Chapter 44: Winner

The arena thundered with the deafening roar of the spectators as Dylan's temporal field dissipated, the time-slowing magic fading like a forgotten whisper. His breathing was heavy, yet his expression remained calm too calm for someone still fighting.

Cauis surged forward, his body glowing brighter than ever, his Aetherglow magic blazing like a second sun. His strikes came faster and harder, pushing Dylan back step by step.

"You're getting slower, Dylan!" Cauis called, his grin widening. "Running out of tricks?"

Dylan parried a few more strikes, his blade movements just a fraction off from their usual precision. His sharp eyes flickered toward the crowd, their cheers drowning out the rain.


"I guess..." Dylan muttered, his tone lighthearted. He saw the opening an obvious one but instead of countering, he let it linger, allowing Cauis to capitalize on it.

Cauis didn't hesitate. With a burst of energy, he unleashed a final strike, his sword crashing into Dylan's, sending it flying from his hand. Dylan fell to one knee, drenched and breathing hard.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy, chanting Cauis's name. The announcer's voice boomed across the arena:


Cauis extended his hand, helping Dylan to his feet. "Guess I've still got it," he said, laughing breathlessly.

Dylan chuckled, wiping the rain from his face. "Yeah, yeah. Don't let it go to your head."

He glanced at the crowd once more, his eyes softening. They needed a symbol *a champion—and Cauis was perfect for it. Dylan could handle the shadows; the spotlight belonged to Cauis.

"Come on," Dylan said, patting Cauis on the shoulder. "Enjoy the victory. You've earned it."

The arena was electric, the air buzzing with excitement as the rain finally slowed to a drizzle. Spectators leaned over the railings, cheering and chanting Cauis's name. Some even threw flowers into the arena, their voices blending into a triumphant roar.

Axel crossed his arms, a sly grin tugging at his lips. "Looks like your our getting famous."

Izzy smirked. "Overprotective and flashy. You love to see it."

June and Alisan, now fully healed, stood at the edge of the arena. Alisan shook her head, her eyes fixed on Dylan. "He let him win, didn't he?"

June nodded knowingly. "Of course. He's always playing the long game."

Back on the arena floor, Cauis raised his arms to the crowd, basking in their adoration. "This... isn't too bad," he muttered, his grin growing wider

.Dylan stood beside him, giving a small wave, still soaked but clearly satisfied. His eyes briefly met Alisan's and June's, giving them a wink before turning back to Cauis."Enjoy it while it lasts,"

Dylan said quietly. "Next time, no holding back."

Cauis chuckled, tossing an arm around Dylan's shoulders as they walked off the field. "Next time? You won't stand a chance."

The crowd's cheers echoed long after the two left the arena, their silhouettes disappearing into the corridor, leaving behind the soaked battlefield and a sky that slowly began to clear.

As the spectators filtered out of the arena, their voices filled the streets of Valthorne, buzzing with excitement and awe.

The rain-washed city streets glowed under the lantern lights, the air alive with the aftermath of the intense battle. Every tavern, marketplace, and alley was consumed by a single topic the heroes of Drakmire.

"I've never seen anything like that!" a merchant exclaimed, recounting every detail to a group of curious onlookers. 

"Did you see the way Dylan slowed time around him? Unbelievable!"

"And Cauis's Aetherglow! I thought that was just a legend!" another added, wide-eyed. "The way he summoned that shield at the last second it was like the gods themselves were watching over him!"

In one corner, a group of mages debated. "They're far more powerful than I expected. We've been underestimating these heroes."

"I heard the king summoned them himself," whispered a cloaked figure in the shadows. "If they're this strong already... imagine what they'll become."

Meanwhile, the group returned to the inn, soaked but exhilarated. Dylan tossed his coat onto a chair, shaking the rain from his hair with a tired laugh.

"Well, that was fun," he said casually, collapsing onto a nearby couch."Fun?" Cauis raised an eyebrow, drying off his hair with a towel. "I carried that fight."

"You carried nothing," Dylan shot back with a smirk. "I just made it look like you did."

Before Cauis could retort, Axel and Izzy burst into laughter."You two are ridiculous,"

Axel said, crossing his arms. "But hey, you put on a hell of a show."

June leaned against the wall, her arms crossed. "The whole city's talking about it. You'll be legends by morning."

"Legends?" Alisan grinned. "More like celebrities. We won't be able to walk ten feet without getting recognized now."

Dylan glanced at Cauis, his smirk softening into something more genuine. "Good. Let them know who the real hero is.

"Cauis paused, caught off guard for a second before returning the smile. "Yeah. Let's give them something to talk about."

The night deepened, but the excitement lingered in the city's air, promising that this was only the beginning of something far greater.As the group rested in their rooms, the sound of heavy knocks echoed through the quiet space.

Dylan, sprawled across the couch with his feet up, lazily turned his head toward the door."Axel, your turn," Dylan said with a smirk.

Axel shot him a glare. "Not a chance. You're the closest."

Grumbling, Dylan pushed himself up and opened the door to find a finely dressed attendant holding a polished wooden box.

