The Lustful Curse

Chapter 6: Chapter 5

The streets of Moonwhisper's lower district wound like a labyrinth, leading Korvus and Eugene from one dead end to another. It felt as if the city itself disapproved of the thief and the slave's escape plans, trying to stop them by any means possible. But Korvus, who had grown up in these alleys, refused to be deceived. Turning one corner after another, he moved forward with unwavering determination.

The goblin knew his next step. He knew whom he needed to ask for help, but he also understood that this meeting would be anything but pleasant. Long ago, he had said something he never should have uttered. Words sharper than any dagger. And today, he would have to face the one who had once been dear to him, the one he had irreparably wounded.

Eugene had seemingly grown accustomed to the endless flow of people in the streets. He navigated through the crowd with ease, making sure not to fall behind the goblin. Occasionally, he glanced down, watching how confidently his companion moved forward. He didn't know much about goblins in this world, but from Korvus's words, he understood that his companion was vastly different from his kin. Korvus was strong, educated, and wielded magic. There was something special about him—something that had drawn Eugene in, something that had only grown stronger under Lyraeus's Curse.

For hours, the thief and the slave pressed on, following the goblin's intricate plan. Finally, after rounding yet another corner, Korvus came to a halt.

A building blocked their path—a tavern. A few beast stood near the entrance. Eugene studied them carefully. They were unlike the other city dwellers he had seen. There was something commanding about their posture—something confident, charismatic. Something that reminded him of Korvus.

Looking around, Eugene noticed the flow of people had ceased. It was as if passersby avoided this dead-end. No, they weren't just avoiding the tavern—they were avoiding whatever lurked inside. Or perhaps they simply pretended not to notice.

"Eugene," the goblin addressed the young man, "you know what a guild is, don't you?"

"Yeah," Korvus's words pulled him back to reality. "It's a network run by different people but operating as one whole in the lower district."

"Almost, but yes. Yesterday, we were at Madame Claudia's brothel."

"She's the boss of the whores…" Eugene recalled how crude that woman had been.

"Exactly. But there are also merchants. They control smuggling routes and sell everything that falls into their hands—whether legally or not."

"Right!" Eugene exclaimed. "Whores and merchants."

"Yes…" Korvus nodded. If this simplification helped Eugene grasp this new world, so be it. "But there's a third branch of power in the lower district…"


"Exactly. We're standing before their hideout." Korvus turned toward the building.

"The tavern?" Eugene stepped forward, but the goblin stopped him.

"What's beneath it. There's an entrance to the tunnels here. The hideout sits atop them, and above that stands the tavern. If attacked, the thieves can escape through the underground passages."

"And they also help them remain unseen?" Eugene guessed.

"Correct!" The goblin nodded. "Thanks to the tunnels, thieves appear out of nowhere and vanish into thin air for everyone else, including the middle district's residents."

"Got it…" Eugene watched the beast smoking at the entrance. After putting out their cigarettes, they disappeared inside. "But why are we here? And… maybe you could tell me your plan in full? Instead of vague bits like: 'steal an airship, find the magic crystal that powers it'?"

"I'll tell you everything, Eugene. But later," Korvus motioned for him to follow. "Right now… To break into Cassius Elmridge's laboratory, you'll need something the thieves have."

"And what's that?" Eugene stepped closer to the entrance. "A magic lockpick or something?"

"How did you…?" The goblin stopped, staring at him in surprise. "Yes. There's a lockpick crafted by a wizard. It allows locks to be opened, and even ordinary people can use it. There aren't many like it, but one of them is here."

"Seriously? I guessed right!" Eugene entered the tavern. "But if they have such a lockpick, why hasn't anyone broken into the vault yet?"

"This lockpick is a complex tool. It adapts to a lock, becomes its key, and opens it. But the problem is, it only works on regular locks… not magical ones. The vault is also magically sealed."

"And you didn't have this lockpick before?"

