
Chapter 80: Chapter VIII

An APC pulls in City K with two vigilantes detained inside. Lady Lazerbeam, the famous "drug dealer" and Ekurin killer, known for going on the streets and taking out drug gangs one by one until the police were just tasked to close off roads for conduit capturing, she also dealt with the Russian mob that took over downtown New Seattle with more drugs, human trafficking, and gang wars. Her name was Lanna Show. With her was a teenage boy who also refused the cripple shot, he was known for messing with government property such as cameras and communication devices. His name was Eugine Smith.

"So, how did you find out about your powers?" Lanna asks Eugine, feeling the APC slow down. "It was a year after my bitch of a mother voted to increase funding for the government's military. An effort to catch folks like us. She was a congress woman for our city, hand selected by our unFamous leader herself. I was in school, a typical nerd as you'd call us who just liked playing video games and geek out on different card sets. It was a new High school because I moved since she was being transferred to another city."

"What city?" Lanna asked curiously. "New Seattle? Or do you mean where I moved from?" Eugine asked. "Both" Eugine paused as he found himself trying to conjure his ability. "I came from York, down near the DMZ" Lanna sat there, jaw slacked. "You ever try to escape?" Eugine shakes his head. "No, I kinda regret it. But I stayed because I saw the traffickers and soldiers try to take folks who had abilities. I saw what happened to those who managed to avoid the mandated shot. They weren't just given a shot, they were experimented on if not sold into slavery to the government funded gangs." Lanna looked at Eugine with rage. "Are you saying that those people who I went after, all those years I spent on the run, was just me chasing rebranded feds?" Eugine nods, and Lanna just sat there speechless. 

"What started this was the bullying, the future gangsters of our nation. I tried to get by as best as I could. I made some friends, made more online, but the day I decided to act out was the day they deprived me of my humanity. They smashed my laptop." Lanna bursts into laughter. "They denied your humanity?" she asks. "No, it wasn't just my humanity. It was my only way of interacting with others!"

"It was an accident. I let loose, and it cost people their lives." Lanna leans back. "That's right you're the New Seattle Slaughterer. I'm surprised the government didn't try to conceal this incident as some kind of terrorist attack or shooting." Eugine sighs. "Because why hide your greatest argument against people like us." Eugine sat there defeated, he smiled to himself as he tries to adjust his glasses. "Jackson could never copy my angel form. I wonder if John could?" The empty roar of the APC driving was felt as the truck continued up the street. "So, those angels and demons, are they based on anything religious?" Lanna asked as Eugine shook his head. "Just this game I play where you either slay angels or demons based on what side you choose to be, good or evil. It has a karma system and-" Lana cuts him off. "Oh, just curious." The two feel a speed bump as they pull into the prison. They are unloaded off the truck and into their cells, left to reflect on their conversations.

Meanwhile at a gas station near the mountain where City K is. "Alright, Dale, fill her up. I'll make sure your shitbox truck doesn't fail on us while the gas goes in." Dale rolls his eyes. "Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix." Jackson adjusts his vest. "Yeah whatever man" he said jokingly. He then turns his head to John. "So, your ability, does it have any kits?" John shrugs. "Not sure to be honest. I've done a lot of things with a lot of people's abilities. It's like learning a new trick for just the moment you've obtained someone's skills." Jackson cracks open an energy drink. "Yeah well, I get an unnatural for each ability I copy, I can even copy abilities you have on you, just not yours specifically." He takes a sip as John looks over curiously. "Tell me more about your ability."

"Well, anything I copy can remain its original color, yours though I'm not sure if it's gold or the original users. With that my kit allows me to master my own skills easier since I can't just learn someone else's attack pattern. So, how did you find out about your ability?" John's eyes begin to twitch a little as his hands shake.

"I'd rather not talk about that" he says looking down with glowing eyes. He feels his hand reach out in self defense, expecting a blow to the head. "Well, if I share mine, you gotta share yours." Jackson says gently. John takes a second to think. "You're not gonna give me a choice are ya?" John asks.

