Chapter 1: [1]
Looking up at the sky and sighing as I pull the chain on my garage's single bay door, because I see the sun setting over my home of the last twenty five years, my home is a small town named Bon Temps, located in Louisiana.
'It's still hard to believe that I was reborn in the world of True Blood as…a Stackhouse.' my new name is Jace Stackhouse, sadly I didn't get the same fairy hybrid powers as Sookie even though we're twins. I ended up with Telekinesis like in the movie Chronicle, I've even done some flying…that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
"I don't feel like cooking myself dinner tonight, and I hate leeching off gran, like Jason and Sookie do…guess I could swing by Merlotte's for dinner, check on Sookie…maybe hook up with Dawn ta-night." I mutter, while suddenly the thought about canon starting soon, enters my head.
'Canon is about to start soon…it's been two years since the vamps came out of their coffin's.' my hand unconsciously comes up and brushes the two thick chains of silver I've worn around my neck for the past two years.
Getting into my 67 Mustang GT 500 that is painted a custom glossy black with burgundy racing stripes, and a burgundy leather interior, I drive to Merlotte's bar and grill.
After no more than five minutes, at Merlotte's I find myself standing behind the bar giving Sam a hand, as it's a busy night, I've always helped Sam out when he needs it as Sam helped me open my own custom car garage when I turned nineteen.
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"Hey Jace, you ready for a night of slinging drinks, to the good ol'people of Bon Temps?" Dawn…my well I don't know what we are fuckbuddies would probably be an apt name for it though calls out to me with a smirk on her lips.
Making me smile and nod back to her, "You know it, Dawn…gotta keep good'ol Sam in business and we do that by keeping the drinks'ah'flowin and the customers happy!" As the night goes on, the bar fills up with the usual local riff raft and inbreds looking for a good time and cold drinks.
I move behind the bar with a practiced ease, mixing drinks, chatting with the regulars...while Dawn would occasionally grab my ass. But as the night wears on, a strange feeling begins to settle over me…a sense of unease that I can't quite shake.
"Hey Jace, you okay?" Sam suddenly comes up beside me and asks, he must have noticed the look of unease on my face.
"Yeah…yeah Sam…I'm fine…just have this weird feeling, like something's not right…" I reply to Sam while glancing around the bar nervously, alarm bells in my head ringing.
Before Sam can process what I've said the door swings open, and in…rushes my "older, by fifteen seconds, always likes to rub that in, twin sister."
"Sorry, I'm late!" Sookie quickly apologizes as she grabs her apron and ties it around her waist, her eyes fixing on Sam who is definitely not pleased about having to have me help him out behind the bar, so he can wait tables.
"Sookie, you say that like you ain't late all the time for everything…" I say to Sookie and feel a light elbow jab to my ribs and look at Sam who looks like a lost puppy,
"Just don't make a habit of it." Sam says to Sookie with a chuckle.
"Simp." I curse underneath my breath while shaking my head at Sam, suddenly I feel a chill on the back of my neck, and the world itself seems to slow down and blair in intensity, glancing around the bar, taking in the familiar faces of the regulars. Lafayette, the flamboyant cook, is preparing for the dinner rush…and making crass jokes with Arlene, Dawn with Sookie as an overwhelmed observer making a small smile stretch across my lips.
I always enjoy the lively atmosphere even though I prefer the quiet and to be an observer, my senses are still supercharged and I can feel an undercurrent of tension hanging in the air.
Suddenly the door swings open, and a gust of cool air sweeps through the bar, a blurred figure blurs inside and takes a seat in Sookie's section, no one else seems to notice except for Sookie.
Sookie bubbly/excitedly trots over to the booth where Bill Compton is sitting which draws the attention of several patrons.
I hear Sookie's voice in my head, 'I can't hear him…do you think he's a vampire Jace?! Oh this is so exciting!'
"You can't hear his thoughts?" I ask her even though I know she can't, which makes Sookie look back at me and I notice a warning look in her gaze.
'He asked for a bottle of Tru-Blood…Sam doesn't have any thought does he?' Sookie asks me and though I've never understood it Sookie and I can communicate in each other's minds but she can't read mine, but I can pick up her thoughts when they grow too loud, but she can't read my mind.
'No…it went bad a year ago…he didn't bother restocking it…'
'Dang it!' I hear the closest thing to a curse that Sookie has ever said in the last twenty five years together.
Sookie is practically glowing as she walks up to the bar Dawn, Arlene and even Sam lean in to hear her animated whisper of a chatter.
Sookie's voice slightly rises above the ambient noise of the bar. "Can you believe it? A vampire! Right here in our bar!" Her eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and thrill, the kind of energy that could light up the whole room.
"A vampire…yeah I'm so excited…the first to visit since they came out of the coffin two years ago…" I whisper back my lack of enthusiasm, easy for everyone but Sookie to interpret as I lean my full body weight against the counter, my sister getting the vampire's order of red wine from Sam, my eyes drift over to Bill out of curiosity.
'Bill…is practically a rapist…feeding Sookie his blood and then fucking her…taking her V-card…' Arlene pulls me out of my thoughts, I can tell that she is less than thrilled…about the prospect of Vamps openly being in Bon Temps…her nervous fidgeting, as fingers tap nervously against the bar.
