The owner of the flower had been decided from the beginning, so there was nothing to agonize over. I had to give it. That was the price of entering the banquet, after all. Even if I looked like this, I was still a law-abiding citizen of South Korea.
The entrance fee.
With a reluctant expression, I handed the white flower to Belial. Still, he was a prince—his face would be wasted if he couldn’t even get a single flower.
“As promised, I’m giving it to you.”
Belial’s eyes curved, and a soft smile spread across his lips. It was a gaze so delicate and graceful that it could melt anyone it touched.
“Thank you.”
It’s just one flower. No need to be so touched. It’s not even a surprise gift.
Belial snapped the stem of the white flower in half, shortening it before tucking it diagonally into the front pocket of his tailcoat. So that’s why he hadn’t attached a corsage. He must have left it empty on purpose for this moment. Damn, this guy really planned it all.
“A token of respect from a citizen of Blake territory—it feels rather novel.”
Belial turned slightly and spoke to Kyle.
“Don’t you think so?”
The way he subtly puffed himself up showed just how delighted he was. What are you, a kid? Are you seriously that happy over a single flower that you’re even rubbing it in?
Kyle replied with a blunt tone.
His voice carried not even a speck of sincerity. In fact, those red eyes weren’t even looking at Belial—they were fixed on me. As if quietly criticizing me.
What. What do you want. Your Grace, you’ve already received plenty. Your basket is overflowing. So just let go of this one flower. It’s just a single flower.
“That one?”
Kyle pointed at me—or rather, at my hand with his index finger.
In my hand was a red flower, still untouched. While others had been using these flowers to invite their dance partners, I had simply stood there, doing nothing.
Well, it made sense. They said this flower symbolized ‘affection.’ As if I had anyone I held dear. Even when I was Baek Soo-hyun, love had been as distant as the Great Wall of China.
“I’m not giving it away.”
I cut him off firmly.
Why are you looking at it like you want it? No. It’s mine.
To make things worse, Belial also looked at me with an expectant expression. He must have noticed Sen giving both of her flowers to Kyle.
So, what, you want this one too? These brothers have absolutely no shame. Stop competing over flowers, you bastards.
But I really didn’t want to give it away. That said, it was awkward to just stand there doing nothing while both the Grand Duke and the Prince were staring at me.
Can’t we just let this slide? Can you two stop looking at me like that?
I sighed deeply, then, for all to see, clamped the red flower between my teeth.
I’m not giving it to anyone. It’s mine.
“Ummduh uhn juh guhpdnuhduh. Juh guhruguu.”
…Okay, my pronunciation was a bit off.
Even if it sounded like nonsense, just understand what I mean. I shook my head vigorously, like I was shooing away a street vendor. Go away! Go dance or something!
“Pfft… Haha. Ahahaha.”
At that moment, Belial burst into laughter.
“Everything you do is so inventive. I never imagined there would be someone this interesting in the North.”
Kyle’s eyes flared with irritation.
Then, as if blocking the space between Belial and me, he stepped forward and extended a red flower toward me.
…What? Wait, did he just offer me a flower?
“I would like to request the first dance with you.”
Hold on.
“The music will begin soon. Do you know how to dance?”
Hold on!
Hey! This isn’t right! Who invites someone to dance like this?! I can’t even answer because I have a flower in my mouth!
Before I could say anything, Kyle grabbed my arm. With a few steps, I found myself on the dance floor, surrounded by curious gazes from all directions.
…Yeah, no wonder they were staring.
After all, Kyle Blake—the de facto host of this banquet—had chosen an unknown man as his first dance partner.
I’m screwed.
“Chumchubun juk eubduguu.”
I’ve never danced before. Let me go, you bastard.
Of course, my protests were completely ignored.
“Uhh jurung chuneuguu. Jugeu sureum meununde.”
Why are you dancing with me? There are plenty of people over there!
Even though I was clenching my teeth to speak, Kyle understood me perfectly.
“Why am I dancing with you? Among all the people there, you alone…”
Kyle lowered his head slightly, whispering close to my ear.
“Aren’t you my betrothed?”
…Ah, fuck my life. He actually noticed.
I wanted to say something, but the flower in my mouth got in the way. I considered moving it to my hand, but before I could, he casually guided my hand to his waist and clasped my other hand with his own. There was no chance to resist.
And just like that, the people on the dance floor, including us, started spinning in circles like dolls inside a music box.
Following the upbeat rhythm of the waltz, I attempted to dance… only to step squarely onto Kyle’s foot.
Well, it couldn’t be helped. I’d never danced before. Trying to keep up with his pace made it feel like my legs were about to be torn apart.
I stepped on his foot again. Even harder this time. But he remained completely unbothered, as if he didn’t feel pain at all. Not my problem. Suck it up.
“What were you thinking when you said that?”
