Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Chapter 50: The Idiot Overblotted

"Everything Leona touches is turning into sand?!" Jack shouted in disbelief.

Looks like the wolf guy wasn't all muscles, after all. Lotus grimaced and watched from the sidelines.

"This is my unique magic..." Leona clarified calmly with Ruggie chocking in his grasp unable to release his arm, "King's Roar. Ironic, isn't it? For a prince of the savannah, that hates droughts above all, to be born with this..."

His face contorts in frustration as if recalling something as he growled, "Magic that dries out all and turns it into sand!"

"Leo... na..." Ruggie cried out weakly as he grasped the large hand frantically while also being hit by the sandstorm making his mouth parched, "I can't..."

"Ruggie's arm is starting to crack!" Deuce cried out in bewilderment.

"He can do that to people, too?!" Ace gasped in disbelief and horror.

"Leona, stop this immediately!" Riddle shouted frantically in shock as he pointed his magic pen at the other dorm leader, "Off With Your Head!!!"

The light shot out to the Lion Guy but suddenly burst into a spray of light.

"Ffgna?!" Grim cried out in bewilderment, "Riddle's collar was repelled!"

"You have talent but don't underestimate your elders." Leona snarled at Riddle before sneering, "Unfortunately for you, I have good marks in defensive magic."

Riddle scowled.

"Haha!" Leona laughed triumphantly, "How're ya feeling, Ruggie? I bet it hurts. Your mouth is so parched you can't use that silver tongue of yours?"

However, the hyena student was getting weaker and weaker from the lack of air due to the storm and the pressure in his arm.

"This is bad!" Jack narrowed his eyes as he jolted with a start, "Ruggie is in real trouble at this rate!"

"We can't let this continue!" Yuu shouted hurriedly.

"I have an idea." Lotus responded loud enough for Yuu and the others to hear her as she hopped off the spectators side.

Riddle turned to her in confusion as Cater called out in shock "Lotus?! What are you doing here? Your- Ah..."

"Ah, so you're Lotus." Lilia said with a wide smile.

"Greetings, Lilia-senpai." Lotus greeted the young student solemnly before continuing, "I have experience with acupuncture before. You can say I've used them to disable some disobedient students roaming the alleys in my hometown in the past."

"S-seriously..." Ace muttered in bewilderment.

"Won't that ruin his arm?" Jack scowled.

"No." Lotus responded, "In fact, once this is done, you have one hour before he regains complete control over his arm again."

"Interesting." Lilia raised a brow, "So you know acupuncture."

Riddle frowned, "But with this storm and the needle..."

"There's no problem." Lotus responded, "Even winds have their spots where air doesn't flow. I'll strike from there. But, you need to distract him, startle him. Whatever works fine. It won't do if he notices me from around him."

As she pointed to behind a pillar, Riddle frowned hesitantly but nodded, "Very well. But, you have a lot of questions to answer to after this."

"I figured." Lotus smiled unworriedly, "It'd be better than facing another overblot. The guy has quite a few issues at the moment anyway."

"Seriously?" Cater looked to Riddle in disbelief, "An overblot? Then, let's end this quickly..."

"Ho..." Lilia looked to Riddle in surprise, "You really trust him, huh... Forget it. We don't have much time."

Riddle nodded as they turned to face Leona from the sandstorm he's created, "I have a few questions to ask Leona anyway."

"If you have that much power, why do things like this?!" Riddle called out.

Lotus have already disappeared into the sandstorm as she used her ability and stealthily bypassed the winds to the pillars behind Leona.

"Why?" Leona sneered, "How's knowing the reason going to change anything? Are you going to scold me then comfort me? In this world, there are plenty of times when talent and effort make no difference. Just like Ruggie can't do anything to me right now. So pathetic. Truly pitiful..."

As Leona twisted his hand more, Jack hollered in alarm, "Knock it off!!!Unleash Beast!"

There was sudden burst of light and a long howl that broke through the sound of the storm. Lotus doesn't need to see to what had happened.


"H-he transformed?!" Yuu shouted in bewilderment.

"The hell?!" Leona was taken aback by surprise as Lotus instantly shot out her needle from her hand using her internal energy as a strong propeller and a light thread of silk as her rope to it, "Gah!"

It was then that he felt a sudden strain in his arm as he lost his power in his limb. It instantly fell to his side releasing Ruggie in the process.

"Leona's guard is down!" Riddle shouted and raised his red jewel pen again, "Off With Your Head!"


A red and black collar suddenly appeared on Leona's neck successfully this time. Ruggie fell to the ground with a mouthful of sand. At the same time, the sandstorm stopped coming over them.

"Very nice, Riddle!" Cater shouted in relief, "You stopped Leona's magic!"

"He let go of Ruggie!" Deuce pointed out loudly, "Bring him here!"

Lotus shut off her ability and rushed out to pull Ruggie back, but, for a guy as thin as him, he was actually a bit heavy!

It was then that a white wolf grabbed Ruggie by the collar and dragged him back to their side.

"Nice job..." Cater smiled and was about to pat Lotus on the back when he raised a brow, "Lotus! Your arm..."

There was a ragged cut on her arm as she patted it with a sigh, "It was hard enough not to shout when I fell, let's not make it worse."

Lotus knew that it was impossible to hide the fact that she had been injured, so she purposely took off the bandage on her arm and sliced her clothing with a jagged knife making the cut look ragged. Riddle scowled, "You..."

"Sebak," Silver spoke up quickly, "Let's get any injured out of here."

