The Visionary Hero

Chapter 2: Not just a Dream

The dream ended with my painless death once again. At this point, I knew I was dreaming because the moment I opened my eyes, I found myself back inside the truck.

I knew this was a dream because I didn't remember falling asleep inside the truck. This meant I was still asleep back at my home. I couldn't explain what was happening to me..

For now, the only thing I need to focus on is why this dream keeps repeating—and how I can wake up.

I stepped off the truck and walked right into the middle of the fight. The gunfire stopped abruptly as everyone turned their attention to me, shocked by what I was doing. In my mind, there was nothing—no fear, no panic—just an eerie blankness and overwhelming curiosity.

A total of 25 guns were now aimed at me, both the terrorists and smugglers watching me warily. Their eyes fixated on one thing: my gray eyes. I didn't know why my eyes were so important to them, but I wasn't thinking about that. All I could wonder was, What happens if I die here?

I darted into the jungle to the left of the

truck, using the chaos to my advantage. My

sudden movement distracted both sides.

Five of the terrorists immediately broke off

to chase me, while the rest resumed their

gunfire against the smugglers.

Before all this, I had whispered to the other

captive teenagers,

"When their attention shifts to me, quietly head toward the right side of the jungle and escape."

"They should have been escaped by now."

I spoke to myself, panting from the

exhaustion of running. Though I couldn't

feel death or pain here, every other

emotion hit me clearly--anger, fear,

happiness, tiredness, everything. I thought

about the situation: Five of them are

coming after me. First, I need to free my


I ran to the exact tree where I had hidden in

my dream before. Using its sharp edge, I

finally freed my hands, then crouched

behind the same spot as before. The five of

them were searching the area for me, their

eyes scanning the surroundings.

Two of them noticed the same wooden log

in the water that wasn't actually a log--it

was a Humacroc. I stayed still, watching and

waiting as they moved closer to the shore

Once they were within reach, I took my


I lunged forward and kicked them both into

the water, catching them completely off

guard. One of their guns slipped from a

hand and hit the ground. I grabbed it

without hesitation and quickly climbed

back up the tree.

The remaining three rushed back after

hearing the commotion. They saw the

Humacroc thrashing in the water and

immediately opened fire, killing it. As they

lowered their weapons,I gripped the light

gun tightly.

From my position above, I aimed at them. It

was daytime, and the subtle glow from the

light gun went unnoticed in the sunlight.

Taking advantage of their obliviousness, I


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three of them fell, lifeless.

Then the rest of the terrorists arrived--five

of them remaining, including their leader.

They were carefully scanning the area,

searching for me. But I wasn't in the same

spot anymore. I had already changed my


This time, 1 hid in the tree where 1 had

taken down five of them in a straight line

during the dream before. From there,1

aimed the light gun at the leader of the

group, focusing on his head.

I held my breath and steadied my aim. But

then, something distracted me--a flicker of



A shot rang out from the side of the

terrorists. I looked at the leader, only to see

him turning his head toward me with a

knowing smile, as if he had been aware of

my presence the entire time. My heart

sank...and then I noticed the light wasn't

coming from him-it was coming from my


My heart was

gone, vanished into nothingness

I should've been dead. My vision should

have gone black, but it didn't--at least, not

immediately. That's when I realized: I only

return to the beginning of the dream

once I am completely gone.

fell from the tree, free-falling through the

air. This time, I wasn't afraid. There was no

fear, no dread--only exhilaration. I laughed

looking down at the leader. His face twisted

in shock as he watched me.

I hit the river below with a resounding

splash, sinking into the depths where the

Humacrocs waited. Once again, their jaws

tore into me, but I felt nothing. Everything

turned black.

A distant light began to glow, shining

brightly in the void. Drawn to it, I moved

closer, reaching out to it.

And then, the dream ended.

I woke up-not in reality, but within the

dream again. This time, the scene had

shifted. It was moments after I had killed

the five terrorists who were chasing me

before encountering the leader's group

I thought, If l can survive this, maybe l'll

wake up, since there would no longer be

any danger to my life.

But then I saw the leader approaching

accompanied by the remaining four

terrorists. The only weapon I had to face

them was the gun. This gun is the key, I

thought. Without it, I stood no chance.

It was one versus five. I believed I could use

the tree branches to stay out of reach,

moving swiftly to outmaneuver them. But

then, I wondered-

"How could he have spotted me?"