"Right… It's here. But…" The goblin sighed, stepping into the tavern. "It won't be easy."

"Why?" Eugene looked around.

The tavern seemed perfectly ordinary: tables, chairs, a stage, a bar counter. A door at the back led to the kitchen. Nothing suggested that this was a gateway to the thieves' hideout. Which, of course, was the point.

"The guildmaster…" Korvus headed for the bar and sat on a stool. "He and I don't have the best relationship."

"You know him?" Eugene took a seat beside him. "Who is he? What does he look like? How should I behave around him? Is he like Madame Claudia?"

"Oh…" Korvus tapped his fingers on the wooden counter. "He's… not like the others, but thankfully, not like Madame Claudia either. When we meet him, Eugene, just be yourself. He says he has an 'allergy to lies,' so try not to lie."

"You think he'll talk to me?"

"Oh, definitely. I think he'll be far more interested in you than in me."

"Why?" Eugene swung his legs idly, waiting for the bartender to return. "Did you do something to him?"

"Why do you assume it's me? It's just…" Korvus hesitated. "He wanted one thing, I wanted another. We had a falling out, and… I…"

"Is he your ex? Were you together?"

"WHAT?!" The goblin gawked at Eugene in shock. "Gods, no! It's nothing like that!"

At that moment, the kitchen door swung open, and a bartender stepped into the room. Like most of the clientele, he was a beastfolk—a large bear with black fur, appearing to be around fifty in human years. Spotting the red-haired young man, he gave him a short but welcoming nod.

"Welcome, traveler."

But then he noticed the goblin staring at him, and his expression changed. It wasn't disgust or contempt. Rather, it seemed like he was displeased with Korvus's presence in his tavern. Not like the goblin—like it was with Madam Claudia—but rather Korvus himself seemed to be causing him dismay.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hello, Koda."

"Go fuck yourself…" The bear walked over to the customers. "What do you need here?"

"What do you think?"

"Tobias? He was waiting for you… Despite what you did."

"I..." The goblin sighed. "I'd like to talk to him."

"Sure, you would…" Koda placed two glasses in front of the customers. "What will you have?"

"Uh..." Eugene didn't know what to choose. "Something refreshing?" The young man shrugged.

"Got it. And you?"

"Same as Eugene," The goblin placed a coin on the counter.

"Eugene, huh?" The bear glanced at the young man in front of him as he poured liquid into the glass. "I don't know what you did, but fate sure brought you together with Korvus..." Koda set a full glass in front of Eugene. A few drops spilled over. "But stay away from him… Trust me, a knife in the back always hurts."

"Enough, Koda," Korvus didn't take his eyes off the bartender.

"I wouldn't want the boy to trust you and then end up rotting in a gutter," The bear turned his gaze to Eugene. "Run as far from him as you can. He has no loyalty. His words are empty."

"It's been five years…" Korvus took a sip. "I hope it's not poisoned?"

Tobias would slit my throat if I touched you. But that doesn't mean I don't want to."

"Listen…" Eugene interrupted the conversation. "I don't know what happened here, but… We need help…"

"Eugene…" Korvus stopped the young man.

"Help?" The bear laughed. "You need help? The moment your ass was set on fire, you came rushing here?"

"Things are happening, Koda, that you wouldn't even understand."

"And you, the genius among geniuses, know and understand everything, right?" The bear took a few steps back. "I'll tell Tobias you're here. Of course, he'll want to see you. And you, Eugene…" Koda pointed at the young man. "Think about what I said... If you stay with him, there will come a time when he betrays you too. And then, your story will be over. Don't be a fool, run from him."

The bear opened the door and left the guests. Silence followed. Eugene turned to Korvus.

"What the fuck did you do? Does the whole Moonwhisper hate you or what?"

"Not now, Eugene…" Korvus was drinking a beverage that Eugene thought looked like lemonade.

"No. Now." Eugene pushed his chair closer to the goblin. "Madam Claudia almost choked on bile while talking to you. This Koda hates you with all his heart. The Dominion is looking for you and wants to hang you. What the hell did you do?"

