The Moon's Betrayal


She dropped the book on her chest after reading a few pages. Staring at the ceiling of the small bedroom, her excitement grew even more.

The story of the Moon and the Sun resembled her past life. Although they never loved each other, like the Moon, she was betrayed by her husband by sleeping with different women.

A few pages of the book were about how the two met and fell in love.

There was a time when the world was too plain and the Sun blazed gloriously more than anything. The mortals were grateful and delighted because he gave them light and warmth.

But the Sun was lonely. He could see the mortals rejoicing with his brightness, but he always wondered if he was destined to live alone.

And then there was the Moon.

One day as the Sun was traveling from the heavens, he caught a glimpse of the most beautiful creation. She immediately noticed the radiant eyes that were staring at her.

As the Sun could shine brightly, the Moon could glow softly. They immediately fell in love and the Sun promised to stay beside her forever. They traveled the world together and vowed to be with each other for the rest of their lives.

She paused at the part where the Sun accidentally met the Morning Star.

"If the Sun is the Lycan, the Moon is his mate, then who is the Morning Star?" She wondered.

Was it a random character? Jolene mentioned that the Lycans' mate would either betray them by cheating, by leaving them, or by dying. She thought inwardly.

"Maybe it's not just a person. It could be someone or something like a reason why they end up being alone." She mumbled.

She sighed and tilted her head to look at the moon. When she was still Amelia and living her life as a human, the moon was just a round thing that gives life to the night. But now that she's a werewolf, her thoughts have changed.

She somehow felt that the moon was someone who also had emotions. And learning about her story of being betrayed by the sun deepened her appreciation of the moon.

Now, looking at the golden sphere surrounded by an ethereal glow, a surreal feeling filled her heart. Ever since she was reborn, she noticed she was always affected by the moon as it changes phase every night. She felt stronger when it was a full moon and felt weak during a waning crescent moon.

She asked Jolene about it, but had no idea if it was because of her new body.

"Do you have all the answers?" She asked, staring at the moon. "Were you betrayed just like me? If yes, how deep is your wound?"

She took a deep breath and stood up to fully open the window and then, sat on the window stool for a better view of the moon. She shivered when the cold breeze touched her skin.

"I'll be going to Elysium the day after tomorrow and from there, I will start my revenge against your children. That's the reason you gave me another chance, right?"

A sudden gust of cold wind blew inside the room, making the book flip its pages. She frowned when it stopped in one of the pages.

She quickly took the book and was surprised to see a picture. It wasn't a picture book so she was quite shocked that there was one.

It was a man like the blazing sun holding hands with a woman surrounded by a blanket of darkness. Above them were the stars beaming with jealousy as they watched the two together.

"The Morning Star." She whispered.

There was something in her mind, but she ignored it because there was no way that it was the Morning Star.

"I have to find out the truth about this story." She said to herself.

It was just a book and those who read it connected the story to the Lycans. But she still wondered if it was really just an old tale.

She closed the book and turned it, looking for the author's name.

"S.L." She mumbled. 

She pouted. There was nothing about the author on the last page and it was too old. But she noticed a symbol beside the author's initials. It was a werewolf sitting on a crescent moon.

"I'll ask Jolene in the morning."

She laid back on the bed and tried to sleep, but she couldn't. So she decided to continue the story.

As the Sun and the Moon traveled the world, the mortals were left with total darkness. The Sun asked the Moon if she could join her to the heavens to give light to the people. But the Moon declined.

With his disappointment, he strolled back to the heavens and accidentally met the Morning Star. The two drowned themselves into their own lust and desire, and stayed in each other's warmth for years.

The Moon felt alone and lonely for all the years without the Sun by her side. Realizing how deep she loved the Sun, she finally decided to be with him. With her heart ablaze, she went to the heavens only to find the Sun in the arms of the Morning Star.

The Moon's heart was shattered into a thousand pieces and hide herself in the darkness of the night. She cried in the dusk and every drop of tears became the stars, illuminating brightly to conceal her grief. 

With regret and to seek forgiveness, the Sun stayed and traveled by day in search for his long lost lover.

"Why did he search for her? Just to ask forgiveness? What happened to the Morning Star? Wasn't he in love with his new lover?" She frowned. "Augh! This story doesn't make sense! Why would the Moon reject his offer in the first place if she's so in love with him?"

Another thought came into her mind and as her eyes widened, her heart pounded.

"What if everything was planned by the Morning Star and the Sun didn't really betray the Moon?" She exclaimed.

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