thunder pirates!

Chapter 1: thunder storm!

It was a bright sunny day in Foosha village, Nami walked through the village with two large bags side by side filled with berries. There were whispers along the way as Nami made it to her home.

"Nami!" Nojiko rushed to her sister's side, hugging her tightly. "You're okay!"


"Yeah, and I'm 20 million berries richer, I that makes 30 million berries left. Soon, we'll get our home back from Arlong." Nami said confidently.


"Nami…"Nojiko sighed, crossing her arms. "You know he won't give our home back…he's a monster, he doesn't have an ounce of nobility in him."


Nami sucked in her bottom lip, clenching her bags straps. "And just what other choice do I have? I have to hope he'll have had his fill toying with us, and he'll just take the money…" Nami said, gulping back tears. "We have no other choice, we can't fight back, he'll slaughter us all in an instant, and the Marines don't seem to care either, we're on our own, this is the only play I've got. Even if I have to draw maps for that scum bag for ever, I will if it'll keep you, and everyone else alive."


"But it isn't keeping us alive Nami! He'll still kill us if we can't meet his quota by the end of the month! This…this isn't living!" Nojiko finally cried. Nami covered her mouth. Pushing her against their door. "Don't let them hear you." She hissed. Even as Nojiko's tears fell down Nami's hand. She kept her grip firm, turning to the fishmen guarding the entrance of the village. Nami clasped her hand tighter. Until she was sure Nojiko got the hint, before letting go. "Hide the money." Nami demanded. Handing her the bags. Nojiko's lips pursed. But she grabbed the bags and finally headed inside, Nami sighed.


'Someone…anyone…help us.' Nami begged to herself. Leaning against the house door, she sighed before heading inside.


A little later.


"Hmmm, this seems like Like as good as spot as any for a supply run." Luffy shrugs as he walked to the entrance.


Luffy was quite the looker, he was tall. Standing at an impressive 6 foot 2, he was also quite ripped from head to toe, on his head was a straw hat, held over his shoulder, was a thick black studded Kanabo, it looked like it would NOT be fun to get hit by the thing.


"Hey! No weapons allowed!" a large fishman demanded. Clenching an axe.


"Not to mention, all strangers must pay a 100 thousand berry fee." The other growled.


"Eh? I'm already broke enough as it is, that sounds like robbery." Luffy huffed.


"What'd you say?" They growled.


Nami and Nojiko peaked out, watching. Nami shook her head, crossing her arms.


"You can pay it off in a few years of hard labor~"They laughed.


"Slavery? That's so messed up." Luffy noticed the people peering their heads out, then looked at the girls. Specifically, the orangette. Luffy just smiled.


"What are you smiling at punk?!" with his eyes closed, Luffy casually leaned back and dodged a nasty downward swipe. Which shattered the ground under them.


"Oh it's a fight you want eh?" Luffy just grinned. Before cocking his Kanabo back. Clenching his fists.


"Lightning surge!" Luffy slammed his Kanabo on the ground, a monsterous bolt of lightning fried the octopus man, causing him to scream in utter agony, his eyes going white before he collapsed.


"Holy crap!" Nojiko gasped, cupping her mouth.

"S…strong!" Even Nami was taken aback, a normal fishman was 10 times stronger than a average human, and he fried him in one! He's…a devil fruit user! She remembered doing business with buggy. If you consider business robbing him blind.


"Wh….who the hell are you?" The whale fishman demanded. Stepping back in fear


"Monkey d. Luffy, future Pirate king." He grins.


With that one claim, Nami lost all hope. 'Just another filthy pirate, he's probably here to pillage whatever we have.'


"Get lost." Luffy demanded. The fishman immediately began to run with his tail between his legs, Luffy let out a hearty, joyish laugh. It wasn't a cruel one, …it reminded Nami of the laugh her mother made whenever she'd arrest a scumbag. Or prevail in a fight.


"Come on Nojiko, he's just a pirate."Nami said harshly.

"B…but, he…took down the Guard so easily!" Nojiko points. "What if he can beat Arlong?"

"You naive idiot! Arlong is 100 times as strong as those idiots! And they are still far stronger than any human!" Nami snaps.


"You shouldn't insult someone for having hope~"Luffy said from behind them.