That damn betrothed comment! Curse my own mouth! Why the hell did I say that, Baek Soo-hyun?!
I stomped down on his foot again—this time, on purpose.
“Come to think of it, you oddly resemble someone I know.”
Before I could react, Kyle suddenly lifted me slightly by the waist, placing my feet on top of his. Then, he started moving again with ease.
‘…Aren’t I heavy?’
Well, at least it was comfortable. Now all I had to do was cling to him.
Of course, the issue was that the distance between us had shrunk. His breath occasionally tickled my skin, and his bangs brushed against my forehead whenever he glanced downward. It was distracting as hell.
But seriously, who the hell do I look like? Among all these tall Westerners, how could he find someone with similar features to an East Asian like me?
‘…Wait. He didn’t think of me after seeing a hamster, did he?’
No way. He couldn’t possibly have that level of perception. We’re not even the same species. He probably just knows someone in Blake territory who looks as plain as I do.
“Is it rude to imagine such a thing about someone?”
Kyle muttered lowly.
…Fuck. His observational skills are downright supernatural.
“So, your answer?”
His voice was cold. Though his tone was polite, the pressure beneath it was suffocating. My whole body tensed up as if the blood was draining from me.
I instinctively shrank back.
What was I supposed to say? There was nothing to say! I couldn’t just tell him I was about to joke that I was his betrothed hamster!
And this damn flower. This cursed flower! If I don’t drool all over his shoes, it’ll be a miracle. Stop talking to me. I swear, I’ll start drooling.
“Guhgun guhnung jeungnuchun gupnuhduh.”
That was just a joke.
It was a joke! A joke! Ever heard of humor? Stop interrogating me and just take the hint.
“A joke, you say.”
Kyle’s eyes narrowed. The sharp curve of his gaze was so piercing that I couldn’t tell if he was smirking or threatening me.
“I suppose I should take the flower, then.”
His face leaned in even closer.
At that moment, I forgot we were on the dance floor.
With my vision filled entirely by him, even the loud music that had seemed overwhelming just moments ago faded into silence.
It was as if, in that instant, the entire world contained only the two of us.
Kyle’s movements slowed. His face, close enough that our foreheads almost touched, tilted slightly. His black eyelashes, so close I could count them, lowered just a bit…
Then, just as it looked like he was about to kiss me, he plucked the red flower straight from my mouth.
“…What the hell?”
I wasn’t even robbed blind—I was robbed right in front of my own eyes.
What kind of situation was this?!
Before I could protest, Kyle pushed me gently, making me spin once in place.
By the time I completed the turn to the sound of the violin, he had already snapped the flower’s stem in half and tucked it into the front pocket of his tailcoat—just as Belial had done earlier.
In the mere time it took for me to twirl, Kyle had flawlessly completed the motion and caught my hand again. I stumbled forward, and just like that, my feet landed back on top of his.
He danced way too damn well.
“If rumors spread that the Grand Duke has a thing for men, what will you do then?”
Wouldn’t the North go into an uproar if people thought his marriage prospects were ruined?
Kyle answered my reluctant question with absolute indifference.
“I, unlike others, have no need to bear children to continue my house.”
“Aren’t you the lord of this land?”
“The North is not passed down by blood. Only great strength rules the North.”
“…Ah. I see.”
I replied in a flat tone, then just shut my mouth entirely. Best not to say anything.
“What’s your name?”
“Shuyo. Shu.”
I responded absentmindedly while scanning the crowd.
The first song had already ended. The other guests were now actively looking for new dance partners. Among them, I spotted Belial and Sen.
‘Hey, system. How much time is left on Reload?’
[‘Reload’ will be unavailable in 10 minutes.]
Hey! That’s not enough time!
Even if I shoved Kyle away and ran right now, I wouldn’t have enough time to escape.
[Would you like to use the ‘Nut Shop’? ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧]
I had no other choice.
With a heavy sigh, I opened the store and found what I was looking for.
[Long-Lasting Acorn Cookie | Consumes 1% of Miracle Value | Extends ‘Reload’ time by 1 hour]
A small snack appeared in my pocket.
‘…It really is shaped like an acorn.’
Without hesitation, I tore open the wrapper and popped it into my mouth. …It tasted exactly like an acorn. Weird.
“Then, I’ll dance just one more song. As Your Highness knows, I’m not a very good dancer…”
“That’s fine. If I can’t even lead that much, I’d be unworthy.”
Belial bent down slightly and extended his hand toward Sen. It seemed they intended to step onto the dance floor before the second song began.
‘…This is bad.’
My anxious gaze shot up toward the chandelier.
‘Ah, fuck, this is really bad.’
I had no other choice. Life is fucking unfair.
I extended my hand to Kyle.
“One more dance, Your Grace.”
Let’s fucking go, asshole.