"Well, it all started when me, my brother and the rest of our tribe were celebrating our national holiday as being natives of this land. My Aunt Betty came out and scolded me for goofing around, me and my brother fought, everything was normal for us. But then, we were attacked."

Soldiers raided our little island and shot up everyone, people started to activate their abilities, my brother, well, he's crippled. He was one of the few to get the shot. We were all weak lower mid tiers, I had an ability, I just couldn't master it. Until the soldiers shot the last native in my tribe, it was just me and my brother, suddenly I saw the supreme leader herself, her eyes glow yellow, so did mine at that moment. The fight did not end well, and to this day me and Dale can't figure out how we got away." In that flashback Jackson remembered looking at Dale, whose face was furrowed and contorted as bad memories of his new life in New Seattle made him bitter. He remembered how Jackson unlocked his ability, throwing concrete shards at the officers, from firing small shard rounds, to sending heavy boulders. At one point he charged with a boulder suit at The Supreme Leader.

The Supreme leader turns into a giant boulder monster to counter Jackson's charge. He knocks her twenty feet away and swallows Dale before retreating with him while soldiers fire at him. In the present moment, Dale takes his badge, throws it across the road and notices red and blue flashing lights. John and Jackson noticed the noise that followed. "Shit, cops!" John turns to Jackson. "Don't worry, the good news is that only soldiers and government officials get re-infused powers. Cops are really just for the average citizen." Jackson says as he tries to compose himself. "The bad news?" John asks as Jackson turns his head. "Once they find out we're not like the average citizen they'll send the yellow jackets towards us." 

Jackson turns into a boulder man and runs at the convoy of cops, John uses his rocks to launch himself in the air only to dive bomb back to the ground and cause massive devastation as concrete shards from the road explode at law enforcement. As cars blow up, Dale pulls out his gun and kills straggler officers in anger. He picks up a shotgun from a dead officer and starts firing more rounds. He then drops it for an assault rifle. He, John, and Jackson kill more cops. Dale gets in his pick up and drives on the road as fast as he can, John and Jackson follow with their powers as they are chased by swat cars with more armored up individuals, Jackson starts to trail behind so John throws him. "They had to be tracking us!" John thought as his cape flaps in the wind, his suit forming over his body mid flight. Jackson starts to fire concrete shards from the back of Dale's pickup truck, the yellow kinetic energy occasionally shocks an unlucky soul. Dale fires out of the driver's seat and pops some tires and heads. The bullets keep flying but Jackson absorbs most of them. John jumps from the roof of the pickup truck and slams against the convoy of cars, blowing them up along with the people inside. He then rushes back to the pickup like a cheetah chasing its prey. "Fighting cripples was not on my bingo card of life" John joked out loud as Jackson climbs into the pickup through the passenger window while John climbs through the back seat window. 

"You never knew the feeling?" Jackson joked back. John shook his head and smiled. "I'm just surprised you're not gonna question me killing cops even though I was one!" Dale yelled from the driver's seat. "Honestly, I kinda assumed you'd hate them after what happened two days ago." Dale chuckled. "You know, I just hate the ones that don't see me as their own. That's my only deal. Besides it's not like I had a choice. Come on now, I know somebody up in these mountains." Jackson sighs. "Oh no" he uttered. Dale turns around and points his finger at his brother. "Yes and you're gonna be respectful!"

"No way, he's part of the problem! He's why us high tiers are being hunted!" John stood there confused. "Uhh, what's going on?" he asks. "Ugh, just some family issues, we're going to our grandfather's place." Dale buts in. "That's right, I don't wanna hear anything about it!" Jackson interjects with "HE GAVE AWAY JOE ACKERMEN!" John pauses. "ACKERMAN, wait a second…."


Meanwhile Blyke, Arlo, Sera, and Isen are using their cell phones as flashlights to look around in the dark room in an effort to preserve energy from them using their aura. "Ugh, we won already, just come out already!" Arlo hollered. 