"We all have a past, Eugene..." Korvus's voice became more serious. No one else would recognize it, but Eugene had learned to notice what emotions the goblin was feeling and how they subtly changed his voice. "...You have your past. I have mine. Not all of us are born with a golden spoon up our ass to live an easy life. I made a choice that wasn't appreciated here. I wanted something that they can't even imagine here. And here are the consequences."

"And more details? What kind of betrayal?"

"It wasn't a betrayal."

"It feels like that bear really cares about me and is afraid of another betrayal from you."

"You've known him for only a minute, and already you believe his words?"



The door opened, and Koda returned.

"Finish your drinks. Tobias is waiting for you."

"Can we take it with us?" Eugene pointed to the glass, half full.

"No, fuck it, you can't," Koda stared at Eugene while holding the door open to the back room.

"Let's go," Korvus left the glass on the counter and headed toward the door Koda was holding. "Eugene!" He addressed the young man in an authoritative tone.

"Yeah, I'm coming," Eugene liked the drink, but there was no time to finish it.

The young man followed the goblin and approached the bear, who towered over him. But at that moment, Koda stopped him, pressing his palm to Eugene's chest.

"What's this?"

"What? I didn't do anything!" Eugene was frightened.

"Oh, really…" Koda took a deep breath. "Is that how it is?" The bear laughed. "You're out of luck, kid… Well… You made your choice."

Eugene didn't understand Koda's words and followed Korvus to the very end of the hallway. On one side was the kitchen, on the other, the pantry. But at the end of the corridor was a large door leading to the thieves' lair. Behind it was a lift.

The thief and the slave stepped onto the platform, and the bear approached a small board, moved it aside, and pulled a hidden lever.

"It hurt him so much, Korvus!" Koda spoke to the goblin. "So much..."

The platform started to descend.

For several minutes, only stone walls were visible before them. But later, a view opened that Eugene could never have imagined. A huge hall, with tables in the center, candles neatly placed on them. Several sofas stood along the walls, behind which sat both beasts and humans. They were all working for the master of the thieves Tobias. They were part of the guild. Invisible at night, they appeared in different corners of Moonwhisper, committing crimes against the Dominion and vanishing. Now they were discussing new heists, drinking alcohol, and simply passing time.

From the main hall, several corridors led to the other parts of the Thieves' Hideout. They all intertwined, forming a network. Like the Guild itself, the Thieves' Hideout was unbreakable.

"Eugene," Korvus took a step forward and entered the hall. "This place has history. It's…"

"Connected to you?"

"Yes… I know that everything happening might lead you to different thoughts…"

"I've already figured that out… This place, your history… it's not for me to judge."

"Just so you know… It wasn't betrayal… And I don't plan on betraying you. On the contrary… I want to help you. And to do that, we need to escape from Moonwhisper. And for that, we need an airship…"

"And for the airship, we need the instructions and a crystal?"

"And for those, we need a lockpick…" Korvus smiled. "I'm more uncomfortable here than you are… But it's necessary."

"I know… Sorry for…"

"No need… Here, I should be apologizing, and not just to you."

Korvus took Eugene by the hand and led him onward. The inhabitants of the hideout, noticing the goblin with the young man, started talking. Some were surprised to see a goblin here, others were sure that Korvus would return. Not all of them considered the thief a traitor, but most weren't glad to see him in the hideout.

After passing through the main hall, the thief and the slave turned into one of the corridors leading to the far end of the hideout. Ahead, there were metal gates. The stone walls gave way to wooden panels. The hideout was turning into an elite residential complex. Wall lamps, paintings… It felt as though they were no longer underground, in the Thieves' Hideout. Now, they were in the apartment of an aesthete. A man who not only enjoyed luxury, but also appreciated it. A man who knew the value of everything.

