Chapter 7
“Ah, sorry.”
It seems Wonhyeok himself realized he had asked a question, and awkwardly smiled, covering his mouth with his hand.
“I involuntarily asked an inappropriate question.”
In our time, the idea that type is just a way of dividing people’s genetic and physical factors, like blood type, has strengthened, but there used to be many problems with this. This is because in the past, alphas were considered the superior type, and omegas the inferior.
Of course, now the idea of prohibiting discrimination based on type is widespread, so such social problems have decreased, but it can’t be said that vestiges of the past have completely disappeared. Therefore, asking about type if a person doesn’t reveal it themselves is still considered a bit rude in this society.
“It’s okay. But I’m not an omega, I’m a beta.”
When Wonhyeok slightly tilted his head as if not quite understanding, Hangeom smiled awkwardly.
“Doesn’t look like it, right? I’m short and quite thin…”
This was something he often heard since childhood. Neighborhood aunties, looking at little Hangeom, chatted, taking it for granted that he was an omega. The same was true in high school when they conducted type determination. He still clearly remembered how surprised the teacher was when handing him the result marked “beta”.
Even in university, sometimes there were people who mistakenly took him for an omega, but Hangeom thought that such misunderstanding arose because of his thinness and fragile physique.
At the moment when an awkward pause arose in the conversation, an employee approached from behind and called Hangeom to choose a frame for his glasses.
“Ah, I’ll be right back.”
Wonhyeok stared intently at Hangeom’s retreating back.
“And this face belongs to a beta?”
He muttered, frowning.
∞ ∞ ∞
The process of selecting glasses went quite smoothly. True, Hangeom tried to choose a frame of strange design but was stopped by Wonhyeok standing nearby. Hangeom usually just bought glasses at a local store and wasn’t particularly versed, but it turned out that even types of lenses exist in a huge variety.
From blue light protection to some lenses imported from abroad – everything they showed him had prices that took his breath away. When Hangeom was at a loss and couldn’t say anything, Wonhyeok standing nearby said, “Give us the very best,” which made Hangeom’s head spin. The frame was also the most expensive in the store. Before Hangeom had time to calculate in his head how much money was spent on one pair of glasses, Wonhyeok quickly and casually completed the payment.
“Well, how is it? Anything bothering you?”
Leaving the glasses store, Wonhyeok asked with his characteristic fresh smile. What could be bothering? Hangeom couldn’t understand how glasses could be so light, if slightly exaggerating, he didn’t even feel they were on him. Moreover, the diopters were perfectly selected.
“Um, senior…”
But Hangeom felt awkward. Although everything became clear in front of his eyes and his field of vision expanded, his soul was not light at all.
“I, I’m grateful, but this seems too expensive. You’ve already paid for the emergency room, and now such expensive glasses…”
He was going to just accept it to a certain extent. Given Wonhyeok’s kind nature, of course, he would worry, since the glasses broke because of him. But spending several hundred thousand won on one pair of glasses – this was not at all in Hangeom’s calculations.
Hangeom hesitantly looked at Wonhyeok. Usually in such situations, he expected to hear a soft and calm voice saying it was because he felt sorry, but for some reason, Wonhyeok was silent.
“Hangeom, I’m embarrassed to say this with my own mouth, but I have a lot of money.”
Hangeom blinked. Strangely, but Wonhyeok’s facial expression seemed not like usual. He was smiling, but somehow… a little tired and irritated.
This was the expression that Hangeom sometimes noticed when observing Wonhyeok.
“I’m absolutely not boasting, I just want to say that helping one junior who helped me won’t affect the state of my wallet at all.”
“And so?”
But when Hangeom asked again, as if not understanding what this had to do with the matter, Wonhyeok flinched. His pupils even slightly dilated, as if he didn’t expect such an answer.
Hangeom tilted his head like a student faced with an incomprehensible problem in class and expressed his bewilderment.
“I k-know you’re well-off.”
In the English department, it would be harder to find someone who doesn’t know this. If Do Wonhyeok was just a handsome dominant alpha, he wouldn’t have become such a famous personality. Rumor had it that his family was incredibly wealthy.
Starting with unrealistic stories that someone in his family was a foreign aristocrat, and ending with plausible rumors that he was the son of a politician. There were many different rumors, but the most likely was considered that his parents were successful businesspeople. Of course, this wasn’t known for sure either.
