The Sword Master’s Son-in-Law

chapter 12

– A Declaration of Engagement

Teddy, having felled the last Orc, headed straight for Arthas.

“Do you even realize what you’ve done!!!”

Teddy’s shout, filled with fury.

A slight glistening of tears welled in Teddy’s eyes.

Teddy’s gaze, now standing before Arthas, fell to the ground.

The Orc Shaman’s corpse.


Teddy’s prized sword, Shephirius.

Or, more accurately, the shattered remains of Shephirius.

Shattered so thoroughly that replacing it would be cheaper than repairing it.

Teddy wiped his tears, glaring at Arthas.

“Just how do you intend to atone for this?!”

Beside Teddy, spitting those words of pent-up frustration, Commander Retid approached.

Retid patted Teddy’s shoulder, saying, “Teddy, don’t scold our benefactor so harshly.”

“Benefactor, you say…?”

“Wasn’t it to help us that he broke free of his bonds and fought? He deserves to be called a benefactor.”

Retid was mistaken.

He didn’t understand the reason for Teddy’s anger.

“So, let’s forgive him for rashly breaking his bonds and moving about.”

“That’s not…”

It wasn’t just Commander Retid.

The Silver Knights who had received Arthas’s help also agreed with Retid’s words.

“That’s right, Teddy! We received help, so it can’t be helped. It’s our weakness that’s to blame, isn’t it?”

“Teddy! Don’t be so angry!”

Of course, there were those who suspected Teddy’s sudden change of heart.

“But has Teddy ever gotten angry about something like this…?”

As the atmosphere gradually shifted towards supporting Arthas, Teddy let out a stifled groan.


Teddy looked once more at the utterly shattered Shepherius.

‘Forgive me, Shepherius. I don’t think I can avenge you…’

In this situation, Teddy couldn’t bring himself to demand compensation for the sword.

Thus, Teddy clenched his fists tightly.

He had no choice but to swallow his bitterness and forgive Arthas.

“A-alright. I’ll forgive you this once. Hng…!”

“That’s the spirit, Teddy. I’ll be keeping a close eye on that righteous attitude of yours from now on!”

Amidst all the talking, Arthas just wore an awkward smile.


Asia, looking at the corpse of the Orcish Shaman, spoke.

“You are far stronger than I anticipated.”

Asia’s sudden praise.

I decided not to be modest.

“Yes? Well, I am rather strong.”

The person who taught me the sword was a Sword Saint, after all.

It would be a bigger problem if I was weak after being taught by a Sword Saint.

Anyway, whether it was thanks to my contribution or as compensation.

I was no longer bound.

“That… about this matter…”

Asia said, gazing intently at me, before pausing.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed.

A hesitant air about her.

She seemed like she wanted to say something.

I waited patiently for this ‘something’.

A minute or so trickled by.



“Thank you…,” Asia mumbled, barely audible.

This from Asia, who held such ill feelings towards me.

For her to express gratitude like this, she must have summoned considerable courage.

I offered her a good-natured smile.

“Don’t mention it!”

“Still, until the truth of the matter regarding the incident you caused is revealed…!”

“Yes, yes, I understand.”


And with that, Asia turned her back to see to the Order’s preparations.


Having completed the request, I made my way to the Barony of Waltz.

The first place I went upon entering the Barony was the Information Guild.

To confirm information about Vedy, and the truth of the matter concerning the incident I’d been involved in.

The result.

“Vedy… a notorious character, infamous in the East. The crimes he’s committed are staggering. Though, there’s plenty of suspicion, but not enough proof.”

It was added that they hadn’t been able to arrest him.

“…I see.”

Asia nodded, acknowledging the information.

And so, I was exonerated.

The Information Guild, bless them, had already branded Vedy as a malicious merchant.

Well, naturally.

Vedy was one of the merchants who dominated the back alleys of the East.

Moreover, the crimes he committed ranged from smuggling to slave trading.

Vedy was a villain who indulged in every illegal act imaginable.

‘They only had suspicions, so they couldn’t bring him to justice until now.’

It was Vedy’s mistake to have targeted me.

Thanks to Vedy’s diligent villainy, I gained some credibility.

A reward for that credibility, perhaps.

“Oh, to have dealt with such a man single-handedly, you’re practically a saint!”

“To have learned swordsmanship from a Sword Saint, might I be permitted to cross blades with you sometime?”

“For such a person to be Asia-nim’s fiancé, the Messiah family is truly blessed.”

The Silver Knights began to show me their favor.

Though, of course, not all of them.

“Shepherdus’s foe…!”

Teddy, who lent me his sword, cast a gaze of what felt like resentment my way.

“Ahem! You lot, it’s not as if being betrothed is set in stone yet.”

Retid, the squad leader, rebuked his subordinates, hedging on the betrothal’s certainty.

He seemed closer to neutrality than outright dislike of me.

And lastly…

“Squad Leader Retid speaks truth. I haven’t acknowledged any betrothal yet…”

Asia’s eyes met mine, and she averted her gaze, denying the betrothal.

