Chapter 21: Ego's Class
I've met these kinds of people, cocky pricks that think everything revolves around them and they're special. What makes the two of us different though is that Ariel and I are more mature, although in reality Ariel is still a child on the inside. I've learned not to care about what people think of me, but if I was in any other class I would've socked Thorne's face until I broke a few of his teeth.
"Anyways, welcome to my classroom! You have been selected by either me and Headmaster Reagan to partake in the elite program of this academy since all of you possess traits that put you above all your peers. I will not tolerate weakness in my classroom and I sure as hell will not tolerate insults to any of the students in my classroom." Everyone mumbled and stared awkwardly at the floor.
"You all know who I am, but I shall reintroduce myself just to make it clear who's running the show here; my name is Professor Ego, one of the many teachers that are here at this school and a trusted confidant of Headmaster Reagan. I am going to be your instructor for the next three years and will determine who makes it into the Academy's Alumni." He cleared his throat. "Now if everyone could look to their left and introduce their new classmates to each other. Just a brief overview of their strengths, weaknesses and why you chose that particular individual."
While everyone went on their separate rambles, a girl wearing a skirt spoke about the most inane thing to me, something so childish I couldn't believe I even heard it. She told us all of what we needed to do and which roles we played throughout the course of this year, everyone had something. "So what's your name?" I asked, puzzled on how this girl even made it into this classroom.
"My name is Amelia Thunderborn." She smiled faintly, her dark green hair reflected the afternoon sunlight perfectly and her skin was practically flawless, minus the freckles that were decorating her upper chest and cheeks.
"So Cyrus what can you do," Thorne spoke in a snobbish way which got underneath my skin a bit.
"Meh, not too much I can't do any magic whatsoever I guess." He shot up from his desk and laughed hysterically, gripping at the wooden panel for support. I could tell from the glint in his eye and the smirk plastered across his mouth he thought himself superior to me and even Ariel.
"Hey I'm serious, can I talk to you privately?"
"Hahaha... there's nothing else to talk about." I looked away annoyed that he's laughing at my expense. It wasn't funny and if we were anywhere else, his teeth would have met the floor by now. He didn't respond instead he just kept laughing.
After a few moments his chuckling subsided, he then walked closer to me and gave me a taunting grin. "Sure, come by my room tonight, maybe I can find an easy way to get rid of that little problem," Then he grabbed a lock of my hair between his fingers, twisting it playfully, his icy gaze never left mine. His dark blue eyes bore right into my skull and seemed to pierce right through it into my mind and into my soul, they were terrifying.
"A little word of advice," I grabbed his wrist tightly.
"Next time you try something stupid like this I will break all of the bones in this arm, we clear?" I spoke harshly to him. My eyes flashed a shade of purple momentarily and the hairs along my forearm prickled up. He broke contact and stumbled backward slightly, as if my touch had caused him pain. "Hey you guys what did I just tell you about insults? Stop right this instant." He looked around and realized everyone was watching us argue, then suddenly his whole attitude shifted.
"Yeah you're right, my bad." He shrugged apologetically.
The professor stood with his head bowed in front of the entire classroom. The room had fallen silent, except for the occasional giggles. The whole atmosphere was heavy, thick with tension. It had felt like a hurricane had washed over everything.
Everyone sat quietly listening intently as Professor Ego lectured us all in regards to etiquette and other subjects he considered important. As soon as his lecture was over the rest of class went by in a blur. It wasn't till the bell rang did I notice another person was walking up to me.
"Cyrus Moreno, you're an interesting guy. My name is Callum Laurellac!" He extended his hand for me to shake.
"Um... Thank you. Can you please release me?" I smiled sweetly but also a tad annoyed.
"Sure thing.." He grinned wickedly at Ariel before saying something, which sounded a little naughty in tone, then turned back and sat at the desk across the room.
Ariel then rolled her eyes and glared at the guy named Callum, whispering something nasty back. Callum couldn't help but chuckle lowly at this comment.
"So Callum... what's your magical affinity?"
"Nature, why?"
"Oh nothing really, I don't really have a magical affinity like I said, so it's interesting to learn about all the different magical affinities that people possess." Callum cocked an eyebrow at my statement but kept silent, letting the words sink in.
The Professor walked back inside, tapping his desk lightly to gather the attention of the class, once more. "Okay, everybody get your books, class is going to start!" Everyone quickly scurried off to retrieve their textbooks and notebooks, before rushing to take a seat in their seats again.
As classes progressed throughout the week things were boring, I was taking several notes about various matters of the kingdom including the history and how the royal family comes into play but none of it was particularly important. Sometimes Professor Ego would assign us to do some research in regards to the kingdoms history. And it didn't feel like he had taken an interest in us yet, it seemed like he was treating us as the regular kids he's teaching.
One day our homework consisted of him writing out a paragraph and giving us each our own. "Class today you will learn how to properly channel your inner powers into a crystal." Our assignments for today involved channeling our inner energies through the crystal. Most of the kids already knew what to do by now but they seemed nervous. I obviously wasn't able to complete this task because Azriel suggested that I did not show my powers to my classmates, he stated that they wouldn't understand.
Ariel completed her assignment no problem and neither did I. Ego simply handed the crystal back with a satisfied nod. As soon as class ended the Professor called both of us forward to talk.
"Why are the both of you holding back in my class, I know for a fact that you and Ariel are the two strongest people in my classroom." He smiled softly before leaning forward, propping his elbows up.
"Look... professor, can I call you that?" The Professor nodded and Ariel looked a little confused, obviously wondering why I was starting to trust him so quickly. "I'll explain everything. Aether is a destructive form of magic, if I can't keep it under control I fear for the entire school what would happen. I'm not even sure you would be able to stop me if I lost control."
"You heavily underestimate my ability, Cyrus. After all, I am the strongest mage in the world."
"Perhaps, but I wouldn't underestimate my capabilities either," Ego's eyebrows shot up, obviously surprised by my words.
"Really? Hmm... well it doesn't matter. But next time let me see what you can do, then we can properly gauge where your standing on the spectrum. Until then keep your true abilities hidden from the others, got it? We can talk about all of this another time." The professor waved us both off, waving his hand dismissively. "Go enjoy lunch with the others, I need to get ready for my next class."
"Wait...what will you do with the information once I show you my strength? Because it may not end well if my power overwhelms your barriers. Do I get a pass for my grades in your classes?" I asked in a wary manner.
"Don't worry, you're getting a perfect grade and besides I'll just ask the Headmaster for a copy of your report card." The Professor nodded approvingly, then shook hands with me before returning to his desk.