Isen starts to use his unnatural as his flashlight reveals the cyborg, he dashes at with a devastating punch to its gut, forcing it's vital organs out of its chest, he then smashes the head in. Remi, Arlo, Isen, and Blyke all head out to find a way to avoid the police that raided the place as crash noises are hear above them, not wanting to execute any more people, they all head on the roof top when suddenly Remi is hit with the back end of a gun, they are all surrounded by armed federal agents. Among the crowd is Keon.

"Alright, all of you kids ON THE GROUND NOW!" 

"Wait a sec, that guy, he's the dude who was with all of the anti devil men soldiers! The raid on New Oklahoma City!" They all thought, but Arlo was the most shocked as he felt the memories of home rush his mind. "I thought he was a good guy" Isen naively told himself. An agent puts the end of his gun up to Remi's head, not showing any signs of dropping it. "Wait, what are you…" Remi spoke softly. "PLEASE DON'T!" Blyke stood there, staring Keon down intently as he felt the two were about to duel. Keon takes Blyke and hits him, he then slams him on the ground.

Keon: Level 6.9 ability memory manipulation, Unnatural, mind manipulation.

"Oh no, this, this might be it" Remi thought as two men walk forward to put a bag over Isen's head. He doesn't have the same thing happen for the others. "Watch closely kids, this is what happens to delinquents like you" Keon spoke with a menacing voice. Isen is shoved to the ground, a man raises his pistol and points it at Isen. "ISEN NO!" Remi yells. "YOU BASTARDS!" Blyke looks in horror as his best friend is about to be executed right in front of him. He joins Remi and Arlo, pleading for his close friends life.



Blood flies as Isen drops from a bullet shot. "Alright, next." Blyke's eyes in that moment glow red. "You, YOU MONSTERS, THAT WAS MY BEST FRIEND YOU SICK FUCKS!" In that moment, the four all feel their abilities dampened. "YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING HURT HER YOU, MFFFF" A man puts a gag over Arlo and slams him up against a wall, Keon goes up to Blyke and puts his hand on his head. "This is the price you pay for crossing lanes" Keon spoke as uses his ability to show four horrible ways that they could kill Remi, each one gross and dehumanizing. "Now, pick which one dies and how." Keon spoke to Blyke. "Wait, what?!" Blyke asked with horror and confusion. "I said pick who dies, You, or her." Blyke fumbles over his words as Remi begins to break down. "Blyke, it's okay" Blyke looks over in horror as Arlo tries to break free, freeing his speech he begs and pleads with Blyke to make the "right" choice. The agent's gun clicks as he moves it to Remi's head. Blyke desperately tries to conjure up his ability. "Fuck, even if I hit two of them, someone's gonna land a shot on us. There's just too many!" Blyke then looks at Isen, still feeling something there as he tries to sense aura.

"No Blyke, please!" Blyke looks over to see the pool of blood, Isen's hair is as red as his own. Remi continues to beg and plead with Blyke as Keon takes out a revolver and spins it. Blyke looks over to Remi as silence overwhelmed him. Keon pulls the cock back on his gun before putting his finger over the trigger. He then looks up to see black goo dripping down on Remi's face. On the rooftop, Keon looks up to see a black fleshy alien being looking down on him, it extends its arm and takes the gun out of his hand, smacking him in the face and swinging it on others. It drops down and kills five more agents, including the one holding down Remi, Arlo gets up and kicks the agent near him while the alien proceeds to crush another agents skull. The giant eight foot creature reveals a human host by retracting a part of it's face. The host looks at Remi. "What the?" Remi asks with confusion and horror. "Take your orange haired friend and GO!" Blyke takes Isen and Remi, carrying them both out. "You too!" Eddie yells at Arlo, who nods as his monstrous form begins to reappear. Eddie starts to merge with something black and sticky. It crawls all over his body as its head devours him. "I'm hungry!" A voice spoke in his head. 

