Chapter 17: Reality & Morality
Polaris looked down at where Levant and Barak were standing, his eyes fixated on them, as he started his descent to where they were,
Barak and Levant realized that Polaris was heading towards them, Levant turned around so that he wouldn't be facing Polaris, he was trying to hide the huge grin that was across his face as he was pleased with what he had done, Barak on the other hand did no such thing he was looking straight at polaris with a smile across his face,
Polaris landed behind the two of them, he said nothing he just stood silently behind the two of them, his jaw was tightened, he clenched his teeth together, not even trying to hide how annoyed he was with them,
Levant looked at Barak, and, Barak looked back at levant, the two of them started to snicker to themselves until they burst out laughing, Polaris just stood there still silent,
"So Barak, this dude just ain't gonna tell us nothing ?", levant said pointing at Polaris,
Barak was hysterical, holding his hand to his head, laughing, "Polaris, you are something else", barak said all the while still laughing,
Both Barak and Levant looked back at polaris who was pointing his head up towards the sky,
"So you ain't gonna tell us nothing you glorified water bottle", levant asked polaris,
Polaris grinned, "YES, the two of y'all just gonna send a giant ass demon spawn in my direction, at me adalynn's child", Polaris shouted at them,
"I swear to junorra you two are pricks", he continued shouting,
"well the intruder got away so what's the plan now", levant questioned to the others,
"He didn't get away, you just didn't see when aster passed us to go after him", barak stated, pointing behind him,
The others looked behind him to see aster over the intruder, with their faced bashed in,
" He breathing ?" Polaris asked,
"Well, we'll find out when he drags him over here", barak answered,
"he still hasn't fully controlled that temper of his", Polaris replied,
A few minutes later, Aster was standing with the boys, holding the unconscious intruder by his neck, Aster threw him in the middle of where everyone was standing,
"how am I the youngest and yet still the most responsible one out of all of us ?", aster said,
"because you're an almost literal stick in the mud", Barak said,
"you need to loosen up a little, enjoy life to it's fullest", barak said,
"FUCK aster, seriously how are we gonna get information out of him now that he's like this", levant shouted at aster,
"shut the fuck up sparky, I did my job, unlike the rest of you", Aster said,
" woah, whose got you so worked up", Polaris said,
"probably still upset about that whole serene situation", Levant said,
"you better watch it before I throw some sand on that fire of yours", Aster said,
" want to go at it you fucking statue, cause i will roa....",levant got cut off,
"Okay now boys....I have a proposal for you", yumi butted in saying,
"I can teach you how to expand your powers into things you all haven't even imagined....don't Get me wrong you guys are unbelievably strong, for your age, but y'all powers lack creativity and flexibility, in a sense its to rigid" yumi explained to the boys,
"But in return I want you guys to give me your word that you will help me win the war in my country", she added on,
All four of the boys looked at each other grinning, they all knew that they were going to agree, regardless of what was asked of them
"So is there any where we can go for a Long period of time, we need enough space to train, and somewhere that we can interrogate him", she told them,
"Yeah, we call it the island, a smaller island off the coast of our main island that we have as our hideout, we'll head there", Aster told yumi,
"Aster you sure you wanna go there, I mean that's where you keep most of the your, personal, research", levant asked him,
"yeah I'm sure but first im gonna take this guy over here to a friend to figure out how they work", Aster said pointing over to where the giant laid with it's hand's and feet frozen,
"ME and pol gonna go make sure that there aren't anymore people around in the forest", levant said walking off with polaris,
"Okay I'll meet you guys there cause I'm gonna transport him underground", Aster stated, walking off towards the giant,
"okay, I'm pretty sure that when he says, 'figure out how they work', he means either torture or experiment, how are you guys okay with that, he may be a giant but he stills a living being", yumi asked, looking at barak for an answer,
"that's just how he is, he has a rule that he would never experiment on innocent people or those that do not provoke him, but that line stops at the people who would attack him, or any of his loved ones, plus he knows that what he's doing isn't 'morally' right, but the way I see it is, if he didn't decide to, that giant would've ended up dead anyways", Barak explained,
"what the fuck, that is messed up, you sure he's not the one with the ice blessing", yumi said,
"if you think that that is bad, you should meet the people who work for our countries leader, besides aren't you planning on 'asking', the person who just kidnapped you in a similar way", Barak said,
Yumi let out a small sigh of disappointment, "well, yes, but I just wasn't expecting this from any you, you four are a bit more ruthless than I anticipated", yumi said,
"really", Barak said amused,
"yes really", yumi said,
"I know that your guys are enforcers for your clan, with an impressive record to, but I thought that just entailed protection and bodyguard work for the merchants of your clan", yumi said,
"well in cases like me or Lev, that's what it usually is, we would get the order to take out specific targets every now and again, but in cases like Polaris, that would mean constant assassinations, advanced interrogations of enemies, spy work, and in Aster's case, subject experimentation, it's how we keep up in producing our armor and weapons for the clan", barak said,
"they damn near made the perfect soldiers", yumi said,
"hmph, not even close, Aster is the only one whose still an enforcer out of the four of us, so they consider that a failure", barak said,
"anyways, let's go, I'm getting hungry", barak said, walking off