"Eek!" Nami cried. 'When did he? She didn't even hear him walk towards their house! Which was at least 10 away,from the entrance!


"Mind your business!" Nami yelled.


"Nami!" Nojiko glared at her younger sister, she was being so unreasonable! "Stop being such a bitch!"

"What'd you say?!" Nami snaps.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Luffy said calmly.

"What?!" They yelled. Causing him to comically shrink.

"What if I just go beat Arlong up?" Luffy offered.

"Whaaa?" They both gaped at his casualness.

"Don't be stupid! Arlong would eat those chumps for breakfast!" Nami yelled.

"He sounds like a bad guy, the kind to retaliate when you mess with his guys, even for a good reason." Luffy said calmly. "If l leave, he'd probably just kill someone just for you even having an incline of hope, right?" Luffy guesses.

Nojiko clenched her fists. "Yeah, that sums him up pretty well, he'd come personally too, and whenever he comes from Arlong park, someone dies." Nojiko claimed.


"Arlong park eh? Show me." Luffy grins.

"You really do have a death wish, just get lost…I can talk him down." Nami said.

Luffy leaned forward, his previous child like expression turned serious, Nami found it hard to even look at that piercing gaze. "Show me." He said once more.

Nami felt herself blushing at the sudden change in his tone. Nojiko pointed.

"Arlong park is the middle of cocoyashi village. If Nami won't show you, I will." Nojiko claimed.

"Awesome!" Luffy beams "Let's go! Gonna make me some sushi!" He casually twirled his sword as he walked forward with Nojiko.


Nami sighed. 'Damn it…'She finally headed off with them. She wouldn't let Nojiko confront the entire park alone.


"How did you do that thing with the lightning?" Nojiko asks curiously.

"Oh yeah! I ate the rumble rumble fruit, so I'm a lightning man!" Luffy grinned.

"Devil fruits are real?" Nojiko gasped.

"I ran into one, some clone nosed creap I barely escaped." Nami said.

"Really? Devil fruits in the east blue are kinda rare," Luffy mentions.

"So, you can control lightning?" Nami asks.

"Not quite, I AM lightning." Luffy grinned, turning his finger into a small bolt of lightning, before turning it back. "As such, my lightning far exceeds normal lightning. I can turn into lightning too, rendering me untouchable in specific circumstances."


Nami bit her lip. He really was strong. "If you're doing this, fighting Arlong…I've got one request."



"Make it hurt." Nami said with venom in his voice, Luffy knew there was a deep meaning behind that request, he also knew it was none of his business.

"You got it." Finally, they made it to the park. Surrounded by fishman guards.


"Nami! Did you bring the prisoner??" Another red octopus fishman demanded.

"Hachan,"Nami took a small breath. "You should run away."

"What did you say?" Hatchan demanded, Luffy gripped his long mouth tightly. With raw strength he pulled the fishman down to his level. Shocking him.


"I sense reluctance and regret in you, you're being forced to serve Arlong. I despise cowards, but I understand fearing for ones life, so you get one chance. Just. One." That was the only warning Luffy gave him, before he roughly slammed Hatchan down face first into the pavement, Nami flinched at the brutal attack, but Hatchan would live.

"Everyone else are scumbags." Nojiko said coldly.


"Nojiko! How could you be so cruel? And here I thought we were friends." A deep, gruff voice spoke as multiple fishmen parted ways for him.


"See that shark fishman? That's Arlong." Luffy narrowed his eyes as he glared at Arlong. And his crew.


"Arlong, I don't know what you did to these people, but I know you hurt them, I'm gonna slaughter your entire crew." Luffy said calmly.


"Hahahahaha!" Arlong laughed. "Oh is that it?? You think you've found yourself a hero?!"


"Let me crush him captain!" Chew grinned. "You think because you have a devil fruit you're safe?"


"Cut the shit, you're fishmen, you can freely manipulate water in the environment," Luffy replied. "I'm not interested in you." Luffy extended his hand raising it.


"Hmph…you disrespectful gnat! Water bullet!" Chew shot a small pelt of water out at Luffy like a bullet, he casually leaned to his head, dodging it.


"Stay still!" Chew demanded. "Hundred shot water gun!" Nami and Nojiko broke for cover as Chew began firing wildly, destroying rock, and striking his own men even.


"Chew! Watch your aim….agh!" A fishman cried out.


