Chapter 56: The Scars Of Guilt
Grahm ran through the blood soaked battlefield, the further he went the more rebellion soldiers he had been dodging or cutting down, the rebellion soldiers had done it, they had made themselves a serious threat, while Dracht had the numbers, the quality of fighter for the rebellion outmatched theirs by a large margin which showed itself by the large amount of soldiers they had taken out already, and they only grew bolder by the moment. A thunderous crash rang throughout the battlefield, looking above the sea of people and weapons Garhm saw a large dust cloud, plume into the air, one of the towers had fallen, Aluric's tower had fallen.
'He's the strongest out of all of us he wouldn't fall that easily, in fact knowing him he willingly sacrificed that tower to get to something he wanted', grahm thought, pulling his sword from the stomach of a rebellion soldier, he stepped over the lifeless body searching through the wave of enemies he was now surrounded by,
'shit I pushed to deep, now I'm surrounded, but this should make it easier to find zack', grahm had been thinking about his long lost friend now turned enemy for a while now, what would he say, would he call him a traitor like all the others, would he spout hateful words into his face, or, would he somehow forgive him for all the atrocities he had committed, absolve him of his sins so he, so they could start anew.
The air around Grahm grew hot, a bright warm light filled the air above him, and the soldiers had parted, moving away from surrounding him. A stream of flames rained down from above bathing where grahm stood in fire, jumping out of the way Grahm had barely escaped the surprise attack, he held both of his swords in front of him, twin black swords, from the blade to the hilt, even the handle was black, each sword had a purple gem imbedded within the hilt, drawing anyone's attention to them. The attack had disrupted Grahm's train of thought, anger now filled the forefront of his mind, alert and looking at his surroundings he only saw the rebellion soldiers surrounding him slowly their weapons drawn,
'where did that come from', Grahm said, but the soldiers gave no response, only stopping when a shadow descended from the sky, im front of him stood an unfamiliar face, one filled with excitement in their eyes, the coat he wore was burnt barely hanging on to his body,
"well I guess that I'm your opponent for the time being", Levant shouted, the flames enveloping his hands slowly dying out, Levant looked down at his opponent, silver hair, a scar on his jaw, black where the whites of his eyes should be and black swords with a purple gems in them,
"Grahm, am I right", Levant said, taking out both of his guns from in their holsters,
"and who are you ?". Grahm asked, standing up to look his opponent in his eyes, his grip tightened on his swords, a feeling he knew all to well, the anxiety and anticipation before you and your opponent enter battle,
"the name's Levant, the person who took out a good size of your army earlier", Levant gloated, pushing his thumb into his own chest, a smile running across his face, "and the person whose here to stop you where you stand",
Grahm looked on at Levant, this smiling, happy, unserious goof of a person couldn't be the person who just decimated and incinerated all of those lives earlier, the person who just tried to kill him now wore such an innocent smile on his face, while grahm had been tormented by all the lives he took and all the wrong doings he committed to get where he was today,
"now that I think about it, you were a part of the ones were stopped in the capital a couple days ago, if I had known you were such a threat I would've disobeyed orders and slayed you right there and then", Grahm said, his mood growing more foul each passing moment he looked at Levant, pulling his hand up from his side he pointed one of his swords towards Levant, walking forward until the tip pressed against his throat,
"stopped, slayed, that's funny", levant said, slightly chuckling to himself,
"is everything happening here a joke to you, do you not take the lives of your allies or your enemies seriously, those were people you incinerated earlier, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, burnt to cinders and ash by you and here you are laughing and smiling as though you didn't take multiple lives", Grahm shouted, his hand trembling with rage, he held his head down unable to look his opponent in the eyes any longer.
"those lives that are lost today aren't a joke, I'll give you that, but, do you know what is, traitorous scum like you, that work for greedy bastards like Aluric, this is a pointless war fought for gods know what reasons, and yet you join the people who invade and destroy you're home, I guess you really are a traitor, a villain rotten to you're core", Levant said, Grahm looked up again, the smile on Levant's face carried a different meaning now entirely, it was full of arrogance, disdain and disgust at what he was looking at.
"why would you say that", Grahm questioned, as the two men stared down each other,
"well I had a long talk with your old buddy Zack", Levant stated,
"slaughtering all the royal guards, and while most were asleep at that, that's cold blooded and cowardly, and yet you drone on about valuing life when you didn't have the decency to let those people know who ended theirs ", Levant stated,
"What would you know", Grahm shouted out, dashing forward at Levant, Swinging his blades at him, but he struck air, propelling himself into the air, levant focused his aim on Grahm, three bullets shot out at Grahm, however they were met with the black steel of Grahm's swords, Landing on the ground levant moved in circling Grahm, he had realized it earlier that he had the speed advantage, Levant kept circling him, not letting Grahm catch up with his movements, he fired several more bullets towards Grahm, but all were met with his swords.
