The Revolution Of Our Youth (The End of Dystopia)

Chapter 6: Chapter 6, Can Money Buy Happeniess?

Omar and Hasan agreed to meet at the weekend, Maher didn't reach out to his friends and they couldn't get in touch with him.

Omar:" Hey, Hasan over here!"


Omar:" I'm good, no need to yell Hasan."

Hasan:"Sorry, I just missed you so much"

Omar: "It's ok, I missed you too"

Hasan: "So, how's your life now, is it true that money can't buy happeniness, were you happier before ?"

Omar : "Very funny".

Hasan:" No seriously, I want an honest answer from you, you experienced both, you were a poor orphane, you grew up on your uncle's charity, now you're a manger, you have enough money to buy me dinner which I'm very thankful for, so tell me do you think that money can buy happeniness?"

Omar:" Wait who said I'm buying you dinner?"

Hasan:" Come on stop changing the subject! Just answer the question."

Omar: " I don't know, in a way money does make things better, it makes life easier, more comfortable, it can indeed solve some problems, like debt, education, health problems, everyone gets sick but not everyone can afford to pay for medications, so in a way yes, it can make you happier"

Hasan: " Finally! A rich man admitted that money does buy happiness."

Omar: "No, I didn't say that it can buy happiness, I said it can make you happier, to be happy in the first place is a different thing"

Hasan: "It's the same thing!"

Omar: "No it's not!"

Hasan: "Anyway, I'll have a pizza and a salad, what will you have?"

Omar: " I don't know, I'll try their steak, it looks delicious" 

Hasan :"See! You just ordered the most expensive thing on the menu, you are a rich man now!"


"Knock on the wood, I don't want you to jinx it" 

Hasan :"I'm your best friend, it's not like I'm jealous of you, I swear I'm happy for you with all my heart, especially that you're generously covering the bill tonight"

Omar :"I'm still trying to recall the moment when I said that I was going to pay!"

Hasan :"You're such a good friend, I'm glad we stayed friends.

I wish Maher had come, I missed that grumpy guy, teasing him was so fun."

Omar :"Yeah, it's been a while since I last saw him, he's always busy, the police work is such a pain, he must be tired after a long shift, he's still a traffic officer, which means he stands under the sun for hours everyday, I can't imagine the strees he goes through" 

Hasan :"I told him not to accept this job, he should have tried a job swap again, he just gave up after trying only once, he was such an idiot!"

Omar:" Don't be so hard on him, we're his friends, we know him better than anyone, he's not an idiot, he tried his best, out if us three he's always been the hard worker, that's just his destiny, besides, we need police officers, everyone knows that their job isn't easy, but it can't be helped, someone has got to do it, and it happened to be Maher, as his friends we should be proud of him." 

Hasan :"Whatever, I'm hungry, let's just order."

Inside the police station, Maher approaches his boss's office with a concerned look.

Maher:" Excuse me, Captain. Do you have a moment to talk?"

Captain: "Of course, Maher. What's on your mind?"

Maher: "I wanted to discuss something that's been bothering me. I've noticed some of the methods our colleagues are using when dealing with suspects. It seems… well, brutal."

Captain:" Brutal? You mean when you and officer Sam caught that criminal ? Sometimes, tough measures are necessary to maintain law and order."

Maher:"I understand that we need to be effective, but we also have to uphold the law and treat people with respect. We're supposed to protect and serve, not intimidate and harm."

Captain:" Look, Maher, you have to understand the stakes here. These criminals are dangerous. If we don't show strength, they'll walk all over us. It's the law—sometimes you have to be tough to get results."

Maher: "But at what cost? We risk losing our integrity and the trust of the community. If we act like them, how are we any different? "

Captain: "You're idealistic, Maher. The world isn't black and white. In this line of work, you have to make hard choices. The law allows us to take certain tough measures for a reason."

Maher: "I get that, but those choices should never compromise our values. We can still enforce the law without resorting to violence. There are other ways to gather information and handle situations."

Captain:" And what do you propose? A friendly chat over coffee? That won't work with everyone. Some people only respond to force."

Maher:" I believe in building rapport and using de-escalation techniques. It's proven to be more effective in the long run. We can't lose sight of who we are in the process."

Captain: "You're passionate about this, and I respect that. But remember, you're new to this role. Experience shows that sometimes you need to play hardball. "

Maher: "I appreciate your perspective, but I'm not willing to stand by while my colleagues cross ethical lines. We need to hold ourselves accountable."

Captain: "that's enough Maher, the law is law, I heard your point of view and I explained to you with patience how it's done around here, I can't change the law, if you don't have any more objections please get back to work, you are dismissed."


Maher enters his home, looking exhausted and frustrated. His mother is in the kitchen preparing dinner.

Mother: " Maher! You're home! How was your day? "

Maher: " It was long."

Mother: " You look tired. Come sit down, I made your favorite—chicken curry." 

Maher: " I'm not hungry, Mom."

