The Second Dawn

Chapter 4: Pridefulness

The man shook his head and smirked. He extended his arm in a fist bump gesture, "At least it seems you haven't forgotten your pride. What's with the physical form anyways? You haven't been taking on fights yet."

I returned the gesture with a smirk and a fistbump back. "My body was that of a young child's. With these mental projections and body I am in, it was hard to make anyone fear or respect me. As you have already guessed, my aether can manipulate the physical and spiritual. However it still leaves a massive amount of drain on myself."

The man nodded and smiled at my response. His form disappeared and left only chain behind. A chill ran down my spine. As soon as it arrived, the memory ended as swiftly as it had come. I didn't really pay much attention to it. I'm probably just overreacting to nothing important.

The next day, my mother instructed me to come to the market with her in order to purchase groceries. It seems in my sleep, my mother noticed my significant injuries and decided to heal them without saying anything to me.

On the way there I saw the same people who attacked Ariel. A red misty haze spread around my eyes. I could feel rage building up inside my chest and veins; all that pent-up fury made my body hot with the intense need to inflict damage on those kids. I just stood there waiting patiently. These assholes didn't even realize how much trouble they'd be in. The little girl who had suffered the most at their hands wasn't going to be happy with them. If they hurt that poor little girl and I didn't intervene, the gods would strike down upon them in the afterlife. I stood and waited until one of them walked up and started acting like a pompous idiot again.

The minute he passed, I saw the opportunity and I lunged forward with all my strength. My fists connected solidly with the side of the boy's head. The boy dropped like a rock and hit his face on the cobblestone street.

A red aura manifested all over my body and my eyes were completely engulfed in the aura. I went over to the remaining one and punched him twice in the gut. He went down almost instantly. Both boys were unconscious.

"You got your revenge and now move on." a calming voice stated. My head whipped around, searching frantically for the source. I was shocked when I saw the familiar figure floating above me, "Revenge doesn't solve any of the pain, you can only move forward."

I looked up and saw Gaius towering over me. His robes had shifted colors and he was surrounded by an air of authority, "As you are already aware, these aren't just any random brutes. These two are the sons of high noblemen, they won't stop trying to get to you and cause trouble until you're no more."

I turned around and continued on with the shopping. All the time keeping a hold of my mother's hand in making sure I didn't try to harm anyone else. I kept in silence during the duration of our shopping time.

Back at home I had done my studies for a few hours and practiced for a bit longer. "Cyrus can you tell me what you've been hiding?" my mother looked at me. Her warm-green eyes showing worry and anxiousness. "I... I wish you would've told me that something was on your mind."

I sat silently looking at her. After what had happened in my sleep I knew something was wrong. And yet my body refused to tell her. If someone were going to find out, it would be for them to find out, I didn't feel like doing the work. "I'm trying to figure out why I can't use magic mother. Why am I still unable to use it?" I questioned.

Mother shook her head at the question, "It's simple, dear. It seems your father's genetics passed down to you and since he can't use magic, it doesn't seem you'll be able to either. I'm sure you'll still become a wonderful swordsman!" she smiled sweetly, "That was a little hypocritical, now that I've said that...," mother muttered to herself.

After another hour or two I headed back to bed and thought of things that I would be able to improve tomorrow. While walking I got a knock on the door from the house right next to my family, it was none other than Ariel. Ariel had the biggest smile and cheerfulness came from her. Ariel told me her mother wanted to have dinner and give a special present as thanks for the other day. "Please do me and you mother a favor by helping to persuade her by saying we made this for her."

We headed out to meet her mother and I was greeted by the presence of a pretty-faced woman, a well-cultured woman wearing fine linens and with golden hair. She gave me a beautiful smile, which I returned politely, then waved at the small girl, "I am terribly sorry I have not formally introduced myself. My name is Anna."

Anna was an elegant looking woman; she was slender with large eyes and sharp features that gave her a feminine appearance. She wore a grey dress that accentuated her curvy figure. The outfit was similar to Ariel's, but it was a lot cleaner, and appeared newer. It made her look like a fairy; something I had never seen before. She had a long white cape on the back of her, with a big white collar. Ariel ran to her and threw herself in her arms, happily squealing her excitement at seeing her mother again. "Are you aware that Ariel has been getting bullied?"

Anna's expression went grim. "I will protect her the best I can but with me and my lack of strength to face off against someone's son or father it's not like I can simply take care of her on my own."

She nodded her head and gave a look to Ariel. The look was of pity and sorrow for what her child was suffering. It was clear Ariel understood her mother's fears, but didn't seem to care much; she didn't care for the reputation or the social status of the ones bullying her, she just didn't want them to treat her poorly.

Anna looked towards me and gave me a knowing smile. The young woman led me out to the garden and beckoned her to sit. She pulled out two cups of tea, one for each of us, then sat down next to her. The women sat there looking at me with a blank stare before finally speaking up, "Tell me Cyrus, is your mother home right now?"

"Yes she is. Is there something you'd like?" I asked as politely as I could manage, trying to sound like an adult rather than an ignorant child.

The girl was intrigued at such a simple response, so she moved closer to the girl and leaned in. "I would like to thank you for saving my Ariel from those who wished to harm her. Even if she had a rough time dealing with those who would hurt her, she has had you on her side through it all and for that I will forever be grateful."

"But the bullies-" I stuttered, caught off guard.

Anna shook her head no and put her index finger on my lips. Was I about to get groomed by a lady in her 30s? "Don't think about it anymore. Think about what was right in front of your eyes." She smiled warmly at me, putting my thoughts at ease.

"If I were to lose Ariel, I don't think my heart would survive." The young woman grabbed my hand and led me into a hug, as tears trickled down her soft skin. Her long eyelashes were glistening. She gently stroked my face, her blue eyes shimmering brightly and she rubbed the tears away with her delicate hand. The contact seemed very tender yet firm. It was something my mother never did, never had before, and definitely not with my own sister who hated everything to do with boys or humans.

Anna's eyes sparkled and a large smile crossed her beautiful face.

My face flushed as my body reacted in ways a 10-year-old shouldn't, especially an innocent one. It was starting to get difficult trying to hide my feelings but there was nothing to show other than a loving touch. "What am I supposed to tell her?"

"Don't worry m'am, I promise I'll protect Ariel, that's a promise." I smiled warmly. The young woman closed her eyes. There was a silence that fell over us, neither of us saying anything for several seconds. "I must head home, my mother may worry and come looking for me," I replied quickly and rose to my feet. The lady also stood up and placed a chaste kiss on the cheek, causing my whole body to burn red hot. She chuckled and bid farewell.

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