Training as a Slime

Chapter 48: Training as a Slime (45)

The High Priest bowed concealing his contemptous look before the dignified duchess, "Your Grace, I shall resume my classes and be on my way."

The duchess granted his request, rechanneling her energy back on the emotionally strickened slime, "Cori are you ready to depart?" Cori nodded as the image of the High Fae disappeared from the distant. The duchess gently put the slightly golden slime down and teleported into the Hall of Alkydrich.

A familiar face greeted Cori and the duchess, bowing to both of them. "Welcome Duchess to Hall of Alkydrich. I am honoured to be your guide." the figure said flapping his tiny wings in mid air in his tiny little voice.

The duchess stood in place, looking around, as if expecting someone.

"Your Grace, the guide is here." Cori said.

"Where?" the duchess asked.

"Right in front of you." Cori replied pointing at him with his paw.

The fairy rolled his eyes and threw a bout of fairy dust onto himself and luminated his presence.

"Oh! there you are, I didn't notice you were there! You're so small! Please lead the way, Ryan" The duchess giggled with the fairy hoovering right under her nose.

The fed up fairy threw another bout of fairy dust in the air luminating the place with signs and directions. "I might as well quit and become a tour guide" the fairy complained with his words falling on deaf ears, but Cori heard him loud and clear. "I better be rewarded heftily! These fairy dusts are expensive!" the fairy agonised as he narrated each location with glowing words. 

"How resourceful and kind of you to show us around. Look Cori, do you like how the place shimmered like the rainbow?" the duchess mused as it was also her first time in this hall too.

"It felt a bit like the temple, your Grace." Cori replied.

"Lord Alkydrich was a devotee and followed their doctrines closely. Which influenced the architectural style of the building. In fact, our rooms were former barrel vaults and we have beautifully intricate archivolts surronding the doors and windows. In fact, these beautiful bricks are called rainbow limestones, sourced from Lord Alkydrich homeland." Ryan narrated proudly.

"Looks like we have a knowledgable fairy guiding us." the Duchess smiled.

"And here we have the dinning mess, and this is where they dished out the food. We dare say we are the only hall with a pub."

Cori observed the cafetaria setting which reminded him of his days in high school and notice the small lonely pub at the end of the room.

"And this is the trainees' lounge." Ryan narrated flying across the medieval looking lounge with comfy looking sofas. The lounge was heavily draped and decorated with religious paintings. 

Following the fairy down the hallway, they reached a stone door which only could be accessed by an incantation. "And this is my room, an example of a typical student room." Ryan narrated and zoomed around the place.

The room featured an ensuite shower, a study table, a twin bed and heavy draperies.

"I dare say, you have a good view of the forest." the duchess marvelled and thanked the fairy for the tour before teleporting to the next hall.

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