Chapter 20: Little Jun
By the time finished hearing their explanation, she had already finished eating her share of the bamboo stuffed dinner and was watching the others eat while Grim scarfed down the minnows she seasoned with salt and in the bamboo. The lounge was clean thanks to the four and Yuu was busy eating the food with his chopsticks. Finally, Lotus sighed, "Fine. I actually cleared up two bedrooms this afternoon while working. One of you can stay there for the night."
"That was fast." Yuu looked to her in bewilderment.
She responded with a yawn, "I've finished my stuff and had some time before leaving to the kitchen. I was surprised that everyone had already left by then."
"You were gone for a long time." Yuu responded, "When we came back the ghost told us you never arrived."
"Of course not." Lotus smirked, "Not through the door at least."
"Not through the door? Y-You actually climbed through the window?!" Ace cried out in bewilderment, "H-Hey. This is your dorm. Why do you have to climb through the window for?"
"Fun." Lotus answered with a smirk, "Well, that was till I got back down..."
She sighed and continued, "I slipped and injured my shoulder, then gone to the infirmary since I injured it. I should be able to attend athletics though, so everything is fine."
Ace sighed, "You have a perfectly good door to begin with but you just have to do something stupid... Are you really an idiot?"
Lotus laughed much to their exasperation. Deuce sighed as he munched on the yam, "Next time just use the door."
"Yes, yes." Lotus stuck out her tongue acting childish and innocent.
If the two had known the truth, they would've never let her leave the kitchen this afternoon and reported everything to the headmaster. However, it's not like everything they said would sound convincing to the headmaster without evidence. So, what was the point?
That night, the four began recounting what had happened today with bright smiles as they handed her a Mont Blanc. It was her first time seeing such a dish topped with a candied chestnut. She raised a brow in bewilderment, "These look a little like noodles..."
Suddenly, the group stared at her in bewilderment as Ace questioned in with wide eyes, "D-Don't tell me you've never even seen a Mont Blanc before?!"
"Not really..." Lotus responded curiously, "I've had egg tarts, muffins, cakes, and cookies, but not tarts really. I didn't get a chance to try them before. I've never seen a Mont Blanc before now either."
"Where in the world do you grew up in?!" Grim cried out in bewilderment just as Yuu clamped a hand over his mouth.
"You... That was very impolite!" Yuu growled at the cat before turning to Lotus with a smile, "Give it a try. It's actually really good."
She picked it up trying to figure out how to eat it. It's like eating a muffin, right?
Yuu handed her a fork to which she understood and use that instead. To her surprise, it was very smooth with a slight sweetness to it! Her eyes widen in surprise as she saw the whip cream and chestnut wrapped in marron paste in the center of the whip cream and strings of marron paste on the outside. With wide eyes, she stated, "It's really good! Smooth and slight sweetness to it. I can taste the chestnut too."
"Right?!" Grim smirked, "You should've been there when Trey used his Doodle Suit too!"
Doodle Suit was Trey's unique ability. An unique ability is magic or ability exclusive to the specific person. One that no one else can use. Trey's ability allows him to overwrite the component, which includes taste, color, scent, and just about anything. It only lasts for a short time which was why he had named it doodle which doesn't really last long after it's been drawn.
After chatting for a bit about today's events, Ace turned to her with a raised brow, "So! Did you finish everything you were doing today?"
Lotus shook her head, "Nah. It's a long process that takes time. I can't finish it all in one day."
"I see." Deuce said with a sigh, "Well, let us know if you need any help."
"Yeah." Yuu nodded, "Let me know if you ever need any help. I can't use magic, but I can still do some tasks."
"Thanks." Lotus feigned a smile, "I'll let you know."
Ace yawned, "Sounds like you have it rough too. Ah... I'm too tired to move. The chestnut cakes Lotus brought was really good and the barbecue too. Haven't had barbeque for a while now... Night..."
"Ah, Ace!" Deuce called out, but it was too late as the guy just laid on the sofa and fell asleep right on the spot.
Lotus shook her head with a sigh, "I'll be cleaning up, then."
