Chapter 58: The Journey Home
The end of the school year had arrived, and with it came the bittersweet moment of departure. Hogwarts students were gathering in the Entrance Hall, trunks packed, owls hooting in their cages, and last-minute goodbyes filling the air.
Ezekiel stood near the Ravenclaw table in the Great Hall one last time before heading toward the carriages. His second year had been filled with challenges, victories, and unexpected bonds, but now, it was time to return home.
"I can't believe it's over," Elena sighed as she stood beside him, her long dark hair swaying as she adjusted her trunk. "It feels like we just got here."
Adrian, standing nearby, chuckled. "You say that, but I distinctly remember you complaining about exams like they lasted forever."
Elena scowled playfully. "That's different. Studying was awful, but at least I had you both suffering with me."
Ezekiel smirked. "I'd say we did more than just suffer. We aced those exams, won the House Cup, and had some of the best Quidditch matches this school has seen."
Adrian grinned. "Yeah, you're right. We made this year count."
The trio stood together for a moment, taking in the Great Hall one last time before leaving. The enchanted ceiling reflected a clear blue sky, almost as if Hogwarts itself was giving them a warm farewell.
The journey to Hogsmeade Station was filled with the usual excitement. Students piled into the carriages, pulled by creatures that only a few could see. Ezekiel settled in with Adrian and Elena, enjoying the final moments before the summer break officially began.
Once at the station, they boarded the Hogwarts Express. Ezekiel found an empty compartment, and soon enough, Elena and Adrian joined him. The train gave a loud whistle, steam billowing into the sky as it slowly began its journey toward London.
The three of them spent the first part of the ride reminiscing about the best parts of the year.
"Remember the look on Gryffindor's faces when we won the House Cup?" Adrian laughed. "Priceless."
Ezekiel nodded. "That was satisfying, but I'd say the Quidditch finals against Hufflepuff were the real highlight. They gave us a good challenge this year."
Elena rolled her eyes. "Everything is about Quidditch with you two."
Ezekiel smirked. "You say that, but you were cheering the loudest."
"I was supporting my friends," Elena huffed, but the smile on her face betrayed her amusement.
The conversation turned more serious as the reality of their separation settled in.
"You're both going back to your families, and I'll be stuck in a house full of annoying cousins," Adrian groaned. "Merlin help me."
Elena giggled. "It won't be that bad. Besides, we'll write letters, won't we?"
Ezekiel nodded. "Of course. I'll be visiting France for part of the summer, but I'll still keep in touch."
Adrian smirked. "Ah yes, France. I wonder why you're so eager to visit."
Elena raised an eyebrow. "Wait—does this have something to do with Fleur?"
Ezekiel shot Adrian a look. "It's just a visit. We need to discuss… things."
Adrian and Elena exchanged knowing glances, but neither pushed further.
As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, the familiar hustle and bustle of Platform 9¾ greeted them. Parents waited eagerly for their children, and house-elves scurried to assist with trunks.
Ezekiel helped Elena with her trunk before stepping off the train himself.
Elena sighed. "This is it, then."
Adrian smirked. "Don't sound so dramatic. We'll see each other soon enough."
Ezekiel nodded. "We will. Just don't slack off over the summer."
Adrian laughed. "Me? Slack off? Never."
Elena rolled her eyes. "We all know you're going to sleep half the summer away."
They all chuckled before finally embracing one another, solidifying their friendship despite the months of separation ahead.
"Take care," Ezekiel said.
"You too," Elena replied with a smile.
As he turned, he spotted his parents—Thomas and Marissa Malverne—waiting for him. His father gave him a nod of approval, while his mother smiled warmly.
It was time to go home.
And soon, another adventure would begin.