Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Chapter 32: A Contract

Going through the aisels of book shelves, Lotus began to pick out a few books from the shelves and went through them briefly as if checking the condition of the books diligently. It was then that a voice called out with a smirk, "You know you won't be able to earn a high score just by flipping through the pages in that manner."

Lotus looked up to see that it was that glasses guy from the ceremonial event from the freshmen. She remembered the guy having helped Riddle capture Grim and set out the fires. He wears a black fedora with a grey bow around it and a purple seashell on the bow. His outfit consists of a white dress shirt, a grey coat over an unbuttoned black double-breasted suit, a cool-toned grey scarf, and white gloves. He also wears purple socks and is seen wearing a pair of black slacks accompanied by black dress shoes. His scarf has the Octavinelle logo on it and he carries a black cane with a silver handle resembling an octopus.

Lotus knew that the guy was from the dorm, Octavinelle. Curious, she looked up, "What? Are you interested in helping me?"

Azul smirked, "That's not what I had in mind, but I'm willing to offer you a hand if you want to do well on the next exam."

Lotus was curious when she heard this. However, the more thoughts she put into this, the stranger the energy was coming from this guy. That's when she made her decision as she narrowed her eyes, "You're... Azul, right? I remember you being there at the ritual for the freshmen a few weeks ago. Thank you for helping us put out the fire."

"Oh," Azul's eyes widen in surprise, "I see you remembered me, then."

He smiled and flicked his wrist, "It's not a big deal. My dorm's new freshmen was also in the room too. However..."

He stared at her arm and smirked, "I see you're that student who doesn't have magic... I see, so classes must've been difficult without magic."

Lotus sighed and shook her head, "I've never gone to school either and now there's a major test coming along in the next couple of weeks. This will be the first time I've ever taken such an important test..."

Azul raised a brow, "Ah... Have you been homeschooled before? There has been a few cases of students being homeschooled before in Night Raven College."

Lotus nodded with a wry smile, "I've never had such an important test, so I worry that something may happen. It'd be a lot easier if I knew what to expect for the test..."

Hearing this, Azul smirked, "You want to know how to prepare for the test? I'll teach you… depending on how much you offer."

"How much I offer?" Lotus raised a brow, "I don't know about payment... But... Can I use an object to trade instead?"

"Of course." Azul calculated in his mind, "It all depends on the worth of the object."

Curious, Lotus thought for a bit before nodding, "Oh right. But, I want to know how you'll help me with the test?"

Azul saw her reaction and felt that the young lad before him was being rather cautious as to be expected and smiled, "I can give you a notebook to study off from. All you need to do is give me the item as collateral for the notebook I'm about to give you. However... There's another condition."


"You'll have to score within the top fifty in the ranks. Otherwise, you'll have to work for me till graduation and I get to keep your item." Azul added offhandedly.



He looked to her in bewilderment. Lotus smirked, "Actually, can we add a little more to it?"

"What do you mean?" Azul raised a brow as he readjusted the hat on his head and pushed his glasses back in place.

"You see..." Lotus noted with a sneer, "I sort of like when people do make considerations for me, but there are times when I want to make things more difficult for myself. Shall we make the challenge a little more difficult for myself, then?"

"Hm?" Azul looked to her with narrowed eyes but still smiled a business smile, "I do not know where you're going with this, but please tell me of it."

Lotus nodded and folded her arms, "What I want to be able to do is... Get the third rank on the charts. No more... and no less."

"What?" Azul raised a brow in bewilderment but soon smirked, "I see... Of course, the notebook I hand out will at least allow the person to reach over 90 percent on their exams if they read through it. Rather you reach your desired goal all depends on you after we hand you the notebook."

"I see..." Lotus nodded again in understanding, "Then, I can make the deal with you."

"That's good to hear!" The young student smiled and magically brought out a yellow scroll and a pen made from the skeleton of a fish, "First, I'd like to see what it is that you wish to trade for. I'll hold onto it and continue to provide notebooks for you until you graduate."

"Until I graduate?" Lotus raised a brow and shook her head, "No, I only want one for this time."

"Oh?" Azul raised a brow, "But, as long as you use my notebook, you would not have to study as hard."

Lotus shook her head again, "Your offer is very tempting, sir. But, I only want the notebook for this one test."

"This one test?" Azul looked to her with a raised brow.

Lotus nodded, "That's right. Think you can do that for me? Or is that too much to ask for? I thought it'd be pretty good."

Azul raised a brow in confusion, "That's... certainly not a problem."

Lotus smiled in relief, "Really? Thanks!"

"But, I'd like to see what it is that you wish to trade for as collateral." Azul questioned insistently.

Lotus nodded, "It can't be anything random I'm sure. Then..."

She pulled out a strange stone from her pocket as if pulling it out from her pocket rather than her ring, "This is something I spent years refining since I was young with my mother."

