The Second Dawn

Chapter 18: Mysterious Figure

"We have a fast one over here don't we?" The man stopped and turned to face me, slowly approaching while letting the ground beneath him vibrate violently with each step forward. It wasn't until I noticed the cracks starting to form underneath my feet, and a horribly pungent smell wafted across my nostrils when my whole body froze. "Tick Tock, the clock keeps moving."

From beneath the ground, numerous hands shot straight up out from underneath, wrapping themselves around my feet, legs and waist, as they all moved simultaneously, locking me firmly in place.

"Enough with the games, who the hell are you?" With a swiftness and grace that would put most warriors to shame, she moved behind the attacker and aimed a fist at the back of his head. "If you won't tell me, I'll just have to make you say it. He barely registered her fist coming down towards him when he caught it.

"Don't make a nuisance out of yourself brat!" She used her free arm to grab his forearm tightly and send a blast of cold through her palms. "Frostwave" The sudden sensation of a blast of frigid ice shooting through her skin caused him to reflexively release her arm, just enough for her to pull herself free and land back on the ground. "Did Azriel really think sending an amateur to kill us would work?" Ariel glared furiously at him, "What a neat trick, however I can assure you that I was sent by nobody, I'm just letting you two have your fun before I kill you both."

The man grabbed Ariel's face and lifted her up like she was a piece of paper. "You want to know why your little master hasn't come to save you yet?"

He grinned evilly at her. "Because... Azriel does not know that I am here." Ariel's pupils expanded rapidly, shock plastered all over her face as she struggled weakly against his grip.

I screamed as loud as I could so that I could hope that Azriel would hear us and come to the rescue. It was probably not the smartest idea to draw attention to us, however there weren't exactly any options available other than waiting.

"Authority of Hate, Aura of Malice." Dark grey aura radiated off the mans' body and immediately an enormous pressure fell down upon the cave.

"Get him off me! Someone! Anyone! I... I don't wanna die."

Suddenly, I saw two figures emerging through the wall of fog which blocked my vision. With a flash and crackle of blue static electricity, a beam of light flew past where my neck had been. The man looked down in surprise and turned towards me as another burst of energy flew from her hand, slamming into him with a bang. I opened my eyes a bit more fully, hoping against all logic that this man wasn't still there. Sure enough, when my vision returned, it revealed Azriel with an unknown figure. "Are we too late?"

I felt a tingling sensation across my cheek and I looked to the right. My vision began blurring slightly. I saw a trail of blood run down my skin, dripping to the ground. I was bleeding and it was getting harder for me to breathe, harder to see, but that mattered none to me because a ethereal scent wafted into my nostrils as two hands wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Shhhhh, it's alright. You're safe now, I'm here." It was like a warm blanket had enveloped the very air itself, filling every atom with a cozy and reassuring glow that lit up the darkened environment. That feeling quickly faded away into a cloud of uncertainty and worry, but it was soon replaced by an overpowering rage. "Do not move, for I do not know the damage you've sustained yet, please wait until it heals." His words were soothing, yet carried with them a deadly ferocity that could strike fear into any person's heart.

"So you're Azriel the Wise and the person with you must be the legendary man known as 'EGO'." Azriel gave a curt nod, but that was all he needed to say for me to understand why this man was so terrifying.

"Ego..." A menacing growl echoed through the cavernous atmosphere of this place, giving all three people present a shiver down their spines. "Hearing this name makes me feel sick, I knew the name was fitting but I had hoped you were different."

"I've been monitoring your foolish cult for a few years now, what the hell are you trying to accomplish, Gabriel?"

The man shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and said, "All I have ever wanted for Apostles of Omnixis is to bring back the one who will being this world to it's former glory. The only one who is able to do that is Omnixis."

Ego shook his head in denial and replied calmly, "It seems like we've reached an impasse, have we not?" He raised a brow. "Allow me to demonstrate how futile your efforts will be. To begin, I wish to offer you a bit of information, though I doubt it'll do anything."

"Shut up, would you? All of you are weak and pathetic, I don't need to hear your FUCKING LECTURING." He turned and left without saying another word, and within seconds the surrounding area became quiet, a single deafening silence filled the void.

Suddenly the silence broke as the man known as Ego laughed loudly as if to prove himself superior. It took about a minute for him to regain control.

"Sorry for that outburst, I've been expecting your arrival since you first left home, you should know what that entails. Azriel has told much about the two of and how you will be joining my class next year! I am especially intrigued in you Cyrus, I feel an ominous presence emitting from the very depths of your soul. I have a sneaking suspicion that's the reason Gabriel approached you today."

"I didn't mean for the 3 of you to be introduced like this, however, Ego is the strongest mage there is, in the entire world. He teaches a class full of elite students such as yourself and Ariel and make them into mages that are able to protect the world from threats such as the Apostle of Hate or Ego likes to call him by his real name, Gabriel." Azriel spoke in a monotone voice, revealing the concept of the Apostles of Omnixis, and although the knowledge wasn't particularly shocking, I could not shake this horrible feeling that seemed to eat away inside of me.

Gabriel was certainly dangerous, especially for me and Ariel, and most importantly, Ego was no slouch either, as proven earlier with his easy defeat of Gabriel's magic. The only question is which one is more dangerous to us specifically?

"Cyrus, I know you probably think that Gabriel isn't strong since he ran along the second Azriel and I arrived, however, he is a big threat this world poses." Ego commented bluntly, not really elaborating. "Look, we can get into detail another time, as of now you and Ariel have to start the final exam." Azriel clapped his hands together and looked around, seemingly bored and ready to leave.

I didn't notice until I'd left the cave, but now that it was evening, my strength had started draining from my body. I sighed heavily and wiped away sweat that had begun forming on my forehead, trying hard to ignore the intense pain coursing through my lower back. I trudged toward the river to clean myself up. The air was colder now, making it easier to breathe and focus. Once I reached the shoreline, I looked up at the clear sky with a frown on my face. "What a shitty day."

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