The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 51: Arrival At The Plains

Aluric Opened his eyes, they felt heavy and sore from the last two restless days, he stared up at the end of the wooden ceiling in his office, the early rays of the morning sun greeted his eyes through the window above him, he had been crashing in his office for convenience at this point, He sat up rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, when he noticed his coat slid off of him and onto the ground, he gave a soft chuckle to himself picking it up,

'Jinnie must've pit this over me last night', Aluric thought to himself, he let out a long yawn, stretching his arms up to the ceiling.

"honestly what did I ever do to deserve such a friend", he said softly to himself. Pushing himself out of the sofa, he stood up looking out through the window of his office, the young rays of sun had just started to peak over the white stoned walls of the capital, the warm tingle of the sun's rays bathed Aluric's dark Olive skin, lighting up his red hair like a fire as it once did with his mother's hair. Off to the side of his view stood the Royal Palace, from here he had a direct line of sight to Prince Ea's Quarters, leaning over Aluric propped himself up on the windowsill, he gave one more look at th prince's room, then looked down, down below him at the front of the guild stood Pix and Kiara, who both looked up at him, kiara with a smile on her face and Pix a serious look on his. Unbeknownst to Aluric at the same Prince Ea was awake in his room standing at the large paned glass windows, looking across town at the Artemis Guild Hall, directly at Aluric's office, he wore a devilish grin on his face, he was fully dressed in his royal war attire, A blood red out vest lined with a golden trim with small rubies in the gold, under the vest he wore a black long sleeved shirt his neck adorned with a black chain, a deep red gem unlike the rubies in his vest hung from it, along with a black pants and boots to match his vest, Prince Ea turned around the two maids who wore armored gloves and boots opened the door to his chambers for him to exit, Ea sauntered through the door his hand gripping the black handle of the sword the swung on his hip. Aluric threw on his white and gold trench coat, turning his back on the window to the palace, as he walked through the door of his office,

somewhere else

Aster let out a loud yawn as he trudged slowly down the familiar forest pathway,

"hey Aster", Levant said placing his hand on Aster's shoulder,

"oh, yeah Lev, Whats up ?', Aster answered,

"so I've had a crazy idea for a while now, wanna hear it", Levant said, as his energy spiked at Aster's willingness to listen to him,

Polaris had just been walking in silence, staring at Barak's back the whole time, his mind went back to two days ago, when he had snapped at barak,

'ugghh, I really shouldn't had snapped at him, in hindsight he was right, but it just pisses me off when him or the others give me orders, I never tell them to do shit', Polaris thought to himself,

'but still doesn't stop the fact that barak was right, hell if I really think about zaraar was right also, I'm powerless in a fight if I don't use the techniques he taught me, uggghhh', Polaris grew frustrated in his thoughts,

his mind went back to the fight against aux,' dammit in that fight I was trying to fight without using Zaraar's damn techniques and look where it got me, I could've stayed in that damn cell if I'm just gonna be this useless all the time' Polaris continued to belittle himself in his own thoughts, and the more he did so, he could feel those cold chains, zaraar's chains, slowly wrap around his body pulling him in closer to the abyss, to a place where he knew he would never be able to recover from,

"Pol, HEY, POL, you in there", Polaris heard, snapping out of his deep thoughts,

" I've been shouting out your name for a while now", Barak said, standing completely still in front of him,

"don't tell me you've gotten cold feet at the last second, though that would be ironic for you", Levant shouted out, taking pause from his explanation to Aster,

"dude you've been standing still, for the last five minutes, is everything okay", Barak asked,

Polaris stood there, he slowly inhaled and then let out an even slower exhale, "yeah , yeah I'm fine now, I've just been thinking about some stuff", Polaris answered, walking pass barak,

"That's kinda worrisome don't cha think", barak said to Polaris,

" what is ?", Polaris asked,

"you just spacing out like that, it's kinda worrisome", barak said,

"well I'm fine now", Polaris said, forcing a slight smile on his face, as he picked up the pace he was walking at. For the next couple of minutes, Barak and Polaris continued on in silence, while Levant was listing in detail, to aster, the idea he had come up with, until they came to the opening to the plains,

"well we're here now all we do is wait", Barak said,

"hmm I wonder why Amon asked us to take the forest path, when he and the rest of the army are taking the mountainside", Aster pondered,

" I can't begin to tell you why he had us do that, all I can say is I can't get a read on him, he seems genuine in what he wants but it feels as though he is keeping a lot hidden from those closest to him", Levant chimed in saying,

"well we can ask him when he gets here", barak said, reaching into his pocket, and pulling out a joint, putting it to his mouth, a small spark came from his finger tips, lighting the end of the joint,

"shit man when do you have time to roll those things", aster shouted, as Levant just laughed at how worked up Aster got at Barak,

"wait, where the hell is Pol ?", Aster stopped and asked, Barak simply pointed his finger upwards, and as the other two boys panned their vision upwards, what they saw was Polaris sitting comfortably in a tree,

"well I'm taking a seat, so you two don't disturb me ", Barak stated, taking a seat at the foot of the tree, that Polaris sat in,

As he sat there with his feet crossed in a meditative position, you could feel the air slightly change around him as a strange pressure began emitting off of him, and soon after bolts of Lightning began running up and down his entire body and he began emitting a blue light off of himself,

"well that's new", Levant stated in a bit shock,

"honestly I'm not even surprised at things like this anymore", Aster said,

sometime later

Amon and the other rebel forces appear coming across the plains, Levant peaks his head out from within the tree line signaling Amon, yumi and Bard,

They eventually made their way over to where the boys were located,

"took you guys long enough to get here", Levant said, you could here the extreme sass in his voice,

"yeah I had my reasons", Amon answered,

"by the way can you guys explain to me what the fuck is that", Amon asked, pointing up to the sky,

Levant looked up, and what his eyes saw shocked him, the sky which was bright and sunny when they arrived was now extremely over cast with some extremely gray clouds,

"oh, oh, that's gotta be Barak", Levant stated, the look of shock plastered all over his face,

"what do you mean by that ?", Amon asked, but all levant could do was point to barak who was a little ways behind him,

Barak was still sitting in the same position all this time, but the lightning that was coming off of him had stopped a while ago, what was seen now was his veins had a feint white glow to them, as if they were filling with energy, and Aster was now sitting next to him in the same position,

"and Aster what are you doing ?", Amon asked,

"trying to figure out how to power up like him, but he said not to disturb him so I'm trying to learn by watching and mimicking", Aster answered,

"wow just wow", Amon said, holding down his head in disappointment,

"come on Aster you of all people should know that isn't going to work", Yumi said as she walked up behind Amon,

"well one can hope", Aster said, getting up from next to Barak,

"so what's our next move since were all gathered here now, (by the way where's bard)", Aster asked,

" well now we wait, until that forsaken bastard called my bro….", Amon was cut off,

As they all felt a strong rumbling coming from the direction of the capital, they rushed to the forest line to see what was happening, but what greeted their eyes they weren't ready for,

What they saw was a portion of the giant wall that surrounded the Capital city of Dracht, slowly descend into the ground, and the lower it got began to slowly reveal a person standing behind the wall,


It was Aluric, and behind him stood a sea of soldiers clad in white and red armor, with the front row holding white flags, with a red D with dragon wings on it, as they began to march forward,




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