Luffy effortlessly dodged and leaned around. "Attacking your own men? You guys aren't real pirates." Luffy's arm surged with yellow electricity. "Lightning canon!" A powerful stream of lightning rushed forward, engulfing Chew immediately, he cried out in agony the lightning surge was immense, Nami and Nojiko covered their eyes.


All that was left, was a charred husk, smoke escaped Chew's corpse as he dropped down dead. Leaving Arlong and Kuroobi utterly shocked.


"Impossible…."Arlong clenched his fist. "My…brother…"


"So you do feel regret? Sadness,"Luffy leaned down his hand slightly crackling. "I'm gonna enjoy filling your head with complete despair."


"L…luffy…"Nami gasped. Luffy turned his head to face Nami.


"Yeah?" Luffy replied casually.


"Arlong…"Nami clenched her fists tightly. Till the knuckles went white. "My mother, she was a marine, just doing her job…she wasn't even going to kill them, she was content with running them off, but Arlong. He took me and my sister hostage, and…Our mother couldn't do anything. He forced her on her knees, and he killed her, right in front of us," Nami gulped back tears. "I…I couldn't fight, everytime I tried, he'd beat me down…break me by killing a villager, he broke me…"Nami said, taking a shaky breath. Tears flowing down her face now.


"Since then, he's forced me to draw maps for him, turning my dreams….into a nightmare, there were days where I'd spend hours on end, till my hands bled."


Luffy was getting angry as she spoke, his eyes sparkled slightly with pure anger. To take someone's dream, and crush it like that, was the ultimate form of violence and cruelty Luffy only saved for the most evil bastards.


"He said he'd free us if I found 100 million berries for him, and I…I am close actually, but I know it's a fool's errand, I know he's just toying with me. Laughing with his bastard so called brothers."Nami snarled. Choking away tears. "He made me wear this stupid…tattoo, branding me as his…I hate it, I hate him!" Nami's voice cracked as she yelled, she trembled intensely. Gripping her tattooed arm tightly, digging her nails into her skin.


"Nami…"Nojiko clenched her knees, she stared up at Luffy, it was hard to determine what went through his head.


Luffy raised his hand above his head, he took a deep breath. "Mjolnir." He called gently, lowering his hand, in a flash, lightning struck EVERYWHERE except Nami and Nojiko, Luffy had full control of the truly devastating lightning,before Arlongs eyes, every single fishman in the park was vaporized the park itself was turned into a barren wasteland, a crater was all that remained. Nami had to hold Hatchans unconscious body, keeping him safe. But Luffy was precise, he knew exactly who he was attacking.


"So….powerful…."Nami starred in utter disbelief, so much destruction, and yet it was all controlled, designed ONLY to hurt Arlong in the worst way possible.


Arlong looked on in pure despair, everything he built gone in the blink of an eye.


"I told you Arlong, I would crush everything you held dear," Luffy claimed as he walked forward, hands in his pocket.


Arlong roared in anger. Charging after Luffy. Like a wild animal Luffy caught his fist effortlessly. "Hey look at that, all of that extreme heat…dried up just about all of the water in the environment huh? No fancy attacks. Hell you've barely even got any enhanced strength anymore do you? You're dehydrated Arlong, which means you're even weaker now than the humans you bullied." Luffy said simply.


Luffy clenched Arlongs fist, "100 volts." Arlongs eyes widened, he suddenly began to cry in absolute pain as lightning rippled through his body. "200 volts." The lightning grew brighter. Stronger. "300….500….right about there is where a human would usually die, but you're above such weakness right? Let's bump it up a bit….10 thousand." Arlongs screams flooded the barren area. They were music to Nami and Nojiko's ears.


Finally, the screams stopped, Arlong dropped dead on his back. "Really. That's all you can take before croaking? That's too boring." Luffy pressed a hand against Arlongs charred corpse and sent a surge to his heart.

"Gaaah!" Arlong cried out as he was brought back.


"No no, not yet…"Luffy stared darkly. "I'm not done yet."

"You….bastard!" Arlong roared. Spit flying from his mouth, Luffy grinned darkly.


"You don't deserve an easy death. You deserve to feel every atom inside of you fried to a crisp, every bone turned to dust."Luffy rose his Kanabo. "This weapon, I call it Leviathan, it packs a punch."


