the Outcast wizard band's grand tour

Chapter 3: An ominous wizard(3)

While he was cleaning backyard as a housemaster intern, a beautiful white cat appeared in front of him. Dong Hoon thought that it might run away from him like other animals. Indeed, all animals had ran away from Dong Hoon whenever he came near them as they felt ominous aura of him. 

Unlike other animals, a furry white cat stood still and soon approached to Dong Hoon.


A cat cried.

Dong Hoon wondered why it was not running away from him.

"You must be hungry."

With long times of contemplation, Dong hoon reached a conclusion that a cat desperately wants food. He soon took some food from the cat food storage near backyard.

A cat quickly finished his meal and came more closer to Dong Hoon. Then, it started to rub his face to Dong Hoon's knees. Dong Hoon unconsciously stroked it's head and other parts of body. A cat cried again with pleasure.

"Your furs really remind me of snowballs.

From now on, your name is Snowy."

After that, Dong hoon and Snowy became a great partner. Housemaster also allowed Dong Hoon to work with cat. Dong Hoon's job was simple. He had to memorize school maps, clean each part of school guard dormitories from intruders and prevent students escaping from dormitory rooms. Snowy contributed a lot for detecting students who escaped from the dormitory rooms. Soon, students started to blame Dong Hoon of catching them escaping from their rooms but the housemaster protected Dong Hoon from the students. 

Soon, students started to blame Dong Hoon of catching them escaping from their rooms. Even more, they drew many drawings that teased Snowy at each part of school, with the help of several wizard school staffs who hated Dong Hoon. However, Dong Hoon could not catch them. 

"I am sorry kid." 

Dong Hoon cried in front of Snowy. 

However, Snowy was always in peaceful mood, seemingly not angry with Dong Hoon. Rather, Snowy acted like a dog. It was different from a typical cat. 

Soon, an old housemaster approached towards Dong Hoon and Snowy. He was an old man with a white moustache.

"Dong Hoon, you have a great potential to be a housemaster.

Everyone is behaving themselves after your internship, though they hate you a lot. I am sorry about your cat. I am also hated by students. It is our fate to be hated by students. Even headmaster and teachers belittle us in many ways. Don't be upset with it. You will be accustomed to it."

said an oldmaster.

His compliment invigorated Dong Hoon. He have never been praised by someone for his work. He was again grateful for Snowy, who has contributed a lot for his good work as a housemaster. 

"Now I have found my talent! I have talent of becoming friendly with cat and working as a housemater!"

cried Dong Hoon at the backyard while holding Snowy and dancing with it at backyard where snow has fallen.

It seemed like Dong Hoon could enjoy his happy life as a housemaster with Snowy. 


An year passed. Dong Hoon became 19 years old and started to prepare for the graduation. He might be the first student to graduate the Incapable school in 19. On the other hand, other students left school in 15 or below. 

It was a cloudy and chilly morning in February. It was a day for joint class among sport and entertainment department on field. The students of each department was way younger than Dong Hoon. 

Suddenly, the teachers and students could feel the shaking of field. Soon, an object revealed it's appearance from the gate of school and slowly approached towards them.

Everyone was frozen and looked closely at an object. It was a 2ms tall and 6ms long monsterous tiger with dark grey fur. It crouched its body a little and growled towards students and teachers. 

Soon, a tiger started to move it's forefeet and rushed towards teachers and students.


One of the teachers yelled at students. students and teachers started to rush towards the main building. They were sandwiched in front of narrow gate and screamed with fear. A tiger grabbed some of the students and teachers who were left behind at the field through psychokinesis with its claws. 


screamed one of the students who bullied Dong Hoon. 

Nevertheless, no one was dare to rush towards tiger. Rather they rushed inside the school building and quickly locked doors. Soon, a tiger swung it's forefoot to throw several students and teachers away. While students and teachers were falling down, tiger roared and fired soundwave beam from it's mouth near them. The students fell down on the field seemed to be lightly injured thanks to the cushion spells that were casted on the field. There were no heavy injuries but students and teachers screamed with headache that was caused by the soundwave beam of tiger for a while and fainted.

Soon, a tiger turned it's head towards the school building, took a deep breathe and rushed towards the door. Everyone closed their eyes. 

Suddenly, a tiger stopped in front of the door headed to another direction.

"Oh god. 

What an incident." 

said headmaster while sighing with relief. 

Then he ordered teachers to check any missing person.

"Anyone missing?"

"Except for the injured or dead students, everyone is here.


"But what?"

"Dong Hoon is missing."


Joon Woo was appalled, but soon rushed towards outside. 

"Hey, Mr. Kim, where are you going?

We don't need to save Dong Hoon, the ghost student!

Our school is not for student who is good at nothing!"

A teacher who was beside Jun Woo cried at him.

Meanwhile, Dong Hoon was feeding Snowy at the backyard. 

Rather than staying indoors, he decided to walk with Snowy. 

"Hey Snowy, the weather is cloudy but my mind is really clear. I am really grateful of you." 

Dong Hoon hugged Snowy and smoothly touched its fluffy white fur. Then he landed it on ground.

"Your snowball fur has a warmth." 

said Dong Hoon while moving his head upward from the ground.

Then, Dong hoon was petrified as he gazed at a tall creature that was approaching to him. It roared in front of Dong Hoon and began to rush towards him.

Dong hoon was frozen. He could not even dare to avoid the attack.

'This is my end. 

Goodbye my sour sweet short lived days.'

Dong hoon closed eyes and stood still. 

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