Korvus opened the door leading to Tobias's office, the master of the thieves, and gestured for the young man to go in first. Eugene was immediately drawn to the owner of the hideout. It was a hairless cat, appearing to be around fifty years old. He sat at the desk, reading a book. Two chairs stood opposite the desk. Tobias himself was thin. The soft fabric of his shirt clung to his body, and the vest accentuated his lean but muscular frame. His pants had a gold pocket watch attached to a chain. Light reflected off the lenses of his glasses.

Tobias was reading a book with one hand resting on the desk. Nearby stood a bottle of wine and a half-full glass. He resembled a gentleman from the old books of Eugene's homeland. A gentleman who no longer existed in Eugene's world.

"Hello," Korvus stepped forward and greeted the master of the thieves.

Tobias glanced at the goblin and set the book aside.

"Korvus…" the cat smiled. "My boy…" The man stood up from behind the desk and approached the goblin. "How I've missed you." He extended his hand.

"Five years have passed," Korvus shook Tobias's hand.

"And you?" The cat moved closer to the young man, his smile not even attempting to hide his fangs. "Who are you?"

"I…" Eugene was surprised. Tobias was so charismatic, so kind and gentle, that for a moment, Eugene forgot he was standing before the master of thieves. "Eugene Mustfill."

"Nice to meet you, Eugene Mustfill," Tobias shook the young man's hand. "My name is Tobias. Tobias Nightshade."

"What? Nightshade? Like Korvus?"

"Well…" the goblin drawled. "Here we go."

"Ah… Korvus didn't even bother to tell you that I'm his father? Well… Lack of upbringing… My mistake."

"I… I don't know what to say."

"No need to say anything, young Eugene. Please…" Tobias gestured to the two chairs. "Sit down. Even though you're guests…" The cat looked at the goblin, "Make yourselves at home."

Tobias Nightshade walked over to a chest of drawers by the wall, took out two glasses, poured wine, and placed them on the table. He then returned and sat back in his chair, the master of the thieves.

A few moments of silence passed. It lasted longer than Eugene thought was normal. The cat was studying the goblin, occasionally glancing at the young man. His smile never left his face. Eugene wanted to say something, but Tobias broke the silence:

"'No, father! I don't want to stay here. I don't want to steal, like all this filth. I want to live an ordinary life! I want to build a house, create a family. Be a law-abiding citizen of Moonwhisper. I want to work, like everyone in Moonwhisper. Live in the middle district… Be happy, living the life I want to live. I'm leaving. I'm leaving the Guild. And you won't stop me,'" the cat said theatrically.

"What?" Eugene didn't know how to react to Tobias's words. Korvus was silent.

"I thought the boy needed to experience real life outside the hideout. I even thought… What if he's right? What if my beloved Korvus is right and can really build a real life out there, beyond the Guild? Could he succeed in what I failed to do? It's painful to admit, but what can you do… Children won't always remain children. There comes a time when they must leave the parental home." Tobias took a cigarette from a drawer and lit it. "Even though our parting wasn't peaceful… I really wished you happiness. I wished you success in your endeavors, even if everyone else thought you were a fool… a boy with dreams…"

"I…" Korvus spoke quietly…

"But then…" Tobias took a sip of wine and motioned for Eugene and Korvus to follow suit. "After five long years, during which you didn't even send a letter to your father… I suddenly heard some news. A group of adventurers tried to rob Dominion… Dominion itself! And among them was a goblin…" Tobias looked at Korvus, as though savoring a victory. "I thought… Could it be my boy? Could Korvus have dared to rob Dominion? But then I remembered your words: 'I don't want to steal like this filth…' No! It couldn't have been my beloved Korvus. He couldn't have violated his own principles and sunk to the same filth he fled from, abandoning his father and family… But then I found out that they all died, except for the goblin, who was thrown into prison. And miraculously the goblin escaped! How could he have escaped, without any lockpicks, hammers, or damn daggers? How did he manage to pick the lock? Could it have been magic?"