Luffy slammed the Kanabo down onto Arlongs face, blood splattering everywhere, Luffy continued. Again, and again.


Nami and Nojiko weren't the type to enjoy extreme violence, but they can't ignore it, they couldn't take their eyes off it, seeing Arlong get beaten to death, left a squirming, whimpering mess…


Luffy lifted his Kanabo, still dripping blood. Finally, he was dead. Luffy took a small breath. Then turned to the girls.

"Sorry about that, he angered me more than I-"Luffy gasped as Nami and Nojiko crashed themselves against him in a tight embrace crying against his chest. Luffy just smiled.


Some time later


Nami and Nojiko headed Home with Luffy together, Luffy held Arlongs charred, beaten corps over his shoulder.


Genzo immediately bolted out. "Nami Nojiko! We heard a loud thunderstrike coming from Arlong park, and then it was gone! What happened?! Have you two been crying??"


Nami and Nojiko both smiled. "It's okay! Everyone, Arlong…he's dead! Luffy…he defeated him, and his entire crew!"


Everyone's eyes widened in shock as Luffy dropped Arlongs dead body. Leaving them speechless, at a complete loss for words.


"We….We're free!" Nami yelled to all of her people, the tears that flowed down everyone's eyes, the immediate weight lifted off the villagers shoulders, they all screamed in triumph.


"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Genzo cried, dropping to his knees. "I couldn't protect them! Even though it was all I wanted to do, they were too strong! And I…because of me…"

"Alright alright, no need to bow, that's weird." Luffy admits.


"Genzo?" Nami put a hand on his shoulder. Smiling. "I don't blame you, I never did." Nami looked down. "I blamed myself."


"Nami…"Nojiko sighed.

"But it's okay…."Nami took a deep breath and turned to Luffy. "I thought I hated pirates, but really….I hated Arlong."


Luffy smiled at this. "I try not to judge, no hard feelings."


"I…I never told you about my dreams,"Nami said. "I want to draw a map, of the entire world, and I can't do that alone."


"You're more than welcome on my crew." Luffy grins. "Altho, we're gonna need a bigger ship." He chuckles. "All I got is a tiny one man boat."


"Arlong has a warship at the docs,"Nojiko points out.

"That'll work, Oh! One more thing."Luffy said, clasping his fist into his hand.


"What's that?" Genzo blinks. Having wiped his tears.


"Food! I tend to burn a LOT of calories when I use my powers." Luffy admits.

"That makes sense! Your metabolism is super charged, isn't it??"Nami realized.


"Feast! To celebrate Arlongs defeat!" Genzo screamed.

"YEAH!"The entire village yelled excitedly.


The feast that came after was enough to fill up a king, and then some. Arlongs reign was finally over, everyone was so happy, Luffy loved seeing the smiles on everyone's face, the men complimented him, and the women kept trying to flirt with Luffy, which Nojiko and Nami, DID not like.


Nami and Nojiko grabbed Luffy's arm firmly. Dragging him off. "Ah hey!" Luffy whined.


"Shut up and walk, lover boy." Nojiko huffs.


"Lover boy?-ah!" Luffy whined, obviously. Letting them drag him off.


Finally, they made it to the sisters house, where they both pushed Luffy down on the bed.

"You guys aren't upset or anything, are you?" Luffy wonders. "Did I do something."


"Gosh, he's too naive to be angry at." Nami sighed.

"But, we can still lay claim to him first." Nojiko grins. The two glared at him like predators. Luffy wasn't exactly sure, but he was feeling a weird…desire from them.


"You've never been with a girl, have you?" Nami wonders.


"Oh! Is that what this is? Uh, aside from a rather uncomfortable conversation with my caretaker? Nope." Luffy shrugs.


"So you're a virgin? That's good too." Nojiko giggles.


"But can he even get aroused if he's so naive?" Nami wonders. She wasn't noticing him reacting to having two women alone with him, discussing sex.


"Let's find out. I'll let you have the first kiss." Nojiko smiled.


Nami blushed slightly and grabbed Luffy's strong shoulders. Straddling him, Nami pinched his chin "Follow my lead okay?" Nami demands before leaning forward. She took a small breath before pressing her lips against his.


"Mmm." Nami moans gently.


