Gate that has appeared in Dhaka."

The chairman then stepped aside, allowing Naruto to take the podium. Dressed in a formal dark suit, he presented a professional yet approachable demeanor.

A reporter from KBS raised her hand first. "Many S-Rank Hunters have declined Bangladesh's request for assistance. What made you decide to accept?"

Naruto's response was measured and clear. "The purpose of Hunters isn't just to make money. We exist to protect people from the threats that gates pose. When I heard about the situation in Bangladesh, particularly the potential risk to civilian lives in such a densely populated area, the decision was simple. Sometimes, doing what's right matters more than the size of the payment."

Another journalist from an international news agency spoke up. "Does this mean you'll be offering similar assistance to other nations that can't afford premium hunter fees?"

"Yes," Naruto nodded. "I want to make this clear: any nation facing similar situations can reach out through the Korean Hunter Association. While I can't promise to handle every request due to logistical limitations, I will do my best to help where I can. The gates don't discriminate based on a nation's economic status, and neither should we as Hunters."

A reporter from Bloomberg asked, "Isn't this approach potentially damaging to the current hunter market? Other S-Rank Hunters might see this as undercutting their standard rates."

"I understand that concern," Naruto replied diplomatically. "However, I'm not looking to disrupt the market. This is about filling a crucial gap in global gate management. There needs to be a balance between maintaining professional standards and ensuring public safety, regardless of a nation's financial capabilities."

The final question came from a Bangladeshi reporter: "How confident are you about handling this S-Rank Gate alone?"

Naruto's response was confident but not arrogant. "I've thoroughly reviewed the gate's parameters, and I'm confident in my ability to handle it. My priority is ensuring the safety of Dhaka's citizens and resolving this situation as quickly and efficiently as possible."

Go Gun-hee stepped forward to conclude the press conference. "Thank you all for your questions. We'll be releasing a detailed statement shortly. Mr. Naruto needs to prepare for tomorrow's operation."

As they left the podium, the room buzzed with activity. The press conference had struck the perfect balance - professional, humanitarian, and pragmatic. It had also successfully positioned both Naruto and the Korean Hunter Association as leaders in global hunter cooperation, without appearing to challenge the existing system directly.

After the press conference, Go Gun-hee turned to Naruto. "Well handled. You managed to make your point without creating unnecessary tension."

"Thank you, Chairman," Naruto replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I should prepare for tomorrow."

The chairman nodded.

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