"I don't know about you Jace but I worry about Sookie…I mean, it's one thing to read about them in the papers, but having one sit right here? What if it's dangerous?" Arlene's voice is low, and laced with fear that makes my stomach twist…
"It's like taking in a stray dog…eventually it's going to bite you or someone you know…" I mutter as I full-heartedly agree and sympathize with Arlene's worries and fears, and most folks share our shared sentiment, especially with the stories that circulate.
I watch my twin sister from the bar sometimes hating my twin sister and her boundless…unwavering belief in the good in everyone, even though she should know better.
Arlene looks at me with big eyes full of worry.
"Come on, Jace…Arlene! He's just a guy, He's probably just like us, only with a little more..." Sookie says with a thousand megawatt smile and suddenly breaks into a fit of laughter, her laughter infecting Dawn and Arlene, I smile…but don't really feel it.
As I wipe down the bar, mine and the Vampire's gazes meet…and all I see is death behind those pale blue eyes…looking away from Bill I see the effect that his presence has on the bar everyone is tense like a prey animal that sense a predator but doesn't bolt because it needs it's fill of food, it causes a mix of intrigue and apprehension…to blossom up with in me.
"Jace, that woman over there asked if you could bring her a glass of red wine…" Sookie's voice breaks through my mix of zoned out and hypersensitive state, and I look up to see Sookie beaming at me, her eyes wide with excitement.
'I can't hear her either…but she can't stop staring at you!' Sookie's voice rings in my head and I follow her guiding thoughts to an additional booth in Sookie's section and feel my heart skip a beat, while sharply inhaling lungs full of air.
'She looks like Emeraude Toubia…when she first started playing Isabelle Lightwood…'
"Uh, sure," comes my unintelligent reply as I try and Mostly fail to mask my unease, while I grab a glass and fill it with a red wine…from a local vineyard.
As I approach her booth, I can feel the weight of not only the vampire's gaze on me…which is both unnerving…and arousing, though the gaze of every patron of the bar staring at us I couldn't chicken out.
'Dammit…it's like she can see right through me…why does she have to have such beautiful…soulful eyes? Why can't you just have eyes like that dead mother fucker over there!?' I complain in my mind as I reach her booth, the smile that she gives me makes my heart beat accelerate.
Leaning over the booth I set her glass down in front of her, "One glass of red wine…for the enchantress." I say playfully, and the woman smiles, rolls her eyes and giggles at me.
"Thank you, Jace." I feel a shiver run down my spine…at the way she says my name. 'How does she know my na-...right Vamp hearing…' I answer my own question.
"It's-no problem…" I stammer…which is something I haven't done since middle school, I begin to back away slowly.
I can feel Dawn's glaring eyes on me, her "worry" for me palpable…three steps back, I turn around…all my instincts screaming at me not to show my back to her…
I return to the bar, I do my best not to look at the booth where she is sitting but I can feel her watching my every move.
"See? They're not so bad," Sookie says to me…her eyes sparkling with excitement.
'I feel like a hen that has a fox in its hen house…'
"Oh come on she's just a beautiful woman, and you like her, right?"
"Yeah, right Jace wouldn't like a woman who drinks blood, or is cold to the touch!" Dawn mutters under her breath, her eyes darting towards the female vampire.
I couldn't help but feel a mix of fascination and fear…this is Bon Temps, a small town where everyone knows everybody…my second home…and now we didn't just have one vampire in our midst...we have two, granted we've probably always had vampires here but nobody knew about them.
'Who is she…why is she here?' I wonder while I glance back to the female vampire, who is now engaged in a one-sided conversation with the Millers…who are a married couple almost as bad as the Rattrays…I should know I used to run with them…when I was in my self destructive phase.
I get a sudden feeling of jealousy seeing my vampire beauty, get up and head to the exit with the Millers, almost in perfect sync with the Rattrays and Bill Compton.
'When did she…become…mine?'
Sookie yells to me in my mind frantically,
"The Rattrays and Millers are going to drain the vampires of their blood!" And before I fully register Sookie's cry, I'm jumping over the counter, using a flex of telekinesis to move everyone out of my way, body checking the door, ripping the door's hinges from their moorings the door flies into the air ahead of me, and hits the ground a few feet away from the door way that I just bursted out of, this is caused by my unconscious use of a forcefield that is always active…which made me a hell of a football player of I do say so myself.
I feel Sookie's hands on my back, as I gaze at the parking lot, "Sookie, where are they?" I ask, my voice low…and dangerous sounding to any that know me.
"I-I-I'm sorry Jace I can't tell where they are by their thoughts. But they're working together and they plan to drain them dry. We have to help him!" Sookie says her voice filled with fierce determination…there's one thing about my sister when she's in a protective mood she becomes a force of nature.
'I don't care about Bill…I just want to save her…I never got to learn her name…' I internally express while jumping up and taking to the sky hovering twenty feet off of the ground, I quickly spot the Millers, the Rattrays, and their victims who are groaning in agony as silver chains make them powerless, four bags of blood already filled, and two more being filled.
