Chapter 8: Chapter 8
In the morning, she was the first to wake up and get started on her day. When she went into the kitchen, it hit her that there was no Himiko to help anymore. She was on her own, to take care of a house that had four people living in it. But she could do it. This was nothing, she had faced worse. She had promised. And with that thought in mind, she got to work.
The men were soon to join her in their usual attire. Tajima in his dark blue mantle with the uchiha crest in the bag, and the boys in their training yukatas. They still lived in the shinobi world; every day they didn't have to fight, they had to train. And it was better to go back to normal as soon as possible. It didn't mean that they will forget Himiko, just that it was better than staying at home to mope all day. She also was left with no trainer but she had a plan.
Looking at Tajima who was eating his omelet silently she started, "There is something that I need to tell you." Three black pairs of eyes were instantly on her, but she continued. "That day, mom and I had started on ninjutsu training, and we discovered that I have a bit of an exceptional control over my chakra. She took me to Touko's, and long story short, we agreed that I will become her apprentice. I was thinking that I will start today."
The boys were a bit surprised, and Tajima looked displeased. "I don't know about that. You showed a lot of promise as a kunoichi and you already got your promotion. In time you could grow to become just like your mother. The Uchiha clan can't afford to lose such a good shinobi in favor of you becoming a doctor."
Haruka didn't like where he was going with this, and so she gave him a stern glance. " The Uchiha clan has nothing but fighters. What we lack is doctors. Good doctors, ones that know what they are doing. I have the potential to become one and mom agreed with me. That's what she wanted, so that's what's going to happen. And I can do both. Medicine and training. We already agreed that I would train with the other at least twice a week, but I will up it to a minimum of four times a week. I won't be the weak link for long, I promise. All I need is a bit of help around the house. The cooking and dishes, I can do. Even the sewing and picking up the groceries. All I need is help with the cleaning and laundry. The widow, Misuki who comes to help around once a week can pick that up for me. But she needs to come more than once a week. At least once every other day. I refuse to live in a dump." Tajima and Haruka glared at each other for a while, but her eyes never wavered even under his intimidating stare. Madara and Izuna had retreated to the background, hiding behind their bowls of rice, eyes wide, clearly not planning on intervening.
After a while, Tajima did something no one was expecting. He smiled. That didn't happen much. He went back to eating and said, "And here I thought you were a mousy little personality. You've got a gut, I give you that at least. Fine, do as you want. But in a year, you better be ready to start taking missions like all the other shinobi your age. I won't play favorites. As for the help around the house, I was already planning on having someone take a permanent day to day position. Even live with us for a while. But since you proposed so nicely, I'm not one to force you to go back on your word. It just means that I won't have to pay as much, and for that I thank you." He smirked at her and then got up, picked up his sword and pouch and left the house.
Huh? What just happened? Did she win? Why does it feel like she shot herself in the foot somewhere along the line?
Madara's and Izuna's snide snickers only confirmed that she had. She shot them a glare, but it only made them laugh harder. These brats clearly didn't respect her. She would have to teach them a lesson.
Madara however said, before she could start threatening them, "A medic, huh? When did you become interested in that? Not that I mind. I too believe that we need more doctors."
She just shrugged. "I just want to be useful. It seems like an area where I could be needed." The eldest Uchiha gave a nod. Izuna however had a much sweeter thought.
"Well,you just focus on learning a lot. Even more than those bastards Senju knows about medicine. The Uchiha need to be the best at everything. That way, Nii-san and I will become the greatest shinobi, and you'll be the greatest doctor, who patches us up when needed. Which won't be a lot because nobody will be able to get to us." His eyes were shining with excitement. Madara only shook his head smiling, but she could see the same fire burning in his eyes. And she said, "Ok, let's follow your plan!"
After breakfast, the brothers left first, but only after clearing the table. She said she would do most of the job, but she wasn't their maid either. Tajima was probably a lost cause but, these boys were going to learn some self-reliance. There wasn't much to do around the house, as they had barely lived in it for the past few days, and laundry was no longer her problem, so she finished early and headed towards Touko's.
The small clinic was empty as all the wounded had already been carried back to their houses, and nobody was sick or hurt today apparently. Touko was behind her counter reading something. When she heard the door open and saw who came in, her expression became grave. Haruka wordlessly went to sit at the same table she had sat at a few days ago. Back before everything changed. Back when she still thought of herself as "Two" instead of Uchiha Haruka.
Touko came to sit facing her, with two cups of steaming hot tea. She gave her one, and the two sat in silence for a while.
Haruka didn't know where to start, so she opened with. "I believe you have some questions for me."