Mother: " Are you sure? You need to eat something. You can't go to bed on an empty stomach."

Maher: " I said I'm not hungry!"

Mother: " Okay, but you look upset. Did something happen at work? "

Maher: " I don't want to talk about it."

Mother: " Maher, you know you can share anything with me. Sometimes it helps to get it off your chest."

Maher: " I really don't want to talk about it!"

Mother: " I just want to help you. I hate seeing you like this."

Maher:"I appreciate it, but I just need some time alone right now."

Mother: " Alright, but just remember I'm here if you change your mind."

Maher: "Thanks, Mom."

Mother:" I'll leave the food on the table in case you change your mind." 

Maher: "Okay."

Mother:" Just take care of yourself, okay? "

Maher:"I will."

As Maher heads to his room, his mother watches him with concern, hoping he'll open up when he's ready. 

As soon as he enters his room, he locks the door, changes his clothes, and puts his police uniform in the laundry basket. Then, he throws himself onto the bed and tries to forget about everything that happened. He attempts to convince himself with the Captain's words, repeating them in his mind over and over again. In the end, he still fails to absorb them. He closes his eyes and tries to fight the tears that threaten to fall down his face. Finally, he turns off the light and goes to sleep.

Omar and Hasan walk side by side down the dimly lit street, the cool night air wrapping around them as they share their thoughts.

Hasan: You know, Omar, I really believe you have what it takes to become a CEO one day. You've got the vision and the ambition.

Omar: Thanks, Hasan, but sometimes I wonder if that's just a pipe dream. I mean, it feels like such a long way off, My uncle would never promote me that much."

Hasan: I know but, you've got the skills and the drive. If anyone can make it happen, it's you. Just think about how hard you work and how you always come up with great ideas.

Omar: I appreciate your faith in me, but there are so many obstacles. My uncle runs the company, and he's made it clear he doesn't plan on stepping aside anytime soon. 

Hasan: That doesn't mean you can't carve your own path. There are other companies out there, or you could even start something of your own. You shouldn't limit yourself to just one option.

Omar: It's just daunting. What if I take a risk and it doesn't pay off? What if I'm not cut out for that kind of responsibility?

Hasan: Everyone has doubts, Omar. But think about it: what would you regret more? Trying and failing or never trying at all? You owe it to yourself to explore your potential.

Omar: You're right. I guess I need to stop overthinking and start believing in myself a bit more.

Hasan: Exactly! And remember, I'll be here supporting you every step of the way. We're in this together, right?

Omar: Absolutely! Thanks for always pushing me to see my potential. Let's keep encouraging each other to reach our goals.

Hasan :"You got it buddy!

Hey, if I remember clearly, Maher's home us close by, why don't we step by and say hello?"

Omar:"Let's not, we don't even know if he's home or not, and I'm getting really tired, let's do this another time."

Hasan:"Ok, as you wish."

The early morning light filters through the kitchen window as Maher's mother quietly moves around the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air.

Mother: " Good morning, Maher! I made your favorite breakfast—eggs and toast."

Maher: "Thanks, Mom."

Mother: " I hope you like it. You know I always want you to start your day right."

Mother: "Are you working late again tonight?"

Maher: "Yeah, I'll be late as usual."

Mother: "Just be careful on your way home, okay? And don't forget to take care of yourself. "

Maher: "Yeah, sure."

Mother: " I worry about you, you know? "

Maher: "I'll be fine. "

Mother: " When will you be home?"

Maher:"I don't know. Late."

Mother: " Alright then. Just… just be safe, alright?"

Maher: "Bye, Mom."

He walks out the door, leaving his mother standing in the kitchen. She sits down at the table, staring at the untouched food. A tear rolls down her cheek as she whispers to herself.

Mother: "I just want you to be happy"

She wipes her eyes, feeling the weight of loneliness settle in as she thinks of her son out in the world.


A bustling office break room, where Alia and Omar are taking a coffee break. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as they sit at a small table.

Alia: So, how's the project going? Any updates on the client's feedback?

Omar: Not much yet. I expect to hear back by the end of the week. You know how these things go.

Alia: Yeah, it's always a waiting game. By the way, did you catch the news today? 

Omar: Not really. I've been too busy with work.

Alia: They were talking about the IQ test results and how they're being minuplated by the government and top companies. What do you think about that?

Omar: Honestly, I don't have a special opinion on it. I don't know much about the matter.

Alia: Typical Omar answer. You never have an opinion on anything!

Omar: I just prefer to stay focused on what I know.

Alia: Well, that's a bit boring, don't you think? 

Omar: Boring? 

Alia: Yeah! You should try to engage more with different topics. It's good for you!

Omar: Maybe, but I'm just being practical.

Alia: (sighing) Practicality can be

overrated. Anyway, I've got to head back. Catch you later!

Omar: (watching her leave) See you later, Alia.

Alia :"Or maybe you're just a coward!"

As Alia walks out of the break room, Omar takes another sip of his coffee, contemplating her words with a puzzled look on his face.

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