Chapter 53: Ogura's Comet
Polaris looked on at Amon, up on top of the large boulder rallying his troops to what Polaris was certain was a foolish battle, he looked at the overwhelming numbers that Aluric had gathered, he wasn't even sure that him and the others could take on that huge army and hold out, he let out a soft sigh.
"it's beginning", Polaris said as he sat in the tree, Below Aster got up from his seat,
"well I guess it's time to go", Aster said, stretching his arm out to his side, the ground beneath his palm parted giving way to his war hammer as it slowly rose and flew into Aster's hand, "Lev Let's go, and hope that this crazy plan of yours works", Aster said,
Polaris jumped out of the tree he was sitting in, "what are you two up to", he asked, Resting his hand on his swords handle,
"oh we're just trying out something I came up with", Levant answered, he could barely be heard over the loud war cry of the rebel army as the charged forward,
"guess you're with barak again Pol", levant said, Aster dropped the head of his hammer into the ground, with a loud aggressive rumble two short pillars shot out at an angle beneath Aster and Levant's feet, launching them from the tree line into the air over the charging army.
at the front of the rebel army
Aluric lead the charge with his sword drawn, but before he could do anything, a shadow flew over him, and soon after Aster landed in front of the charging rebel army,
"yeah sorry guys but I'm going to have to stop you there", Aster said,
Resting his hammer on his shoulder as he stood up, and what followed after he stopped the charging rebel army in their tracks, was a large wall made of earth dwarfing the rebel army in tenfold appeared before them separating them from Aster and Levant.
"what are you doing ?" Amon asked as he came to a halt, slamming his fist on the wall,
"yeah that's for your protection", Aster said, as a wicked smirk painted itself across his face,
" You ready Lev", aster asked,
" I'm always ready", Levant responded, as he appeared next to aster,
"well off you go then", Aster said, raising his hammer into the sky, he dropped it into the earth using as much strength as he could muster, and with a thunderous sound, the ground cracked and split open spitting out large pillar of earth below Levant's feet, it shot into the air at violent speeds, the force pushing Levant to his knees as he rose high into the sky. The force rocketed him high into the air, so high that, he saw well past the mountains behind him and way past the Dracht capital, but soon he began to slow down,
as Levant began to slow down he looked down at the pillar of earth that flew up there with him, the with a rapid speed he began his decent to the ground,
"lets scorch these bitches", Levant said to himself, pulling out his guns, and firing a volley of fiery bullets into the pillar of earth causing it to crumble to pieces,
"now for the main show", levant said as he began twisting and spinning his body in the air, he was also propelling himself with fire while wrapping himself and the pieces of the pillar in it, until he was fully covered,
"AERIAL COMBAT: OGURA'S COMET", Levant shouted, as his flames made contact with the ground,
"SHIELDS UP", Aluric shouted across the battlefield, But it was already to late, with a thunderous and devasting sound it was as if the sky had opened up and the gods had rained own judgment on those on the battlefield, on the eastern side of the battlefield large molten chunks of earth rained down from above exploding on impact ad leaving large craters in their wake, as the main piece landed on the front part of the Dracht army, burnt bodied flew into the air, those who didn't die from the impact screamed and fell to their knees in excruciating pain from the heat of the fire, only to then die, As most of the dust settled the earth appeared scorched black as tar and filled with bone and ash. Levant was no where to be found near the largest of the craters, the impact had sent him careening into the forest.
"wha...what the hell was that ?" Amon asked, a look of panic washing over his face,
"that was the reason we needed the wall", Aster answered abruptly, Letting out a worried sigh, "I hope he's alright", placing his hand on the wall it began to recede into the ground again. Aluric looked on in shook at the sight of what had just happened, he leaned over gripping onto the railing of the tower, inside the tower the comm crystals began lighting up as reports began flooding in,
"Master Aluric", an adventurer said, "we've lost around a quarter of our forces", Aluric let loose of his grip on the railing, taking a deep breath he regained his composure,
"tell our supporters in tower two to give medical aid to the eastern part of the forces, prioritize those who can be healed quickly so they can rejoin the fight", Aluric commanded,
"Master aluric, Lieutenant commander Ashti was caught in the middle of the explosion, he's gone sir, but only around half of his battalion was wiped out the rest are fighting fit", another adventurer reported,
"Kiara is taking charge of that section, have them follow here lead", Aluric said,
"Yes sir", the adventurer said, turning the dials on the orange comm crystal to radio the troops.
"Aren't you going to go check on him", Amon asked, stepping forward to Aster and sheathing his sword, the rebel army had already charged ahead of the two of them,
"I wish I could but, I'm afraid I'm going to have my hands full for a while", Aster explained, As the wall went into the ground the sound of a chain could be heard, and out of the cloud of smoke and ash caused by Levant, a sword with a golden chain attached to it came flying in Aster's direction,
'KLANG', the sound of metal clashing against each other rang out, as aster blocked the incoming sword with his war hammer, and without giving him an instance to relax, the sword changed it's direction, causing the chain to wrap itself around Aster's Hammer, and the sword sticking into the ground below him, as the smoke and ash cleared away Kiara along with serene and several other Women came out of it, glaring at Aster,
"Get focused Amon, we have a plan to execute, so you and Yumi get going, I'll take care of them", Aster shouted at Amon,
"Ri...Right, Yumi lets get going", Amon said as he began to run off into the Dracht Army, followed closely by yumi and the rebel army,
"Bard you're in charge, keep that army in check ", Amon shouted to bard, who stood behind Aster,
Aster let out a deep sigh," you know I'm use to being the tank when it's just the four of us, so you don't need to worry about me big guy I can handle myself", Aster said to Bard,
"I know you can so imma leave you to it, plus it's been a while since I was able to let loose", Bard said confidently turning to the Rebel forces who were still stopped in their tracks,
"all of you move as fast as possible on the flank that Levant just took out, take down any injured or any stragglers as you approach the main army fight close to each other and move as one unit", Bard ordered to the rebel army,
"YESSIR", they shouted out as they moved swiftly on their orders,
"as for me I'll handle the other side", Bard said,
"and how will you do that ?", Aster asked, while dodging the incoming knives thrown by serene,
" were barely able to handle yumi in a sparring match the other day", Aster continued,
"well for one that was sparring, and two, I didn't have these with me", Bard answered, turning around and walking towards the other side of the battlefield, his hands dropped to his side, and what he held in them were two identical blades, shaped like a butchers knives, only they were each almost the same size as bard himself, their body was a dark green with holes running along the back of the swords and the sharp edges were a dull gray, the long curved handles were black and at the ends of each were a bright golden pummel with a flame insignia etched into them,
"whoa, what the hell are those things you have in your hand", Aster asked, as he marveled in amazement, slightly distracted from the fight in front of him by the share amount of divine energy he could feel emitting off of those two swords,
"oh these Divine Weapons, forged by the gods themselves", Bard answered,
"by the way don't get to distracted by what you're about to witness", Bard said, as a knife flew close to Aster's face,
however the next events took kiara and her corps by surprise,
A ominous green aura began to pour off of Bard, they could feel the air run cold, it become heavier to breathe, and the wind felt as ice, looking at Bard felt as though they could see the face of the devil himself, and without notice Bard leaped forward, and soon after his first victim followed, blodd flew though the air, followed by the severed upper half of the soldier's body, which landed close by kiara's feet,
That's when she felt it, the chain she was so proud to obtain had the same fire insignia on it as Bard's swords, and she could feel it being drawn to them,