Chapter 48: Chapter 48 Hosting Dance Contest Reward Ceremony
Saturday, December 30, 2034.
Snake People's Planet, Snake People Empire Capital, Dance Club, 16:00 p.m.
Morgana in white silk long gown with intricate pattern and gold lace sat between fragrant sea and water strand, looking through rising stream unto the stage with soothing music and entertaining dance, where rose petals fluttered like butterflies, snakes formed an intricate snakes pattern, and Remi danced with flowers and snakes.
"Thank you for entertaining me. You are the most beautiful rose of all scarlet roses. You are the most powerful snake of all venomous snakes. You are the best dancer of all brilliant dancers. You dancing with flowers and snakes have performed for the audiences with beauty, elegance and romance. Your score would be 9.98."
Morgana said in a peaceful tune, judging Remi's dance. She was entertained by Remi dancing with flowers and snakes, impressed by the scene that rose petals fluttered like petal rain, dancing like butterflies. She enjoyed watching Remi's dance, admired her beauty, and understood her feelings.
'I witnessed rose petals fluttered like petal rain, dancing through hot spring water over the stage like butterflies. I witnessed snakes crawled through hot spring water unto the stage, dancing with music pace. I witnessed Remi in red dancing gown with ruffle danced with music pace, dancing with flowers and snakes.'
Medusa in green silk long gown with snakeskin pattern sat by the queen's right side, looking through rising steam unto the stage with soothing music and entertaining dance, where rose petals rippled hot spring water, snakes formed an intricate snakes pattern, and Remi stood on the central stage.
"Thank you for entertaining me. Rose petals fluttered over the stage like petal rain, swirling over the stage like butterflies. Snakes crawled around the stage, dancing with music pace. You dancing with flowers and snakes have performed for the audiences with beauty, elegance and romance. Your score would be 9.96."
Medusa said in a gentle tune, judging Remi's dance. She was impressed by the scene that rose petals fluttered over the stage like petal rain, swirling over the stage like butterflies, surprised by the scene that snakes formed an intricate snakes pattern, dancing with music pace, and entertained by Remi dancing with flowers and snakes.
'I felt heartbeat, because I witnessed rose petals fluttered like petal rain, swirling over the stage like butterflies. I felt heartbeat, because I witnessed snakes raised their heads with venomous teeth, dancing with music pace. I felt heartbeat, because I witnessed Remi dancing with flowers and snakes.'
Morgana sat at shallow hot spring water, looking unto the stage with the view of petal rain, snakes pattern, and beauty in red fitted dancing gown with ruffle. Rose petals fluttered like petal rain, rippling hot spring water. Snakes formed an intricate snakes pattern, laying around the stage. Remi in red dancing gown with ruffle stood on central stage, smiling like blooming scarlet rose.
"The average score would be your final score. Your final score would be 9.97. Petal rain would be romantic, snake dance would be elegant, and dancing with flowers and snakes would be beautiful. Shining on the stage for one minute requires dancer practising dance for ten years. Perseverance is one of characteristics for a great dancer. Protect it, embrace it. You are gonna be proud of it one day. I promise you."
Morgana said in a peaceful tune, offering her judgement. She hadn't known Remi before, but from her dance, she could fell that Remi must be a beautiful, elegant and romantic lady. She witnessed rose petals swirling like butterflies, snakes forming snakes pattern, and Remi dancing with flowers and snakes, knowing Reminded's outer beauty, inner beauty, elegance and romance.
'Outer beauty is about appearance that fades by time. Remi in red fitted dancing gown with ruffle appears as if she was the most scarlet rose of all scarlet roses. Her outer beauty is like a scarlet rose that blooms for a season. Inner beauty is about the heart and mind that increase charms by time. Remi dancing with flowers and snakes has performed for the audiences with mercy, kindness, love, elegance and romance. Her inner beauty is like her dance that increases charms by time.'
Remi in red fitted dancing gown with ruffle stood on central stage, listening to the queen and president's comments. She faced upon azure surface, looked unto her shadow in the water, and checked her dressing. She slightly raised her head, looking through rising steam unto the audiences.
"Thank you for watching, comments and appreciation. Rose petals fluttered like petal rain, swirling over the stage like butterflies. Because there's monsoon passing through fragrant sea unto the stage. Snakes formed an intricate snakes pattern, laying on the stage. Because one hundred snakes are my companions. I enjoyed dancing with flowers and snakes. Because dancing with flowers and snakes is a kind of great joy."
