The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life

Chapter 348: 28. Roses Are Red.

I was sitting in the nursery, watching babies roll all over the floor and taking a little interest in the tactile wallpaper as they rolled near it. I had been feeding for three days and was constantly monitored.

Most of my free time was spent with five perky little babies, eating, nourishing myself, and just having a blast. My thymus had helped fight off a bout of sickness that had affected other females and their babies. Sick ones were isolated until they got better to prevent the spread of germs.

It was strange how attached Damon was to me. While I appreciated his attentiveness and care, I sometimes felt a bit suffocated by his love. He was always there to help when I needed to change someone, prioritizing me and our babies over Mariella's since he wasn't the father of all of them.

Other Salvatores were fathers to different babies, but not mine. Damon made sure the fridge was stocked with milk bottles and fresh blood, and the care station was always filled without me even noticing. Several Salvatores took care of these tasks, including laundry, which made me realize how long it had been since I had done it myself. 

Of course, we mothers would meet occasionally to share notes and discuss the milestones our babies had achieved. This actually gave me an idea. However, first, I needed to find a suitable space for it. Damon hadn't been with me for several days, which was a bit of a relief.

Another week had passed, and the babies continued to grow, learn new tricks, and even started tasting a bit of food. Magnum had a lot to say, especially about bathing times. He mentioned how challenging it was to bathe my little mermen compared to the four girls in the past. They were eager and splashed around a lot, making it quite a wet affair.

To avoid any upset, I had to bathe them all at the same time, which required some manpower. Our pack was big, and Damon usually wanted to help, but he hadn't been around. I didn't mind though; having some time for myself felt good. I knew I wasn't the perfect wife, as I needed my space and couldn't tolerate a doting husband around me all the time.

I realized that I could never be like Mariella, living with Damon constantly. I felt almost suffocated at that moment, but maybe with time, I could adjust. I made a mental note to ensure that Damon spent time with Mariella and the wolves.

As I sat on the floor, I noticed my babies getting tired, signaling it was time for their nap, except for Mona, who was wide awake and eager to play. I decided to take her with me, using the new baby carrier for the front. I put the boys in their cribs and Mona in hers, just in case she was overtired. However, she was too busy babbling and cooing to fall asleep.

She was truly mommy's girl, falling asleep right after her blood meals in the evening, ensuring a better night's sleep. Damon had insisted on this routine to make sure I got enough rest. I had slept with Wulfe a few nights when Damon was away, so I was managing fine. It was important to everyone that I got enough rest too. 

I went to the cupboard after clearing everything out of the way and placed the activity mats in a specific spot where Damon and Wulfe had cast a cleaning spell to eliminate any germs. From the cupboard, I took out a pink package containing my carrier, which was also pink.

Opening the cellophane wrapping made a rustling sound that excited Mona even more, as she was eager to touch and experience everything. It was delightful to see her recognize faces, particularly those she favored, which made her very happy.

I adjusted the straps of the carrier, which had a lot of room for adjustment to fit men as well. I chuckled to myself at the thought of Charles wearing it, as he wasn't afraid of colors, while Wulfe would have no issue with it. I didn't even consider Damon wearing it.

Next, I took Mona, who was now dressed in a light yellow dress with a matching hairband and knitted socks that Damon had made. I securely strapped her into the carrier so that her back was against my chest, allowing her to see in front of her.

She continued giggling and cooing. I had her pacifier attached with a strip, but I also brought along a clean one, just in case, which I slipped into my jeans pocket. I quickly put on my fuzzy slippers, as I couldn't wear them if the babies were on the floor since they tended to put everything in their mouths.

My slippers had become quite popular, but I had learned to keep them out of reach. My hair was up in a bun, as usual, to prevent the babies from pulling on it or getting baby spit all over it, as they were quite eager to explore and taste everything within their reach. 

Exiting the nursery, I chatted with Mona continuously as we made our way to the stairs. I guided her, talking about how she and Mommy needed to go a little higher. I mentioned how the stairs could be fun but also have consequences. I was not going to give that explicit lesson about flowers and bees, as I had given to my cubs. I had learned my lesson. Mona, too young to grasp all my words, was delighted by the sensation of climbing the stairs.

As I was comparing my babies, or thinking just how individual they were, so many things came to my mind. Mona, who loved her bouncer and sitter, was eager to explore everything, which sometimes left her tired. Marco, the most physically agile, constantly moved around and attempted to do things beyond his reach, occasionally leading to frustration and screams during playtime. He shared Damon's impatience.

Milo, like me, was strong, but seldom pushed himself unless truly motivated. Mario, the smallest, had an insatiable appetite for everything, often keeping me on high alert to prevent him from putting things in his mouth. Matteo, the sly one, possessed impressive abilities and latent magic that made him inclined to try spells, much to Mona's dismay when he accidentally zapped her. The babies were demanding, requiring the attention of four to five adults during playtime, but their charm made it all worthwhile.

As I reached the next floor, my focus shifted to a particular room that I intended to check out. It had been a storage room that I planned to renovate, despite its awkward shape.

I was so engrossed in my plans that I didn't even consider what Damon or the others were up to. I knew some of the Salvatores were cooking and tending to the babies, monitoring test results, diaper usage, growth progress, and adjusting feedings. Colin was part of this busy team. 

I continued to chat softly with Mona as we arrived at the room I intended to turn into a daycare center. The idea was to create a space for babies to socialize, requiring fewer adults as more babies gathered in one place. Before proceeding, I needed to confirm if this room met my requirements.