I fall from the sky on top of them, and mimic Darth Vader by lifting all four of the pieces of shit my left fist slowly closing to make a fist, all four of the human garbage claw at their throats, pissing and shitting themselves in fear, as the look at me pleading for their worthless lives.
'I've missed this…it would be so easy to snap their week littlenecks…to crush them into paste…'
'Jace, STOP THIS ISN'T YOU!' I hear Sookie yelling in my head but I don't care as this is me…I love this power, this power over life and death.
"You picked the wrong people to mess with" growled, my voice carrying an edge that made Denise falter for just a second.
"Jace, look at me…" Sookie's gentle voice enters my ears as her hands cup my face, "Let them go…you're better than them…" Sookie continues to murmur softly the same way she has always down when I lose control of my darker impulses, I look away from Sookie feeling ashamed my eyes landing on the two prone powerless vampires that are watching us defend them, the silver sizzling against their flesh weakening them significantly.
The sight of her pale weakened form laying in the dirt, her dark rich blood being stolen from her, makes the urge to kill the Millers and Rattrays even more intense.
But there is something in her gaze that is imploring me to listen to Sookie, while Bill's gaze promised me that he wouldn't forget this.
I release a sigh, "Help then Sookie." I give Sookie a command a let the four fall to the ground gasping for breath. Mack and Jake get their feet underneath them and stand up, while their wives continue to lay on the ground recovering.
Mack and Jake's faces contort with rageful snarls, "You fucking Stackhouses!"' They venomously spit out together which is a feat since they're both still wheezing, both Jake and Mack begin reaching for something behind their backs.
The glint of a knife and a shinny revolver catch the light from the lights of the bar.
"Gun!" The Emeraude Toubia look-alike shouts out in warning Sookie whips her hand out the knife that Mack was holding is ripped out of his hand, and sinks into Jake's side while a chain sails through the air and wraps around Mack's throat.
Jake and Mack both hit the ground hard groaning and gasping in pain, while Deserie, Denise's sister and Jake's wife tackles Sookie to the ground the two begin rolling around, punching, clawing and pulling each other's hair like women possessed.
While Denise grabs the gun out of Jake's hand and points it at my sister, "You crazy meddling freaky, bitch!" Denise screams, "This ain't noneofya business!"
"I made it my business." I say as Sookie, lands a solid punch to Desire's cunt which if Gran was here to see…would have Sookie getting her mouth washed out with soap for unladylike…behavior while secretly cheering her on because Gran has a bit of a wild unladylike streak in her too.
"Put the gun down…or I'll snap your neck Denise…"
"Acting all high and mighty ever since you got clean and started making junk car's pretty…remember when you used to shoot up and fuck me? You pretender!" Denise turns the gun on me and gestures with it wildly.
"I do…and for our dead dau-" "Don't you speak about her, you freak! "-ghter…I'm offering you a chance to live…put down the gun Denise…both Jake and Mack need a hospital…" At my mention of Jake and Mack needing a hospital she drops her gun.
And runs to her beat up AMC Gremlin, half dragging Mack who is helping Jack, while Sookie pushes Deserie away.
"Get out of here you backwards trash!"
All four of them running to their beat-up Gremlin, tires spraying gravel as they peeled out of the parking lot, looking down I notice Sookie pussy footing around when it comes to removing the silver chains, the blood-collecting equipment, that belonged to the Millers and the Rattray's left behind full blood bags and all.
Kneeling down next to the beautiful vampire, "Sorry…this is going to hurt…" I murmur and slowly start removing the silver chain that is laying across her collarbone for some reason…I find her extremely sexy with her fangs out.
I move to remove the chains that are keeping her arms pinned to the ground…and she shakes her head from side to side…as if trying to tell me not to.
"Shh, just relax, beautiful…" I murmur and feel Sookie staring at me but I ignore her, 'You really like her…you're using the tone you use for me, puppies and babies!' Sookie practically squeals in my mind as it is very rare for me to be so gentle and warm with someone.
"Shut it Sook." I grunt in embarrassment as the memory of calling this beautiful vampire…my vampire comes to mind.
A soft smile graces the Emeraude Toubia look-alike's face, "I thought you were afraid of me…" her voice comes out weak.
"Nah…just primal instinct kicking in." I grunt while feeling my cheeks heat up.
"Good instincts…" she murmurs and with her free hands she brushes her soft fingers along my jaw, her touch cool but not cold.
"Thanks, so you already know my name…but…I've yet to learn your's."
"Isabella, Isabella Compton…that is my father over there…" She murmurs a little smirk playing on her lips.
"Really, you don't look like father and daughter…I mean he's kinda ugly and you're beautiful…" I joke lightly, and make Isabella laugh while Bill snorts from across from me. I see that his back is now leaning against a tree while Isabella's back is resting against my thigh, her head against my bicep.
"My daughter received her looks from her mother…"
"Good thing." I joke and Isabella giggles again.
"Jace, you're being rude, I'm telling Gran!"
"Tell her then Sook..."
"Please Miss Stackhouse, young Jace is entitled to his opinions." Bill says with an amused lilt to his voice.