Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Chapter 48: Niersi Lily

After getting into the mirror with her ability on, she noticed that the lights to the Savanaclaw was still on. Specifically, the lounge. Curiously, she took in the pill and jumped onto the rooftop. She could see Leona talking to the other beast men before heading to the halls with the other students. Lotus thought he might be heading towards his room and lept up onto the patio before finding that the curtains were closed. Lotus thought for a bit before she noticed that there was a strange circulation of energy in the air. She threw in a white stone before she could hear something crack and down a potion that made her a little taller and more mature with a slightly round face and peach color skin. her eyes were still sharp but her eye brows were thinner now.

She walked into the room where she found Leona rather flabergasted when he found his little spells didn't work on her. He groaned after shutting the door behind him, "What do you want now?"

"I just have a question."

"Does this have something to do with Fresh-baby yesterday?" Leona responded with a scowl.

Lotus spoke in a disappointed look like she was being reprimanded, "Dang it... I knew you were going to bring this up... Even if it was my fault..."

"About the spiders." Leona glared at her or more like empty space.

"Yeah, that'd be it." Lotus responded pretending to have been caught red-handed, "A few days ago, some guys caught me going around school with my friend and has been trying to catch me. So, they brought someone capable of controlling spiders and set out the tarantulas. Metallic Sapphire has the ability to stung their victims with a single bite depending on the venom injected it could be life threatening, so I went around sprinkling the repellant for it on each dorm entrance and classes the other day. But, they went after Jack by the library and I had my friend making the antidotes hand him a vial... You're gonna yell at me too, aren't you? Even though I just got scolded by Lotus yesterday..."

Leona glared at her in anger but finally shook his head with a sigh, "Enough. Do you have the repellant?"

Lotus nodded as she instantly knew what he was going to do and brought out a few vials from her ring onto the table, "I have this much for now, I've already applied it onto the entrances of each room and the perimeter of each dorm. It'll last for a month. But, I should get the matter solved by the end of tomorrow."

"Oh?" Leona raised a brow, "Why the end of tomorrow?"

Lotus answered, "I overheard the one with the Queen tarantula that they were aiming for a young prince's life tomorrow hoping to create chaos."

Leona's hand that reached out for the vials froze in midair with wide eyes before turning to the direction of her voice, "A young prince?"

Lotus responded, "Yeah. I thought the prince was you, but they said that it was a child. They colluding with an outsider away from the school and pin the blame on the uncle. Do you know who the child prince might be? I need to catch the guy before he strikes."

Leona grumbled with an irritated sigh as he sat back down on the edge of his bed and said, "And, why are they doing this?"

"They said that they wanted the freedom to roam around the school grounds, so they're going to create chaos." Lotus responded, "They said that a commotion of a death of a big figure would do the trick and that the other person would help them. Except they were very careful not to spill their collborators' name, so I didn't catch the name. Apparently, they were after something the Dark Mirror was protecting in this school."

Leona raised a brow and turned to her, "Protecting something?"

"Yes." Lotus responded, "I remembering overhearing the Dark Mirror talking with someone when the ceremony was over, but the headmaster was away at the time and there was the Dark Mirror with a student in the room. He was still in his ceremony robe."

"Great..." Leona grumbled, "More problems..."

Lotus added, "I think they're trying to create chaos so they could search the area."

Leona didn't respond for a long time as Lotus continued, "I'm going to ask some of my fairy friends for help, but I don't think they're strong enough to do anything major right now. I also don't think, the headmaster know about the tarantulas or the planned assassination. I wouldn't have told you if I didn't know you were a prince and that the tournament would be taking place at the stadium here in the dorm, but it seems that you don't know who the child is either... I'm going to find the fairy to help me find a way to catch those guys before they get the child. See ya!"

Once Lotus went out fo the room, she quickly hide on the patio and listened. Sure enough, Lotus's thought hit the nail on the head. Leona had picked up his phone and made a call. The conversation, she was able to catch, was "Problems", "Bodyguards", "Cheka", "Blame", and "Overheard".

Looks like she was right from seeing Leona's change in character. The child must've been Leona's nephew. Perhaps, Cheka was his name. From the call, she can assume that he's letting his brother know. Lotus knew that, once an invitation has been accepted, it would be difficult for royalties to pull back as they are always in the news. So, it's very likely that the arrival of Leona's family have been known to the world as well.

However, what surprised her the most was the fact that Leona was actually going to count on his brother for this. From her perspective, he doesn't seem to get along with his brother, but perhaps that wasn't always the case. Probably because it would be a big problem if he was accused of a crime that he didn't commit. As a member of royalty, there are still some lines he doesn't want to fall under and accusation is most likely one of them, to which Lotus could understand.

She rechecked the barrier once again before leaving the place and had a few butterflies come out to help her find the scent of a Niersi Lily.

"So, the Niersi Lily still exists, after all." Lotus spoke with Crystal, "After how different plants see time, I thought it'd have gone extinct."