Eddie Brock, Power level, 7.3, ability Freak, The seven deadly sins, sin of gluttony.

"Now then, let's eat!" Keon leaves the building as more agents enter. "ON THE GROUND NOW!" Eddie turns around with a cynical laugh. "Oh you guys, really don't wanna do this!" The agents, now armored up, pull out more advanced weapons as their abilities activate. "Masks!" one yells. "Copy!" the others repeat. Eddie snickers as his eyes begin to glow. "Alright, Mask!" he yells. "COPY!" the demon replied.

"What the fuck is that thing?!" an agent yells as he shoots the first shot. "FIRE FIRE FIRE!" they yell as they unload their magazines into the monster. As the soldiers fire Venom grabs one by one, devouring their organs and flesh, throwing their bodies around like a toddler would with toys. Tearing flesh apart like tissues from a tissue box, eating its heart out. Eddie's eyes glow black inside the meat wall that is this abnormal devil tier. After five minutes Keon drives away in his vehicle frantically.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT THING! It's one of those devil tiers, this is bad, no, I can't. I have to call my wife. I have to go home. It may be far but what's a couple of days on the road? Keon drives off as he pushes a button that requests for back up to a location. "Dammit, I binged ate again, fuck me man." The monster within Eddie begins to laugh. "Come on asshole, let's go look for those kids" Eddie says as he scans the surrounding area. "They're in a hotel room, here" Venom points out. "How did you know?" Eddie asks, scared. "The perks of not being human" Venom spoke. "Alright then, let's get going, I don't wanna eat anymore." Eddie begins to morph into his suit, jumping around the city as he lets the demon guide him to the four student's hotel room.

Meanwhile, John and Jackson find themselves pulling up to the mountain cabin as Dale sleeps in the back of the truck. The car comes to a slow halt, as does Jackson and John's conversation. "Woah, so you really beat your whole class?" John nods. "Honestly, I would have done the same. I can't really blame you for that." Jackson then looks back at Dale. "I'm not exactly popular around here. I'm always getting into trouble, Misdemeanors here, delinquency there. I'm just trying to find my way, and I find art very therapeutic." The car gets parked. "Why not paint, or draw?" Jackson shakes his head. "Spray painting is just the easiest for me." John takes a breath. "Listen, you said his last name was Ackerman?" Jackson nods. "I actually know someone with that name." Jackson's attention. "Oh really?" he asks. "Yeah, pink hair, somewhat naive, lightning." Jackson and John proceed to exit the vehicle. "Yup, that rings a bell." John's cape flaps with the snowy wind. "Our uncle had pink hair." John's eyes widened. "Maybe that part is just a coincidence, but still she's definitely from here genealogy wise." 

"What happened to your uncle?" John asked. "I don't know. I'm mad at him for giving away some of his family while we fight for our lives here just to exist. Perhaps I was just projecting jealousy." John takes a step forward with excitement and asks "I'm interested, so what's his abili-" before he stops himself from finishing his sentence. "It's fine man, I know that can be a sensitive subject, it could determine friendships and chances with a date with a single answer." Some silence passes over them. "Yeah, I've been trashed by a friend before." John flashes back to him eavesdropping on Elaine talking to Arlo about talking to a dirty cripple. He felt the pain in his blood circulating through his body as his heart ached. "Friends of friends ought to be friends, but the words people put out can never be taken back." The wind continues to flap John's cape. He looks down at the snowy ground with golden eyes glowing like the stars above. "When they first approached me, the royals of Wellston, I was nervous that the headmaster leaked my abilities to them. I felt betrayed. When I found out that was not the case, I was afraid that this was some kind of ambush. The days would go by and despite putting on a fake smile, I was scared to find them sooner or later betraying me under the guise of my disability." John turns his head to the moon. 

