Third eye. (GOT SI)

Chapter 6: chapter 4 - The Grey Rat.

" We wouldn't call it Long Night, if it doesn't last long, would we?"

---Prince Aegon of House Targaryen to Grandmaester Vydangal.


270 AC...

----------------------Grandmaester pycelle--------------------------

Beneath the rookery of the Red keep, lies the chamber only reserved for the person bearing the duties and titles of Grandmaester. The chamber, in more than one sense was more of a library then the resting quarter. Jumbled up mixed with books, scrolls, herbs and medicine, and with two cages containing ravens with white colour features instead of black.

On the other corner, away from any book or dry scroll, a pot of boiling water was suspended upon on the hearth flames. The centre pole by which the pot was anchored was rusted black in colour, made up of stainless steel.

An old man, dressed in luxurious red velvet robes with golden and Silver fastening, was moving around the room with a vigor and fire unlike seen in person of his age and figure. His weak looking pale fingers snatched a herb from a shelve like lighting discharged. Then again after grabbing few more substances, he stormed towards a table. Using white granite mortar, the herbs were crushed again and again.

" again again again again again " the gurgling croaks of one of the white raven were like music; unrestrained and energetic. Perfectly melting into ears of old man without seemingly distrubing him, the old man continued his grinding operations while the white raven continued its energetic squeaking.

" again again again " croaked the raven, while continuously swaying right from left, copying the swaying motions of maester while he was busy grinding.

The Raven was not the only one swaying and ringing, the dozens or so chains hanging like garland around the neck of maester, were doing the same; gold, silver, steel, tin, lead, iron, bronze and brass, and many more.

" again again again again again " and the raven swayed and rocked and swayed some more.

Pycelle's beard , white as snow , swayed with him as well. It was long, his beard, so long that it touched down his broad stomach. Large enough to conceal and hide, his small mouth, his wrinkles and his yellowed rotten teeths....or lack of it.

" again again again "

His hairs, well ... were sparse, so less, that they can be easily dismissed as nonexistancial, basically making him a bald, through it would be wise, to not mention it to him.

" again again ..." At last, the maester grinding operations camed to halt, as maester's swaying stoped, the raven's dance and singing stoped as well.

Collecting the finely green herbal paste, maester rode through the room, towards the hot boiling water on the hearth flames. With the expression of mild soreness, he promptly poured down the paste into the boiling liquid. Reaction was immediate; fine mist and vapours of water and smell of antiseptic evaporating out in surrounding.

Moment or two passed, in carefull observation, then he stirred the herbal liquid few times more. Atlast he found it to be satisfactory, using a ladle to extract, he poured the medicine into a long metallic glass, leaving it to cool down.

Making this potion right, without any mishaps, is of utmost importance to him. Afterall, it was for the queen.

Using poison in controlled manner for some controlled effect was easier said than done. His motive had been to insure miscarriage, and he even easily achieved it but queen's continued deteriorating health wasn't his intention nor his goal. Even then who could had forseen the deranged acts of Aerys, atleast he hadn't, thought pycelle.

' madness ' pycelle shook his neck in disbelief, it still seemed hard to digest such an act. He was quite eagerly waiting for Lord Tywin's return from casterly rock, more has happened in this fortnight than in last few years, and informing of such developments to lord tywin would be ..... interesting.

Now, the important thing to know would be whether to deliver this piece of juicy news to citadel or not.

If it was just a decade ago, pycelle would had paid this news to citadel without a single shred of hesitation. But, that was different time, and he was different pycelle. The old pycelle was ambitious, yet was bound by the chains of ignorance. Today pycelle knew of things which even the citadel or master of whispers had no clue off.

While, today pycelle possessed innumerable series of secrets, knowledge and wisdom,one was without the doubt the most important. And that was...

Never mess with Lord Tywin Lannister..

Yes! Never stand between lord Lannister and his Obsession. It doesn't matter whether you are thorn in his path, Knowingly or unknowing, if you are between him and his legacy than YOU WILL DIE.

Even the most powerful people in the realm, like late king Jaehaerys and queen shaera couldn't remain safe against volcanic fire of Tywin's many ambitions. And, if pycelle does not want to die a very painfull death or see few people he cares for dieing in equally cruel way than he will do well to remember it. Not to say, he now owes much to Lannisters.

Before, pycelle could continue on his mental ramblings anylonger, his sharp ears caught the sound just outside his door. Full two second passed, and immediate after then, a dramatic change was seen in pycelle's stature. Previously tall,straight and strong pycelle was nowhere to found, instead now pycelle's figure was hunched and wispy, his neck was little sagged downwards towards the floor, looking venerable and old, dispite being just 55 year old.