She took the basket of cleaned bamboo and left the room before shoving them into her ring to be reused as fertilizer or dried firewood.
That night, as everyone ended up falling asleep in the lounge that she and Yuu and barely cleaned up, Lotus headed to her bedroom where she watered the plant again then she sat on the bed before bringing out the young kirin who looked around the place curiously. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the creature was doing well. She had a mat and spare blanket out that would help muffle out the sound of his hooves on the wood floor.
Lotus sent Ying Hui to the door to keep watch as she patted the small kirin on the head and the little guy gaze up at her with red eyes. She wasn't certain what it was that the kirin was. His mother was from a lesser branch, but it feels as though this one was a little different than her. The foal was smaller than that of a regular foal and continued to press his head into her side as it cried out, "Mommy!"
"W-What did you just call me?" She questioned in bewilderment.
"Mommy?" She questioned curiously.
"Oh no..." Lotus groaned.
Not just that, but the child can tell her gender as well and has taken her as his mother.
She sighed and shook her head, "I'm not your mother."
"Not mommy?" The little guy tilted his head with a pitiful gaze.
She sighed and thought for a bit before responding, "Your mother is not around anymore. Just call me your big sister from now on. I'll take care of you from now on."
"Big sister?" The kirin looked to her in confusion, "Where's my mommy?"
"She's no longer around anywhere." Lotus answered with a frustrated look.
Lotus had only ever been raised by Tatiana and the fairies growing up. Even in her past life, she had never been raised by any parents. So, she was having a hard time when she is trying to speak with the little guy.
"First, you need to remember to stay in the ring when I busy, okay? Don't come out without my permission because it's very dangerous outside."
When she said this, the guy probably remembered the inexperienced way Carter got a hold of him and shuddered with a nod, "Okay..."
Lotus knew that he'd be all right in the ring because the space in the ring was very wide like a huge terrain for the little guy to run around and play. With this in mind, she told him, "If you have any problems, you can speak to Ying Hui or Xiao Li inside the mansion, or you can wait for me to come back to take care of it. A day out here is a month inside, so you might have to wait for a months before I come back to check on the situation. There will be another month or two where I won't be around, but I need you to stay in there. Or else..."
"Or else what?" The kirin tilted his head in confusion.
Lotus was stumped.
What would a child like the most and would do anything for? She can't use the kid's mommy since she's gone. Hell, she doesn't even know who's the dad or if kirins bonds with the dad either! She grumbled for a bit before she responded, "A toy."
"A toy?" The kirin looked up to her with a bright glint.
"You won't get a toy or a friend." She clarified quickly.
"A friend?" Kirin's eyes lit up more so when he heard this.
She nodded, "If you be good and I come across a toy, I'll get you a toy."
"Is that one that looked like Big sister a friend?"
"Yes." She nodded in response, "That guy is a friend too."
"Then, he's my friend too!" Kirin said with a wide smile.
Should she correct something?
She feel like she should, but she was rather tired and just agreed for the time being. After all, may as well.
"Those people back there are trying to help you and me." She responded, "So, they aren't bad people."
"So, they can be my friend!" Kirin finalized after hearing this.
Lotus nodded with a sigh, "That's right. You have to remember to be nice to them."
She could see the innocent foal eyes staring at her and the constant sway of the dragon tail with the fluffy gold mane. She thought for a bit before reassuring the Kirin and said a loud curiously, "You'll need a new name..."
She thought for a bit before saying a loud, "You were born in the world in Heartslabyul dorm... Little..."
She thought for a bit in deep thought. Heartslabyul was a place of strict discipline and regulations. She didn't want the kirin to become what that little dorm leader has become. However, she can't help remembering what he had done for her tonight despite the strict regulations. He managed to squeeze in between his strict schedule to save her when they found her just outside of rose maze. He was also the first person the animals had gone to search for according to him and he called his friends over to move her to a safer place without having told the headmaster about her or the little kirin right away. This alone brought some change of ideas she had felt towards this young man. Finally, she nodded before saying firmly, "Little Jun."
"Jun?" He tilted his head.