"what the hell, it's like he has eyes in the back of his head or something", Levant thought to himself, making his movements as erratic as possible,
"you had a lot of talk, but you're moves are predictable", Grahm taunted to levant,
"NOW IT'S MY TURN", Grahm said, Levant looked around in all possible directions, shocked, Grahm had disappeared right before his eyes, "above you", Grahm said,
Levant looked up, only to be met with two swords baring down on him, raising his guns, he barely managed to protect himself against the blow from Grahm, the force of which sent him careening backwards into the ground, Grahm landed his eyes filled with a deep contempt for his enemy, slowly he drew in his breath and slowly he exhaled, readying his swords. Levant pushed himself to his feet, now a few feet away from where he once stood, a sting on his forehead pulled his attention, wiping his fingers across it, he looked down at them to see blood on his hands.
"I guess I should start taking you seriously", levant said raising his gun and aiming it at Grahm
"And I think you aren't as good as you think you are", Grahm answered, pointing his sword towards Levant,
"I can't argue with you there, fighting up close and personal has never been my forte", Levant said, moving to the side of Grahm again, "this is much more comfortable for me", Levant continued,
Like how you're comfortable being a coward and killing your comrades in their sleep", Levant exclaimed, Grahm's ear's pricked up at the accusation made by his enemy, he wondered just how much information, the person who stood in front of him knew,
"you know nothing of what happened or why I did what I did", grahm explained,
"Really, then please ENLIGHTEN ME", Levant said, flames bursting at the bottom of his feet, launching him in the air, he focused his aim on Grahm, with an explosion two bullets were let loose on grahm, and again they were blocked by Grahm.
"Well then let me enlighten you", Grahm said, throwing one of his swords at Levant. Levant saw the incoming sword, his first instinct, a wall of fire erupted in front of him, causing the airborne sword to go flying back where it came from, becoming stuck in the ground, as the flames dissipated, Grahm appeared above levant, spinning his body violently to gai momentum, his other blade struck down at Levant, this time it worked, levant had bee to slow to react, to slow to block the incoming attack, Grahm's sword had left a cut on his half raised arm, the diagonal slash began to rip through a part of his side, but, before the slash could be completed, a violent torrent of flames erupted from levant, Rocketing Him and Grahm towards the ground in opposite directions.
As they both landed with a loud THUD, Grahm was the first one to struggle to his feet, part of his long sleeved white shirt was now burnt away, leaving severe burns on his arm and his body, with some spots bleeding,
" you don't know the burden I live with, if not for me Zack and his entire family would have been slaughtered, I did what I had to do", Grahm exclaimed,
Levant stumbled to his feet, his coat now completely off of his body leaving him shirtless ,blood leaking down his side and his arm, as his other arm held the wound on the side of his body, a small sizzling sound could be heard, as the foul stench of burning flesh filled the air around Levant, the large gash inflicted upon him was seared closed,
"if...if you really believed that that was your only choice,,,,then why", Levant said, as his breathing became laboured due to the pain he inflicted on himself,
"why what ?", grahm questioned,
"why did you run away...why not explain yourself to Zack or his father ...the king of Argon, if you asked me I would say you were horrified at what you did, terrified of your own potential, and if that's the case, you joined up with Aluric because you say the same darkness in them as you did yourself", Levant proclaimed,
Grahm took a step back, his face twisted, Levant's words echoing in his mind, he held his head, violently shaking it,
"No, no, no, you know nothing", Grahm shouted, lunging forward, with one sword in hand, as he dashed forward, picking up the other, Levant stretched out his injured arm, as his gun came flying into his hand,
"lets settle this", Levant said, rushing forward to Grahm,
the two meeting in the middle, as grahm began to tell the story of the events that led him here,
a couple years ago in the Argon kingdom
Grahm awoke out of his sleep in a cold sweat, it was the dead of the night, the barracks were quiet, he sat at the edge of the bed, he couldn't sleep, as he finished putting his shirt on he reached for his sword, which rested next to the window which had the castle in view, he peered through the window at what was the princes room, for so late in the night it was full of light,
"that idiot must be up late again", Grahm said to himself as he left the room, he entered into the hallway, lit by torches, their flickering flames gave off a comforting and warm feeling, making his way to the spiraled staircase that led up to the courtyard, as he made his way up the stairs, he heard voices causing him to stop,
"yes, we will do it the night after tomorrow, I placed all those who agree with me on watch, we will take the king's life first, then the prince, the queen is of no threat, hell I might even take the bitch for myself", the voice said, as the other voices laughed at the first one comments,
