The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel

Chapter 325: Yami's fashion

(Ryoto's pov)

We sat in silence as Yami petted Yoruichi. In the meantime, I enjoyed my lollipop. It didn't last too long, though, since the company arrived.

"Ryoto! Yami-chan!"

It was Risa who, the first thing she did, hugged Yami and started petting her on the head. She allowed it for only a moment before she vanished from her grasp before Risa even noticed it happened.

"I hate being petted like an animal." 

Yami said as she appeared a few meters away from her assailant. I stopped myself from snorting because she said that as she was still petting Yoruichi.

"Yami-chan is so cool but also so cute!" Risa tried to tease an expressionless assassin.

Then I noticed who was accompanying Risa, and it wasn't her usual friend, whose name escapes me at the moment. It was Kaede and Rio.

"Sup Ryoto. What are you doing here?"

Rio greeted me, and Kaede nodded as well.

"Nothing much. I was done with some work and was about to get home until I ran into an acquaintance." I pointed to Yami, who was still avoiding Risa.

"You never mentioned a blond gothic girl before." Kaede said, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"It never came up. She is just an alien assassin who is here to kill me. I'm her target, and that's all. Sometimes, when she gets annoyed by me, she tries to slash me or something."

I answered nonchalantly, and they didn't show shock at my revelation, although they felt it and only stared at me.

"You know, I should be surprised, but after everything you told us before, I'm not."

I'm a bit disappointed that there wasn't more of a reaction, but it makes sense. An alien assassin isn't enough anymore for them to be shocked beyond belief. Also, my unconcerned attitude meant that there was no danger.

"It's not like the first time someone is trying to kill me. Kaede here was closer to killing me than Yami was."

I said as I patted her head because the green-haired, flat-chested girl was embarrassed and feeling a bit shameful about that little piece of history, but I reassured her with a quick hug.

"Yami is not a bad girl, but she lived through many difficulties. Her lifestyle and job weren't much of a choice, as it was forced upon her, so don't treat her too harshly. She deserves some happiness in her life. By the way, what are you two doing with Risa?"

"Risa-senpai approached me because we have similar styles, and since we are new to town, she offered to show us around and take us on a little shopping spree," Rio answered.

Then I heard Risa speaking to Yami.

"What were you reading here, Yami-chan?" She asked as she held up the magazines Yami was reading before she started petting Yoruichi.

"Books on Earth fashion. Earth's clothing has a lot of colors in it."

"In comparison, Yami-chan always has the same outfit. Why don't you try something different once in a while?"

"That's a great idea!" Rio joined the conversation, already listening to my request and trying to get Yami to try some new clothes with Risa.

"...No. I'm fine with my battle dress." But Risa and Rio weren't listening as they dragged Yami to the nearest clothes shop. 

I looked at Kaede, and she looked back at me. We smiled at each other. We were already close to weirdness, and it was familiar territory to us. After that, we followed the trio of blondes.


Yami was currently curiously looking at a pair of orange colored panties. An interesting choice.

"Are you planning to buy them?"

Yami decided to ignore me and put the panties back before she went into the changing room. The girls prepared clothes for her to try out.

When Yami was done changing, she showed her first outfit. She had a tomboyish look, wearing black shorts with a skull on them, a tank top, and a hat.

She looked cute in this one, and everyone agreed, but since it was only the first outfit, she went back to change again. 

This time, her clothes were more reminiscent of her original outfit, which was a gothic Lolita style. It suited her, but the girls decided that something more casual would be better.

It took about 30 minutes for everyone to agree on something. I just steered away from this discussion. One more opinion would make this whole process much longer.

Yami now wore much more girly clothes, including a short skirt, a yellow shirt that literally said 'girly girl' on it, a necklace around her neck, and an accessory belt on her waist. She also changed her hairstyle to long twin tails.

The girls gushed about how cute Yami was in her new clothes, so I decided to give my opinion this time.

"It looks good on you, Yami. You look cute."

Yami didn't answer, but she blushed slightly, which indicated that the shell around her was starting to melt.

"Is it okay if I don't pay?" Yami asked.

"Don't worry. We flat-chested people should stick together!" Kaede said as she held Yami's hand with great enthusiasm and determination in her eyes. She was happy to see someone with a small bust size since most people around her had big boobs, although Yami was still bigger.


Then, someone decided to approach us.

"Well, well, there are a lot of cute girls here!"

"Hey, hey, why don't you come play with us?"

A trio of cliché looking delinquents was looking towards us with cocky grins.

"Let's have some fun!"

These kids really have a death wish. Even if I wasn't here, Yami would destroy them without any effort. I sometimes forget how unaware ordinary people are about the strength of others. It's daring in a way.

"Now, now, boys. Let's try to be civil here. For your own safety, you should turn around and try your luck elsewhere."

I tried to reason with them, but just as I suspected, it didn't work.

"What did you say!? Are you trying to pick up a fight!?"

The leader of these punks walked into my personal space and attempted to pick me up by my collar, but he couldn't because I was taller than him, and he was too weak.

It looks like peaceful negotiations have broken down. I was about to set all of these boys' pants on fire, but Yami stepped in.

"That guy is my target. Do something to him, and you'll pay."

Of course, at the threat of a little girl, the delinquents laughed, but it only lasted so long because they were lying on the ground, beaten up shortly after. Although Yami beat them up effortlessly, she didn't seem happy at her victory. Opposite, in fact.

When Yami moved at high speed, her dress tore a bit.

"I'm sorry... But my normal clothes seem to be the best."

Yami looked a bit sad or dejected, as if she knew that changing clothes was pointless and that they would be destroyed when fighting in the end.

We then separated in a bit of a downcast mood.

Wait! Yami still got Yoruichi!

I ran after Yami to get my cat back, and the cat seemed to make fun of me for that. What's worse, the girls were the same when I reunited with them.


On the first break of the day the next day, I decided to visit the library. Yami was checking some books. She seemed to go back to her original attire. All the girls who helped with Yami's makeover were with me, and Risa wanted to check it because she didn't believe that it was the case. She walked up to Yami and flipped her dress up to reveal the orange panties that she had checked yesterday in the shop.

Noticing that I was looking, she made her hair into a fist, and it flew right at me. Once again, I stopped, although this time, I just caught it with my hand and smirked.

"So you did buy them."

"...I hate ecchi people."



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