The Second Dawn

Chapter 8: The God

I decided that it would be best for me to go downstairs and get a glass of water to calm down my mind. A nightmare wouldn't normally affect me like this, unless the thing I was dreaming about had come to life and was out there stalking me, ready to pounce. My heart beat faster, sweat covered my hands and arms, I struggled to stay calm. "It was just a dream..." I whispered shakily and dragged myself off the bed.

Walking out my bedroom door and onto the stone floor, the chilling air instantly nipped at me, waking up my senses. The cool night air sent goosebumps dancing across my bare skin. In the light of the pale moon shining through the open curtains and illuminating every object in my bedroom, including myself, the moonlight cast a silver shimmer upon everything. There was no sound, except the occasional owl or bat flying overhead, leaving me alone. Alone, with all of my memories.

Why was it so damn freezing in this new house? It wasn't winter time, it was summertime, which is the perfect weather for running around outside, playing, laughing, and having fun with friends. Instead, I would have to shiver, teeth rattling as I try my best to stave off hypothermia. As soon as I'd gotten a hold of this house and everything that belonged to it, I would definitely upgrade the furniture and fix the drafty windows and holes in the walls. Not to mention making sure that they put a heater in the house. It was honestly ridiculous how much better the rooms were designed when compared to ours in this dimension.

In this era, luxury wasn't an option as we had to suffer to get by, it's only natural, especially living in a kingdom that was economically challenged, and as a result, living in such conditions of poverty, is how nobles end up becoming evil tyrants or mass murderers, by seizing the chance to escape when given an opportunity like that. I was told by my mother of an event that happened over 60 years ago which put the Verdant Expanse in extreme poverty, she never told me what happened though. 

My thoughts continued to race until a noise suddenly reached my ears. I stiffened, listening hard. It was coming from the direction of my parents bedroom, where my mother and father usually slept. Cautiously, I crept up the stairs. If mother was awake then she should've already opened the door for me and invited me in for a midnight hug and cuddle session. "Mother?" I quietly called out to her, only receiving silence as a reply.

Slowly, I pushed the bedroom doors open a little further. This time I was prepared for the rush of freezing cold air and my hands trembled slightly, but nonetheless, my movements remained precise and my breath stayed steady. When I entered, I realized that the room had an eerie feeling hanging in the air. Nothing in here was warm and comforting anymore; just darkness. Something was wrong and it set alarm bells ringing through the empty house. "Mother...?" My words sounded faint and empty; no longer bold or determined but scared and anxious, nervous and shaky.

And then I heard another noise: A small whimper from across the room, in the direction where father's bed was supposed to be, however no bed was there. "Mom...?" This time, a light clicked on and suddenly my mother's familiar face greeted me. Her eyes were wide and unfocused, unblinking, and she didn't even turn in my direction to acknowledge that I was standing there in the doorway, even after my voice raised to almost an hysterical pitch as I screamed out for her. "What's going on?!"

In horror, I watched helplessly as she raised her arm in slow motion towards me, before pointing a finger at me and motioning with her hand. "You're too late Cyrus. Your time has come," she breathed in a flat, emotionless tone. It sounded strange and foreign to me, and even in the lowlight, I could clearly see her hand shake violently as it hovered before me and then fell limp onto the bed again. Her finger curled into a loose fist, and then relaxed once more. Then the lights flicked off abruptly.

What was that about? I walked briskly into their bedroom, desperate to find out what was wrong with them, but nobody else was there. This is Omnixis' doing, I can tell now he's trying to play this tricks on my brain to instill this authoritative fear into my mind. "I'm done with these childish games, Omnixis, erase this illusion at once." I growled under my breath angrily. His mocking laughter filled the room around us and echoed throughout the house, resonating against my ears.

"Such spirit from such an arrogant child... Oh how amusing." Omnixis sighed wistfully as if nothing could ever take away his sense of humor and delight.

I scoffed, I was repulsed at the sight of Omnixis for doing this to me. It made me think he has some ill intentions now that I'm here. After all, why would I be given a second chance for free? He knew something.

"Enough games. Why me? Of everyone in existence. I want a straight answer without you dangling an offer in front of me. "

The god shrugged his shoulders, his eyes still staring at the blank space in front of him and no answer was uttered as the silence stretched on. Seconds turned to minutes which turned into hours which slowly blended into the next day and soon the only noise I heard was a ticking clock mounted against one of the walls. Finally I fell asleep, my heart rate remaining calm and steady, even when my eyes closed and my consciousness faded, I didn't fear his presence, even now my subconscious mind knew there was nothing he could do that wouldn't bring me to tears. So it's with these thoughts that I eventually drifted off back into the land of reality, awaiting whatever lies ahead.

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