"No, there's still a field of them on these lands, master." Crystal responded dutifully, "Each year, they would allow us to harvest nectar from them and spread their pollen in exchange. Since no one knows of their presence or their capabilities, they thrived well in this area for many years consuming the energy of the daylight and night."

Lotus sighed after having consumed the elixir to fix her throat, "At first, I wanted to find out if there was people coming into the dorm, but now I need to know if there's a way for me to stop them."

"The Niersi flower have been a resident on these lands for many years." The butterfly responded, "They were brought in from the outside realm and have much wisdom and ideas to share if willed to."

Lotus nodded, "The enemies are assassins. So, they'd use poison to help them in their task. Perhaps, they'd be willing to share some ideas with me?"

"You just need to speak with her to know, master." The butterfly responded.

Lotus responded, "I see."

Two hours had passed into the night when the white glow of a butterfly appeared that she had recalled the rest of the butterflies. According to the butterfly, the Niersi Lily has been expecting their arrival

With swift feet, she dashed across the dry plains after the white butterfly. The weather was still good as she stealthily avoided some of the beasts that roamed the outskirts of the dorm. The humid air slowly become more and more humid as she began to notice the increase of little streams in the area. Finally, she saw something new.

It was a dense jungle that had sprouted out of nowhere as she could feel a dense internal energy and fragrance coming from jungle. She followed the butterfly as it flew into the jungle with ease around the trees and vines. Lotus continued to hop over ledges and logs. Without stopping, she ducked under vines and weaved around the trees till they come to a stop at the light within the darkness of the forest.

As she carefully walked into the area she could smell the intense fragrance draft in the air. It was then that she saw the numerous flowering dark lilies sparkling and shining under the night sky. Under the pressure of the light wind and the drooping of the acacia trees with vines, the wide field of Niersi Lilies laid out before her. All of their petals have drunk the night sky's colors as they shone in brilliance like a constellation. Lotus breathed in the fragrance slowly as if she was drinking it into her body.

A misty fog soon appeared behind her as if enveloping the area she was in until she could no longer see the trees' shadows behind her anymore. The air have also become thicker as she smirked upon understanding of what was going on. The Niersi Lily was trying to trap her in the jungle!

She drank the potion that would revert her back to her real feminine form before stating a loud, "I have no wish to cause trouble for you, Niersi Lily. I only have some question and request for your wisdom."

The mist ceased to condense further upon the sound of her voice and a voice called out to her as if it took notice of the butterfly on her shoulder.

"The Ivory Soul Butterfly have led you here." The Niersi flower noted in a light feminine voice, "Who are you?"

"I am their queen's new master." Peony responded, "I sought them out because there's been trouble in the human society. Only the Ivory Soul Butterfly can have such a great sense of smell and distinct the different flowers. I also know they're the only ones that have the ability to seek out the Ancient Niersi Lily."

"The Ivory Soul Butterfly Queen has been contracted?" Niersi spoke in real shock.

Lotus nodded, "In truth, I found her while she had her guard down, so I cannot say that it was purely by strength that I contracted with her."

As if agreeing with her, the lilies bowed their head against the wind.

"Knowledge and strategic planning are a form of strength as well." The lilies responded as matter of factly, "It has always been the law of the universe that only the strongest can survive. The survival of the fittest. I've heard that there has been other humans of our origin within this world. I had my intention to send a message to the queen, but it would seem that it was already too late."

Lotus nodded, "So, you've noticed the cultivators as well. I've been trying to keep them at bay away from the students, but one of them have already made a move on a resident on this little realm."

"A young wolf child." Niersi lilies bowed their heads against the wind as they continued, "It's about time that I step in to intervene."

"News travels fast." Lotus looked to her with a smile of admiration, "However, I cannot say that I have no correlation to the spiders."


Lotus continued, "Those spiders have come to seek me out as per their master's orders. They wish to harm me and end me. However, the people cannot find me, so they have resorted to attacking those around me. The reason I came was to seek help to stop them."

Hearing this, a large wind began to sweep up around them as a few of the lilies' petals were swept up with the wind creating a spiral galaxy of constellation. When it finally died down, a young woman stood before her with a dark brocade dress filled with glittering stars and her eyes as blue as the day sky. Long black hair flowed with the wind whipping gently as a simple silver hair pin tied a portion of her hair back into a bun with the lower portion cascading off elegantly.

A gentle but firm energy flowed from her as she looked to Lotus before opening her small red lips with a firm response, "The butterfly have confirmed your story. I trust in your words as well."

Lotus cupped her hands to the beauty with appreciation, "You have my gratitude."

This was a flower fairy and of a Niersi Flower, no less!

Even the butterfly on Lotus's shoulder have been mesmerized by her beauty as the woman continued after letting Lotus raise her head, "I take it that you know of the event that would occur tomorrow."

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