"Don't be so stiff, relax~"Nojiko demands, running her hand down Luffy's back.

He seemed to get into a small groove, eventually, leaning into the kiss, taking control.


Nami breathed through her nose, grinding her hips against his crotch. Causing him to grown against her lips.


Nojiko leaned forward. "Hey, looks like he can get aroused~ I wanna kiss him too." She pouts, kissing his cheek gently. Finally, Nami pulled away, letting out a steamy breath. Luffy however, was breathless.


Nojiko cupped his face, turning him toward her before pressing her lips against his. Luffy immediately returned the kiss, Nojiko leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Meanwhile Nami leaned forward, pressing her lips against his neck, causing Luffy to let out rather cute groans. Nojiko giggled as she pulled away, she leaned down, beginning to kiss the other side of his neck.


"Hn…that feels…good,"Luffy groaned.


"Wanna see what else our lips can do?"Nojiko asks with a sultry smile.


"Y…yes," He groans. Nami and Nojiko helped Luffy out of his Jacket, %Tossing it to the side, Nami and Nojiko stood up themselves, pulling off their shirts, revealing simply their bra's to him. Causing Luffy to blush deeply.


"Wow…"Luffy admired their curvy, smooth skins. "You two are beautiful,"He finally says, causing the sisters to smile.


Nami and Nojiko dropped to their knee before glaring up at him. Running their hands down his legs. Even Luffy understood what they wanted at that point, he stood up to his full height, the girls got an eye full of his crotch bulging out, they giggled softly before pulling them down, the sisters let out an audible gasp when Luffy's huge cock sprang out.


"Oh…" Nojiko gaped.

"Gosh…"Nami breathed out, he was really…really big, easily 12 inches long, and he was thick too, it looked rather intimidating actually, his size was only seen in doujin comics, Nami would have assumed it was impossible to be naturally this big.


"We have our work cut out for us Nami," Nojiko said with a soft giggle, she was admittedly quite intimidated, he was really thick, his duck throbbed and pulsated powerfully.


"Your staring is making it awkward,"Luffy admits sheepishly.

"It's not my fault you have a cock the size of a tree!"Nami huffs defensively.

"You'll have to forgive Nami, she's a little intimidated~ let me get us started." Nojiko confidently leaned forward, opening her mouth wide, she brushed her hair back and took the lengthy phallus into her mouth, pressing her lips tightly around his veiny shaft.


"That feels really good…"Luffy moaned as Nojiko leaned forward, shaking her head slightly, attempting to accommodate his impressive length. A bit of saliva oozed down Luffy's length, causing him to instinctively throb his cock, making her choke around it.


"Gck!" Nojiko gagged, clenching her knees, she pulled away, taking a small breath, her blue lipstick smeared his large cock, just past the tip. "No way…I couldn't even get half way?" Nojiko pouts. Shaming herself for not being a better slut.


"Now who's intimidated?" Nami grinned.


"Think you can do better? By all means." Nojiko geastured.

"Uh, girls."Luffy tried, he's never really been in a position where two girls were fighting over his dick.


Nami glared up at him, then at his cock, as if it was a serious obstacle to overcome, finally she opened her mouth, and pushed herself down.


"Watch your teeth!"Nojiko called out quickly, that was a really good call, Luffy could just barely feel them grazing his cock.


It's not like Nami has never taken a cock before, she's taken plenty, she can remember times where she had to suck her way out of some bad situations. Nami had to relax her throat to take his cock, but eventually. She began to go down, getting to the same point as Nojiko, before choking.


"Gck!" Nami choked, she let loose more spit over Luffy's cock, but unlike Nojiko, she didn't stop, instead…she pushed herself even further, much to Nojiko's surprise.


"Damn." She gasped.


"Uhhh…."Luffy moaned, Arching his head up, Nami shook her head around, forcing herself over half way, Luffy clenched his fists and gripped her head, finally. He shoved her down onto his cock, all the way to the pelvis. Causing her to let out a violent gag.

"Guuuuhk!" Nami gagged harshly over the large dick deep in her throat, her nose touching his pelvis.


"Fuck…"Nojiko was a bit jealous that Nami could take Luffy's entire, arm length cock, Luffy pushed her head up and down harshly, causing her to choke and gag even harder, spit and slime bubbling over the side of his cock.