"Apologies for disturbing you," the attendant said with a slight bow. "On behalf of the Valthorne Tournament Committee, I've been tasked with delivering your rewards."The group perked up at the mention of rewards.

Alisan stepped closer, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Rewards? Let's see what we've got."

The attendant handed Dylan the box and a sealed scroll. "These are yours for participating in the tournament.

The scroll contains honorary titles and recognition within Valthorne. The box holds something a little more... tangible."

June tilted her head. "Tangible? I like the sound of that."

Dylan popped open the box, revealing several neatly arranged items

A pouch of golden crowns enough to fund their travels for months.

A set of enchanted rings each one pulsing softly with protective magic

A silver medallion engraved with the emblem of Valthorne a symbol of their newfound fame.

Cauis whistled. "Not bad. I could get used to this."

Axel examined one of the rings, slipping it onto his finger. "Protective magic? This is useful."

Izzy grinned as she pocketed a few gold coins. "Looks like dinner's on us tonight."

Alisan unrolled the scroll, her eyes scanning the ornate script. "It says we've been officially recognized as 'Champions of Valthorne.'

We'll have access to the city's resources and... wait, what?" Her eyes widened. "We're being invited to a banquet hosted by the Arcane Council tomorrow night."

June raised an eyebrow. "A banquet? Sounds fancy."

"And probably full of nobles who want to stare at us and ask too many questions," Dylan muttered.

"Better dress up," Izzy teased. "Wouldn't want to disappoint your adoring fans."

The group shared a laugh, their exhaustion forgotten for a moment. Despite the challenges they had faced, the rewards both tangible and symbolic were a reminder of how far they'd come.

"Looks like tomorrow's going to be interesting," Dylan said, closing the box. "But for now... we rest."

The group nodded, each of them retreating to their rooms, their thoughts drifting toward what awaited them at the banquet and beyond. The city of Valthorne would never be the same again.

Morning came, the golden light of dawn washing over Valthorne. The streets were already alive with chatter rumors of the tournament spreading like wildfire.

As the group stepped out of the inn, they were immediately surrounded by a sea of people.

"There they are! The Heroes of Drakmire!" shouted a young boy from the crowd."

Did you see their fight? It was like watching legends come to life!"

Dozens of citizens swarmed them, blocking their path. Some held out scraps of parchment, hoping for autographs, while others bombarded them with endless questions.

"Is it true you can control time?" someone called out to Dylan.

"Can you teach me that light magic?" another asked Alisan

.June raised an eyebrow. "Wow... we're popular."

Axel crossed his arms. "Popular? We're practically trapped."

He glanced at Dylan. "This is your fault, you know. If you didn't go all mysterious hero, maybe we'd have some breathing room."

Dylan smirked. "Hey, I just gave them a good show." He waved at the crowd. "But yeah... this might be a little much."

Cauis sighed, trying to push through the throng of excited citizens. "Alright, move aside, people. Important heroes coming through. "

He paused as a group of merchants surrounded him, shouting offers for free food and enchanted trinkets.

"Great," he muttered. "We can't even walk an inch without getting mobbed."

Izzy leaned toward Axel with a mischievous grin. "Think we'll need a bodyguard soon?"

Axel laughed. "Or a faster way out of here."

Despite the overwhelming attention, there was a genuine warmth in the air. The citizens weren't just curious they were grateful.

The group's display of power during the tournament had inspired awe and hope in the people of Valthorne.

"Looks like we're stuck," June said, her voice half amused, half exasperated. "What's the plan?"

Dylan raised a hand, giving the crowd his best charming smile. "Let's see if we can survive this without losing our sanity."

He snapped his fingers, activating his temporal field, a faint shimmer spreading in a perfect circle around the group. Suddenly, the bustling crowd slowed to a crawl.

Voices became drawn out and distorted, and footsteps seemed to drag in slow motion.

Cauis blinked, looking around in surprise. "Whoa... that's convenient."

"One way to get some breathing room," Dylan said with a wink. "Let's take it nice and easy while they're stuck at quarter speed."

The group moved smoothly through the slowed crowd, weaving between frozen hands reaching for them and wide-eyed expressions stuck mid-cheer.June chuckled, glancing at a man frozen mid-wave.

"You've got a flair for the dramatic, Dylan."

"I prefer to call it creative problem-solving," Dylan replied, leading the way as they finally escaped the mob.

As they exited the temporal field, time returned to normal behind them, leaving the crowd blinking in confusion, looking around for the heroes who had seemingly vanished.

Axel gave a thumbs-up. "Not bad, Dylan. You've officially made walking an adventure."

Izzy shook her head, grinning. "Now that's how you make an escape in style."

They continued down the street, unnoticed and finally free for the moment, at least.

The group made their way toward a quieter part of the city, the distant buzz of the crowd still lingering behind them. They finally stopped at a small plaza with a fountain at its center, taking a moment to catch their breath.

The morning sun sparkled on the water, the soft trickle providing a calm contrast to the chaos they had just escaped."Alright," Cauis said, leaning against the fountain.