The Golden Eyes were known to be immune

to flashes or anything related to light, but

the leader wasn't one of them-he was

human. Somehow, he could detect unusual

light, even during the day. I gripped the gun

tightly, thinking,

"What should I do? I need to kill him before they find me."

As these thoughts raced through my mind, I

watched them searching for me. Thankfully

the leader hadn't noticed me yet, as the

gun remained hidden behind my back.

I thought, If I can separate them, I can take them down one by one.

I had nothing to lose. I couldn't truly die here. I had as many chances as I needed. If I failed, I would just restart from here and keep trying until I found a way to defeat them.

This was driving me insane—but not in a bad way. For the first time, I wasn't bored, scared, or in pain. Nothing. Just pure, unfiltered excitement.

I felt like I could take them down if I truly wanted to. The rush, the thrill—it was intoxicating.

Should I try taking them on head-on?

Was it adrenaline? I didn't know, but it felt like I was playing with fire while standing on the edge of an ocean. I could feel my blood pumping through me, my heart racing with every passing second.

For the first time, I didn't feel weak or outmatched—I felt like I was as strong as them. It wasn't bravery or courage driving me—it was pure excitement, an insatiable desire for revenge.

Lost in my thoughts, 1 forgot one crucial

thing--/ was trapped in a dream. No matter

what, I couldn't escape. As I grew careless

frozen in place, they noticed me.

Snapping back to reality, I immediately

opened fire. Four bullets dropped three of

them. Only the leader and his subordinate

were left.

I quickly changed my position, moving

carefully, avoiding their shots. The ALR

needed time to recharge; its firepower

wasn't instantaneous. I used that window to

my advantage, picking off the subordinate

with about ten or twelve shots.

Now, it was just the leader. I aimed and

fired, but he dodged it with impressive

precision. He was experienced-definitely a

leader. My bullets ran dry, and my gun

began its recharge cycle.

His weapon, however, recharged quickly

Without hesitation, he switched to

close-range combat. But I kept my distance

waiting for my gun to power up so I could

finish this. Five seconds. Five seconds, they

felt like an eternity.

Then, his gun recharged in just three

seconds. He wasted no time and opened


It was fascinating-- his speed, his skill. He

fired five rounds. All of them hit me.

Two in my left hand, one in my heart, and

two in the side of my belly.

Yet, I felt nothing. A smile spread across my

face, excitement flooding my veins.

With a sudden burst of movement, I jumped

in front of him, closer. His gun was pointing directly at me. Slowly, I took a step forward, determined.

He fired another round straight into my

heart, then emptied the rest of his clip

It was getting darker and darker, but I

wasn't afraid. I looked at his face and knew

I can't die here-I was smiling, filled with joy, with anticipation.

"I'm going to kill you head-on next time."

And then, everything went black again.

I reached for the light in the distance. It felt

different this time--it felt fun. This time, I'd

finish it. Head-on.

This time, the scene was different again. I

was perched in the tree, just like before

when I had been lost in thought. But this

time, I took aim at the other three

terrorists, and with a single, swift action, I

killed them. I was being efficient--saving

my bullets for the final confrontation.

I quickly shifted position, concealing the

gun behind me. Only the leader and his

subordinate remained. They knew where

was-up in the tree--but they couldn't see

me. So, they began firing at every tree in

my direction.

Their clips emptied quickly, and their guns

began to recharge. Perfect.

I took my chance and killed the subordinate

first, preserving about ten bullets in my

clip. Without hesitation, I jumped down

from the tree directly in front of the leader.

The three seconds of his gun's recharge

were over, and he reacted in desperation

trying to fire at me.

But I was faster. I aimed for his hand, fired,

and watched as it vanished before his eyes


He screamed. But I felt nothing.

I couldn't hold back a laugh.

"This isn't the first time I've used this gun, you know."

"How? How had I become so skilled?"

The answer was simple: Every time I died,

every time I was killed by him, the dream

reset-and each time. This continued about 4 times after the confrontation with him head on.

I learned more about how to use the gun, how to handle him.

I had died by his bullets, again and again for four times,telling him,

" I'll kill you head-on next time."

But each death had brought me closer, each

loop made me more experienced.

Now, it was his turn to die.

I smiled and said,

"See you in reality."

And with that, I finally killed him in the dream.

But the dream didn't end. Why?

I didn't know. A wave of panic hit me. Why

can't I get back?

I started to freak out, my thoughts

spinning. It felt as if I might be trapped in

this endless loop forever. For half an hour,I

panicked, unable to think clearly.