Wonhyeok himself never confirmed this, but everyone knew. At least, that his family was rich.
There are things you can know just by looking at a person’s appearance. Do Wonhyeok’s clothes, shoes, watch – all of these were luxury brands. Moreover, there were rumors, although it’s unknown whether it’s true or not, that in his first year he drove to university in a sports car. The aroma of wealth emanating from him couldn’t be hidden, even if he tried.
“But that doesn’t mean it’s not money, right?”
This time Wonhyeok tilted his head as if not understanding.
“I think that even if you have a lot of money, it doesn’t give me the right to shamelessly spend it and accept help.”
Hangeom looked directly at Wonhyeok, which was unusual for him. Wonhyeok momentarily lingered his gaze on the eyes visible through the fallen bangs and new glasses, and then suddenly started laughing loudly.
“Ah, sorry.”
Wonhyeok, having laughed, covered his mouth with his hand and looked at Hangeom as if seeing an interesting living creature.
“So you feel awkward? Accepting this from me?”
“Yes. A little.”
“Hangeom, do you have classes after this?”
“No. I only had the first lesson today, so no more.”
“Then will you buy me lunch?”
“What?” Hangeom tilted his head as if not understanding. Then Wonhyeok repeated once more. For him to buy him lunch. Hangeom, finally understanding the meaning of the words “buy” rather than “go eat,” clapped his hands.
“O-okay! I’ll buy you anything!”
His white cheeks turned red as if he was delighted. The slightly raised voice without filter betrayed his good mood.
Wonhyeok’s gaze, observing Hangeom who didn’t even try to hide his excitement, narrowed for a moment.
“What would you like to eat?”
Wonhyeok, apparently, internally took care of Hangeom, who felt guilty about only receiving. Honestly, unless going to a hotel restaurant, it wouldn’t compare to the cost of yesterday’s emergency room visit and glasses, but Hangeom understood that this was a kind of care. So that he wouldn’t feel awkward.
How considerate he is. Hangeom, walking next to Wonhyeok, fell in love with him again.
So they entered the nearest Western restaurant. Perhaps because lunch time was coming to an end, fortunately, they were able to enter without waiting. As they followed the employee to their seat, the gazes of some diners in the restaurant focused on one spot.
“Senior, order anything you want.”
“Really? I, by the way, eat a lot. Are you sure?”
“You eat a lot, senior?”
“Yes. I eat very well.”
I see. Hangeom learned another new fact today. Actually, it wasn’t so unexpected. From afar, Wonhyeok seemed slim, but up close, it wasn’t like that at all. Broad shoulders, tall height, and quite a lot of muscles.
Hangeom involuntarily stared at Wonhyeok’s torso as he was looking through the menu, and their gazes accidentally met.
Ah, surprised Hangeom blushed and quickly hid behind the menu. Wonhyeok’s eyes, observing this scene, narrowed. However, his mouth wasn’t smiling at all.
Soon after ordering, appetizing pasta, pizza, and risotto were served on the table. As expected from an establishment known for its delicious food, the dishes were quite good.
“Senior, can I ask you something?”
This was soon after they started eating. Hangeom carefully, gathering a little courage, started the conversation, but there was no response. Looking up, he saw that Wonhyeok was slightly frowning and fixing his gaze somewhere behind. It seems even a sound like clicking of the tongue was heard.
“Ah, what did you say?”
“Ah, I have a question.”
“What is it?”
Apparently, he was mistaken. Hangeom, deciding it was trivial, spoke again.
“Then, you know. On the day of the club party. When you almost got into trouble.”
Wonhyeok’s large and long hand holding the fork slightly froze.
“Yes, what about that day?”
“What happened to that person afterward? Did you report to the police?”
Wonhyeok slowly put down his fork and lightly tapped his index finger on the table once, twice.
“No, even if I wanted to report, I didn’t know that person’s personal information well, and at that moment, the priority was to take you to the hospital.”
As if saying it was time to end this conversation, Wonhyeok started moving his fork again. He put a large portion of pink pasta with appetizing pollock roe on Hangeom’s plate.
“What? Senior, didn’t you know that person’s name? I think I saw you looking at his ID in the alley…”
Wonhyeok’s hand froze even more than before. The smile that seemed to be on his lips out of habit disappeared, and his mouth compressed into a straight line.