"Gh….So tight…"Lufy groaned, his lip twitching, Nami's eyes rolled, struggling to keep up with the massive spear lodged in her throat. Luffy realized her face was turning red, finally he pulled his cock out of her throat.

"Pwah!"Nami finally breathed out, a thick layer of spit oozing down Luffy's cock and onto her own tits. "Huff…huff….I thought…I was gonna faint…"Nami pants.


"Are you…okay?"Luffy asks worriedly, he thought he hurt her.

"I'm good,"Nami her breath. "My throat hurts a bit but…"Nami bit her lip, pressing her legs together. "It kind of feels good." She admits.


"Does it?"Nojiko leaned forward and kissed his cock, planting a red print of lipstick on the side. Causing his cock to throb. "I don't think I'll be able to take as much as Nami…but my skill set lies in other areas~" Nojiko proudly pulled her bra off, letting her huge tits spring out, hers were almost twice Nami's size.


Luffy was left confused, until Nojiko wrapped her soft, firm tits around his thick, hot cock. "Ahhh~"Luffy moaned, quickly relaxing under the embrace of her breasts.


Nojiko made sure she got a good grip on his thick cock, she let out a soft moan before beginning to move her tits up and down, Nami's previous spit coated her balls, making it nice and slick.


"Fuck…"Luffy groaned. Swallowing air. It felt way too good, Nojiko bit her lip and opened her mouth, taking the head, she pushed herself down onto his cock. Moving her mouth and tits at the same time, her lipstick smearing a ring at different levels of thickness around his dick.


"Shit…Nojiko.."Luffy groaned and gripped her hair, shoving her head down onto his cock just like Nami.


Nami bit her lip and kissed her sisters cheek. "That's it, just let him guide you." Nami leaned forward, pressing a hand against Luffy's abs, she began to suck on his fat balls while her sister worked his cock.


Luffy never would have guessed this was even a possibility, the way the girls totally worshipped his cock, it was so warm in Nojiko's throat. "I think I'm…."Luffy let out a deep, powerful groan, his eyes sparkling with lightning. "Uhhhh!" He moaned, Nojiko's eyebrows curled as he held her down, her cheeks puffed out as he came. Pumping thick, hot creamy jizz down her throat.


"Gulp…..gulp…gulp.."Nojiko swallowed.

"N…no fair! I want some too!"Nami poutes just like a bratty slut.

Nojiko pulled away from Luffy cock with a pop, she grins and presses her lips against Nami's much to her shock, Nojiko forced Nami's tongue out of the way, making her swallow all of that thick, juicy jizz.

Luffy watched intently, his cock throbbing at the scene unfolding before him, Nami seemed to relax into the kiss, finally accepting her sisters gift. Before the two pulled away, a line of cum breaking off from each other's lips.


Help me make these two paragraphs more detailed and steamy - "It looks like he's not done~"Nami giggles, staring at Luffy's cock, throbbing like a heartbeat.

"That's good…because I'm not either." Nojiko said with a sultry grin.


Nami and Nojiko both lied down together on their backs, inviting Luffy with smiles on their faces. Both girls spread their lips for him, showing him their wet folds.


Luffy gripped Nami's hips, pressing his large cock head against her pussy, before slowly pushing in.


"Mmmmm…."Nami moaned, resting her head against the bed, taking a deep breath as he snaked his dick into her depths. Nami clenched the sheets. Luffy hissed in pleasure, finally…with a powerful thrust, he shoved himself all the way in, bulging her stomach out as he bottomed out deep inside of her. She immediately arched upwards. "Fuck!"Nami cried , the way his large cock pierced her very soul knocked the wind out of her.


Luffy hunched over top Nami, causing her to wrap her arms around him tightly, dragging her nails across his back. "It's…okay…"Nami whispers in his ear, that reassurance was mostly for her admittedly, which Luffy figured.


Luffy began to push himself in and out of Nami's cunt, her tight pussy barely relenting his grip. Luffy let out sharp, high pitched cries of pleasure, Luffy's cock effortlessly pierced her cervix, pushing to depths she didn't know was possible to reach.


"Jeeze, she's taking it like a real slut, isn't she?"Nojiko hums, running her hand down her own body, she slipped her fingers between her legs, beginning to run her own sex in anticipation, biting her lip as she moaned.