Then, slowly, I managed to calm myself

down. Iforced myself to breathe, to analyze

everything that had happened in my dream,

A pattern. There was always a reset point-

the moment I died. Every time I died, the

dream started over. But it was always at the

hands of my enemies. What if.

"What if l kill myself?"

"Would I finally wake up? Would I break the

loop? Or would I be trapped here forever,

caught in an endless cycle of death?"

It was the only idea that made sense, the

only hope I had left.

I was nervous, my hands shaking. There was

a hesitation deep inside me, but i forced it

away. This might be the only way out. I had

no choice.

I raised the light gun to my chest.

"This is the only way"

And then, with a steady breath, I pulled the


This time, everything went white. I was

swallowed by the brightness, but then, a

dark, thick smoke slowly began to creep

over everything, obscuring my


"What is that..."

I said, my voice filled with shock and confusion.

Before I could process anything further,

everything faded to black.

When I opened my eyes again, I was back at

a restart point--again.

I was in the tree, the familiar tree where I

had freed myself from the tied hands. I

sighed a little in relief, but I was also

cautious. I knew what was at stake. I

couldn't afford to die by my enemies again

-it would only trap me deeper in this

endless cycle.

I stayed still, watching as the two terrorists

made their way toward the shore. The same

routine, the same steps. I waited for them

to get close, then I kicked them into the

water, just like before. One gun fell, and I

grabbed it quickly.

Without hesitation, I shot myself.

I thought to myself, If I return to the truck

this time, maybe--just maybe--I can finally

understand what's happening.

Once again, the blinding white light enveloped me, and the black fog crept back, slowly painting the surrounding chaos. It felt like déjà vu, like I was stuck in an endless cycle that I couldn't escape.

And then, as if nothing had changed, I opened my eyes—inside the truck.

I felt it again. The excitement,the adrenaline.

Was I finally breaking free from this

damned dream? I was halfway through.

But I knew I couldn't rush it. I couldn't let

the cycle repeat the same way. This time, I

needed to avoid dying at the hands of the


I couldn't find a way to kill myself directly

not yet. So I waited. I don't need to die

immediately. I remember-if I kill myself this time, I'll skip the restart point. I have to change things first.

I made my way into the jungle again, to the

left of the truck. The terrorists followed as

usual. They killed the other teenagers who

were behind me, just like before.

Everything felt so familiar--same spot

same tree, same method. I killed both of

the terrorists, just like I had countless

times before. I grabbed their guns, their

light guns, and... killed myself again.

The same process repeated itself--the

blinding white light, the creeping black fog.

It didn't amuse me anymore; it barely

registered as anything remarkable. It was

just another part of this endless cycle.

This time, when i opened my eyes, I was in

my house.

I knew the end of this nightmare was within

my grasp. Just one more time.

I no longer felt pain here. I no longer feared

death, because it had no real weight in this

dream. Yet, despite that understanding, I

felt a flicker of nervousness.


Because this time... this time, I wouldn't

wake up here again. I would wake up in


My heart began pounding in my chest,

faster and harder than ever before. It

wasn't fear. It wasn't dread. It was intensity

-pure, unfiltered intensity

I moved through the house until I found a

sharp knife, glinting under the faint light. I

took it in my hand, gripping it tightly. My

breathing quickened as the reality of what I

had to do settled in.

It's just one more step...just one more step

to escape.

I held the knife against my skin, steady but

firm. I was ready. Just as I was about to

drive it in-

A loud, grating noise stopped me

The truck.

It had arrived at the village.

I paused. My grip on the knife tightened,

but I didn't strike. Not yet

Instead, I made a loud noise--loud enough

to draw their attention

The smugglers turned, their guns instantly

trained on me.

I didn't move. Careful, or maybe just

careless, I stood my ground. With a vengeful

smile curling my lips, I locked eyes with

them. They looked at me, and I made sure

they noticed-really noticed-my gray eyes.

"You've already lost, I said, my voice cold

and steady.

"The moment you entered this

village, your fate was sealed. I've killed all

of you before... and now l'm finally going to

kill you for real."

I tilted my head slightly, holding their gaze

"See you again", I whispered,..

Without hesitation, I drew the knife across

my throat, cutting it open in a clean, swift


As always, I felt nothing.

But something was different this time.

There was no black fog.

No white light.

Only silence.

And then, just like that...I woke up.

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