Chapter 19: Waves Of Healing
Levant and Polaris had made their way into the city, it was late into the night now, most of the party goers were either gone or passed out drunk somewhere, the lights on the streets were dim, a few of the special enforcers roamed the streets, dressed in a variety of different clothes and styles, but they all had on the same colors a dull military grey, accented with orange. Levant and Polaris made their way from rooftop to rooftop, trying to avoid any prying eyes, until they made it all the way to the farthest part of the city, As they reached the last rooftop in the line Polaris came to a stop, he looked out over the warehouses below, the shine from their metal roofs softly reflected the moonlight, his eyes went past them to the harbor and just beyond that the ocean.
"what are you waiting for Pol", Levant asked, hanging on to the side of the building, he looked at Polaris, who seemed to be focused on something else entirely,
"So.... I'm going to head to my best friend, I told her that I would be dropping a while back", Polaris said, turning to head in a different direction than Levant,
Levant looked up at Polaris, his red eyes, seemed to get brighter, "sounds about right, she's the only person outside of us that you even want to be social with", Levant remarked,
"well I can't look to any of the three of you guys for moral guidance now can I, besides, my arm hurts and she and her sister are healers", Polaris retorted, chuckling slightly,
"says who I happen to be a very good person, though I can't help you in the healing department", Levant replied, his voice heavy with sarcasm,
"it's because of you that I need to be healed in the first place", Polaris said, chuckling again,
"I said I was sorry, how many more times do I need to apologize", Levant said, pulling himself back onto the rooftop, he looked at Polaris, he seemed relaxed now, less tense, as if he got comfortable with the weight he was carrying, he didn't seemed as wound up as earlier,
"relax Lev, I'm just messing with you", Polaris said, resting his hand on the handle of his sword, it's white handle and hilt, shined with a silver illumination in the moonlight,
"well I'm gonna head out then see you later", Levant said, using his flames to propel himself off of the rooftop and down into the harbor, Polaris, jumped of on another side of the building, and made his way to the water, jumping over the hand rails that stopped anyone from falling over the edge, As he landed in the water, the bubbles of air sounded as if they were in his ears as they popped and rose to the surface, travelling by water for him, was the fastest way to travel, he looked around in the water, due to his blessing, what should have been cold freezing water, without any light to see, felt as though he was taking a warm bath, while the sun was out, he could see all around him as clear as day, a few fish swam by, gently brushing against him, as if he weren't even there.
After around ten minutes, Polaris emerged out of the water, and onto a small shoreline, beyond it was a small cottage, with the lights still on surprisingly, he was on the outskirts of the city, but on the opposite side of the island o where he would normally go if he had to get home, this was well into the skovol territory, which is why he would usually travel by water to get here, he knew if he ran into any of the skovol mercenaries it would be a fight, without question. Polaris made his way up to the door of the cottage, he raised his hand to knock, but before he could do so the door opened. Out stepped Shade, her small frame hugged Polaris closely, she felt cold, which was surprising since Polaris was the one who had now gotten out of the ocean, her jet black curly hair hid her face, but Polais knew that she was happy to see him, she looked up at him, her mouth wasn't smiling but her pure white eyes were,
"I hate when you do that, how am I suppose to ever surprise you", Polaris said,
"You can't", shade said smiling from ear to ear, her bright and airy demeanor putting a slight smile on Polaris' face, she let him go turning around and slowly walking back through the door,
"So that means lité is here to", Polaris asked, pushing the door open a little further, walking into the house, inside was warm as usual, Polaris looked at the walls, they had vines growing from what seemed like out of the roof, that bloomed a flower that swirled with black and white in random patterns,
"Obviously, that my twin, we're never far apart from each other, you know that", shade said,
"Yo water can", a voice from inside one of the rooms shouted, there was some shuffling, he could here furniture being moved around, one of the doors flung itself open, out popped lite, covered in dust and a slight sweat, she was Shade's spitting image with only two visible changes, her hair was pure white and her eyes were jet black,
Polaris sighed ,"well I can't stay long", he looked down at the two of them,
"but we haven't seen you in weeks", Shade said, her smiling expression turning to a sad one,
"yeah I know, but this has do with lev, Rak, and aster, so its not much of a choice in the matter", Polaris said,
Shade let out a sigh of disappointment, as she crossed her arms, " fine, I know how it is when it comes to you and those three", shade said,
"ohh the four of you are together again, is everything all right", Lite asked,
"yeah, nothing life threatening, yet", Polaris said,
"Polaris, when it comes o you three it's always something life threatening", Lite said, walking over to the black couch that pressed up against one of the walls, it seemed full and bursting to he seams, but as Lite sat down in it she softly sunk into it,
"anyways, come on, lets get you healed up", Shade said, as she walked over to the wooden table, pulling out one of the chairs and tapping lightly on it,
