The Monarch

Chapter 63: Elite Class[2]


A gigantic boom was heard as the ice barrier was torn to pieces by dozens of spells hitting the same spot. A small wave of steam rose, obscuring the view.

As soon as the girl recovered from the shock, she raised another ice barrier with the remainder of her mana and instantly tried to recover the lost mana. As she looked for Kayden, she heard the sound of metal hitting metal behind his back.

His opponent was keeping the katana in its sheath. The girl looked at it irritated.

"Why waste so much time if you were going to give up? Pathetic." This fight lasted at least 30 endless minutes and the worst thing is that she didn't even learn anything from it.

Against all expectations, Kayden just looked at the secretary.

"Where should I go now?" His tone was neutral as if the girl's taunts fell on deaf ears.

"You can go down the stairs, Kayden, there will be someone there to help you." The secretary turned to the girl.

"Yasmim, you have lost your elite student rights, you can only challenge the last-placed student in 1 year." It took the girl a while to realize, she had lost, but how?

"I do not accept that!!! You are in a plot, the fight isn't even over!" Like a spoiled child when contradicted, she got angry and shouted at the secretary.

Kayden didn't even stay to see what was going on. It was none of his business. He began to descend the stairs with steady steps. It was a stunning black marble staircase, at least 50 centimeters long on each step.

"Perfect." As soon as the passage closed, Kayden collapsed on one of the steps. He was exhausted. Using his new spell exhausted him beyond what he imagined. His mana veins were completely overheated.

But what happened?

Kayden was constantly dodging and changing positions to place small pre-programmed rays to hit the same spot. It was a great effort on his part, as everyone needed to have the right amount of mana to cause a difference in the potential capability of releasing the lightning.

He set the timer for 20 minutes and waited. When he got close, he used his new spell. Transcendent. It was the improved version of acceleration. Normally, his acceleration could only increase his speed by 15%, but since he polished his veins, the boy discovered that it could cause him to slightly overheat.

His body was able to withstand a greater amount of mana without permanent damage. Transcendentia was capable of increasing his capabilities by 40%. This was ridiculous. Kayden estimated that it should have the same speed as a 7th rank.

That was a jump of 2 ranks and one of them was still a transitional realm. The downside was that he was extremely exhausted afterward. To the point that even walking is difficult. This state only lasted 1 minute.

Returning to the fight

As soon as Kayden activated the spell, he ran unsustainably fast after the girl. As soon as he got close, he passed the sword inches away from her body. It was just a gesture, as previously she had shown him mercy.

Fortunately, the secretary was at least a mage, so she was able to visualize everything that was happening perfectly.

The boy took a big breath of air and stood up. He didn't expect much from this elite group, in fact, he only came here because he couldn't participate in life-and-death fights yet.

Shang asked him to reach at least the 6th rank before starting with this modality. Kayden was stubborn, but the blonde was firm in his decision. So his best choice was to join the elite class.

It would probably still take another year for him to reach the sixth rank, and since they were a little ahead of the middle of the year, Kayden could still participate in the city championship.

When he finished the staircase, Kayden was faced with a sight he would never have expected in his life. There were several lounge areas with sofas and minibars and even a heated pool down there.

At the end of the space were the training arenas, there were at least a dozen of them. Several people were fighting in the arenas or simply resting, the problem was that there were much more than just 50 people down there.

"Hello?" Kayden heard a voice beside him snap him out of his stupor. The person who called him was a woman... well... the best way to describe her was magnificent, her black hair fell to waist height, highlighting the prominent curves of her body.


With a delicate face that Kayden was sure could be on a magazine cover, the purple-eyed woman spoke again snapping her fingers close to Kayden.

"Kayden isn't it? The secretariat informed me of your arrival, I am Professor Nila ." Kayden finally snapped out of his state of contemplation and greeted the woman normally. In his defense, he was still a man.

'That's right, everyone can fail once.' Kayden made this excuse for himself for acting like a hypnotized idiot.

"Come with me, I'll show you how things work around here." The woman began walking without waiting for Kayden's response. "These are the rest areas." The woman pointed to the several sofas. "Everything here is free and, if you want something different, just ask the waiters."

Kayden finally noticed that there were some people dressed in open suits and slacks, they were probably the waiters. The elite group had privileged treatment. It was a difference between heaven and earth.

"Why does the closed group have such refined treatment, teacher?" Kayden expressed his doubt.

"Fund, each elite student can give the equivalent of 1000 normal students, it all depends on the annual exams." These annual exams were something Kayden never participated in, as it was optional. He would probably now be forced to participate.

The two continued on their way. The room was colossal, being at least 600 meters wide. Kayden noticed that there were a lot more people here than there should have been. Again he expressed his doubts to the teacher.

"Teacher, why are there so many students here? Aren't there just 50 elites?" The teacher made a confused expression.

"Don't you know anything about how this works?" Kayden hadn't seen anything about the elite class, he just wanted to join, and... he did. The boy shook his head.

"What is the purpose of this class?" Kayden knew part of it was fighting in competitions, but it came down to that.

Kayden shook his head.

"What's our training like?"

Kayden shook his head again.

"Who are the best in our school?"

Head shake.

"Do you even know anything?"

Kayden shook his head in embarrassment. Finally, the teacher lost her patience.

"What the hell are you doing here, kid? Jesus!" The woman placed her hand on her forehead, it was the first time she had received such a lost student. "Let's go in parts, so, firstly, this closed group is a government incentive to produce elites."

That part was clear to Kayden. He just hadn't associated the facts.

"Our training is based on groups of 5 people, similar to competitions, each elite student can bring 2 friends to form a team. With only 50 students, we wouldn't have that many people here at one time."

It made sense, especially when a team had to cover different specializations. The teacher continued:

"We don't exactly have a specific composition for each team, but we ask for at least one melee fighter and a mage specializing in support, these two are the hardest to find."

That was true, Kayden saw plenty of hand-to-hand combatants, but few at school who could pose any danger in combat. And why? It was simple it was difficult for children to have enough combat experience to develop a good weapons fighting style.

Author's note: we probably won't have chapters some days this week, I have a test on Friday and there are an incredible 400 pages to read and memorize, my teacher is the famous student stunner lol

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