Chapter 10: Training and traveling
A/N: I updated Rei's status in the auxiliary volume, if i forgot about something im sorry, ill try from now on to write down what i shoud for this thing
There would be time skip probably in next chapter cause i would have to write i dont know how long about running and something like that and all over in the next chapters so i will write something funny maybe today that happend in time of training after some time and it would be short and there would be a surprise
I would start thinking on the stats that you will see on Yoruichi
In next chapter there would be jump towards next world and i would end the Volume which was just start towards bigger things
Chapter 10
After few weeks i could truthfully say that Yoruichi is a demon cat. I was so drained after sessions with her that i was bareilly moving. And the worst part was that Grandma was encouraging her into even harsher training with me. MY Grandma betraied me. When i heard about gravity equipment i was thriller to use it like those anime and novel characters but when i took them and putted them on it was like a bucket of cold water. THAT IS HEAVE AS HELL. On the first day with them i complained to Yoruichi. And on the second day i regretted it.
„If you had so much energy to compain that means that you have it to spare on the training" she said with sadistic smile on the second day when she was adjusting the enchantment to be twice as heavy as it was yesterday. „Now we can train without unnecessary thoughts"
I cried in my mind about mine fate and i promised revenge at Shin who was laughing at me. I think Yoruichi read my mind cause she went to Grandma Melinda with small smile and said something to her and she smiled towards her and nodded her head. The next day when we got out of home to train we saw Michel with the same set prepered for Shin. His face with pure terror was the best thing i had seen in my life.
Those few weeks i have probably trained in every exercise human could think of. She was doing with me anything she wanted for my body to be as athletic and flexible as possible for the future training in Hakuda. But i just think she want to use me as a toy for sadistic tendencies she have.
When i had my fifth birthday i thought it would be easier because of my passive skill of modern special soldier but i was wrong. When she saw that i was having easier time she adjusted training again and even Michel when looking atu s was shocked that my body is enduring it. Melinda asked Yoruichi if whe could slow down the training but she said that will be detrimental cause my body must fight and use everything it have on its disposal but after break it will think it can have a break soi t will fail faster than before and training wouldn't have the same results like it has now.
I was growing really fast if you would look at the fact that i have on me set that is increasing my body weight and it shouldn't grow because of that.
When Yoruichi hitted 10 years old and i was 7 at that time there was something strange. She started to realese huge amounts of reiatsu and i knew that was at least one power up in her status but Lucy said it will not show itself until it would come to an end after travel. There she will have her regained stats and when i heard it i was glad that i would have reliable bodyguard. When Lucy heard it she said something that stunned me.
[Master, because you are more than 5 years old i could get glimpse on the shop and there is something that may get you attention]
„Oh what is it?"
[It is ticket that you can buy only once every 20 years, wherever you would be timer would go on. It allows you to summon someone without waiting on cooldown and they would be in their peak strengh]
„WHAT?! And how much is it?"
[Thats the problem Master cause even if you would have the gold from your cities you won't be able to afford it. Cost is stagerring 50000000 gold]
„Ha, ha, ha, I would have to rob a country to save that much gold"
[Unfortunately so Master]
„Wait, with Yoruichi it can be done" I said with realization.
[Master you want to steal from the kingdom?]
„No i will go to Empire and there i would steal hehe. But first i need to convience Melinda to let us go."
[Master let Yoruichi speak maybe? She have better influence in this regard on Miss Melinda, especially when it goes in your case]
„Ghh you're right Lucy, ehh i have to ask her for that and be clear with her about the plan"
After the daily training with Yoruichi we went towards bath and when we were washing ourselfs I explained her everything. When she heard what i want to do she was surprised at first but when she heard why I'm doing it she agreed cause she knew that we would need any help that we could get in that world cause it is enigma to us for now.
„I will talk with Melinda about our little trip but we will have to come back here in intervals or she wouldn't let us go"
„I have an idea, I started learning magic from Grandpa, I will invent magic that should be Shin's. It is magic for travelling huge distances from where you are towards the place that you visited. We can use it as training and cover up that i want to explore the world so I can go to many places with that spell if needed to be there fast."
„Yes that can work and if i will say that i would tag along so i can supervise your training in travel they shoud agree." After our talk we went to bed and on the next day Yoruichi let me invent magic so we could went out faster. It took me two days to think about the concept and make it work but I did it finally. When i showed it to Merlin he dropped on the chair which was behind him (courtesy of fast thinking of Yoruichi). When i said that it have restriction in the being before in the place that im travelling with it he sighed and smiled that is not perfect.
On the next day Yoruichi asked Melinda about our idea of travel, and only after promise that we will visit every 3 weeks she agreed.
After that conversation we talked with Merlin who reminded us about few things that we should be carefull off and after goodbyes next day we started our journey. For two years we traveled as fast as we could to every country except the Empire. After adventuring a bit we decided that is time for us to take action in the country which would be in the future invaded by demons. I thought about it and we took it slow from the start, we stole from lower nobles and it wasn't everything they had just about 75% what we had seen. After that we started to take from wealthier people and then the fun started, we took everything that could be of value except about 5% of gold and when we came to capital we had really big loot in my inventory. I was happy cause when we would travel i would go on shopping spree. We have done it all in about seven days cause before the action we travelled through the whole Empire to use my Gate for fast travel.
„So we will take down the treasures of high ranking officials, nobles and then we will go towards the palace?" Yoruichi asked.
„Yes big sis but before palace we would go to the businesses and merchants who are connected to them and to the emperor himself and they would have it hard too hehe"
„Ok so where we will start? From officials or nobles or maybe those merchants?"
„Merchants, cause they have the lowest security, than officials, than nobles and on the end the palace"
We darted into the night and went towards the closest merchant.
„It is good that we gathered theit information before or it will be really troublesome to do"
„Yeah it would be"
After about 4 hours of looting the city we finally came onto the walls of the palace. There we could see guards on the patrol and i could feel the barier on the volt.
„Well, well at least someone had brain to make some defensive measures against the thvieves" I said with a little admiration in my voice as i looked at the barier.
„Could you just dismantle it not admire that shit? You know that Grandma would do the job at least ten times better than them" Yoruichi complained and said to me.
„Yeah Yeah Sis i got it we are in hurry to see what we have here ehh?" I said with smirk on my face cause when we were in the middle of the stealing i noticed that she started to like what we are doing.
„Do you have death wish?" she asked with fist before my face.
„Hai hai im going" I said and went towards the volt. After about five minutes i opened the barier without destroying it and opened the door. Then i backed of and gestured towards Yoruichi. „Ladies first"
She smiled and went through the door with me behind her.