"come on sit", She said, Polaris quietly walked over to the table, a small smile of annoyance on his face,
"I didn't tell you I was injured", Polaris said,
"Pol, look at your hand, your veins are so red it looks like someone lit a fire inside your body", Shade said, she took the hand that was poisoned and gently placed it on the table, she held over inspecting it, her hair falling into her face a bit, she pulled it back tucking the hair behind her ears, revealing a slightly pointed ear. Polaris' looked flustered, his ice cold eyes locked onto her as she inspected his injury,
"this should be a quick fix", Shade said, looking at Polaris now,
"that's great, you're the best shade", Polaris said, shade put her hand to her mouth, gently biting it until she drew blood, the blood trickled from her finger dropping onto the spot that was poisoned, soon a vine similar to the ones in the house grew out from the cut, the flowers quickly blooming on it, four or five of the black and white flowers sprang up, turning red instantly and then withering away, along with the vine,
"there you go", Shade said, wiping her hands together as if to clean off any imaginary dust or dirt on them,
"well then I guess I'll see you two around, I have to get going, the others probably want to know where I'm at", Polaris said, getting up from the chair and making his way to the door,
"Pol, what about my payment", Shade sai, pouting with her hands folded,
"next time when I come around", Polaris said making his way through the door,
"by the way, next time you can pass by the city hall, we may have some, open missions that we can give to you", lite shouted poking her head through the window, he gave her a wave good bye, before jumping into the water and disappearing from sight.
Out at sea two people in a boat watched a small island closely,
"well shit Ren got caught, it's a good thing you decided to put that tracking crystal on him, though it is odd that they took him off the island", the figure standing at the tip of the boat said,
" a hideout of theirs, maybe", the other figure who was laying down comfortably in the boat said,
"hmm, that is quite interesting", the standing figure answered,
"you know if you wanted to get her back why didn't you go yourself, things would've gone a lot smoother than how they are now, especially with your natural blessing", the laying figure questioned,
"Nope, the person in charge of that island is monstrously strong, albeit a small island, their leader, is one I consider to be one of the monsters of this world, so no we aren't going to step foot on that island till the time is right", The guy that was standing said,
"besides, her mind is made up, she see's me as the enemy, it doesn't matter what I do she won't come over to my side", the standing figure continued,
"oh, I know you're cautious, but for you to be actively avoiding someone, that person must really be dangerous", the person laying down said,
"more than dangerous, I've faced her once before, she is unbelievably strong, and her natural blessing is nothing to scoff at either", the standing figure said,
The guy standing, sat down and took up a blanket, well it's late, so I'm gonna sleep, all of them will be there come morning, night", he said to the other that was laying down already,
"What the..., your just gonna go sleep like that, some leader of the guild you are" the guy sitting said,
on the island
Levant sat on an old log close to the shore, he looked around taking in the familiar view, the pine trees were towering over the beach as usual, the waves crashed onto the sand with a familiar sound, it was like nothing on this island had changed at all, it was all the same, he kept making a fire in his hand and outing, over and over, again and again, he looked up to finally see Aster walking along the shore in his direction, the moonlight was bright enough for him to see Aster clearly, As Aster approached a figure appeared from the water onto the shore and began walking along side him, it was Polaris, Levant was surprised to see him get here so fast, he was sure he would've stayed with the twins longer,
"Its been a while since we've been here", Aster said, looking back at Polaris,
"yup it sure has been, by the way on my way here I passed under a boat, they don't normally get that close to here do they", Polaris said looking back at Aster, with Levant walking over to join them,
" i'm sure it's just a fisherman whose out late to catch some fish", Aster answered,
" always got an answer to everything Aster", levant said as he scoffed and looked away, he got up off the log, and starred at the pathway through the forest behind him,
" damn you need to stop being so bothered by what he does Lev", Polaris retorted,
"I'll stop being bothered when he stops being a smartass", Levant responded, kicking a rock out of his way,
"don't mind him Pol, the little fireball must just be hungry", Aster said,
"hell yeah I am, you guys took way to long to get here", Levant said,
"hey, we never told you to wait here for us, don't tell me, the little fireball is scared to walk through the dark forest by himself", Aster teased,
"please, I'd burn down the forest if that was case, besides you were the one scared of the dark when we were kids Aster", Levant said, summoning flames into his hand once more,
" I know you aren't scared, but geez do you have to get so irritable when you're hungry Lev", Aster said, causing the rock that Levant kicked away to come and hover into the palm of his hand,
"anyways I hope you're right about the boat Aster", Polaris commented, Looking behind him as they walked through the forest,
"even if I'm not we'll deal with it", Aster replied, the three of them walking off inland