grahm recognized the voice, it was the commander of the royal army, before grahm did anything, he placed his hand over his mouth to stiffle his breathing,
"but commander, are you sure they suspect nothing", the next voice spoke up,
"I'm confident, not even grahm, suspects anything and he spends most of the day with me, I'm just tired of the king treating us soldiers like shit, he takes the wives of married men, and then condemns innocent men, I took a mans head today because he dared to steal bread, I took the poor soul's head and the head of his son, the boy couldn't be anymore than twelve, then that fat bastard took the wife back to his chambers, he deserves everything we give to him", the commander spoke,
"your preaching to the choir commander, he not only took my wife, but had the audacity to do it while I was guarding his chambers that night, and to my surprise the queen walked out of that very room, I should have killed the lot of them right there and then, so In my eyes the royal bitch deserves what her husband gets too", the next voice spoke angrily, as glass could be heard breaking, Grahm slouched down on the step shocked at what he heard, but what was said next solidified what he had to do,
"still it's a shame that we have to kill the prince, he's a good kid, he's nothing like those parents of his, but they're still his parents, we can't risk the possibility of him seeking revenge", the commander said,
"guess that means you'll have to get rid of that protoge of your, he and the prince are best friends and you also put him as the prince's personal bodyguard", the other voice reasoned,
"it'll be a shame but I guess you're right grahm will have to die", the commander decided,
Grahm, held up his head slightly peaking over the edge of the courtyard floor, to his surprise, it was not only the commander, but also the vice-commander, the trainer of the royal guards, and about twelve other high ranking soldiers, standing around a fire, drinking and talking,
Grahm quickly slipped away back to his quarters,
that night he did not sleep a wink, as he stayed awake all the way into the following night, throughout the day he had thought of many ways to deal with this situation, but the one he settled on was to kill them himself as they weren't on duty that night,
As night fell, Grahm was now on the wall patrolling, it was in the dead of the night when the clouds covered the moon that he made his move, he sneaked into the barracks, slaughtering all of them in their sleep, and razing the barracks to the ground
by the morning Grahm had already left the kingdom,
shifting back to the fight
" I felt betrayed by those I looked up to, those closest to me, sure they had a shitty king, but they swore their fealty to the throne, a throne that they so easily betrayed", grahm exclaimed, swinging his sword at levant, but cleaving nothing but air, Levant dodged his strike, getting behind him, he fired a bullet from his gun, it flew forward, sinking itself into Grahm's side, the wound burnt red hot, Grahm turned around, launching his sword at Levant again, darting to the opposite side of the sword he threw,
"you think that'll work on me again", Levant said, Holstering his guns, the skin from his fingertips grew a bright cherry red, traveling up his arms, veins bursting to the surface of his skin, the heat grew onto his chest, his eyes burning a bright red, burning with passion,
"VOLCANIC STAR: ENHACNER", Levant shouted, Blue flames flooded from levant, scorching and swallowing everything in every direction, Grahm dug his swords into the ground bl;ocking the flames that pushed his way, the black blades grew to a bright red, the heat alone caused the purple gems to crack, the white coat he had on was now reduced to ash, burns seared all over his body as he withstood the onslaught of fire.
As the flames subsided the ground itself cried, streams of steam rose from the ground from bright red veins of fire that had been carved into it, the blood soaked grass had disappeared in the area surrounding levant, and any unfortunate soldiers who were caught up in the attacked were reduced to smoldering pile of ash, all who witnessed what had happened were shaken to their core and looked on with a horror on their face,
the battlefield was laid to waste by powerful flames, the earth itself scarred from the attack, the farthest reaches of Levant's attack left the charred bodies of unfortunate soldiers who couldn't escape it, with the foul revolting smell of burnt human flesh and insides, and Levant who stood there in the middle of all of this destruction, his bright red eyes trained on grahm
"he's a monster, the devil himself, Thaine incarnate", the soldiers shouted out,
Levant now stood over Grahm, severe burns strewn all over his body,
"you did what you did and couldn't live with the guilt, and now you attack that very home you bloodied your hands for, if you ask me, you don't know what the fuck you want", Levant said,
Grahm struggled to his feet, his legs wobbly, his breathing heavy, "well it doesn't matter now, the artemis guild is were I belong to now, and its my duty to fight for it", Grahm weakly said
"if that's your choice so be it", Levant answered as he pointed the gun to Grahms forehead,
"levant, I'll take it from here", they both heard as, a hand rested on Levant's shoulder, levant looked behind him he was met with Zack's smiling face,