Remi said in a peaceful tune, sharing her feelings. As monsoon came with fragrance, she danced with music pace, dancing with flowers and snakes. As monsoon left with fading steam, she left the stage, leaving with flowers and snakes. Rose petals fluttered down hot spring, rippling hot spring water. Snakes crawled back fragrant sea, resting among scarlet roses. She left the stage, coming back audience area.
'As monsoon came with fragrance, drifting through fragrant sea unto the stage, rose petals fluttered like petal rain, swirling over the stage like butterflies, snakes woke up from sweet dreams, dancing with music pace, and I danced under petal rain, dancing with flowers and snakes. As monsoon left with fading steam, drifting through the stage unto fragrant sea, rose petals fluttered down hot spring, rippling hot spring water, snakes crawled back fragrant sea, resting among scarlet roses, and I felt a kind of great satisfaction, after dancing with flowers and snakes.'
Morgana in white silk long gown with intricate pattern and gold lace faced upon azure surface, looked unto her shadow in the water, and checked her dressing. She stood up, walking through hot spring water unto the stage. She stood on the central stage, looking through rising steam unto the audiences.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It's with a great pleasure that I announce the champion of Dance Contest would be Remi. Congratulations! You have become the champion of Dance Contest. Your dance would be the most popular dance, and you would be the most popular and the most famous dancer in Snake People Empire. I saw beauty, elegance and romance in you. Beauty, elegance and romance would lead you to an incandescent future. It's a beautiful future. Don't destroy it. Protect it, embrace it. You are gonna be proud of it one day. I promise you. Remi. Please come up the stage."
Morgana said in a peaceful tune, announcing the result of Dance Contest. She raised her pale and slender hand, making a hand gesture of invitation. She smiled like blooming water lotus, knowing she would not forget today's pleasant memory that's filled with pleasure, delight and joys.
'I smiled, because Remi have become the champion of Dance Contest, and I feel happy for Remi's triumphant achievement. I smiled, because Dance Contest have been concluded successfully, and I feel happy for the conclusion of Dance Contest. I smiled, because seven dancers have performed their dances with pleasure, delight and joys, and I feel their pleasure, delight and joys.'
Remi in red fitted dancing gown with ruffle stood up, crawling through hot spring water unto the stage. She stood by the queen's left side, looking through rising steam unto the audiences. She saw her six sisters smiling upon her, and smiled with dimples like blooming scarlet rose.
"I'm over the clouds with this honor of champion of Dance Contest. Being honored as the champion of Dance Contest is not my one person's victory, it's everybody's victory. I would like to thank the queen, for giving me this honor to shine on the stage. I would like to thank president, for guiding amusement industry move forward a prosperous future. I would like to thank the audiences, for giving me faith to carry on my career as a dancer. I would like to thank my sisters, for practising dance with me in daily life."
Remi said in a sensitive tune, expressing her acknowledgement. She smiled like blooming scarlet rose, smiling upon azure surface, where surface reflected her pretty face with gentle smile. Her smile was attractive as blooming scarlet rose and gentle as majesty monsoon. Someone saw her smile, would feel majesty monsoon.
'I smiled, because I'm over the clouds with this honor of champion of Dance Contest that's given by the queen. I smiled, because the honor of champion of Dance Contest would always encourage me, and remind me of that I could make it with diligence and perseverance. I smiled, because I would make more beautiful things in the future.'
Morgana stoodon the central stage, looking unto hot spring with azure surface, where surface reflected their shadows in the water. She faced upon azure surface, looked unto her shadow, and checked her dressing. She slightly raised her head, looking through rising steam unto the audiences.
"We have witnessed Penelope dancing with snake. We have witnessed Grace dancing in snake form with her companion. We have witnessed Brielle dancing with seven king cobras. We have witnessed Gianna, Yara and Olivia dancing Three Snakes Ladies. We have witnessed Remi dancing with flowers and snakes. It's with a pleasure that I announce Dance Contest has been concluded successfully!"
Morgana said in a peaceful tune, announcing the conclusion of Dance Contest. She raised her pale and slender hand, pointing at the distance, where majesty monsoon came with fragrance, passing through fragrant sea unto the stage. She smiled like blooming water lotus, knowing she would not forget today's pleasant memory that's filled with pleasure, delight and joys.
'I smiled, because I came, I saw, and I encountered seven dancers here. I smiled, because I watched seven dancers performing their dances, and their dances filled my today's memory with pleasure, delight and joys. I smiled, because I'm gonna continue walking on the journey, to explore many places, to meet many faces, and to learn many experiences.'