"You know, Mona, my princess, we could also decorate a few more rooms someday. I'm sure you'd enjoy watching Mommy work her magic. Perhaps we could arrange for a sitter to take care of you in the storage room, so you can watch me unpack some boxes. I'm not sure if it's safe to bring you into the flower room, but we can check. Christmas is approaching, and I'm uncertain if we'll be here or in Halifax. You'd probably love to nibble on those Christmas trees," I chuckled, while Mona cooed and giggled, reveling in the attention.

Upon entering the dimly lit room, I reached for the light switch, exclaiming, "Let there be light," as we stepped inside.

The room had originally been spacious, but the previous inhabitants had converted part of it into a walk-in closet, resulting in an L-shaped layout. The remaining area next to one wall of the closet was somewhat narrow, about five to six feet wide and ten feet long. The closet, now mostly empty, caught my attention, and as I opened it, the old door creaked, revealing another switch.

Curious, I entered the closet, Mona's giggles filling the space as she took in her surroundings. Tall shelves lined the walls, with racks at the back, yet the room felt smaller than expected. As I exited the closet, I had a hunch that something was hidden there.

Surveying the room, I noticed the original wooden floor, faded rose wallpaper, high ceilings, small, uncurtained windows, and a layer of dust. The size seemed suitable for my plans, though I pondered whether removing the closet would make the room less awkwardly shaped.

I should ask Charles and Adam about this. It might open up this room, but I'm not sure if there are any parts that can't be removed, like support beams. I could ask for a consultation, to be sure. I walked into the room, measured the outside of the closet with my steps, and then we went back in.

It was smaller inside, indicating that there was some empty space behind the other side wall, which was behind one of the tall shelves. I felt strong enough to move it and maybe take a peek to see if there was just random space or something hidden, like electricity or cables.

Mona cooed and giggled while I grunted to myself, "Wanna see how strong mommy is? Well, let's do this."

I grabbed the heavy shelf and pulled, but it didn't move much because it was slightly stuck on the floor. After wiggling it, I finally got it to budge a bit. When I took a good grip and pulled, it suddenly moved much more easily than expected. Taking a breath, I stopped pulling and just directed the shelf while Mona, with her eyes glowing violet, showcased her telekinesis.

As I put the shelf against the back wall near the racks, the wall was exposed, revealing the outline of a door. Surprised, I grabbed the old door handle and twisted it. It wasn't locked, and I heard a click as it opened.

It was pretty dark inside, but the light from the closet illuminated the space. It was dusty as hell, and I sneezed as I took a few steps in. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found - a collection of musical instruments ranging from guitars and drum sets to triangles and tambourines, seemingly from the 60s or the hippie era.

I knew they might be valuable, but I wasn't sure. However, I knew someone who could assess their value and had the skills to determine if they were valuable. If not, we could clean them and use them.

I knew that Charles and Adam were good with instruments, and I wasn't sure about Damon, who played the piano, or Wulfe. 

I entered and exited the little hideaway, carrying several instruments and arranging them on tables in the room for Charles to review. I planned to call my contact to request an appraisal or see if he could identify anything valuable over the phone.

I took many pictures, including some of the babies earlier. I had around 16 cameras filled with baby pictures, as I had been capturing them from the beginning. Some Salvatores had also taken pictures of Mariella's babies, and we had discussed compiling a photo album to give to them when they were ready to move to their permanent homes.

It was a good idea, but I was unsure about who would take care of this group of babies and whether they would stay together or be placed separately, like my trio of wizards. However, it was not the right time to dwell on that.

I had also taken selfies with Mona on my phone as we walked there, so my phone was filled with pictures. I planned to transfer them to my personal laptop later. Currently, I was considering sending pictures of the instruments to my contact, making sure to capture any markings that could help identify them.

I didn't expect them to be worth much as they were antique by today's standards and were not considered valuable when they were originally purchased, as hippies typically didn't have much money and these items were used rather than preserved as valuable collectibles. 

I hummed to myself while carrying my loot to the tables and arranging them. After, I had placed a big pile of items and taken photographs.

I connected via our hive and soulmate bond to Charles and asked, "My love, do you know anything about the value of musical instruments? Could you come to the second floor? Oh, if you can, please bring Wulfe. Mona has telekinesis, so maybe he should assist her."

Charles responded in a murmuring voice in my mind, "Fine, honey, we are coming. Wulfe will join us too. He is rolling his eyes at Mona's talent and will bring some potions to calm her down."

I smiled, happy to have some company, knowing that Mona would be thrilled to see Charles, as she adored him, just like I did. Suddenly, the sound of a door opening snapped me out of my thoughts. My door was almost closed, but I could see a door from the corridor opening.

Damon, along with numbers two, three, and four, stepped out, adjusting their jeans. They were shirtless, and soon Mariella followed, the stench of sex lingering in the air. They had not showered, so it was reeking. I pulled away and remained quiet.

At least now I understood what had kept Damon occupied. However, I couldn't help but shake my head at Mariella's jealousy and possessiveness. It was clear she had her sights set on Salvatores nine and ten, doing everything possible to keep them attached to her and her greedy pussy.

It was what it was, and this gave me an idea. If I ensured that Damon remained attached to her, it would give me more freedom to make decisions for my own well-being and that of my babies. Yes, my babies.

I stood there, a smug smile beginning to curve my lips. Oh. What a good idea to be once more an alpha female. I just happened to flood little pheromones out in the corridor, knowing they would affect Mariella soon enough and Damon, too. Let them have a good time, as I have my perfect time. 

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