The Yakuza’s Billionaire Bride

Chapter 10: Stranger In Moscow

Stranger in Moscow

Nguyen, as she goes by now, steps onto the pavement.

"I'm now a tiger, and I'm on a prowl," she says to herself as she adjusts her big brown high end hat and strides across the street to the exquisite restaurant where she is going to meet Peskov, her Russian contact with the encryption keys to the BTC saved in the country. She had dressed to kill, after all, she was now a single woman. With all the money anybody could dream, why not juggle these balls like Barcelona? After all, why not? Plus the fact that she was ovulating did not help matters...

"I'm definitely getting licked tonight," she thought as she approached the counter.

"Reservation for Miss Nguyen?," she asks the receptionist across the counter.

"Table 69," the receptionist says with a naughty knowing smile

"Haha...," Nguyen laughs out at the unspoken joke, thanks the receptionist and the heads over to the said table.

"Why would he pick that number though?" She thought..."Is he trying to tell me something? God knows I want to be told something" she chuckles internally at her own joke again, like she always does. And then quickly composes herself as she approaches the gentleman who was by now standing to greet her with a friendly hug.

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