Korvus silently listened to Tobias Nightshade's speech. Eugene understood that he shouldn't intervene in this conversation.

"But who? What kind of goblin possesses magic? There aren't many goblins in Moonwhisper, and most of them I know personally... Of all of them... Only my boy Korvus has lock-breaking magic. A trait known only to me, his father... But still... Korvus couldn't have... His desire to be ordinary was so strong that he left his father and didn't write to him for... a long... five... years!"

Korvus took a glass of wine and took a sip. He wanted to drink.

"But then I realized..." Tobias's smile faded. "The boy tasted life. The boy learned the lesson I, unfortunately, couldn't teach you. And if this is my Korvus, he will definitely return home, to his family... to his father... And here you are."

"And here I am," the goblin whispered quietly.

"Since the moment I found you – a little bundle in a ditch, in the mud, dying from hunger and cold... Since the moment I decided to save a newborn goblin and raise him as my own son... I tried to be a good father to you, tried to raise you to be worthy. Even when you left me, when you abandoned the Guild, I... though with a broken heart... accepted your decision. I met your words with dignity. But I... must apologize to you... Forgive me, my boy..."

"What?" Korvus put the empty glass down on the table. He didn't understand why Tobias was apologizing. In this story, the main villain was the goblin who abandoned his family, the one who, as Koda says, betrayed them.

"I was so soft with you, so caring, that I couldn't teach you the most important lesson in life... We are all slaves to our origins!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Who knows better than me what ugliness is?" Tobias pinched his hairless skin. "Who knows better than me what it's like to be rejected by society for being different from the others? All my life, I was a freak, unlike other cats of my kind. And I didn't want you, being just a child, to face the hatred of this world, being the spawn of the goblin invaders. A little boy isn't guilty of the crimes of his people... But my care... It didn't allow me to teach you this truth. We are slaves to our origins, Korvus! A goblin cannot live an ordinary life among humans and beasts. A goblin cannot create a family, find a decent job, be happy in his choice. A boy with dreams cannot make them a reality... The world won't allow it."

"I'm afraid you're right..." Korvus still spoke quietly. Eugene glanced at his companion. "But..."

"But what, my boy?"

"I tried..."

"Oh, Korvus..." Tobias wiped a tear from his eye. "Our world is cruel... You shouldn't be merciful to it. Take everything you can, and what the world thinks – that's its problem."

The thief lord's office fell into silence again. The wine glasses were emptied. The goblin sank into himself. His father's words seemed to open Korvus's eyes, which he had desperately tried to keep closed. What was that? Foolishness? A dream? Either way, five years ago, Korvus left the Guild and never thought about returning. He hoped to create a life that the world would never allow to exist. The slavery of his origins... Was there any meaning in his attempts? Korvus didn't know. He tried to understand, but couldn't... He sank deeper into the darkness of his mind, accepting the fact that he was a goblin, and he had almost no choice.

But at that moment, Eugene's warm hand touched his palm, pulling him out of his thoughts.


"Maybe you're a goblin," the young man glanced at the cat at the table, "but I'm just the scum of Lyraeus"

"Is that so?" Tobias stood up, grabbed a bottle of strong liquor, and replaced the glasses. "Then we need something stronger."

The thief lord filled the glasses with alcohol. Eugene and Korvus immediately took a sip. The liquid tasted like whiskey.

"How did it happen?"

"I lived my life... Then a portal opened, and I ended up in the forest. Lyraeus cursed me. Turned me into a guy and..."

"A lustful curse?" the cat asked. "I've heard of it."

"Yes... They threw me in prison as Lyraeus's scum and were going to burn me... But Korvus helped me escape... And here we are..."

"Ah..." Tobias took a sip. "Such a beautiful story... But why are you here? I think Koda will be angry, but we'll give you protection in the refuge. Not as Guild members, but as friends... as family..."

"No, father. Events... happen, events with only one ending," Korvus took a sip. "We need to talk seriously."

"Well... I love serious conversations. Speak."

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