"Don't assume to give me orders, Silver!" Sebak scolded Silver with a look of irritation.

Yuu took the ribbon Lotus was trying to use to tie the wound close and tied it together for her before stating firmly, "You should go with the students from Diasomnia, Lotus. They'll have better treatments in the infirmary."

"Got it..." Lotus nodded with a wry smile, "Thank you..."

"Dammit!" Leona cursed under his breath, "A collar, and a lion like me...?!"

"Jack!" Leona turned to the wolf guy that had transformed back into his humanoid form, "Where the hell did you get your hands on a banned transformation potion?"

"Unleash Beast!" Jack corrected with a fierce look on his face, "My unique magic that let's me shapeshift into a wolf!"

"Huh..." Leona chuckled weakly, "You can use magic that become an actual dog? That's certainly unique!"

"Leona... I... I..." Jack scowled before shouting in disbelief, "I wanted to get into this school because I looked up to you! Where was the Leona I admired gone to?!"

"Don't just shove your dreams onto me..." Leona grumbled in annoyance as if he was facing a headache, "So annoying..."

Lotus, who was about to follow Silver and Sebak as they gathered the injured, froze with a frown.

"Lotus?" Silver who was the first to notice her change called out to her.

"I may not have the right to say anything, but I can't stand to look at you right now." Riddle said firmly, "confine yourself to your room and cool your head for a bit!"

"What do any of you know?" Leona glared at them as Cater and Jack was about to take the dormleader in, "Preaching on and on just like my brother..."

Lotus could feel it. From the energy that was inserted into the needle to stop his movement, there was a strange stir of energy in the Savanaclaw's dorm leader. She grimaced and quickly tried to force the energy throughout his body.

"Hmph." Lilia frowned, "Men like you are much more suited for that collar than a crown. Listening to a royal lion of the savannah talk like this is appalling."

"Huh?!" Leona glared at Lilia.

However, the vice-dorm leader didn't stop, "You appear to be lamenting how you'll never be king due to natural skills and order of birth, but..."

Lilia continued harshly with a sneer, "You live a slothfully if you aren't rewarded, if things don't go according to your expectations you become petty and find fault in your retainers. To become a king as you are... The thought of you becoming a competitor to our Lord Malleus makes me laugh. Even if you are able to defeat him, as long as you hold that rotten grudge in your heart... You will never become a true king!"

"Lotus!" Silver grabbed a hold of her uninjured shoulder, "Snap out of it..."

However, Lotus could feel there was many blockages in the Leona's body and desperately tried a way to get a hold of his energy battling against hers. She grimaced, "Something doesn't feel right..."

"What?" Silver raised a brow before noticing the white string on the sand leading over to the Lion Dorm leader.

Leona began to laugh slowly as if he had finally gone mad, "Ha, haha... Ah, you're right. You're are precisely right. It's like you said... Hahahaha!"

He continued with a wide smile but eyes that was seemingly in despair, "I can never become king... No matter how hard I work...!"

Lotus's eyes widen in horror as she realized what was going on and turned to see what was going on.

"This pulse... It's Leona!" She shouted in bewilderment, "He's going to overblot soon!"

Suddenly, there was a tense energy around them, much similar to that of when Riddle had gone mad as well.

"What's going on?!" Grim said in bewilderment, "All my fur is standing on end!"

"Leona's magic is increasing rapidly..." Riddle grimaced as he tried to concentrate on his magic, "Grr, I can't, keep the seal on...!!!"

"No. This isn't magic at all. This amount of evil, negative energy..." Lilia noted in thought before a horrible thought came to mind as his eyes widen in shock, "He can't be!"

"He's overblotting!" Lotus grimaced in frustration when she felt this, "Leona's going to overblot!"

"What?!" Silver looked to her in disbelief.

"Everyone, get back!" Cater shouted as the ground began to shake.

Everyone jumped back as Lotus quickly pulled back the needle immobilizing the arm.

"What are you doing?!" Sebak shouted in anger.

"If he forces his magic through his body, he would break the nerve that I've immobilized and he'd never be able to use that arm again." Lotus responded with a scowl, "Especially, when he's overblotting like now!"

"He's what?!" Sebak's eyes widen in disbelief when he heard this.

Sure enough, the sky began to grow dark just like that day as black clouds covered the sky. This time, Lotus could feel that the energy was much stronger than before probably due to the fact that Leona is much older and more stronger than Riddle from strength alone.

It was then that they witnessed him dispel Riddle's magic sealing collar by pure energy alone.

"He blew off Riddle's magic sealing collar?!" Cater said in disbelief and braced himself against the renewed onslaught of wind.

"I've been loathed since I was born, no place to belong and no future in sight." Leona grumbled with a look of anger and frustration, "That will never change, even if I try. This agnoy, this despair... How could any of you possibly understand!"

A loud roar echoed in the air as Lotus could feel her energy being pushed away with no exit. She quickly retreated her body to shelter on the stadium. There was a bright light as the strong winds enveloped them. The ground ceased as rocks and boulders started to drift into the air.

With the light fading, before them stood Leona with a strange furry scarf around his shoulders and fang-shapped gold necklace around his neck. A sleeveless leather shirt was under it and there was the usual yellow scarf that acted like a belt to the tattered gray fabric and tattered black pants.

It seems that Leona might've also broke his shoes too?

Either way his nails are sharp and black and his skin was darker and there was strange black markings all over his arms and face. His hair was also drifting with the lack of gravity as well.

Basically put...

The idiot overblotted too...

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