Training as a Slime

Chapter 11: Training as a Slime (11)

After leaving the room, the system re-equipped Cori. Exhausted, Cori readjusted his glute muscles and positioned it near his mouth, looking like a baby slime with bouncy squeezable cheeks. While no longer hungry, his muscles were pretty sore. Just when he was about to make his way back into the drawing room, the carpet salad-tossed Cori to one of the six doors along the corridor.

Reacting instinctively, Cori used (QingGong) to bounced along the walls to reach the room but a chandelier swung in front of him attempting to whack him back to one of the rooms. But Cori held onto the chandelier for his dear life. "1, 2, 3" he counted before attempting to slip into the drawing room. But the door to the room was also counting "1,2,3, swing" to catch the right moment to hit the slime back to the corridor. And sure enough, Cori went flying in the air and got whacked by the other doors like in a game of pinballs.

A feeling of doom dawned upon him as he fell into the 3rd room, "Got to get up now, got to run from this." But the room was faster than him, shutting its door faster than he could react.

Cori closed his eyes, anticipating the worse. He felt his body glide onto a seat, strapping him in. The seat felt very comfortable but he could not escape. Then he felt the leather chair beginning to massage him. He started to relax and wondered why there was no system prompt. Cori thought to himself with suspicion, "Could it be that the system uses iris recognition and is trying to make me open my eyes through massage?" His suspicions were alleviated when he felt a cooling mask spread across his face. 

"Wait, if that was the gymnasium, and after that was the pool... could this be the bath or shower or spa room? (Observation)."

System,"Relaxation Corner."

"Oh... so I guess I am safe now. I must take note of this room." noted Cori.

After 30 minutes of mask and mud treatment, Cori was treated to a round of shower jet massage before being blown dry. Just when Cori believed that the pampering was over, the chair tightened its straps and begin to move. The walls in front of Cori opened with foreboding music in the background revealing a lush green field 50 meters below. 

System, "Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened." Cori squeaked in retaliation, attempting to get out but it was futile.

System, "Commencing in 3, 2, 1..." "Squuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddd" screamed Cori as the chair commenced to drop through the air without any rails. He was pretty sure he would die. His heart almost jumped out of him that is if he had a heart. His previous life flashed before his eyes and his soul felt as if it was going to be reincarnated.

The chair finally came to a smooth stop, gliding into a garden full of flowers. Parking itself by a round white table with a warm and freshly prepared cup of tea waiting. Cori realised that the relaxation corner is also shower/ spa/ roller coaster/ tea room. The deity sure had an interesting way of relaxing- never a dull moment.

Cori hoped his family were coping well with imposter Cori given his eccentricities. The buckles loosened and Cori reached for the tea and sipped, "Ah... this is life." Cori the baby slime no longer cared and was just living for the moment, "Good tea. If only there were snacks to go with it."

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