"As I got to know them, I started to trust them more and more. Some nights I have nightmares that this'll end the same way as New Bostin. I trust them a little more but I can't pretend like these things don't keep me up at night. Because for every friend like Sera and Blyke, there's Arlo and Elaine." John's expression gets really intense. Jackson notices this. "I completely despise her." John says bitterly as he finds himself tearing up. "For fucks sake, Arlo's my cousin and yet despite having a fucking moment with him I'm still scared. Something in me is hardwired to feel a betrayal coming. I just can't think straight anymore. This country might have the cure to all our social problems." Jackson looks at John shocked. "What do you mean?" he asks as the wind picks up. "Why is it so unethical to take everyone's powers away? If I was only born in a world where there was no power dynamics, then I'd have an equal footing." Jackson sighs as he approaches John. "You have the biggest power dynamic of us all. You're a legend in the free world! You can beat anyone!" John shakes his head. "It was not always like this, you remember? Me telling you about life before New Bostin, before my powers?" Jackson pauses for a moment. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to dump all of this on you. I'm overthinking a lot right now. I appreciate this, you taking me to Mr. Ackerman." Jackson sighs as he goes to wake up Dale. "Why are you here then, if you're not here to stop our government from crippling the world then what's the point?" 

John takes a moment to reflect as he looks down at the ground. "I think, because I'm here to do what's right, not what's convenient." Jackson looks over at John. "What's convenient for me is to let the world get back to an even playing field. What's right is to acknowledge that we all have talents and gifts, to take them away is to steal. My mission is not an objective, but sending a message. A message that no matter how much power one has, that their worth is not summed up by a number." John finished speaking as he just turned around and walked towards the cabin. "Yo, big bro, we're here!" Jackson yelled as Dale shook awake. "Huh, oh, yeah, alright then. I let him know ahead of time we were coming. He said we could just walk in." Jackson parks the car in front of the house, John, Jackson, and Dale get out to go inside the warm cabin. "Heeeey, Uncle Bob!" Dale said rather enthusiastically. Bob greets them with a warm smile. "Hey Jackson and Dale, come on in!" he spoke softly. "Hey Bob! We brought someone!" Jackson spoke as he brought in John. "Well who would have thought, The Golden God himself!" Bob said as he went over to his teapot on the stove. John looks around and examines the old log cabin with his own eyes. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? I need to tell you all something, why don't I do so over dinner!" John nods softly. "Food would be nice, thank you." "Same here," Jackson adds, rubbing his belly a little. "Bet, you guys set the table. I'll help Bob with the food" Dale suggests.

The four prepared the pork dinner stew cooked in a heavily salted broth. They all sit down, Uncle Bob says grace while Dale just sits there and smiles. After the prayer is done John urgently helps himself to some crackle (the crispy skin on ham). He ignores the stew, going straight for the smoked shoulder of ham. "So, what brings you all here?" Everyone is quiet, and remains so as Dale works up the courage to speak. However, Bob speaks first. "So, they finally got to your island" he says sadly. Dale nods, and everyone remains quiet. "Listen, it's time I tell you why I sent your uncle's side to the states and your side of the family to the island." Bob says this as he gets up, grabbing his cane. "I had a plan with this, I tried to save the two sides of the family this way. It worked for a while, but why don't I just fill you in from the beginning." 

"Our uncle never left the nation" Everyone was taken by surprise. "Your uncle was almost the savior of this nation. His name was Colson Ackerman. A lightning wielder who could manipulate all things electricity.

Colson Ackerman, Lightning, 5.5 and up.

Meanwhile in City K, Sera is in the prison cafeteria eating her lunch, remembering the interrogation she had with the officers of the prison, her encounter with John as her brain blocked out the horrible torture. She felt she was with John for a moment, but her mind kept scrambling to figure out if it was real or not. "They screamed as my eyes glowed gold, were they really gold?" Sera thought to herself. She looked around the cafeteria to see the prisoners with their heads down. No gangs, no prison rules, just tyranny. As Sera sits in the cafe she looks at her uncooked steak and apple. "Is this even a meal, what the hell?" she asked as a familiar voice spoke behind her. "This seat taken?" he asked. She looked up to see her new friend smiling down at her. "Naw, feel fee to-" A girl interrupts Sera. "GREAT!"

