Chapter 2: What is Aether?
I decided to go outside and practice in the backyard. I didn't want to risk hurting anyone, and I knew that the backyard was a safe place for me to experiment. I spent hours out there, trying different incantations and gestures, but nothing worked. I was starting to lose hope, but then something happened. I was trying a different incantation, and I felt a surge of energy run through my body. This isn't what the book described magic to be. I felt like my whole body was about to explode. My body began to glow a plethora of colors, threatening to leave my body at any moment. I tried to look through the book for any explanation of what was going on, but the book was blank. I was alone in this; I had no one to help me. I was going to have to figure this out on my own. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. I focused on the energy running through my body, and I tried to control it. I felt the energy flowing through me, and I tried to direct it. I felt it leaving my body, and I opened my eyes. I saw a ball of energy floating in front of me.
This wasn't any normal magic; it seemed that I was unable to use magic in the same typical manner as everyone else. I was able to manipulate the energy that was flowing through my body, and I was able to use it to create a ball of energy. I was amazed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked through every piece of text that we had throughout the house when I had the chance, and I figured out something very intriguing. There was a special type of magic called Aether, and it was a very rare type of magic, basically nonexistent. The last recorded user of Aether was during the Age of Origins, which in this world seemed like centuries ago. I was the first person in a long time to be able to use this type of magic.
While experimenting with this, I learned how to create a protective force field around me; I called it an "aether shield." It was a ball of light, and it protected me from anything thrown or swung in my direction. I learned to expand it further away and contract it into the shield; this way I was able to use my body to attack while also being protected at the same time.
During that time, I also learned that my natural magical abilities were something most humans could never possess, even those who wielded elemental magic. As the time passed, my use of aether became stronger and stronger, almost becoming that of an adult despite being a 10-year-old boy physically.
"Cyrus, you seemed very intrigued by this book. Can you show me what it is? Are you teaching yourself magic, I hear?" Dad seemed slightly interested in my curiosity.
I shook my head and dropped the book behind the couch that I was standing in front of. I pretended to act dumbfounded since I was only 10 years old. "What are you talking about, Daddy?"
Dad looked at me and nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Don't worry about it, my little boy. When you're older, you can learn magic with me." Dad patted my head as he walked away. "Oh yeah, Mom wants you for dinner. Better hurry; it's beef stew today!"
After that experience, I tried my best to keep my abilities secret to keep my family and friends from questioning my mental state. I could not let anyone figure out that I could use aether, no matter what. My ability was so powerful that it would probably have frightened them. This is a perfect time to test the strength of the shield that I can create with aether.
The following day, I went outside to a clearing in the woods. I stood in front of a tree and focused on creating an aether shield. I focused all of my energy into it, and I felt it expanding around me. It was large enough to cover the entire front of my body. It was a pure white light, and it seemed impenetrable. I concentrated more on my shield and I felt it beginning to change. It seemed to become darker and denser.
I dropped the aether shield after a while; I needed to catch a bit of breath. A thin layer of sweat covered my forehead, and I wiped it off. Despite having a physically young body, I was mentally 28 and I could've done the same trick as an adult, and most likely I would've not broken a sweat.
"Maybe I shouldn't have tested the limits of my strength that fast," I mumbled to myself.
"Young man, what are you doing out here at such a young age?" A mysterious man approached me. He was cloaked from head to toe in a red and yellow robe. "Do not tell me you are trying to get stronger?"
"No, just testing a thing out. Nothing serious," I tried to remain calm and collected in front of the stranger.
"Are you lost?" the mysterious man questioned me.
"No, sir," I replied. "I'm just messing around and making sure I don't end up hurting myself or others."
The mysterious man pulled back his hood, revealing himself to be an older man. He had dark brown hair and a goatee, and his eyes were blue. He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Well, why not do me a favor in return for not telling your parents. Don't worry; it'll be worth it in the end. Come to the entrance of the city in exactly 6 days."
My demeanor changed from nervous to weary. What did this man want from me? "I will agree if you tell me your name." I stated firmly.
The man grinned and nodded, "Fine. You may call me Gaius."
"Okay, fine. What is it you want from me, Gaius?"
"It would be better to show than tell; meet me in 6 days right where we are standing. I promise, nothing bad will come out of this deal; it would benefit you greatly in the future."
"Before you leave, there is one more question I have for you," I called after the man. "How are you so familiar with this town?" I asked, clearly wondering how a man like him knows his way in my home.
Gaius paused and thought of his reply. He put his index finger on his temple. "You'll figure it out in due time, Cyrus,"
I blinked and Gaius was gone. In his place was a butterfly with orange wings. The butterfly hovered in the air for a few seconds before flying away. "Strange man..., what's more interesting is that the man seemed to know something. I need to find out more information before our meeting in 6 days,"
On my way back to the house I noticed someone getting picked on by 2 older kids. I could only assume they were at least 13 years old; I'm only a 10-year-old and I know with this body I have no hopes of defeating anyone.
"Ariel is so dumb! Just accept that your father isn't coming back and move on," a boy laughed a fragile looking girl.
"Yea, instead of wasting your money on sweets and stuff, why don't you save for a gift to appease your mother? You're a waste of oxygen; a walking pile of crap! Your dad must've dumped his baby because he realized you'd never be useful to him." the other one cackled
I saw the young girl; she couldn't be any older than 10, about the same age as I am. She was tiny, with golden hair and violet eyes. She wore a pink dress that had seen better days, and she had tears running down her face. She was crying and clutching a box of candy. I saw red and a searing anger rushed through me. I thought for a second and realized this could help me get a lot stronger if I beat them. Yes, my pride will not allow them to hurt her. I immediately charged towards the trio.