"That was... something. Are we celebrities now or what?"

June crossed her arms, a playful smirk on her face. "Technically, we always were. Just took the city long enough to figure it out."

Dylan stretched, hands behind his head. "Yeah, but I didn't expect to need crowd control just to get breakfast."

Axel nodded. "Speaking of which... I'm starving. All that fighting worked up an appetite."

Before they could decide where to eat, a group of younger mages approached them, wide-eyed and hesitant.

"Excuse me," one of them said, barely able to contain their excitement. "Are you really the heroes of Drakmire? The ones from the tournament yesterday?"

The group exchanged glances. Dylan flashed a grin. "Depends. Are you asking because you want autographs or a fight?"

The mages laughed nervously. "No! We just wanted to say how amazing you all were! Your fight was the coolest thing we've ever seen!"

June offered a polite nod, while Alisan gave a warm smile. "Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the show."

The mages scampered off, their excited chatter echoing down the street.

izzy raised an eyebrow. "We're never going to have a peaceful day again, are we?"

"Probably not," Cauis said with a sigh. "But hey, at least we're famous."Dylan chuckled, turning back toward the bustling city.

"Famous and hungry. Let's go before the next crowd finds us."

They headed toward a nearby café, blending back into the city's lively streets unaware that their next challenge was already waiting just around the corner The café was cozy and filled with the warm scent of fresh bread and brewed tea.

The group sat at a corner table, cloaks drawn low over their faces, trying to blend in with the morning crowd. They placed their orders quietly, hoping to remain unnoticed.Cauis leaned back in his chair, casually sipping his drink.

"See? This isn't so bad. Low-key, no chaos—"

A customer passing by stumbled into Cauis's chair, bumping him hard enough to knock back his hood. His face was immediately revealed for all to see.

For a moment, the café fell into stunned silence.

Then, a sharp gasp broke through the air.

"Wait… isn't that Cauis?! One of the heroes from the tournament?!"

The entire café buzzed with whispers and excited murmurs.

"It is him!"

"Where's the rest of them?!"

"Do you think they're all here?"

Cauis froze for a second before slowly turning to Dylan, his face deadpan. "So much for staying low-key.

"Dylan laughed, pulling his hood down. "Guess we're doing this."

June sighed, muttering, I knew this would happen," as she lowered her cloak as well.Alisan, ever calm, smiled at the onlookers.

"Looks like we've been found out. Might as well enjoy the attention."

The café staff quickly rushed over, wide-eyed and eager. "It's really you! You've got to let us treat you to something on the house! It's an honor!"

Axel raised an eyebrow. "Free food? I'm not complaining."

The group exchanged glances before giving in. Within minutes, the café turned into a lively gathering, people eagerly asking for stories of the tournament and the heroes' journey.

As the chatter continued, Izzy leaned toward Dylan, whispering with a smirk. "You're surprisingly calm for someone who's just been outed in public."

Dylan shrugged. "If you can't hide, might as well have fun with it."

And so, their simple café stop turned into an impromptu celebration one that neither they nor the café patrons would forget anytime soon.

After the café excitement settled, the group made their way through the bustling streets toward a high-end clothing shop.

Despite their best efforts to keep a low profile, whispers followed them wherever they went.

The moment they stepped into Velora's Tailoring, the shopkeeper, an older woman with keen eyes and an elegant air, immediately recognized them.

"Ah! The heroes of Drakmire!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together in delight. "It is an honor to have you in my humble shop. Please, allow me to assist you personally."

The group exchanged amused glances as they were ushered inside with utmost care. The shop's attendants hurried to bring out the finest fabrics and designs, displaying luxurious suits and dresses fit for royalty.

June ran her fingers over a silky, midnight-blue fabric. "This… might actually be fun."

Cauis leaned on a nearby rack, grinning. "I could get used to this kind of treatment."

The attendants wasted no time taking measurements and presenting options. Axel was clearly uncomfortable as one of the tailors tried to adjust his collar.

"I don't need anything fancy. Just something simple that I can move in."

Izzy snorted. "Axel, we're going to a banquet, not a fistfight. You'll survive one night in formal wear."

Meanwhile, Alisan admired a stunning white gown with silver embroidery. "This will do nicely," she said, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Dylan chuckled as he examined a sharp black suit with subtle gold accents. "Guess we're going all out, huh?" He glanced at Cauis. "What do you think, silver or navy?"

"Silver," Cauis said without hesitation. "But I'm winning the best-dressed contest, just so you know."

The shopkeeper returned with a flourish, presenting each tailored outfit. "Everything will be ready within the hour. It is our privilege to ensure you look your absolute best for the royal banquet."

As the group sat waiting for the final touches, they couldn't help but laugh at how surreal everything felt. Just a few days ago, they were fighting in the arena, and now they were being pampered like nobility.

Dylan leaned back with a mischievous grin. "Think the banquet will be more chaotic than the tournament?"

Cauis smirked. "If it's not, we'll find a way to change that."The group laughed, the anticipation for the evening ahead building with every passing moment.

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