Chapter 58: Escaping Kano Country
Chinjao approaches Buggy who lay on the ground after climbing the last mountain.
"Yahoho, I never thought that you would succeed to climb all 99 mountains." Chinjao laughs even though he is really mad right now because he lose. But he needs to save his image in front of so many people.
"My hard work has been paid off I guess," says Buggy while smirking.
Chinjao clicks his tongue inwardly, but he still keeps his friendly expression. "Then as we have agreed before this challenge started, I will give you this Hasshoken manual."
Chinjao gives Buggy the Hasshoken manual. It is quite thick and Buggy checks it fast to see if it's real. He's surprised to see that it's real and complete. He thought Chinjao will give him an incomplete or fake manual.
"Yahoho, I won't give you uncomplete or even fake manual. I am true to my words," says Chinjao with a 'friendly' expression.
Buggy looks at the citizens around them and smirk. 'If there are no people here, he will just beat me while I'm weak and won't give a shit about the deal. These people have really saved me this time.'
"Then, I will return to my ship and rest now. I feel very tired after hours of climbing up & down the mountains," says Buggy while standing up.
"Yahoho, you're right, you need to rest. Rest is also important to grow strong," says Chinjao with his fake smile.
Buggy grins and takes his winning prize from his bet first before going back to his ship. Buggy & his crew have betting for his win since the beginning. Now they already get a lot of money from their bet. This challenge is really not bad.
When Buggy leaves, the smile on Chinjao's face is gone. He order his men to prepare their ships and troops. They will wait for The Clown pirates to leave the island and attack them on the sea.
Buggy arrives on his ship after some minutes of walking. His crew has waited for him and prepared everything. They are ready to sail anytime and leave this island.
Buggy throw the money bag to the floor and asked," Everything's ready?"
"Aye! We can sail anytime," answers Cricket.
"Good, let's sail now!" Buggy orders them.
They all answer," AYE AYE!"
"Mantis, I'm hungry," says Buggy.
"I know you will say that," Mantis.
Mantis goes to the kitchen to prepare some food that she has cooked. The others are preparing the ship to sail, while Buggy just lays on the floor to rest. They unfurl the sail and pull the anchor, then sail immediately.
Some spies from Happo Navy who stay on the port are surprised to see The Clown Pirates leave this fast. It is on their prediction, but it is still too fast. They contact their comrades about it and return to their base.
The Clowns sail as fast as they can following Jude's instruction. Jude has a special ability that can help her to navigate better. She can predict the wind & water current's movement & speed.
This is something that she trained since she's very young. So it's not a gift, it's an ability that she got through hard work. Her father was the one who taught this to her since she's 4 y.o.
With Jude's instruction, they can sail very fast. Jude also has planned their escape route, so they just need to follow it. Now they just need to look for enemy ships that will chase them.
While his crewmates are busy with the ship, Buggy is eating in the dining room. He eats a lot of food to replenish all the energy that he spent today. This is the most tiring day because he lifted the heaviest weights that he ever lift.
"Captain, why'd you let them cheat with the weight? I know you've realized this," asks Mantis while cooking more food.
"Because I could lift those weights. If I couldn't lift them, then I will complain to them. Besides, they're helping me to grow stronger this fast. So it's not that bad, right?" says Buggy while smirking.
Buggy has realized the cheating since he lifted what was supposed to be 1000 kg weight. The added weight has become a lot heavier at that time, so he realized it. There was 80 kg more weight at that time, so he realized it.
But Buggy decided to stay silent about that. It's because he could feel his growth became faster since this challenge started. Even some cheating doesn't stop him and helps him grow faster instead. So he used it for his advantage too.
The Clown pirates have only sailed for 10 minutes when some ships can be seen chasing them. Cricket uses a scope to look at those ships. He see their symbol and confirmed that they're Happo Navy.
Cricket informs his crewmates and they all go to the rear deck. Buggy also comes out from the kitchen while carrying some big pieces of meat. He looks at the pursuing ship while eating.
"Jude, find the best way to escape from them! Cricket, take the helm, and follow Jude's instruction! Dina & Robin, prepare the cannons and ammunition! Mantis, bring my food here! I will stay on the rear and guard the ship," Buggy instructs everyone.
"AYE AYE!" everyone answers Buggy's instruction and starts to do their task.
Buggy stays on the rear deck while looking at the pursuing Happo Navy ships. He looks at the biggest ship and sees the one at the front deck, Chinjao. Buggy can see Chinjao's big body from his spot and keep an eye on the old man.
Buggy knows they're not Chinjao's opponents yet. So they need to avoid direct combat with Happo Navy. He is not a coward, but he is not that stupid too. His crew is still weak, and he is very tired. So the best way to do now is to leave.
Buggy keeps eating his food while looking at Happo Navy's ships that getting closer slowly. Even with Jude's great navigational ship, they can't outrun the Happo Navy.
Happo Navy has better ships with better technology, that's obvious. Their navigators are experienced too and have gone to Grandline. So their navigational skills are top-notch.
The Clowns' ship, Little Hunter, can't move faster than this. Little Hunter was just a ship that Buggy stole from a pirate crew that he hunted in the past. That's also why he named it Little Hunter because he was just a little bounty hunter at that time.
The Happo Navy keeps getting closer and Little Hunter almost reaches their firing rate. So Buggy gets on the railing while gulping down his drink. He looks at the 5 incoming ships and Chinjao.
"Don Chinjao, don't you feel ashamed by this? Someone with a bounty of more than 500 million chases a crew with less than 100 million worth of bounty using 5 ships. Have you became that weak after Garp turned your head into a potato?" asks Buggy while smirking.
Don Chinjao fumed in anger hearing Buggy's words. "How dare a small-time pirate like you, insult me? You're just a brat that hasn't even grow his hair below."
"Hah! But this brat has won against you in your own game," says Buggy.
"That was just a game. If you want to prove your power, then show it through battle. Pirates need to be strong in battle, not just game," says Chinjao while clenching his fists.
"That's not just a game, that's training. So I will show you what I got from that training," says Buggy while unsheathing his white sword, Pollux.
"Thanks to your game, I've understood my swords even more now," says Buggy while holding his Pollux.
Since he climb with more than 1000 kg weight, Buggy keep using his swords. When he used his swords, he flow his haki to them. His usage of haki doesn't just strengthen his haki, but he also gets something with the swords.
Through that haki flow and his continuous usage of the twin swords, Buggy has created a connection with them. He can feel the swords like they're his limbs, they're parts of his body.
Then because of that connection, now Buggy knows how to utilize their devil fruit power. This is something that he has tried to find out since he found them.
Buggy points his sword at Chinjao and says, "With this newly founded power, I will destroy your pride."
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