It was a very shiny iridescent stone that shone of many colors. Having never seen such a vibrant stone in his life, Azul was instantly mesmerized by the item. However, despite this, his mind wasn't befuddled as much as he looked to her firmly, "This item is worth to you very much?"

Lotus nodded, "I've spent years refining it under the natural environment with my mother. She's always been busy and rarely has time to spend with me, so this stone means a lot to me. I will definitely come back for this. So you must protect this stone for me."

"And if I don't?" The man responded with a raised brow.

"You will." Lotus responded, "I've heard that Octavinelle also runs a store and the manager of it is you. If you run such a business, there has to be a place where you safeguard your business planning."

"Then, you will come back for this?" Azul questioned her curiously, "How would I know you won't just leave it with me forever?"

Obviously, the dorm leader wasn't as naive, so Lotus pretended to think for a bit before responding, "Then, shall we make another deal?"

"Another deal?"

Lotus nodded, "It can be a collar for me. You have my consent."

Azul frowned, "That's not a good idea, but... Why not?"

"Okay!" Lotus smiled, "Then, as long as I don't lie to you, I won't have to work under you."

"That's very..."

"However." Lotus added, "If I fail both contracts, I get to work under you for an indefinite amount of time. If I accomplish both contracts, you get to grant me one favor..."

Azul froze, "You're putting a very strict binding on yourself, there..."

Lotus sneered, "It's fine. I wouldn't do it if I know I wouldn't be able to accomplish it."

"Oh?" Azul looked to her with a raised brow and smirked, "Let me give you a piece of advice, then. It's not a good idea to take a mile when you've only been given a foot."

Lotus laughed, "Yes, but I don't have magic to come back to or for you to take from me. Sadly, these two contracts are the only things that can work for someone like me."

In exasperation, he sighed and led her to the study table where he began to write a contract quickly before attaching it to another few groups of papers. He then handed the stack to her that was ridiculously heavy as she raised a brow. Azul smiled, "As long as you read through the papers and understand the conditions of the contract you have with me, then we have no trouble between the two of us now, right?"

Having gone through the paper like a breeze, Lotus nodded, "Very well. If I don't get the third place either, I'd work under you as you said."

Slightly bewildered, Azul froze but was slow when she took the fish pen and signed her name on the contract.

When she was done, she handed the pen back to him followed by the papers with a smile, "With this, the contract is made."

Azul returned to feigning the business smile and took back the material as he noticed the name of the papers, "Lotus Xue?"

Lotus nodded, "That's what everyone calls me."

She then handed the stone to Azul who took it with a look of confusion, "Is the stone really worth that much to you or..."

Lotus raised a brow, "I thought it was part of running a business that the partakers builds a sense of trust. Do you not trust me?"

Azul shook his head with a smile, "Of course, I trust you."

He stuffed the jewel into his pocket and tipped his gray hat with a smirk, "Then, we shall meet on our next meeting? I look forward to our next meeting, then."

"Likewise." Lotus responded and offered a hand.

Azul shook it before handing out a large notebook. Lotus took it and walked to the front desk when she paused and looked back, "Ah, right. That stone I gave you really is one my mother and I refined together over the years. You don't have to worry about the authenticity of it now, do you?"

Azul's eyes widen in surprise and watched her as she left from the check out to the door.

After a while, he finally looked back at the papers curiously and with hesitation before he whispered to himself, "Was it the right choice to make the contract with him?"

"Huh~? Is Azul second-guessing himself again?"

"That's unusual. He hasn't done this for a long time..."

Azul turned around and found a pair of twins walking out from the aisles with books in hand, "Floyd, Jade."

The twins both have the same short teal hair with a black highlight on their bangs. Both wore the similar suit except on was more neat with the other was more sloppy. The neater one's outfit consists of a purple dress shirt with a white bow, a black double-breasted suit, a cool-toned grey scarf with the Octavinelle logo on it, and white gloves. The other was identical but the suit wasn't really buttoned neatly and the white bow was never tied properly. Their eyes have heterochromia iridium. The neater one has the left eye yellow, while his right eye is olive. The other twin was the opposite.

Azul looked to the two and smirked, "Second-guessing myself? Not really."

He turned to the neater twin and asked, "Do you know of that student from Ramshackle Dorm, Jade? I saw him looking through texts regarding herbs."

Seeing the name on the contract, Jade raised a brow and nodded, "That should be one of the three that took up residence in Ramshackle dorm. Word has it that he's homeschooled and taught himself. However, he's never attended school before and was an orphan. Rumor has it that he was brought in by one of the staff members and has been passing potions and science class with top scores. I don't know what use he has for a notebook though..."

"Interesting." Azul looked to the contract with a smirk, "The fact that he hasn't been brought back means that he does indeed have a family. Perhaps he was adopted, then... How unfortunate."

"Heh~." Floyd looked to Azul curiously, "Is Azul starting to feel pity for him? That's unusual."

"As if." Azul smirked as he glanced back to the doorway again, "I just felt that things might become rather interesting... Hehe..."

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