The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic

vol. 1 chapter 2 - Second story

Ultimately, Kazuki decided to heed the king's plea.
Initially, Kazuki had intended to decline, but upon hearing of the devastation wrought by the Demon King, he reluctantly accepted the request, likely swayed by his inherent nobility.

Moreover, Inugami-senpai and Suzune Inugami did not particularly object to Kazuki's decision... In fact, I don't believe they had any intention of disputing it with me.
Why, I cannot fathom... It remains utterly beyond me...
"So, Kazuki, Suzune, and Usato, I would like to gauge your affinity with this crystal."

According to Ms. Welsey, the kingdom's female wizard who had led us to this chamber, by placing our hand upon the crystal situated at the room's center, we could discern our aptitude... in other words, the types of magic available to us.
There appears to be a vast array of magical types, with "fire," "water," and "lightning" being among the more orthodox.
There are many other varieties, such as teleportation and illusion magic, yet some are rare and seemingly exclusive to certain races.

For me, magic was synonymous with broom flying or summoning a guardian spirit from a wand. The prospect of wielding magic, which until now felt surreal, sent a flutter of excitement through my heart.
"Then, Kazuki, you try touching it."
I wonder what kind of power I will possess... With this thought, I awaited my turn.

"The crystal is yellow... You have an affinity for lightning strike magic! Your magical power is no less impressive than Kazuki's!"
"Lightning strike... Heh."
Kazuki is light, and Inugami-senpai is lightning.

Following that, Inugami-senpai's demeanor had already shifted.
Welsey, brimming with excitement, exclaimed, "You're a brave one!" repeatedly, her enthusiasm momentarily shattering my composure like a delicate tissue in a downpour.
Hmm? Kazuki doesn't seem pleased.

"What's the matter, Kazuki?"
"…I mean, what's 'light'? In battle, do you just shine and blind the enemy?"
"You could emit beams, Kazuki-kun, or wield a sword imbued with light—"

"Could you please quiet down for a moment, Inugami-senpai? Let's not destroy the world, alright?"
This person is a wonder.
Has he gone mad since arriving in another world?
"It's a tough one, Usato-kun... You don't dislike it, do you?"

I'm not fond of this person anymore.
Who claimed she was the school's most beautiful girl? Oh, it was me.
Setting Inugami-senpai aside, Kazuki...

"No, no, no, no! After all, it's magic that only a select few can master! Banishing evil with light! It is the supreme attribute, boasting unmatched power in the battle against demons!"
"Oh, is that so...
"Hehehe, I can't wait for training! I'll report to the King!!"

I'm not done yet, am I? Forgotten?
In her forgetfulness, Welsey takes Kazuki's hand and attempts to exit the room.
I couldn't let them leave like this, so just as I tried to intervene, Inugami-senpai grasped Welsey's arm.

"You haven't checked his yet, have you, Ms. Welsey?"
"…Who? Oh my! I'm terribly sorry! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"It's Usato."

I... didn't realize how much forgetting names could hurt someone.
As I felt a mix of rising indignation and sinking resignation, I placed my hand on the crystal.
Upon my touch, the crystal turned a translucent shade of green.

"It's a beautiful color, like an emerald."
"Indeed, I wasn't sure about the color since it was just glowing."

Inugami-senpai and Kazuki, observing the crystal I had touched, remarked so.
The brilliance of the color signifies the magnitude of magical power, while the hue itself indicates the attribute. This was explained to me by Ms. Welsey.
The color being slightly pale suggests it's somewhat above average.

This crystal's green hue signifies...
"Manipulation of plants... What's going on? Why do you look so pale, Ms. Welsey..."
"I must inform you."

"Why are you grabbing my hand?"
"I must inform you!!"
Ms. Welsey, with a grip as firm as a vice, began to run, dragging me along.

What? What? What is happening!? Did I do something wrong!?
We arrived at the grand hall where the king was stationed.
Gasping for breath, I was led by Ms. Welsey and brought before the king.

This was my first time being led by a woman since elementary school, but it was hardly the joyful occasion one might imagine. It was more akin to a frantic sprint, imbued with a sense of foreboding.
Present in the grand hall were the king, his dignitaries, and armored guards aligned along the walls.
"King Lloyd!!"

"What is it, Welsey? Did you determine Kazuki's aptitude? And the others?"
"Kazuki and Suzune displayed remarkable qualities as well, but..."
"…What about Usato? He didn't come to this world by choice. He wasn't here to fight, was he?"

This king is exceedingly kind.
I thought he might feel compelled to dismiss me as useless, yet his grip on my hand suggested otherwise... Perhaps.
"I'm well aware. But his aptitude... It's..."

"What is it? It's not a dark attribute, is it? Hahahahaha!!"
The king and those around him erupted in laughter.
The manipulation of darkness is considered a rare talent, scarcely found even among the demon tribe.

My crystal being green, there was no chance of that.
Yet, Ms. Welsey's perplexed expression only heightened my anxiety.
"Healing... That's what it is."

"Haha... Huh? What now?"
"The crystal turning green signifies the potential to become a healing mage."
Healing, magic?

