The Second Dawn

Chapter 12: Who is Cyrus Moreno?

Cyrus' Perspective:

I woke up in a desolate area, filled with white noise. My surroundings could not be described, all I could see was white. Everything looked the same, with no contrast at all. I didn't have any strength to stand. I was at my limit. I lost to Gaius, I couldn't even finish him off. As I tried to get up, I lost balance, falling flat on my back once more.

As my vision regained focus, I saw a child in front of me. "Hey kid do you know where-" I stopped and thought who I was looking at, it was me.

I got up from the ground and stood facing my reflection who had also stood up. My reflection opened its eyes wide. "YOU..." He had a sinister smile and murderous eyes.

"Me...?" I was confused... What does my reflection even mean by this?

"YOU STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME." my reflection said while reaching behind its head, grabbing something, and taking it out.

"WHY... WHY CYRUS, YOU'VE STOLEN EVERYTHING I HAVE. EVERYTHING YOURSELF WOULD LACK... EVERYTHING THAT HELPED YOU..." the being spoke to me, his voice shaking, trembling slightly. It was trembling in rage.

"What are you talking about?" I asked curiously.

"Do you not understand? Your selfish desires have prevented me from living a life, so instead you took my place and now my parents have a child who isn't actually their child. Because of your selfish desires, you robbed them of their real son! MY life has been stolen from me, and you've wasted every second of it." The being glared angrily at me. His eyes shone with hatred, blazing with fury. I felt my anger welling inside.

My own face was staring at me... how was this happening...? How was it possible... that another entity which resembled me existed right here... in my world? How did he get here... or should I ask... who created him? And why did he look exactly like me?


"Then, why not do us both a favor, and stop wasting your existence in an abyss of suffering?" His smile was growing wider and wider, his teeth gnashed together, almost growling. I looked around the blank expanse surrounding us. "If you wanna die so badly, go die."

He stepped forward, extending his arm toward me. I backed away from his outstretched limb, quickly sidestepping him. The palm of his hand slapped empty air as I dodged his grasp. "It's too late for that now, I have grown attached, and now I have to make sure these people dear to me do not die." He laughed lightly, "What people are those?"

"It doesn't matter at the end of the day, all you will be is a fragment of my soul." My jaw clenched and I growled back at the figure standing opposite.

"That may be, but do not forget, I AM THE ORIGINAL." He turned around and slowly faded away as his entire body vanished from my vision. As he left, that was when Omnixis came in to speak to me once again.

"This is indeed quite a predicament," his expression held an intense sense of pity as he spoke the words to me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scowled, throwing my arms wide open in front of his face. He laughed softly and smiled gently as he stared directly at me.

"So angry with me? Does not bode well," his tone was calm and placid, yet his tone held a firm, mocking tint to it, which struck an unusual chord within me. Why the fuck was Omnixis standing in front of me again. Everything always leads back to him, for what reason?

I furrowed my eyebrows and clenched my fists. "JUST TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT!" He smiled at me before disappearing like my other self. Just like that I was alone in this desolate plain with only my thoughts and nothing else. It felt as though time stopped entirely and the concept itself no longer existed.

This feeling of loneliness has become such a foreign concept to me. That's when the light surrounding me become brighter and brighter. I woke up in a bed, doctors swarming my body, trying to figure out what's wrong with me. "Is it a soul or an entity?" the doctors were debating on whether or not to take care of me. Ariel just kept crying next to me, holding me tightly. I pushed the blanket covering me away and leaned in.

"Alright I'm awake, what's everyone's problem?" my tone held slight anger, "You were impaled by Gaius, basically killed in the process of protecting Ariel, yet you stand right here in front of us in perfect condition." Rafael explained, with a hint of curiosity behind his words.

I sat there, in confusion, unable to wrap my mind around what he had told me. "Impaled, as in stabbed through and through?" I questioned him, my eyes widening at the news. My father nodded slowly before smiling faintly and turning back around, exiting the room without so much of a goodbye, and left without saying anything more. My mother did the same. She left quietly without looking back and walked out into the hallway, presumably to find someone, perhaps a friend.

The doctor put his hand on my shoulder and took a deep sigh before speaking. "Cyrus, you are already dead, or at least you are supposed to be dead. I have a theory that the only reason you're alive at this very moment is due to the fact that your soul transcended beyond the concept of death. You survived because it's not a concept you believe in,"

I still sat there trying to register his words, still dumbfounded, unable to comprehend his reasoning. "But that would mean...," I paused mid-sentence as it slowly sunk in and registered in my mind. I finally got it, I understood. I glanced up at the clock hung upon the wall above, noticing the numbers "1:30 am." flashed upon its face. I had been unconscious for five hours. How was it possible for a person to be unconscious for that amount of time... or not die for that long? No, no matter how hard I think about it, I wouldn't come to a conclusion.

"Cyrus, I know you are probably confused, but the most important thing to note is that you killed Gaius. Whether you were in the state of mind to be able to remember these actions is irrelevant but it seems like you have no recollection of what happened after you 'died'." The Doctor was explaining things calmly and concisely, unlike a regular doctor, he has shown me a great deal of respect and courtesy.

I just stared at him blankly, trying desperately to remember if I could, in fact remember any of these things but alas no memory returned. The doctor then left, after giving me one more pat on the back, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Ariel had stayed with me and was lying next to me the entire time. The time was spent in a somewhat peaceful manner, until eventually the morning came.

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