Maria, Plant manipulation, 9.5 with full effort. With her a woman named Grace joined the trio. "Hey, I'm Grace, this is Maria!" Sera nods and shakes their hands. "Seraphina, nice to meet you two." The two women sit down and begin to eat their food, making small talk among the table. "So what's your ability?" Grace asks. Sera chuckles a little. "Woah, straight to the point, huh?" Sera asks. "Well, I can manipulate glass, I'm a 7.3!" she said cheerfully. "Sorry about my unfiltered friend," Maria said apologetically. She fixed her red hair as her dull blue eyes stared into Sera's. Maria's blond hair complimented her golden retriever energy.

"I can manipulate plants. I'm 9.5." Maria spoke. "If we're so strong why are we stuck here?" Sera asks. She scans the room, yet something internally screams in her not to attempt to use her ability. "That's the vaccine for you" Maria said coldly. "When babies receive it, their aura valves are disabled. As you get older your body grows more resistant to any dosage you'd get. The government has not found a formula that fully works on adults. So when they disable your ability, they'll inject something that confuses your aura valves and any glands that control the hormone for fear. Every Time you use your ability your body is forced to excrete fear itself." Sera looks into Maria's eyes with horror as she calmly explains to her what happened. "So you're saying that once this nation discovers our technology, they'll be able to disable anyone?" Sera asks. "What are you talking about?" Maria asks. "We have a working drug that can disable adults," Sera said calmly. "What?" Maria asked with fear. The group then stops eating as they witness the guards beating up one of the inmates. A girl drops to the ground as they taunt her. 

"So, you're the infamous RABBIT! Nothing but a fucking murderer huh!" More lashes are dealt to the prisoner as she begs for mercy. The officers keep beating the girl on the ground. Sera, looking at her, recognizes her from the files she and John pulled up back when she was a free woman at the hotel.

"Wait a second, that's the rabbit murderer, she would pick victims at random. She could manipulate paper, only a 2.3 though, but in a cripple society, that's a god tier." Sera thought to herself as she hesitated to act on any decision.

Sera gets up out of her seat but Hal stops her. "Don't, if you misbehave too much or escape too much, they'll inject you with more of that crap. You may not lose your ability like that drug shit they have in your world, but I know a guy who got fucked up by all the fear that runs his veins now that he uses his ability." Sera sits back down as she watches the girl's skull crack and spill blood everywhere, she watches the sick and disgusting scene unfold. She watches as Hal gets up from his seat, he smoke dashes towards the officers and melts their faces. Smoke and flames appear as The Rabbit heals her wounds using her passive ability. 

"HAL NO!" Maria roared. 

The three girls get up to stop Hal from killing the guards, He melts their faces off and disintegrates their bodies. More guards pour in, Sera, Maria, and Grace stand down, but they all receive a beating anyways. The four get thrown back into their cells while other low tier prisoners are being beaten for just looking. Sera rubs her bruises as she looks out of her cell with bitterness. "These people are animals," she thought bitterly. She then thought of her days as a high tier, her pre John days. "So this is what I did" she thought as she curled up onto her bed. "All those students in school, all those people who had less power than I" Sera thought. Her mind continued to race and spiral, until John's face flashed before her. "This whole thing gave birth to the Golden God. This whole system created a monster, because in order to rise above one, you must lose your humanity." Sera began to weep. "But he's not a monster, he's beautiful, this is all my fault" Sera thought as she hid her face. "We all did this to him, we all made him become this." Joker stood behind Sera and watched as she broke down in her cell. In that moment he desired nothing more than to torment her, to torment John and everyone he loved. Yet as he stood there, he couldn't help but cry himself. He looked back as memories of his spiraling crash out played before him. His senseless beating of Wellston both as Joker and The Shadow King revealed the creature Seraphina talked about. 

"It's too late for me now," Joker said as he left Sera alone. 

