Toma: Reincarnated as the Knight's Adopted Son

chapter 39 - The Strange Atmosphere

Chapter 39: The Strange Atmosphere
Last night’s banquet had a strange atmosphere.

Alexander-sama from the Bayerlein family kept staring at my mother. Even my father seemed visibly uncomfortable with it, and it didn’t sit well with me either.
No matter how beautiful my mother is, staring at a married woman like that is just wrong.
"Hmm. Not good. Alexander-sama, you’re out."

In our house, if you strike out twice, you’re banned!
With that thought, I headed out of the manor toward the brewery.
To the left of the gate was the soldiers’ guardhouse, and to the right was the temple knights’ station. I’ve heard that the soldiers and temple knights sometimes glare at each other. Please don’t fight over me, guys.

"Oh, Toma-sama, are you heading out?"
"Good morning, Sebas."
This was Sebas, the butler from the Bayerlein family. Alexander-sama may be a bit of a fool, but this man is quite capable!

Our own butler, Johnson, is competent, but Sebas might be even better.
"I’m off to the brewery."
"Ah, the workshop that produces the Horse King sake, correct? It is a truly delicious beverage."

Hearing someone compliment Horse King is always a pleasure, especially from someone as sincere as Sebas.
"Would you like to join me?"
"I am honored by the invitation, but I must stay by Alexander-sama’s side."

"I see. Well then, I’ll be on my way."
"Take care, Toma-sama."
He practically feels like our own butler.
"Toma-sama, are you heading out?"

This was Suzanna Kolrausch, one of the two captains among the temple knights. She’s a beautiful knight, twenty-three years old, with shoulder-length sky-blue hair and deep, ocean-colored eyes.
"Yes, just going to the brewery. It’s perfectly safe."
"No, I will accompany you."

She’s the epitome of seriousness in armor. The temple knights are a rather solemn bunch. Seriousness may be better than laxity, but it does make things a bit stiff.
At the brewery, five new recruits were lined up, clearly waiting for my arrival.
"Salute Toma-sama!"

"Jin, we’re not an army."
"Oh, apologies, it was instinct."
"Everyone, please relax."

With Jin’s order, the five recruits relaxed.
"Alright, everyone, I’m Toma, and I’m the manager of this brewery."
"We all know that."

Of course they do—they’re all villagers, and I know each of them.
"Then let’s skip introductions and get to work. Jin?"
"Yes, first we’ll be steaming the barley. Everyone, give it your best!"

"Yes, sir!"
The recruits ranged in age; one was in his thirties, three were in their early twenties, and one was just fifteen. I’d be teaching them the brewing process from scratch.
Recently, Jin and Ram have been producing a higher percentage of premium sake. Nearly twenty percent of what they make is now premium grade, while sixty percent is first-grade and twenty percent is second-grade. This does mean we’re producing less second-grade sake, which is a bit of a downside. But with the new recruits, we should see an increase in second-grade soon.

Since steaming takes some time, I left it in Jin and Ram’s hands while I tended to my own barrels.
Entering my personal storage room, I left Suzanna and the other temple knights waiting outside. Only I and selected craftsmen are allowed here.
I opened the lid of each barrel.

"Everything’s looking good."
This barrel will be ready for shipment in about five days.
I opened each remaining barrel, checking and stirring them thoroughly. Heavy stirring is hard work, but thanks to my level increase, it’s not too much trouble—height is more of a challenge these days.

With all the food I’ve been eating recently, I’m in a growth spurt. My height is increasing, but from an adult’s perspective, I’m still short.
"That should do it."
After taking care of all my barrels, I also checked on the aging barrels of distilled sake and Horse King to ensure there were no issues.

"All clear."
After securing the storage room with three locks, a bar, and chains—measures taken after the recent burglary—I returned to the brewery to observe the work of the new recruits, correcting any mistakes.
It’s fine if they make errors, but I’m strict about sanitation and safety to prevent serious injuries. Losing skilled workers to injuries would be a loss for both of us, so I’m careful to be thorough.

As evening approached, I headed back to the manor, only to find a commotion.
Our manor faces the River Lyber on all sides but the east, and two ships were docked there. My father had plans to build a boat, but the port isn’t ready yet. Did he buy these ships already?

Upon closer inspection, I noticed the two ships bore the Bayerlein family crest. They weren’t our ships; they belonged to the Bayerlein family.
Alexander-sama had arrived by carriage, but perhaps he would be returning by ship.
The knights of the Bayerlein family lined up from the entrance of the manor all the way out to the gates. It was an odd sight.

Suzanna and the other temple knights stepped in front of me, their guard up.
"What’s going on here?"
"Toma-sama, salute!"

With perfect synchronization, every knight saluted me.
"Seriously, what is going on?"
I don’t recall doing anything to deserve a salute from the duke’s knights.

The entrance opened, and Sebas emerged.
"Toma-sama, this way, please."
"Um, what exactly is happening?"

"All will be explained shortly. Please come with me."
Sebas led me into the reception room as if this were the Bayerlein mansion itself.

Sebas announced my return and opened the door.
Inside were my father, mother, younger brother Siegvalt, Alexander-sama, and a distinguished gentleman in his fifties.
Who on earth is he?

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