The Magus In Marvel

Chapter 14: Battle Beneath the Dark Sun

As Thor, Loki, Jane, and Thor's trusted companions—Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg—arrived on Svartalfheim, their ship halted, revealing Malekith and his forces in the distance. However, they were not alone. A metallic figure streaked across the sky, red and gold gleaming against the dim light of the Dark World. Beside Thor, a young woman in a deep blue cloak exhaled slowly, her eyes scanning the battlefield with precise focus.

"You're certain this will work?" Tony Stark's voice crackled through the comms as he hovered above them in his Iron Man suit.

"Certainty is a dull affair," Loki replied with a smirk. "But I do enjoy a bit of chaos."

Rin adjusted the sheath at her waist, her expression resolute. "Let's make this quick."

Loki played his part, feigning betrayal as he stabbed Thor and cast him down the hill. As he theatrically severed Thor's hand, an unseen force crackled in the air. Rin had already cast an illusory barrier, ensuring Thor's injury was nothing more than a convincing trick. As Malekith approached, extracting the Aether from Jane, Tony took action.

"Alright, big guy. How about we don't let you finish that?" Stark launched a repulsor blast directly at the Aether, momentarily disrupting the extraction. Malekith snarled, sensing something was amiss.

Thor seized the moment. "Now!"

Rin flicked her fingers, and a surge of blue energy enveloped Mjolnir, augmenting its power. The hammer struck the Aether with explosive force, causing Malekith to stagger. Rin immediately unsheathed her blade, sending a cutting wave of energy toward Algrim, disorienting him before he could engage Thor.

The battle on Svartalfheim had already begun tilting in favor of Thor and his allies, but with Rin and Tony in the fray, the Dark Elves rapidly lost ground.

Thor led the charge, Mjolnir crackling with lightning as he and his warriors stormed the battlefield. Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg fought with precision, carving through enemy ranks. The air vibrated with the clash of weapons and war cries as the Asgardians pressed forward.

Rin stood atop a jagged rock formation, analyzing the battlefield. Malekith's forces, though numerous, began to falter under the relentless assault. She extended her arm, fingers clasping a brilliant emerald. "Ich werde Sie gehen lassen. Sturm, der umstürzt—!" A gale-force wind surged forward, hurling a cluster of Dark Elves into the rocky terrain.

Meanwhile, Tony zipped through the battlefield, firing rapid repulsor blasts. "Man, these guys just don't quit. You'd think after getting smacked around by a god and a girl with magic rocks, they'd take the hint."

Rin rolled her eyes. "Less talking, more fighting, Stark." She activated Fünf Sterne im Umlauf, summoning five glowing jewels in a pentagram formation around her. With a flick of her wrist, beams of elemental energy erupted, tearing through enemy ranks. A Dark Elf attempted to strike her from behind, but before he could land a blow, Rin whispered, "Der sechsfache Stern! Vogelkäfig der bindet!" Chains of darkness materialized, instantly ensnaring and constricting him.

Thor, Mjolnir spinning in his grip, turned to the duo. "You two fight well. Almost like warriors of Asgard."

"Yeah, well, I don't see myself rocking the gold armor anytime soon," Tony quipped, dodging an incoming energy blast.

Loki, observing from a distance, smirked. "Interesting allies, brother." With a flick of his wrist, a dagger embedded itself in a Dark Elf's throat. "Perhaps the company you keep is not so dull after all."

As the battle raged, Malekith, seeing his forces dwindle, roared in frustration. He unleashed a surge of dark energy toward Thor, but Rin reacted instantly. "Rho Aias—Brennender Himmel!" A translucent barrier in the shape of a sakura flower materialized, absorbing the attack just in time.

(A/N: Following the Holy Grail War, Rin devised an imitation of the Noble Phantasm Rho Aias. With a six-verse incantation, it takes the form of a sakura flower with five petals instead of the original seven larkspur petals. It functions more as a canopy than a shield and is reserved for dire situations, as it consumes a year's worth of her savings.)

Thor nodded in thanks before charging Malekith, Mjolnir brimming with storm-forged energy. Their ensuing clash sent shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. The ground cracked, arcs of lightning illuminating the battlefield as the two forces collided. Malekith lashed out with dark tendrils, his strength still immense despite his losses, but Thor pressed forward relentlessly. Each strike of Mjolnir sent tremors through the ruined terrain of Svartalfheim, while Malekith countered with raw Aether-fueled fury.

Tony provided air support, unleashing a barrage of micro-missiles at the incoming reinforcements. "I don't know about you guys, but I think this dude's overstayed his welcome." He arced upward, dodging an energy blast from one of the remaining Dark Elves before sending a well-placed Unibeam through its chest.

Rin, meanwhile, continued her assault on Algrim. She chanted under her breath, drawing energy from the surrounding leylines. The air shimmered around her as she unleashed a series of complex spells, weaving light and shadow into deadly precision. Algrim roared in defiance, charging at her, but she vanished in a flicker of blue light, reappearing behind him in an instant. With a swift motion, she plunged her blade into the small gap in his armor, unleashing a controlled explosion of magic.

Algrim stumbled, falling to his knees, his strength fading rapidly. Rin stood over him, her expression unreadable. "This battle was over the moment you underestimated us." With one final burst of energy, she finished him off, turning her attention to the larger fight.

As the dust settled, Malekith was finally vanquished, and the Aether—now contained—was prepared for transport.

Back on Asgard, the victory was bittersweet. The Nine Realms were safe, but at great cost. The throne room remained silent as Sif approached Odin, holding the Aether within its protective casing.

Frigga stepped forward, her expression solemn as she regarded her husband. "Your Majesty," she said gravely, "it is unwise to keep two Infinity Stones in one place. The Tesseract already resides in Asgard."

Odin, deep in thought, nodded. "Then it must be taken elsewhere."

A short while later, Sif and Volstagg arrived at a remote outpost in the cosmic expanse. Before them stood an enigmatic figure—The Collector.

Sif handed over the containment device. "We entrust this to you for safekeeping."

The Collector's lips curled into a knowing smile. "One down… five to go."

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