What sort of magic is that, designated for recovery tasks?
"Why the silence?"

My lineage, it appears, is fraught with peril! It's so alarming that it can't simply be laughed off!
Healing, by its name, implies an ability to heal, does it not? So why does the atmosphere here resemble that of a funeral?
The king looked at me and cleared his throat, his expression a blend of joy and confusion.

"Usato, you seem bewildered, so allow me to explain."
"Yes, please."
"Healing mages are rare, and their lineage is distinguished by the ability to wield healing magic far surpassing the basic healing spells known to ordinary mages."

"And why...?"
"Well, it's difficult to explain... How about this? Tomorrow, let's send Usato to the physician in the castle town for his training!"
I'm growing increasingly apprehensive with each topic change.

What are they concealing from me?
"That's wonderful, Usato-dono!"
"That's right!"

"Isn't that a splendid arrangement, Usato-kun?"
"Ms. Welsey, my hand's grown clammy from earlier."
The king, visibly sweating profusely, turned to me. They're suggesting I consult with a physician, including my escort. This feels more like a directive than a suggestion.

Moreover, it wasn't my hand that grew clammy; it was that of Ms. Welsey, the wizard beside me.
"What? But I... heard that there are mages in this country who specialize in the same healing arts as I."
"No, they can't do it! You must be a dedicated healing mage!"

"What... are you implying?"
Who are they? Are they deemed so perilous that even the king views them with alarm?
The consensus among those present seemed to affirm the excessiveness of the situation.

Just as I was about to acquiesce to tomorrow's dispatch, a guard, panting heavily, entered the grand hall.
"The kingdom is in peril, Lady Rose has arrived!!"
"What!? Don't let her through! Especially not now!!"

"But that's... Whew."
Who, I wonder, is this Rose?
Upon hearing her name, those around me started imploring me to "Hide! Hide immediately!"

Should I hide? But Ms. Welsey isn't letting go of my hand.
Could you release me for a moment, Ms. Welsey... Eh? "I'm sorry"? Why apologize!? As I struggled to free myself from a teary-eyed Ms. Welsey, the grand hall's doors swung open with force.
"Lady Lloyd! Has the hero arrived yet?"

"Ah, this is bad…"
The grand hall's door flung open rather brusquely, and a majestic woman with a masculine tone entered. Clad in a white coat, she bore a resemblance to a physician, yet the scar across her right eye and her verdant hair accentuated her fierceness rather than her allure.
This woman, striding with purpose towards the throne, approached the perspiring king.

"Why do you seem so startled to see me, as if you're harboring secrets?"
"Oh, that's not the case, Rose. Weren't you supposed to be off duty today?"
"Kahaha, I rest for the sake of my country... Hmm? And who might you be?"

The woman, known as Rose, chuckled as she gazed at me.
Ah, why does this person seem so intimidating...? Did they prefer to keep my healing aptitude a secret from her?
"Oh, he's not a hero, merely a boy swept up in unforeseen circumstances!"

The king sounded desperate.
"Is that so... Well then, boy, what's your name?"
"Usato... That's my name."

"…Usato, huh. My name is Rose... Just Rose. I'm the captain of the kingdom's rescue team. Pleasantries aside."
The captain of the rescue team? ...In my eyes, this person doesn't resemble someone engaged in life-saving professions. On the contrary, she seems more akin to a harbinger of death.
It's peculiar how her mere presence evokes fear, despite her comely appearance.

I could feel sweat gradually beading on my forehead.
"I believe Usato must be exhausted; perhaps he should rest."
"Well then, Lady Lloyd, where are the other heroes?"

"Oh, about that..."
"Hey Usato! What did you do when you started running, Welsey?"
Ms. Welsey and I were interrupted as Kazuki and Inugami-senpai, who had been trailing behind, entered the room.

I apologize, but I cannot approach someone with such an ogre-like aura.
King Lloyd glanced at Kazuki.
"What a mess."

"Hey, don't you look fine?"
Internally, King Lloyd made a triumphant gesture. With that, Rose's attention shifted from me to Kazuki and the others.
Those around her exhaled in relief, grateful that Rose hadn't noticed me.

"It's okay, Kazuki."
"…Whew, what was that about? I thought something was amiss when I saw the crystal you touched turn green and Ms. Welsey's complexion shift as she whisked you away..."
Oh, I said.

"Green... What's that about?"
Miss Rose eyed me and smirked, raising the corner of her mouth.
Of course, the king's face blanched, and so did mine. This was an unprecedented crisis. The main culprit? Kazuki, a close associate of mine.

I hold no grudges, but... I wished he had been more attuned to the situation... Whew.
"Lady Lloyd, if you'll excuse me, I need to borrow this child for a moment."
"Welsey, protect Usato at all costs! He is now a national treasure of our country!"

"Since when did I become a national treasure!?"
Upon the king's command, Ms. Welsey released my hand and positioned herself in front of me, wand at the ready. Her presence obstructed my view.
Unable to see ahead, I sidestepped to glimpse around, but Rose had vanished. Ms. Welsey, too, seemed bewildered, "Where did she go?"

