The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 12: Rooftop Confessions PT 2

Serene circled Aster, a small throwing knife slid down her shirt sleeve, without hesitation she threw it at him, with a slight move of his head the knife flew straight pass him, she kept throwing knives at him but all had the same result, Aster would dodge them,

"come on serene you aren't even trying at this point", Aster said, stopping in his tracks and catching the knife that came at his face, His gaze was trained on her, watching her movements, As another knife came flying towards him, this time he leaned back dodging the projectile once more, but as he looked up at the sky, a large fist came over him, Aster rolled out of the way the hooded strangers fist missing Aster and cracking the roof a bit upon impact

"Hey, don't damage this building asshole", Aster said pushing himself from off of the ground, Aster clenched his fist, punching the hooded stranger right on his jaw, which made him stagger backwards, reeling in pain, he glared at Aster his eyes sharp enough to kill, He charged back in his attacks even more ferocious than before, he sent a punch directly at Aster, that was met with his palm, Aster catching the punch, pulled in is opponent, Punching him in his face yet again, he held his head up in pain, holding his nose, but Aster grabbed the back of his head with both hands, jumping upwards, he sent his knee flying into the hooded strangers face, As he staggered back and dropped down on one knee, but right behind him two more knives came flying towards Aster, however he grabbed both of them his arms outstretched as he landed on the ground once more,

'it's been about two minutes since we started fighting, this is getting to me now', Aster thought as he let out a very annoyed grumble,

"what's the matter getting tired", Serene said, laughing at Aster,

"well I'm just getting started", Serene said, Aster stopped, standing still for moment, dropping the knives from his hands, he let out a disappointed sigh,

"I've had just about enough of this", aster shouted out at the two of them, The air around him changing, as the gradual anger in his eyes finally filled to the brim, he took one step forward,

Jumping back to the opposite end of the rooftop the expression on Serene's face changed

"Fyx, baby, its time we took this fight seriously", she said reaching behind her back revealing six knives, holding three in each hand, she launched all of them the same time, the knives made and arching motion on each side of Aster, as they all were aiming for his head

Aster stomped his foot on the roof of the building, causing it to shake a bit, as two walls of concrete emerged on each side of him out of the rooftop, The knives hitting the barriers that Aster erected, as each knife gave off a small explosion as the hit the walls,

"oh it seems like you're finally trying serene", Aster said a small smile painted on his face,

"But I hope you didn't think I was powerless without my hammer", Aster said, the confidence in his voice growing, Aster took a step towards her, a knife came around the wall that he had made, his head barely moving out of the way, the edge of the knife slicing open his cheek, as a small flame came off of it, burning him,

"oh you've gotten a lot better, Where'd you learn that move, you're actually catching me off guard", Aster commented, the walls receding into the roof, before he could say anything else he sensed her partner behind him, Aster turned to face him, jumping back but it wasn't far enough, He gave aster a kick to his chest that sent him flying towards the edge of the roof, As aster rolled and tumbled to a halt, he picked himself up off of the ground, he dusted off his shirt as he got up a grin plastered across his face,

"Oh this is now starting to get interesting" aster said smirking to himself,

Aster put his hand on the ground and the entire building began to rumble...then it began to violently shake,

inside the bar

"those boys must be at it again, luckily either no one cares or is to drunk to care", aster's uncle stated,

That's when he saw Aster's hammer, rise from within the ground and phase through the rough, he held his palm to his head, with a slight look of annoyance on his face he thought to himself,

'I'm gonna have a serious talk with him later'

back on the roof

"You've lost it.... are you trying to destroy the entire building you jackass" serene asked, losing her balance and falling to the ground,

Aster began to slowly stand up, the head of his Warhammer, following his hand as he rose to a standing position, he took his hammer into his hand, as the violent shaking subside, Aster pointed the hammer at the stranger, but before he could react aster was behind him and in mid swing,

"too slow", Aster said, Pushing all of his strength behind the swing, the blow connected, but the Fyx, the hooded stranger, was able to get one of his arms in the way, stopping Aster from hitting him in his head, the sparks flew off of the armor he had on his arms, the loud grating sound of metal being broken filled the air, as the bits and pieces from the armor flew all over the roof top, the force of the strike propelling Fyx across the street into another building, the loud Crash drowned out by the loud music and cheering coming from the street below, Aster looked at the chaos he wrought, smiling to himself,

"well hopefully he's taken care of, Now for serene", Aster said,

Aster turned his attention to serene, she realized and had a panicked look on her face, aster silently walked over towards her, she was frozen in fear, she looked into his eyes and saw anger, anger that she had stirred, unable to move, raising his hammer over her head and she fell backwards and raised her hands to cover her face in fear of being hit, but aster had just dropped his hammer at her feet, the anger in his eyes though still there faded away from it's tipping point,

"I don't know if I'm an idiot or if something is seriously wrong with me, but I won't ever hit you or cause you harm, sadly I still have a soft spot for you in my heart", Aster said, looking down at her with a soft warmth in his eyes,

"so take your new found friend and lea..." aster was interrupted when a chain wrapped around his neck pulling him away from Serene, he grabbed ahold of the chain, pulling it off of his neck long enough to breathe,

He let out a series of coughs trying to catch his breath as he laid on the ground, he dropped his hammer, grabbing ahold of the chain with both arms, unwrapping it from around his neck,