"Fuck…I…ahhh!"Nami cried out, arching herself into Luffy's strong embrace, beginning to instinctively buck her own hips against his thrusts, she wanted…no, it was a primal NEED to be filled by his monstrous cock. "Deeper daddy~ Harder….Fuck."Nami growled into his ear, she didn't exactly know where that word came from, but she didn't care either, all she could think of was giving him everything, completely submitting.


Nami's face contorted and morphed into various shapes of pleasure as Luffy speared her with his dick, she was getting closer to cumming, he was hitting all the right spots, all at once, with a dick so big it was impossible not to hit her gspot over and over. "Gonna cum….please…hah…don't stop daddy~ Please…."Nami moans.


"I won't…"Luffy promised as he rutted into her, Nojiko watched in awe as their bodies rocked together, Luffy let out a deep groan, bottoming out into Nami once more, before releasing a torrent of hot, thick, sticky cum, filling her womb up nicely, Nami let out a shriek of pleasure, both cumming a the same time.


"Uhhhh!"They both cried, Nami's eyes rolled, she locked her legs around his waist, gripping his ass cheeks to pull him in. "Look at me, please.."Nami moans, Luffy locked eyes with the beautiful navigator, his lip twitching as he rode his orgasm out deep inside of her, she gripped his ass till her fingers slipped off, she let out a long, satisfied breath, as Luffy finally pulled away, she as still full even as cum leaked out like lava.


"Heeey, it's my turn right daddy?"Nojiko moans sultrilly, slipping her fingers into her mouth, sucking her own juices off. She pushed Luffy onto his back, running her hands across his chest.


"Gosh…you've cum twice already, and you're still so hard~"Nojiko giggled, she was already in a cock drunk state before putting it in, Nojiko lifted herself up, aligning his dick with her pussy, before sinking down onto him, as wet as she was, it actually went in quite easily, despite her size.

"Haaaah!"Nojiko gasped out, choking out a deep moan as his cock stretched her petite frame. She felt herself trembling from his size, letting out an intense moan as a powerful orgasm wracked her body. "F…fuck, I came just from you putting it in…"Nojiko moaned.


"It's okay princess~ you're in control."Luffy promised. Nojiko let herself rest on her knees, she stared down at him in a way that made Luffy's cock pulsate in her, letting off a few sparks right inside of her cunt.


"F…fuck! Luffy…!"Nojiko cried, the jolt sent a shock of adrenaline through her, she began to bounce up and down on Luffy's cock, her large breasts swinging up and down, Luffy gripped her hips, following the movement of her curves, he began to sharply push her down otto his cock. All the while, Nami leaned over,Pressing her lips against Luffy's while Luffy began to thrust up into Nojiko.


"Yes…! Yes yes yes!"Nojiko cried out, she let Luffy push up into her, and pull him down all at once , his strong arms flexing as he rammed her. "I…I can't stop cumming!"THey sparks that let loose in Nojiko's pussy caused her cunt to constantly spasm over Luffy's unrelenting dick, this was what real power felt like.


Luffy pulled away from Nami, clenching his eyes. "Cumming!"Before he came, Nami lurched down, biting his neck tenderly, which caused him to cum even harder into her cunt.


"Hooot!"Nojiko cried out, she hunched over, cupping his cheeks. "L…look at me,"Nojiko demanded, much like her sister, Luffy opened his half lidded eyes, glazed over with lust.


Nami kissed his cheek, giggling. "You aren't done yet, right daddy?"


"Not by a long shot,"Luffy growled, his eyes glowing yellow with lightning.


Loud moans bounced off the walls of the girls home as Luffy fucked them over and over.


An hour later.


Luffy had Nami bent over, pounding into her, while she slurped the juices out of Nojiko's cunt, who held a fist full of her hair, grinding her cunt against nami's mouth.


"Fuck…there you go~"Nojiko moans, letting satisfied groans loose.


Another hour later.


"Gurk girl girl!"Luffy had Nojiko upside down, pounding her throat while her head hung over the bed, meanwhile, Nami was helping herself to Luffy's juicy asshole. Licking all inside.


They continued well into the morning, before finally, the girls left Luffy, and each other spent.


2 days later.