Lotus nodded, "You're born in a place ruled by a lenient yet strict and powerful king whom everyone admires and follows. Jun is the jun for king. I don't hope for you to become a king. I just want you to become just as powerful and kind as he is. To protect those around you."
"Little Jun..." Little Jun muttered his name in awe before his tail wagged again, "Okay! I'll become strong and protect everyone."
She wanted to say some more stuff to him, but the little guy was stuck in his own enthusiasm as she sighed in exasperation, "And... he's gone..."
She let the little guy sleep after his happy prancing before she sighed and began to cultivate silently once more. After he was done, Little Jun finally came to the blanket curled up and soon asleep next to her feet like a little puppy.
It was only after she see the rise of the sun that she brought the Kirin back into her ring. It was then that Ying Hui returned to her asking with a look of displeasure, "Why did you hand over soul imprints to them, Master? Thanks to that, your chance to rise in ranks... Those bad guys are still close by and can kill you since you've gotten so weak again..."
She shook her head, "I've already made up the portion of cultivation that I handed out last night. They've saved my life and, with the enemy in the school, I can't let them die. They've also didn't harm Little Jun, so it's worth to give them my soul imprints. I'm the only cultivator in this world, after all. Those other cultivators could kill without hesitation. With such a mindset, they'll have an upperhand in this world where killing is taken much more seriously than our world. Besides, I'll be able to rise in ranks very soon."
Ying Hui thought for a bit than realized that Lotus's word did make some sense, but she was still disgruntled about how much she had to pay for their act of good intentions. Still, she looked to her in excitement, "You'll still be able to rise in rank despite the setback?!"
Lotus nodded with a smirk, "Of course. I'll be ready soon. I'll need your help till then."
She hurried back into her ring as Lotus put away the blanket and checked her clothing over again before changing her white ribbon to metallic silver. With what happened yesterday. They've seen her white ribbon and could easily draw connections. So, she had to change it. She then took off her ring and began to polish it when she heard a knock on the door.
"Hey, Lotus! It's time to..."
To her surprise it opened as she spun around in shock. Behind her Ace stood before her with wide eyes and a gapping mouth when he saw the lump on her chest.
"Y-You're- Gah!"
Before he could continue, her eyes widen in bewilderment as she quickly shot out a flask of water solution that splashed over him much to his surprise. She quickly put the ring back on and her gloves before hurrying over to Ace pretending to have been surprised, "Ace?! Hey, you okay!"
Shaking him on the shoulder, Lotus waited as the others came to which Deuce cried out in bewilderment, "Ace?! What happened?!"
"Lotus." Yuu turned to her in bewilderment, "What happened?"
"Here's what just happened." She lied, "I was changing my pants when Ace opened my door without warning. I was surprised, so I splashed him with water without thinking and he hit his head on the door!"
"This idiot." Deuce shook hid head in dismay as he sighed, "Now he's wet before the party. I'll have to find Carter to help dry him out. I haven't learned the spell to dry him yet."
Ace's eyes fluttered open as he slowly got up, "What just happened? Why am I on the ground?"
"Great..." Deuce grumbled and held up two fingers, "Ace, how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Ugh, two..." Ace responded looking at him as if Deuce was an idiot.
"You still remember what just happened, right?" Deuce folded his arms as he got up with a sigh of exasperation.
"You were on the ground when we heard Lotus shout!" Grim said with a bewildered look on his face.
"Uh... not really." Ace raised a brow entirely clueless as he looked over to Lotus, "I was going to call Lotus up, but... uh..."
"You opened the door right as I was changing clothes, so I splashed you with water and you hit your head on the door." Lotus quickly accused him lightly.
"Is that what happened?" Ace's eyes widen in bewilderment before he scowled, "Wait, why did you splash water on me for? We're both guys here!"
"Sorry. I really like my privacy at times too, you know." Lotus explained with a scowl.
"Fine. Fine!" He gave in with a scowl on his face too and grumbled, "Now I'm wet before the party even began..."
"Come on." Yuu said aloud with a sigh, "Let's go find Carter or Trey and have them help you out."
"Right..." Ace responded before being dragged away by Deuce.
"Talk about bad luck." Grim noted with a shudder.