"Don't you harm a hair on her head haven't you abused her enough, haven't you destroyed her enough",Fyx shouted at aster,

Aster looked back at serene as he stood up onto his feet once more, picking up his hammer, the soft warmth fading away from his eyes entirely, the look she saw next was the look she was truly terrified of, that calm, immovable expression he wore when he was doing his job, she looked into his eyes once more, but they felt emotionless, empty,

"I see how it is now, you've given him a story, one where I'm the bad guy, the one who hurt you and broke your heart, the one where you feel better about yourself", Aster said, his tone, calm and unwavering,

"is that what you told him?", Aster said calmly,

"I told him what he needed to hear, some men will believe anything a women tells them once it is accompanied with tears", Serene said, the slight grin reappearing on her face,

Aster slowly turned towards the Serene's partner, "If you seriously believe that I did her anything you are delusional, even when she was attacking me this whole time I never retaliated" aster said still and unwavering,

The stranger retracted the chain, reeling back and launching it again, aster was preparing to block the attack, when, the chain stopped and started to melt, then all of a sudden Levant landed in front of aster,

"So you were just gonna fight both of them and not call any of us ?" Levant asked aster, without even looking back at him,

"I had it under control Lev", Aster said,

"Just because there's two of you now that doesn't mean you can stop us" serene said scorning at aster,

"Fucking serene, I never did like you" Levant said pointing one of his guns at her,

The stranger rushed forward at Levant, but Levant jumped over him at the same time serene threw four knives at him, Levant looked surprised, but the a wall of ice appeared in front of him,

"Always so fast to jump into action aren't you levant" polaris remarked as he floated next to the building on a platform of ice,

"Oh great another one is here" serene said as she started to back away,

"Oh the witch that broke Aster's heart made herself convenient for me to severely maim" polaris said drawing his sword,

Lightning flashed, illuminating the entire roof top, Serene took a step back only to feel an intimidating presence behind her, she looked behind her, as the lightning faded, the glow from his eyes shined through the darkness, Barak looked down at her,

"After that little stunt you pulled, you had the entire block shaking, I bet you thought it was just the building" Barak said to aster,

Barak drew his sword, which made serene back away, she and the stranger were surrounded by the boys and had nowhere to go, nowhere to run,

"Barak, Polaris, Levant let her go, let serene go" aster said,

Levant looked around, "she tried to kill you and you expect us to let her go" Levant shouted,

"YES, now let her go" aster shouted back,

Barak stood to the side and sheathed his sword, "your too soft on her", he said,

"I know, but can you blame me" aster said shrugging his shoulders and throwing his hands In The air,

"Which is why I'm gonna do this" aster said,

He appeared behind the stranger before he could leave and put him on his hands and knees, aster lifted his hammer in the air and swung down all his might completely destroying the strangers arm,

He appeared behind Fyx, before he reacted, aster punched him in his spine, sending a volt of pain through his body casing him to drop to his knees, Aster pulled Fyx's arm out, a small pillar rose out of the ceiling and stopped under his arm, Aster could feel fyx struggling to move his body,

"struggle as hard as you want, but right now your nervous system is in shock, but I'll do you a favor and snap you out of it", Aster said, Raising his hammer over his head, aster slammed down onto Fyx's elbow as hard as he could, the bones crumbling and shattering under the force of the blow,

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH" he shouted put in pain as his arm was completely broken and destroyed, Aster held up his face back to normal as he turned and smiled at Barak and the others,

"Wheew, I'm beat, lets head home", Aster said, Picking up Fyx and tossing him over at Serene's feet, she looked down at her partner, she had a look of shock and disgust on her face,

"that one is broken now, so do as you do and go find another toy to play with", Aster said to her,

"now leave", Aster said, turning around to head down the fire escape,

"wait Aster, I have a question for her", Polaris, stated,

" why did you decide to reappear in front of him ?", polaris asked serene,

"why should I tell you anything", serene shouted back to him,

"why, because, while I won't harm you, I will kill him", polaris said pointing towards, her partner,

serene looked down at her feet once more, she let out a disappointed sigh, Aster stopped at the top of the fire escape, his ears perked up, interested to hear her answer,

"i just happened to be in town on other business and decided to pay him a visit", Serene answered,

"oh what other business", polaris inquired,

however before serene could answer, Levant spoke up,

"that's enough Pol, lets leave", Levant stated to polaris,

"hold on Lev let her speak", Aster said,

"continue serene", Aster said,

"lets just say I 'm here looking for someone on behalf of the people I work for now", serene said,

"ohh I guess that's where you picked up that knife bending trick", Aster said,

"you can go now", Aster finished as he walked down the fire escape,

Serene picked up her partner, as he limped next to her holding his arm, serene looked back at the three boys that stood there as she stood at the edge of the rooftop,

"don't worry I'm sure I'll be seeing you boys soon", serene said, as she and her partner jumped down into the dark alleyway below,

Soon after the rooftop door flew open, hitting the wall and echoing loudly, As kyn walked through, his glasses foggy, and his teeth grinding on one another,

"ASTER", kyn shouted,

"ohh shit Kyn is pissed, I'm out", Levant said, running down the fire escpae,

"bye Kyn", the other two boys shouted in unison as they followed behind Levant,

"uggghh, those boys, I swear to Junorra, I'm gonna skin all four of them alive", Kyn said, slamming the rooftop door and walking back inside, instantly regaining his composure from before,

and with that the four boys left to head home.





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