As I scanned the room, I suddenly felt weightless, as if being lifted, and found myself in someone's grasp.
Ms. Rose, who had reappeared beside me, hoisted me into her arms with ease... Wait, both arms? Despite my 170 cm stature, she lifted me effortlessly!
"Lady Lloyd, I shall train this boy to become a full-fledged healing mage!"

"Wait, wait, wait! Usato is untainted! He is a pure white healing mage, yet to be influenced by any color!"
King Lloyd rose from his throne, calling out to Rose, who cradled me in her arms.
But his pleas failed to reach Rose, who laughed heartily. What should I do? Glancing at Kazuki and Inugami-senpai, I realized they were too stunned to grasp the situation.

What? Is this an abduction? In Japan? Now, understanding my predicament more clearly, I averted my gaze from Rose, who smiled like a fearsome beast.
Usato-kun has been taken.
Though our acquaintance lasted less than half a day, we shared a common bond.

It should have been... Forgive me, Usato-kun, for I was paralyzed, witnessing you being carried away as if you were the heroine of a tale!
"Ah, Usato is an innocent civilian from another world...
"Where did you take Usato-kun, saying you would raise him...

There's no point in voicing my concerns now.
First and foremost, I must consult King Lloyd, who is familiar with the situation.
"…Whissy, I'm going to need an explanation." "Yes... Uh-huh."

King Lloyd, slumped in his throne with a look of shock, beckoned Welsey to elucidate as he had commanded.
She approached me and Kazuki, beginning her explanation as directed by the king.
"He was taken to a medical facility a short distance from the castle, staffed by a total of eight individuals, including the acting leader Rose, two healing mages, and five assistants." "Isn't that too few?"

For a single rescue team, isn't that an insufficient number?
If the objective is to combat demons, surely a larger force is required...
"That's sufficient. Regardless of their magical aptitude, any wizard can utilize healing magic for basic care. Thus, they can tend to their own injuries, as well as those of their comrades... However, severe wounds cannot be immediately healed." "And that's where... comes into play." "It's the healing magic aptitude displayed by Usato."

Healing mages are tasked with treating injuries beyond the capabilities of self-healing... That's the rationale. Does this mean Usato has the potential to become a highly valuable healing mage in this country?
Yet, something puzzles me. It's their hesitance to entrust Usato to Rose, the leader of the rescue team.
"Why were you reluctant to leave Usato in the care of a woman named Rose?" "…Lady Lloyd." "It's fine."

Welsey sought permission from King Lloyd.
Is there a specific reason... or circumstances?
"Lady Rose is indeed a healing mage expert, but... How shall I put this... Her approach to training subordinates is somewhat unconventional." "Unconventional?" "I'm not privy to the details... but she professes, 'Life Savers must always skirt the brink of death, hence I'll equip you with the skills to survive any predicament!'... She rigorously trains her team members. Countless have fled, unable to endure the rigorous training. In fact, during joint exercises between the guards and the rescue team, the guardsmen couldn't withstand Lady Rose's guidance, resulting in the training being exclusively for the rescue team." "If the guards couldn't handle it, then Rose must be exceptionally skilled?"

A murmuring guard implies that Rose's training is of such a caliber that even seasoned soldiers find it challenging.
King Lloyd, fondly stroking his chin, responded to my inquiry.
"Indeed, I'm currently injured and under the rescue team's care, but before... No, let's not delve into that... She's incomparable to an average soldier. Moreover, during the Demon King's army invasion, the rescue team's efforts were instrumental in saving numerous lives. It's safe to say that their actions were pivotal in repelling the Demon Lord's forces... Given these achievements, it's clear that Lady Rose's training methodology is effective... But..." "But?" "What results from that training... Sigh."

King Lloyd, having listened to Welsey's explanation from his throne, heaved a deep sigh.
Despite his royal status, he seemed genuinely concerned for Usato's well-being, his heart burdened with worry.
Rose escorted me to a large brick edifice a short distance from the castle.

Night had fallen, and the building was surrounded by dense forest.
Upon entering at Rose's behest, I discovered a pristine interior, complete with patient beds and medicinal supplies in the rear.
The establishment resembled a clinic, eliciting my admiration for its unexpected elegance.

"From today, this will be your abode."
"Eh?" "Hey! You lot! We have a newcomer! Show yourselves!"
Before I could inquire further, Rose, with a voice as commanding as a beast's, summoned someone.

Then, from the depths of the building, a flurry of footsteps approached in unison. A burly man was the first to emerge, standing tall before Rose.
This person intimidates me.
"Welcome back, Sister Rose!" "Ah, Alex, anything noteworthy during my absence?" "Business as usual, not a soul in sight!" "That's good to hear."

Following Alex, a succession of men arrived, each more formidable than the last.
I found myself frozen, faced with such a gathering.
Is this a different world altogether...?

"I'd like you to meet Usato, who'll be under our care from today. Make him feel welcome." "'Okay!!'"
Please, no!

Involuntarily shrinking back, I was terrified at the prospect of what awaited me, surrounded by a cadre of villainous-looking men.
I wonder... will I make it back alive?

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