Looking at this weak and pitiful pycelle, hardly anybody would believe that he can even survive another decade or so, let alone distined to outlive almost every king about to come.

" Grandmaester.." a knock followed by a familiar voice of Ser Barristan selmy exposed the source of earlier sound.

" Please come in " pycelle called, making his voice weak and slow, while insuring not to overdo it. Not even a second later, the door was pushed open, but ser Barristan was not the one who really entered the room. Surprisingly, it was a very familiar boy, with silver hair and Indigo eyes, one who was the key to his masters ambition.

" Grandmaester" pycelle snapped out of his suprise, as soon as he heard the greeting from the young prince.

"Oh! Come in child" said pycelle, with his tender, kind and benovalate smile plastered perfectly. In private, calling prince by his name, was actually an old suggestion from lord tywin, hopefully making him as a grandfatherly figure for future monarch of seven kingdoms.

Pycelle scanned the unusualy plain emotions on boy's face, while it was strange to not see that familiar serene smile of his face, pycelle can fully understand reasons behind it.

" You have skipped quite a few classes in last few days,my prince " pycelle probed, interested to see the reaction of the little child and his mental conditions from it.

" Hopefully, today i can remedy that, maester " almost immediate reply camed out and a unfamiliar smile graced the face of prince.

' that smile is strange,a fake one' pycelle thought ' still, it's better than nothing '. And reply was too fast, quick and well crafted.' unnecessary torchering iron in furnace only breaks it, but few rare times it may create better steel than any '

" ahhh!, oh! yes yes, right you are my prince; better late than never " pycelle nodded his head sagely, again and again.

" again again again again again " suddenly the raven screemed, and pycelle almost jumped a little at unexpected intrusion from his pet, or atleast he tried to act as such.

" Merick,seems to be hyperactive today, maester " Rhaegar raised his little brows a little, a little bit of curiosity taking over his small face.

" I must had feed him little too much today " pycelle grumbled, and did his best to look annoyed, sharply glaring at the white raven.

As if to annoy his master further more, the white raven

'Merick' screeched yet once more and then went back to eatting his corns. Pycelle started shaking his neck in dismay and huffed a little, glancing at the small smile forming on child's face, pycelle felt a sense of satisfaction.

While he may be raising a chicken for future slaughter, nowhere it means, that he can't provide joy to this poor thing in meanwhile.

As time passed, pycelle's antics ended & both teacher and student camed to sit on there usual place to initiate there class.

Pycelle started the classes on sigial and different house moto, while the boy identified majority of them correctly, his answer were slow to come, which was understandable considering him missing his lessons for more than a week.

Then camed philosophy, then writing and valyrian tongue and grammar and some rhetorics.

A hour passed, and time for history lessons arrived and pycelle hated everything about it, he did not like teaching least not to this royal child.

Once upon a time, when Rhaegar was much little and quite new to his classes, pycelle had great enthusiasm to teach him history, afterall historical incidents were second best way to manipulate a child's mind, after religious dogma. But that enthusiasm lasted for just less than a year, and collapsing thereafter, pycelle to his own immense frustration realised that Rhaegar even as a child was a total bookworm through and through. Whenever he taught any historical incident to him, Rhaegar would immediately after launch a raid on library and read almost everything he could find on that topic, and just in month or two, he would be one lecturing, not pycelle.

' One wonder's how he survived 9 months in his mother's womb without any scrolls' Pycelle joked internally, while scanning the boy, who was busy reading the paragraph on valyrian history and magical fabels, which offcourse had to be favourite topic of a any Targaryen child.

If he survives long enough in game of thrones, then he will out shine even likes of Jahenarys Targaryen, pycelle concluded. The boy was absolute nightmare to manipulate, was more intelligent then any of his age, and worst he was very stubborn, so unlike his father.

' Pity ' pycelle thought, ' this boy without a doubt won't ever let tywin grab power, and for that Lion of Casterly rock would definitely remove him from picture once he had fucked and put enough babies in Lannister girl.'

Pycelle glanced at the boy, thinking of various future senerios. He doubted Rhaegar, once of age , won't understand Tywin's hungry nature for power, that is the reason why pycelle had tried to convince lord tywin about having cercie brought to Kingslanding, near the prince and royal family. But ofcourse, lion of Lannister won't allow his daughter's loyalty to be in anywhere but casterly rock.

' she must think of herself as a lioness of Rock, not a adopted pet of dragon ' Lord Tywin's words were quite clear to his ears even to this very day.

"Ahum...." his horseride of mental babbling shattered, as the boy coughed to attract his attention.

" ahh... grandmaester....can I ask something from you "

" Oh! Offcourse my child, go on, don't worry " a very intrigued and perplexed pycelle answered, a sweet, old and damp smile on his face, with every sign of eagerness visible from his weak physic.