Thus, only these three harbored no apparent favor towards me.


The day we arrived at the Waltz barony.

I intended to visit the information guild and depart for the Messiah marquisate immediately, but the Silver Knights needed rest.

Fatigue had accumulated from the recent battle.

For that reason, Asia was compelled to spend the night at the Waltz barony.

And so it was, at the Waltz baron’s manor.

Asia walked along the manor’s hallway.

“Haa… I’d rather just eat amongst ourselves…”

Asia sighed deeply.

The Baron Waltz had invited Asia to dine with him.

Unable to refuse, Asia was on her way to attend.

“Still… betrothed? What on earth is grandfather thinking!!!”

Asia recalled a conversation she had with her grandfather in the past.

‘Asia… I will never allow you to become a victim of a political marriage.’

Her grandfather had certainly never been fond of political marriages.

Therefore, the Sword Saint wished to free his granddaughter from noble political marriages.

But this was an emergency.

He was unable to move, and the other party happened to be royalty.

That was why he had asked Arthurs for a favor.

Naturally, from Asia’s perspective, unaware of these circumstances, it was impossible not to feel as though her grandfather had broken his promise.

“Ugh… annoying.”

Asia felt an inexplicable irritation welling up as she thought of Arthurs.

She couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason.

She simply thought.


His manner of speaking and behavior were subtly irksome.

Like a frivolous playboy of sorts.

He was far removed from the ideal image she had always envisioned.

Asia’s ideal type was akin to a grave knight.

Not someone as flighty as Arthurs.

“Must I really become betrothed to that man as grandfather intends…?”

Asia’s steps, lost in thought, faltered to a halt.

She had arrived before the restaurant.

Knock, knock.

“Asia Messia, here.”

“Yes, come in, please.”

The voice from within was not that of Baron Waltz.

A flicker of unease touched her, yet Asia pushed open the door.

‘Ah…just as I feared!’

It was as she had dreaded.

Baron Waltz, and beside him stood a young man, clearly his son.

“Haha, this is my son.”

“Pleased to meet you,” he offered.

Asia felt a surge of anger towards Baron Waltz.

But she couldn’t give in to it.

Not if the Silver Order’s valiant efforts against the Orcs were to mean anything.

The Baron’s son, his words slightly halting, launched into a stream of compliments directed at Asia.

“Ah, you are… most beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Would you… perhaps be free for a meal sometime…?”

“Pardon? Isn’t that what we’re doing now…dining?”

“Ahaha… you’re amusing.”

His lines felt rehearsed, as if pulled from a script.

The conversation felt strained, disconnected.

‘Did he actually read a book on how to woo a woman?’

Such painfully generic lines.

She wasn’t impressed.

And then Asia understood, in a flash, the reason for the Baron’s son being present.

The marriage proposal mentioned before.

Baron Waltz was clearly attempting to pair her with his son, that much was obvious.

“Well then, let us begin our meal,” the Baron declared.

Asia started to eat.

But then…

“I hear you’ve recently advanced to Sword Expert Intermediate… truly impressive.”

“Yes, thank you.”

The Baron’s son, tapping his head with a cheesy grin.

“They say that lovers should have somewhat different qualities. For instance, I maintain excellent grades at the Academy.”

The Baron’s son kept interrupting, constantly hindering Asia’s meal.

Each interruption only caused Asia’s stomach to churn.

‘Talking incessantly while eating. What appalling manners.’

And it wasn’t only the Baron’s son.

To disrespect Asia is to invite consequence.

“So, what are your thoughts on moving forward with the marriage proposal for my son?”

Asia nearly lost her temper then and there.

“Haha, I’m sure my father’s opinion is far more important than my own.”

Still, she restrained herself.

She was already berating herself, thinking she should have refused this meal altogether.

“Ah, there you are!”

The door to the dining room burst open, and a man appeared.

‘Ah… handsome…, but who is he?’

Asia let out a soft gasp of admiration.

The man who entered the dining room was a vision of youthful beauty.

If he were a noble, he would appear of high birth; if a commoner, he’d be the sort of pet kept by wealthy noblewomen….

Chastising herself for the inappropriate thought, Asia quickly turned her gaze back to her food.

‘But there’s something strangely familiar about his face… Have I seen him somewhere before?’

She was certain she was seeing his face for the first time, yet it felt oddly familiar.

A handsome young man with black hair and black eyes.

Suddenly, a figure flashed through Asia’s mind.

Asia glanced sideways at the man’s face.

“How dare you barge into a noble’s dinner like this. Are you mad?”

“Ah, please forgive my tardiness in introducing myself.”

That strangely familiar face.

And it was clear she’d met him recently.


Could it be…?

“My name is Arthas.”

Asia’s eyes widened in shock.

To think that the man who claimed to be her fiancé, the one with the bloodied face, could look like *this*.

“I am a disciple of the Sword Saint, and…”

Asia and Arthas’s eyes met.

At the same time, Arthas offered a smile.

For a brief moment, Asia was captivated by that smile, and her cheeks flushed.

“I am Asia’s fiancé.”

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