Chapter 10: Wrong plan I guess.
Jake's legs kept on devouring the forest with so much speed, his feet where pounding against the earth like a frantic heartbeat. More like a madman actually...
The trees blurred around him, their branches where tangling all together like skeletal fingers as he ran. He didn't dare to look back. But he just hope the idiot was just still standing.
Suddenly, the swirl of leaves and snapping twigs seems to be announcing the presence of something–or maybe someone–behind him. Who the hell was that?
A massive stick came from nowhere crashing down on his head, sending him some shockwaves through his entire body. The impact was so intense that he could literally hear the eco reverberating in his skull.
He stumbled on his track, his vision getting blurring already, and then he fell sideways. He fell in some sort of sharp looking weird grasses. It was so rough too.
Their rough surfaces were just like a thousand tiny knives, piercing his skin and leaving him gasping for air with painful scratches and bruises all over his body. His face also got screwed up, caked with some damp dirt.
Fuck! Thought I was immune with this borrowed body!
He turned around, struggling to sit up, a cloud of dirt and debris where literally dancing around him, he was soaked already with the dirts. They even stung in his eyes.
Fuck! This place is so terrible! But who the hell did that? Jeez!
He spat out a mouthful of dirt and glared up at the blue sky that was almost cover with branches from the tress around.
A huge, familiar face suddenly blocked his view.
"Fuck!" Jake's eyes widened in realization of the face.
Fuck! It was that idiot! He followed me…..
He had followed him behind but he didn't know…..A silly smile crept across Jake's lips as he glance at the giant guy. He wasn't so stupid as he thought.
"Hey... Ummm... you were supposed to be standing back there, you know," he stammered, chuckling awkwardly, his voice was clearly laced with sarcasm.
Damn! He was so stupid to think the dude was a fool. Perhaps, he was the real fool here. Why the hell did he even think the guy would succumb to such a childish trick? Just like that!
The man was just smiling cruelly at him. He definitely play along his game. And he won!
I'm hell dead! Damn!
'I guess this is how my life is going to end. Get drag to the open and then slice of my head as an example to others. Fuck!'
He was about to speak again but before he could even utter a word, the huge guy removed his face, stepping aside from his view and damn! Another familiar face showed up!
She squatted beside him, her eyes were sparkling with a mixture of pity and amusement. She seems to be happy he was caught.
"I told you to act well, and not play like a jerk," she said, her eyebrow arching in disappointment as she stuck her gaze sternly on him. "Guess you did act quite well enough... or too much, Jake."
She was clearly pissed at Jake stupid attitude. And Jake could see that screaming out from her facial expression. Even though it was unreadable.
"Umm…sorry Mai" Jake smirked, his face flushed with embarrassment as he muttered an apology to her. Mia's expression seems to softened for a second, but damn! It was only for a moment, more like five seconds. She was still pissed! He really felt so stupid. Guess he wasn't a genius after all.
"Take him to the palace and prepare all the victims for the tournament of death." Mia commanded harshly, her voice was horse with seriousness.
What? Tournament? Death?!
The two guards closed in on him, their faces twisted into menacing grins. They look really happy about it! Jeez!
They hauled Jake to his feet, their grip where like a vice on his wrist. He felt his strength seeping away, it was as if he would soon ripped apart.
As they dragged him away, Jake caught a glimpse of Mia, retreating back, her figure seems to be disappearing into the woods. For a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of regret in her step, but it was quickly swallowed by her departure.
He actually felt a pang of regret washing over him, he wonder if he would ever see her again. He really messed up.
The guards tossed him onto a makeshift stretcher, binding him with some old ropes that cut into his skin like a sacrificial lamp.
Guess he was doomed for life!
What else now? So, I'm going to get slaughtered just like a chicken? Seriously?
Jake's mind reeled with despair as he actually realized his fate. He was to be a pawn in some twisted game, maybe a mere sacrifice to satiate the bloodlust of the crowd.
Mia had walked mile away from him now. She didn't say anything after he commanded the guards. And….. it was as if she felt bad. Did she? Cuz, she barely do.
Anyways, he fucked up, big time and he should be blamed for whatever happened next.
'Maybe i should have waited for her. But jeez! She wasn't even there. She didn't tell me the plan! She just disappeared. Just like that!'
But dude, she gave you an instruction–Act well!
His mind whine on him. Jake felt so defenseless as he didn't see any fact to judge his misfortune. He was such an asshole.
The guards carried him back to the slave quarters, the other victims were just watching with a mixture of horror and fascination. They could only but imagine what kind of crime he must have committed for his own case of persecution to be different.
He was probably the only one that had gone through this phase. Normally, they'd just go there and slice of the victim head. But his? Maybe it would be worst.
Perhaps he would be roasted and then eaten by the giants guys. Whatever they where going to do, it would definitely be so horrible for him.
Jake's eyes met theirs, and for a moment, he actually felt a sense of solidarity with these fellow prisoners.
But it was short-lived. The guards dropped him onto the cold, hard earth, the impact alone, jolted some air from his lungs. He was so screwed now!
One of the giant guy–the one he taught he tricked, raised a massive stone on him.
Wait! What?
The blow went on crashing down on his head like a thunderclap.
His vision went blurring....