It was about time for nami and Luffy to set sail, but Nami had a few things to take care of, she gave Genzo half of the berries she collected, despite his protests, she made sure to bring all of her clothing, and the two stocked up on enough food to last a month, even with Luffy's appetite, Nami had also gotten her tattoo redone, she had a thunderbolt tattooed over it, a symbol of Arlongs fall, Hatchan was lucky, the villagers let him live, but only if he helped them around the village, and protected it for a while, Hatchan was actually suite strong, so he was okay with that, he even taught the kids swordsmanship.


Luffy stared at Arlong ship in awe, "Oh wow!"


"We had it repainted an re styled while you and the girls were sharing…time together."Genzo chuckles.

"G…genzo!!"Nojiko and Nami blushed, it isn't like Luffy could deny it, he still had a hickey from a quickie in the shower, Nojiko was quite feisty."


The ship was indeed impressive, for starters, they got rid of the front sharks aw, they repainted the ship red to match Luffy's request, the sails were navy blue, it looked like waves, they even re wrote the sails to say Luffy, and instead of arlong symbo, it was a skull, wearing a strawhat.


"We did keep the garden and the pool,"Genzo admits.


"No complaints here,"Nami smiled. "It's ours now right? At least till we can build our own, signature vessel!"


"Hell yeah!"Luffy grinned.


"Uhm Hey, Luffy?"Nojiko tugged on his arm slightly. "Can I…come with you?"


"Huh? Are you sure Nojiko?"Nami asks in shock.


Nojiko smiled. "Why not? I can cook and clean, and I can even fight!"Nojiko reminds Nami.


"Sure,"Luffy grins.


"Listen up straw hat! You better take care of my girls!"Genzo points.


"With all due respect Genzo, they're my girls."Luffy claims possessively, causing the girls to blush. "I'll die for them,"He promised, causing the girls hearts to skip a beat.


"What's going on here?" God of all the nazially…disgusting voices…


"Nezumi."Nami and Nojiko glares.


"I'm gone for a few days, and I hear arlong is dead, and the entire park was turned to ash??"


"Im doing your job for you,"Luffy stared.


"You ruined a very important relationship you bratty pirate!"


"Relationship?"The girls eyes widened. "You were in with him? I knew you were a snake!"Genzo yelled.


"Hmph, who cares if I skimmed a little off the top? Arlong was a very good business partner. And now you two girls will have to pay the price! I'll be arresting you lot or murder."


Nami took a soft breath, she walked up to Nezumi, who had a shit eating grin on his face.


"If you're coming to apologize, I may accept if you use that pretty mouth of yours, and suck my…BAM!"Luffy grinned as Nami slammed her fist right into that Snakes face, teeth and blood flew everywhere as he went flying. The other marines gasped in shock.


"Time to go!"Luffy grinned, grabbing the girls arms. He starred at the few dozen marines, and in a pulse of energy. They were out cold, eyes whited out and foaming.

"Wha…what was that??"The girls gasped.


"I'll tell ya later! Luffy pirates away!"He laughed as he rushed the girls to there ships, leaving the rest of the villagers shocked, Nami and Nojiko were quick, the girls had been on Arlongs ship enough to know exactly how to operate it.


"By Guys!!!!"Nojiko and Nami waved. Luffy casually sat on top of the ships sail, his Kanabo on his shoulder.




Nezumi was furious. "I want those Pirates identified! I want the highest bounty possible put on that damn straw hat!" Nezumi slurred through a broken Jaw.


"Don't worry, we'll get to that,"A gruff man said with a grin as he walked in, a wolfs skin draped over his head.


"V…vice admiral garp! You got my call! That bastard Straw hat shattered my jaw!"


"From your mens words, it was the girl who did that, hahahahaha!"Garp laughed.

"That's not important! This is an injustice! I demand extreme measures!"


"You mean the measures I'll be taking against YOU for allowing the tyranny of a pirate for over a decade? And the murder of one of my most promising students? You lied to me Nezumi, didn't even report that pirates crime, and that bastard straw hat, is my grandson, you're lucky you're alive, well…I suppose that depends on your definition, you'll be spending the rest of you're miserable life in impel down."Garp grinned, if Nezumi could feel any more like a rodent, he certainly would, tears went down his lumped up face, searching for any mercy in the mans eyes, there was none.


Straw hat Luffy - wanted dead or alive, bounty 50 million berries.

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