Training as a Slime

Chapter 8: Training as a Slime (8)

After using (Observation), Cori managed to identify strange artefacts. Even though, there were nothing in the cabin that fitted the common sense, it was obvious to Cori that the table, the cabinets, the study table, the carpet, and even the house itself were rare artefacts. Yet... there was one thing unwritten in the books- the golden pendant. It was as though it did not fit in the house.

"How could a house be this magical and futuristic?" Cori wondered and quickly arrived to the conclusion that things here were all "God-tier", since it was probable that the deity of this world made them. Maybe even his slime body was "God-tier" too, and that led Cori to ponder if he, himself came with storage functions too. For now, Cori decided to check out the ornate storage boxes, knives, pots and pans in the kitchen, the empty scrolls and maybe even under couch in the living room, then the rooms along the corridor, and lastly the drawers.

Cori opened the storage boxes and discovered it to be full of air. He took a whiff without his nose and closed it back in disgust. Next he moved onto the pots and pans. He found it weird that they were never used as food magically appeared on the table with settings perfectly set. Even the stoves were never lit and the chopping boards and knives were never used. "(Observation)!" This time Cori could read the title of the items and a short description. System, " 'Unique Ornate boxes - ability to only store gases.' 'Extremely well made Pot- extremely durable pot made of dragon flints. Resistant to fire, could be used as helmet to eliminate any physical damage.' 'Extremely well made Pan- extremely durable pan made of dragon tooth. Resistant to fire, ignore 100% physical defence. Good to whack others with.' 'Ornamental Knives set- 18 pairs of knives made with 18 unique materials (Kirin tooth, Sabre shark tooth, Mermaid claw with luminescent moon pearl, 6 un-named crystalised outer space minerals, Titan tooth, Tooth Fairy's magic tooth, Ice dragon scale, Lich demon god's refined bone, Millenia metal, Dungeon core, Phoenix beak, Griffon nail, and Dark matter), each with special characteristic to enhance the taste of ingredients. *Disclaimer: beware of grooming the knives into ego sword and sabre. Solely use it for food preparation.'" Cori squeaked yet remaining incomprehensible, "Could be useful." With that he rolled up the 18 knives set and bounced into the living room. 

In the common room the books and the cupboards were no longer there, he found the scroll in a pile of parchments, papyrus and other fancy scrolls. He used his ability on the plain scroll. System, " 'White Scroll- able to map out unexplored non-residential areas." Since the house was considered a residential area, hidden from the world, the scroll naturally remained blank. Cori felt it was not very useful but took it nevertheless. He then flatten himself and slid underneath the couch but there was nothing there. "Hmm the carpet is very clean." Cori squeaked to himself. Naturally it was clean, since the carpet was very particular about cleanliness. Cori was also able to identify the fire at the fireplace as the "Everlasting Fire"- a fire that could last forever without any fuel as long as it was not put out. Cori thought that if this fire was sent back to Earth, it can be an infinite energy source which could change its world forever. Sadly, the system also said that the fire was common in this universe.

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