"Well, you see I asked something out of ser Barristan recently, but he say's he won't be able to fulfill it.," the child innocently looked at him, to insure if he is listening.

Pycelle knows when he sees something fake and that expression of innocence is definitely not genuine, but he decided to ignore it for now.

Nodding at the boy, with voice filled with encouragement, he said " go on. "

" um... So I asked Ser Barristan who could fullfill it, and..."

" and he said I am the one who can help you, ain't it" he guessed. What does this child want form me?, most likely a book or something. But if so, then why would he inquire it from a kingsguard prior to him. In his rainbowic spectrum of emotions, one more emotion got included: confusion.

" Not you, grandmaester but councill "

"....what? " Pycelle's mind ran with double the speed then before, but dispite that, he couldn't manage any other response. ' Councill? ' he thought dumbly.

"... you are the member of small council, aren't you?"

Pycelle blinked owlishy, afterall why would this child, who was hardly out of his diaper, wants the attention of ruling body of westeros.

In very next moment, few old memories resurrected in his mind. Memories of young Aerys, asking for similar kind of attention ,during the time of king Aegon and Jahenarys, from small councill meetings. Aerys had habit of coming up with most ridiculous advices and demands, sometime's he fantasied projects like building a new bridge, to break monopoly of house Freys, while some othertime he would dream of building a canal through neck.

Aerys wanted everyone to love and admire him, but all it showed to everyone was his naviety and lack of foresight.

" And, what can councill do for you" pycelle asked, somewhat interested to hear the next words coming out of boy's mouth.

" Well, I just like them to allow me to visit the city " Rhaegar said, while shrugging his left shoulder uncaringly.

" Sorry? " Immediately pycelle asked, confused.

" Oh! You know visit the city,like... market's or fleebottom or ..."

" Flee-bottom! " Pycelle incredulously exclaimed, cutting rhaegars words off

" Ah.....or Street of silk or hook, will do to " said the ignorant boy, trying to be diplomatic with him.

' street of silk! ' pycelle exclaimed once again in disbelief. Does this stupid boy even knows what 'street of silk' is famous for. Does at this age, he even know what is purpose of brothels?

Pycelle with certain amount of patience, asked " and why do you want to visit the prince"

" Oh! To see the city offcourse, there's not much to see here, is it?"

Exhausted, pycelle took a deep breath and with same patience like before, replied " i don't believe that will be possible Rhaegar"

" Why not?"

" Because council or your father will never agree to it, you are just one and ten, and outside is neither so important to you, nor safe"

Pycelle expected some emotions when he mentioned Aerys, but the boy seems to know how to hide it well. Not onlys that, but the boy remained silent and contemplative, rather than erupte in dismay, like any child of his age should.

' the boy was intelligent before the incident, but now after it, he is wiser' pycelle's eagle eyes spoted every change, every action and every emotion.

'Rhaegar may not grow up to as obedient son as we all thought before' pycelle concluded,' I must try again to convince lord tywin about bringing lady Cersei to Kingslanding'.

Before pycelle could continue on thinking, a deliberate cough produced from the silver haired boy brought him back from his mental ramblings. Pycelle turned his whole attention toward his target, ready to listen, whatever more the boy would like to say.

" Grandmaester! " the boy exclaimed, slowly he licked his lips, then with serious face" is there anyway, that i can persuade you to make my case infront of small council "

Pycelle visibly sighed, exhausted and little confused about why would rhaegar like child would show such a stubborness, which was so unlike him.

' he never showed any interest in anything but books and scrolls untill this point, so why does he suddenly want to be a adventurer now '

Just as he was about to deny with a unwilling heart, he stopped, ' ahh.. there's a way to deny without denying '

A slow sly smile once again covered his aged face, facing the boy straight, pycelle opened his big mouth and spoked.

" Well well well there might be one way actually "

" And what might that be... grandmaester?" asked Rhaegar, this time with caution on his face, likely suspicious with his sudden readiness.

"Well, it's nothing much, you see we will have arithmetic lesson next, so i will give you a small test and if you score perfect in it, then..." Pycelle excepted anything but smile cripe on rhaegars face.

" Agreed " Rhaegar yelled, without a hint of hesitation.

Pycelle raised his eyebrows and thought ' so confident are you '

" Let's do it now "once again boy bombarded with confidence.

" Fine fine " said pycelle, while grabbing a empty vellum, and start writing questions on it, making sure to increase its difficult just by a level or two.

" Here, take this go on " and the boy with same undeserving confidence like before, accepted it.






(20 min later)

" " Big soccer like eyes examined the paper and then back at smiling rogue of a boy, not understanding how the boy solved things, which should have been out of there courses,how did he cheat?, thought pycelle.



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