On the other side of City K. The supreme leader is walking towards a watch tower with a man tied to a chair, his eyes glow a rusty brown as wires around the entire city act alive. "So John, how are you doing today?" she asked as the man with brown hair looked up at The Supreme Leader. "I want some company, I'm so tired, so tired, SO TIRED LONELY, COMPANY!" he cried as he shook with fear and pain. The man looks up, deranged and animal-like, all of the torturer that he endured made him a mindless sheep to the government, forcing him to do what his intrusive thoughts think. His depraved actions overtook his mind, yet his body could do nothing but suffer from the pain of his own ability and from the uncontrollable amount of fear that was produced from his mind.

"I think we can work something out," The Supreme Leader said as she recalled seeing Sera stand up in the cafeteria. "Someone like her might inspire the other inmates with her knowledge of the outside." The twenty seven year old maniac smiles with a grin wider than a fault line. 

John Smith, Ability, Wire manipulation, 8.4.

The Supreme Leader walks away and heads to the intercom to order troops to pick up cell number 912. "What is it?!" Sera asked, startled by the sudden presence of a guard. "You're being escorted to the watchtowers, co operate or you will receive a punishment" the guard said as he took out his finger clipper he uses to remove digits off of people's hands. Sera gets up and gets cuffed with anti ability cuffs for when they leave the anti ability dampener zone. From the cell, Joker stood there watching, unable to act. 

Meanwhile in New Washington, Isen is wrapping a bandage around his shoulder while Blyke is zoned out, Remi trying to comfort the two boys while Arlo smokes a cigarette. Remi takes the cigarette out of Arlo's mouth and throws it. "What the hell?!" Arlo yelled. "Don't smoke or vape like John when you're stressed." Arlo rolls his eyes. "We're different, we have healing lungs. We're strong enough to handle this, besides we all cope differently." 

They four hear a knock at the door. Remi goes to look through the peephole, seeing the man who saved them earlier. "Hello!" Remi said with enthusiasm. "I tried the other room but I got nothing." "Come on in, it's the least we owe you!" Remi said cheerfully as Eddie closed the door. "Thanks, hope you don't mind a grown ass man in here. I need a place to crash!" Eddie says as he begins to make himself at home. The four all just stare at Eddie awkwardly, not sure if they're enthusiastic to have a stranger crash with them. "Eddie, we have a mission," Venom spoke. "No, not yet," Eddie said. "Huh?" Remi asked. "Oh nothing, Venom is talking in my head. "Remi's eyes widen, remembering the betting list in school, she recognized that name. "Venom!" Remi exclaimed. "You're the vigilante!" Remi yelled. "Yes, we are venom" Venom spoke in Remi's head, startling her to death as she saw the demon in her own mind. 

Remi jumps back scared while she looks at Blyke and Eddie talking. "Hey, knock it off, that's not how we introduce ourselves!" Eddie yelled as the group looked at Eddie in confusion. Remi was hesitant to approach him, making Blyke, Isen, and Arlo nervous. "So sorry about that, I'll-" Remi shakes her head. "That's alright, Blyke let's go to our room." Remi says as she grabs Blyke's hand and takes him to their bed. The room was more like a suit, a common room, a kitchen and bathroom, and a couple of bedrooms. Blyke and Remi hold hands as they go back to their rooms to get ready for the night. Arlo and Isen catch up with Eddie, doing all the introductory work while they go to their beds. Eddie crashes the couch. Remi is getting changed, she looks over at Blyke blushing, trying to catch a peeping tom that's her boyfriend, only to find a zoned out Blyke. "B-Blyke?" she asks nervously. "Blyke?" she asks as Blyke sat there with Isen stuck in his mind. "How did he even survive that?" Blyke asked out loud. Isen in the other room looks over at his healing shoulder wound. His skin was pale from all the blood that he lost. He tries to leave the room, but Arlo stops him. "Just give him some space," Arlo says. Isen nods and heads back to his own bed. 

 To be Continued.....

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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