The Villain Knows the End

Chapter 171: chapter -168 the world of animeverse of normal person

As the changes come to end as I take out a drop of blood from my body as thow it outside the universe as it change into a rocket and lunches itself as it create a space center ship as blood make his copies and lunches multiple ships to other multiverse as in the new bown star is doing normal as I was making waves in every industry you can found with this there is not much who want to fight against my family but there are some like yu ,and other those who have protagonist related to them

In other universe earth 19364926

As my ships land on the mountain as my blood come out of the ship as I make my symbiote form as big black eye with scary smiling face as you can see 6 wings form the back as hands have sharp claws his body is full black but red nerves can be seen as he snap his two claw fingers he returned to his normal human from

As he used a normal face mask and go downbfrom mount takao and start to go to near the gold shop to earn some money after that I go to some shady people to create me id and other important stuff as my here is in japanese language Ragavu Iye Kingu(ラガヴ・イェ・キング)

after that I go to center tokyo as I changed the apprecnce to a teenager as it goes in the same fake documents of mine as I go to the strawberry production before that

I buy some villa phone number and other necessary things for a daily basis of human life as I enter the strawberry production as I was standing infront of a receptionist as I said"hey beautiful go you know where is the interview for new actor,singer or male idols can you tell me "

As the receptionist blushed at my compliments and said, "Yes sir, we have interviews for singers and actors, so tell me which one are you gonna go for (はい,サー,私たちは歌手と俳優のための面接を行っていますので,どちらに行くつもりですか?)"

As I said, "I am okay with any one of them, but tell me the room in which the ongoing interview for acting is (私はどちらでも大丈夫ですが,現在進行中の俳優の面接の部屋を教えてください)"

As the receptionist said, "Okay sir, you go to the lift on the right side of that (わかりました,サー,それの右側にあるエレベーターに行ってください)" as she pointed her finger in the direction, "and go to the 5th floor, room no. 7, for the auditions for actors (そして,5階の7号室で俳優のオーディションを受けてください)"

As I go to the direction I was called by the receptionist

After 5 min.

I reached the 5th floor and stood in front of Room 7. As I looked around, my eyes landed on a pair of twins—one boy and one girl. The boy had striking aquamarine-blue eyes, with a star pattern shimmering in one of them. The girl shared the same unique feature, except her eyes were a deep ruby red, gleaming like precious gemstones.

Standing near them was a woman, seemingly their caretaker, gently watching over them. Curious, I approached her and asked, "Hello, miss. Can you tell me which number is currently going for the auditions for new actors (こんにちは,ミス.現在,新しい俳優のオーディションに進んでいる番号を教えてもらえますか?)"

The woman looked at me and responded, "Huh? Oh yes, in about 5 to 6 minutes. Please wait, sir. Um... by the way, can you tell me whose twins those are? They are both beautiful and cute at the same time (え?ああ,はい,5~6分後です.少々お待ちください,サー.ええと…ところで,この双子は誰の子供ですか?とても美しくて可愛らしいですね)"

The woman gave a small smile before explaining, "Ah, yes. They are the relatives of one of the idols we manage. She has been taking care of them while their parents are away on a big business trip (ああ,はい.彼らは私たちが担当しているアイドルの親戚の子供たちです.両親が長期のビジネス出張中のため,彼女が面倒を見ています)".

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