In the night mark prepared all of he's equipment and chemical to kill them he put a poison on there food and he kill them all by one the goblin felt a terror of a human they now that the human was have an ability to take them down. the leader of there group name gobro he's last words was you kill me remember that I will forever curse you and waiting you from hell. Mark feel the words that gobru tell him he was shaken this the first time he kill a being like human. And he knew that they have 70 percent human characteristics. and that night he cannot fall asleep he help the human that they capture to escape but all of he knew was one of the prisoner of that group was a mountain bandits soburdinate. And first of all he give them a food before they leaving him behind. That's not all many people thankful of mark to save them even a soldier to other nation was not helping them. They know if they help commoners can give them a bad luck commoners it's like a curse for them. And the noble was the important figures for them there leadership and manageable was highly recommend and even royal family give them a land and money.