The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic

vol. 1 chapter 6 - Lesson Six

A month has passed since Rose forced me to join the rescue squad.

During this time, my body has undergone significant changes.
Firstly, my physical abilities have improved dramatically. This is the result of the hellish training.
Starting with running, followed by push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises, I thoroughly trained each part of my body. Completing this process was the first step in earning my place in the rescue squad.

According to Rose, the reason for intensely training the body is to quickly escape from enemies on the battlefield. It's not just about escaping; it's about being able to move at nearly full speed while carrying several injured people.
"Move fast so you can save quickly," was Rose's mantra during training.
"Of course," one might think, but putting that into practice is quite difficult. Literally carrying the wounded from the battlefield requires a certain level of courage and matching ability.

Having come to understand this over a month, I was psyched for "today's training" when...
"Let's go outside."
Nope, it wasn't training. Can I have my enthusiasm back, please?

...Thinking back, the sad reality is that the only places I know in this world are the castle where we were summoned and the rescue squad's quarters.
I was kidnapped here on the day we were summoned.
Without a clear objective, I just followed Rose.

The other squad members are engaged in self-training, a compulsory regimen, so they won't be coming here.
"Poor things," I mock them inwardly with a bit of schadenfreude.
"Carry this."

Rose hands me a backpack nearly as tall as I am.
When I ask, "What's this?" Rose doesn't explain and simply starts walking toward the town through the door.
Huh? What's up, Tong? Giving me that look as if you're watching a soldier march to his doom. If it's nothing, then fine, but...

"What's wrong? Hurry up."
Rose waits for me at the entrance.
I have a bad feeling. A very bad feeling.
But arguing would only lead to trouble, so I obediently follow.

Visiting the town for the first time was a refreshing experience for me.
Though it wasn't filled with the machines of my original world, it reminded me of the markets I saw when I was younger, with various stores lined up.

"The Kingdom of Ringul is known for its bustling commerce. Many people come here from other countries to earn a living."
"Is that so... Ah!"
I notice a girl with fox-like ears, acting nervously while selling spiky fruits at a store.

So, she's a beastman.
I had heard about them, but seeing one in person is somewhat thrilling.
"Don't stare too much at beastmen, idiot. It might be novel to you, but it's uncomfortable for them. In their country, you could be arrested on the spot for it."

"Ah, sorry."
True, it's rude to gawk as if they're some spectacle.
As I try to look away, our eyes meet. The girl stares at me intently... This is...

"...Cuteness is justice."
"What? What are you talking about? Don't spout nonsense."

Don't smack me on the head out of nowhere.
Hmm? But so far, I've only seen that beastman girl...
"If people come here from other countries to work, shouldn't there be more demihumans and beastmen around?"

"It's relatively easy for demihumans to enter this country. Lord Lloyd is a kind-hearted person. However, the journey here is fraught with danger. Thieves, kidnappers, assassins – scum waiting to pounce. Demihumans, especially beastmen, often have unique abilities. Combined with their appearance, they can be sold as slaves for a high price."
"Of course, this country doesn't have a slavery system... but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist elsewhere. Got it?"

"I guess."
I understand, but I don't accept it. The concept of slavery is something I can't comprehend as an ordinary person!
I recall looking at a world map recently. The beastmen's country is far from the Kingdom of Ringul.

"So, getting here is hellish for them?"
"Exactly. ...Let's move on."
As usual, I can't grasp where Rose wants to go.

I feel a gaze and glance back at the fox beastman. She's still looking at me.
Staring intensely, without diverting her gaze, the girl seems a bit eerie. Let's hurry on.
Following Rose, I never look back again.

We arrive at a large gate beyond the market.
There's more town ahead? Impressive, a double structure...

No, that's not it. We're going outside the royal capital!
Rose speaks to the guards watching the gate. In the month I've been with her, I've noticed Rose has a habit of glaring whenever she talks to someone.
Right now, the gatekeeper looks visibly intimidated.

"Hey, Thomas, long time no see."
"Ro-Rose, what brings you here today?"
"Thought I'd show my subordinate the outside world."

That translates to "open the gate."
Classic Rose, scaring the life out of the gatekeepers just by being there.
"Opening now!"

"Rose, your approach is totally like a thug's. Ah, never mind, forget I said anything."
After a month, I've got a pretty good sense of what ticks her off.

As the guards open the gate with a glint of fear in their eyes, I quietly nod my head to them as we pass through.
"Rose, where are we headed now?"
"To a forest with monsters."

"It's about two hours away from here."
Sorry, I don't get you.

Wait, this massive load, could it be a [camping set]?
You're telling me to survive in a forest teeming with monsters, you demon ogre!?
Ignoring my panic, Rose strides confidently toward the mountain path.

No, wait, I haven't been ordered to start surviving in the wild yet! Don't give up hope, me!!
"We're here."
A dark forest unfolds before us.

Looking down at the forest from a cliff, with Rose standing behind me, arms crossed.
"This forest is known as 'Ringul's Darkness'. Don't come back until you've hunted a Grand Grizzly. I don't care how long it takes."
Survival and a task, great.

A Grand Grizzly? Isn't that a dangerous bear monster that becomes one after living a hundred years? I read it's extremely dangerous in a book! You hate me, don't you!?
"No, I couldn't possibly hate you."

"Ah, what a hassle. To put it simply, don't come back until you've hunted the bear. With your current strength, you should be able to defeat a Grand Grizzly easily. I've given you valuables and food, got it?"
"NOW!? Ahh, don't lift me up!"
Frantically shaking my head, Rose effortlessly lifts me along with the backpack.

How strong is she, not to swing me around like a baseball player...
"Here goes!"

Tossed into the air, my momentum doesn't slow down, thanks to Rose's monstrous strength. Am I going to die like this?
Cause of death: thrown by the rescue squad leader.
Not funny at all.

As my momentum decreases and I begin to fall, I find myself above a densely wooded forest.
I'm not going to die like this... I adjust my posture mid-air to land on my back, using the overly large backpack to cushion the impact. I brace for the landing, protecting my face with my arms, as I'm literally thrown into the monster-infested forest known as "Ringul's Darkness."

The impact of landing was less severe than I expected.
The trees served as a cushion, but it was mainly thanks to this ridiculously large backpack.
But I will never thank that woman. I'm sure she'd just throw me back here unless I hunt a Grand Grizzly.

"Seems I have no choice but to do as Rose says and hunt a Grand Grizzly."
Just a bear about two meters tall.
After surviving hell, a bear should be easy—

A massive roar echoes from somewhere in the forest, followed by approaching footsteps.

I immediately start running as fast as I can. Literally, like a scared rabbit!!
"You can't win against a beast with strength alone! I believe it's best to use a fully thought-out strategy to defeat it!"

Without looking back, I know it's following me. I remembered that wild bears can run at speeds of 40 to 60 kilometers per hour.
Meaning, if this bear is at least as fast as that, or faster... I'm in deep trouble.
"Fine then, you bear! This is a one-on-one battle between you and me! If you want to eat me, come and get me! I'll leave you in the dust! Come on—"

"...So it's dishonorable to outnumber your enemy!"
That's low!

Looking back, I see a white-furred bear and two blue-furred bears running side by side. When did they multiply? Are they like nesting dolls?
"Damn! This backpack's in the way!"
But I can't just discard it. It contains survival gear I need to stay alive here.

It must weigh around 100 kilos. I can hardly fathom what's packed inside to make it this heavy, but knowing Rose, there must be something useful in there.
But still—
"How long do I have to keep running...?"

More importantly, will I be able to leave this forest alive?

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